Surveillance Countermeasures

From No Trace Project

In the past decades, the surveillance capabilities of State actors have greatly diversified, thanks in part to new technological developments such as video surveillance, mobile phones and DNA sampling. Despite this, physical surveillance — the direct observation of people or activities for the purpose of gathering information — is still widely used by State actors, in particular in cases where other surveillance techniques are not effective. Our Threat Library references examples of the use of physical surveillance against anarchists and other rebels.

Surveillance Countermeasures is a 2019 book on physical surveillance and the mitigations one can take to protect against it, written by former U.S. spy Aden C. Magee. It extensively covers topics such as the principles and tactics of surveillance operations, surveillance detection, and anti-surveillance.

We believe this book can be an essential read for anarchists and other rebels at risk of physical surveillance by law enforcement or intelligence agencies.

Download: PDF available at the Surveillance Archive (.onion link)

London,UK : Discussion at Touchpaper Anarchist Library, Sunday 26th May

Anarchist Struggle Against the Techno-world
Presentation and Discussion

Sunday 26th May, 7PM
Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD

A comrade will make a short presentation looking at the process of
technological advancement and how it functions on the individual,
relational, and societal levels, and the impact this has on struggles
against domination. In particular, we’ll discuss the impacts of
technological enclosure on the insurrectionary horizons and share ideas
for how to combat the constantly-updated obstacles this presents.

Annual Chaotic-Anarchist Gathering #2 May 30 – June 3, 2024 Hambacher Forest North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

We want anarchy. We want freedom and autonomy for everyone, without domination. We want the overthrow of the existing order. We want social revolution.

This hasn’t changed since the last ACAT gathering. Among other topics, the following was discussed last year: Whether intermediary/specific struggles are still a valid proposal under current conditions and/or if we would need them now more than ever; faced with dystopian conditions, in what way we can intervene in social struggles (and whether we want to); the recuperation of anti-authoritarian struggles by authoritarians (based on the experience of the Appelist takeover on the ZAD in Nantes, France); the digital enclosure and its discontents (based on the case of the comrade Boris in France and the struggle there against the global expansion of the digital open-air prison); the history of the insurrectionary method; war; and patriarchy in its techno-industrial form.

Continue reading Annual Chaotic-Anarchist Gathering #2 May 30 – June 3, 2024 Hambacher Forest North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Quebec,Canada : Northvolt: the poison-tree will fall

Let the axe
Strike at the root, the poison-tree will fall

On Sunday, May 5th, five incendiary devices were placed at the Northvolt construction site in Quebec. This action was taken to damage machinery and reduce the project’s ability to continue. Unfortunately, these devices failed to ignite. If there is one takeaway to share, when choosing materials consider how weather (high humidity or rain) might decrease the chances of a device igniting. The longer the timer, the longer the device will be exposed to environmental factors thereby decreasing the window of success.

Why choosing to attack and damage property? While Northvolt, a transnational corporation, sells themselves as the leader of the green transition, they are in fact its headstone. The electric vehicles the company plans to provide with their batteries are a false solution to the environmental destruction caused by industrial society; rather this expension of the automotive industry is only allowing the devastating impact of car infrastructure to continue. With this project, Canada’s insatiable appetite for natural resources will only grow. Lithium mining, which is essential in the process of producing Northvolt’s “green” Lithium Ion batteries, is poisoning human communities and entire ecosystems across the land. Lithium is already being extracted from unceded Indigenous territories here in “Quebec”, with many new mines planning to start operating in the next few years. With this kind of mega project, lakes, forests and wetlands will disappear under new roads and pit mines.

Continue reading Quebec,Canada : Northvolt: the poison-tree will fall

Freedom to the Fighter Andreas F. (Mesologgi ,Greece)

On the 22nd Andreas F. was kidnapped by the lackeys of counter-terrorism and the conventional police of Patras. He was taken to Athens for questioning and imprisoned. The cops raided his house, trying to find anything that could contribute to their fabricated incriminatory account. On the 26th the attack on the struggling social base by orgious repression was supplemented by an attack on the “Annex” university occupation and the arrest of 26 comrades.

The dogs of the state undertake ruthless war against the movement of Patras in order to completely crush it. What has happened is more contemporary than ever, and it is the responsibility of anyone struggling to reverse the roles. For the fear of those who sew and maintain it. Let their terrorism not intrude on society and our conciences.

Strong Andreas…

No cell enough to lock our souls

No system enough to stabilise us

No law enough to subdue us

Solidarity to the 26 arrested comrades

We’ll catch the breath of freedom when the cells are lit


more info updates soon.

Bassecourt (Switzerland): arson of deep geothermal energy sensors (+ additional information)

Sensors used for geothermal energy were stolen, then set on fire
Le Quotidien jurassien/Le Temps (Switzerland), April 19, 2024

Residents of a neighborhood south of Bassecourt had a restless start to the night on Wednesday April 17. Shortly after 11 p.m., they were disturbed by the sound of an explosion. “There was a fire in the middle of the road,” says one resident. While the fire lasted for many minutes and gave off thick smoke, this witness later discovered that the fire had been started on a pile of electronic equipment.

“My first reaction was to think that someone had set fire to a box of fireworks”, confides the man who called the local council the following morning. On the contrary, it was a number of geophones currently being used as part of a geophysical measurement campaign in the valley.
Continue reading Bassecourt (Switzerland): arson of deep geothermal energy sensors (+ additional information)

Limassol, Cyprus: Comrades head outside the TAE Police station in solidarity of murdered migrant from Bangladesh. 10 arrested, two wounded.

A protest took place in Limassol on Saturday, 13 April, 2024 concerning the death of a migrant worker from Bangladesh on Wednesday 17 April.

In a statement calling for a protest circulating on social media, it is mentioned that “the fact that migrants chose to risk their lives rather than be in the hands of the state shows us the treatment that migrants receive when they are in the hands of the state and how just the thought of being deported makes risking their lives a one-way street.”

Continue reading Limassol, Cyprus: Comrades head outside the TAE Police station in solidarity of murdered migrant from Bangladesh. 10 arrested, two wounded.

Domokos prison, Greece: Hunger strike of Nikos Maziotis

Not a day has passed since the publication of the text about the kind of care the “penitentiary” system provides and gives the external guard of Domokos prison the right to blackmail prisoners. Today, the external guard of Domokos prison along with its commander in charge refused to transfer me to the hospital of Lamia for an orthopedic examination concerning a 3rd degree rupture of the gastrocnemius muscle because I would not accept their undignified and degrading modality of body search. I did not refuse a body search in general, I refused the humiliating way in which they want to carry it out. They are essentially blackmailing me in order to get the care I am entitled to, putting my health at risk.

In response to the blatant violation of my rights, I am going on hunger strike as of today (14/5/2024) with a request to be transferred to the hospital of Lamia without suffering the humiliating form of investigation demanded by the external guard of Domokos prison.

This request concerns not only this case but any case of treatment requiring transfer to a hospital for examination, surgery or treatment while I am in prison.

Nikos Maziotis, condemned for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle

Domokos prison

via: athens.indymedia

Translated by Act for freedom now!