March 29 Day of Remembrance in Pudahuel Sur ( Chile )

March 29 Day of Remembrance in Pudahuel Sur


Taken from Frente Fotográfico.

The Coordinadora 29 de Marzo of Pudahuel sur organized a political-cultural act on Saturday the 23rd, as an instance of memory in the context of a new commemoration of the day of the Young Combatant.

The day began with various workshops, music and an open mic for those who wanted to share words or reflections about the date. Later on, troupes, collectives and neighbors, marched together through the territories of Pudahuel Sur to carry the idea and embody it in reality, spreading and keeping alive the memory of all the assassinated and political prisoners who still continue to struggle for their freedom.

Sardinia, Italy : To support anarchist comrade Davide Delogu

Let’s not forget the anarchist comrade Davide Delogu now under house arrest after 13 years in prison. Funds are necessary so as to be able to support him in his daily expenditure and also for yet more legal costs concerning the trial for attempted escape and many other smaller trials.
For anyone who’d like to contribute:
Davide Delogu support fund:
Carta postepay intestata a Laura Gargiulo
IBAN: IT17I3608105138295981295990

If there are any problems write to: —

[Received by e-mail, taken from Sardegna Anarchica, and republished in:]

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Book presentation – Alfredo Cospito: Which International? / Event about the New Penal Code. (Greece)

Book presentation – Alfredo Cospito: Which International? / Event about the New Penal Code.

“Go on, comrades:
There is a whole world to be demolished!”
Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai

Book presentation of the book by Alfredo Cospito “Which International?”
(Interview and discussion with Alfredo Cospito from Ferrara prison, Italy).

Intervention by Italian comrades on the book by Alfredo Cospito, the isolation of the comrade, the 41bis regime
& update on current repression operations in Italy.

Update on Law N.5090/24 (New Penal Code).

Telephone communication with a prisoner about the new penal code and the struggles inside the prisons.

Update from the lawyer Alexandros Kanellopoulos regarding the provisions and changes brought about by the law N.5090/24.

The proceeds of the book will be used for financial support
of comrade Alfredo Cospito.

During the event
there will be a political poster exhibition from Greece and Italy
& place with printed material (brochures, stickers, etc.).

University of ASOEE
Thursday, May 16
7 p.m.

Anarchist Hangout Nadir
Saturday, May 18
7 p.m.


Anarchist project Ragnarok

Anarchist Hangout Nadir

France: Let’s put out the flame of the JOP ! [Olympic games]!

Let’s put out the flame of the JOP

Call to the mischievous, the jokers and other heretics of the Sport Business

The harm caused by the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) no longer needs to be demonstrated as it is now well known: security delirium, anti-terrorist law, mismanagement and financial malpractices, shameless increase in metro tickets, eviction of homeless people,  students expelled from their lodgings, etc, etc.
The list is too long, and now, obvious.(1)
The promotion of the JOP also passes through the journey of the olympic Flame whose route through France is due to start in Marseilles on May 8th (entire course on

Continue reading France: Let’s put out the flame of the JOP ! [Olympic games]!

Massa, Italy. Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th.

Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th

On March 8th the first hearing took place of the summary trial at the court of Massa  arranged for four of the ten under investigation for Scripta Scelera. As we know, one of the comrades. Luigi, has been transferred to the prison of Bologna to have him connected via video conference. A warning to the presence of those in solidarity at the hearings and a punishment for breaking the silence imposed through restrictive house arrest with two texts. During the hearing the comrade read out a statement which had already been circulated.

The judge rejected the defence lawyers’ request for an annullity of the hearing on the basis of the decision to let Luigi participate in video conference. The civil parties appeared and witness lists were submitted: the Avvocatura dello Stato joined the civil action on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Presidency of the Republic, claiming that “Bezmotivny” had damaged the State’s image and that of public administration. The expert was not commissioned to transcribe the wiretaps because the designated expert stressed the impossibility of finishing the work alone in the time available, which was six months: the judge expects to award a collegial assignment at the next hearing. In the meantime, the trial will continue without these being available. During the next hearing, the examinations of the prosecution witnesses will begin, in particular, the deputy commissioner Ardolino will be heard and inspector Canosa of the Rome department of public safety.
Continue reading Massa, Italy. Operation Scripta Scelera: update on the trial with immediate judgement. Next hearing fixed for March 29th.

ANTISISTEMA – Issue 2 Paper for anarchy and conscious action

[ENG] AS 2 – Read.cleaned

[ENG] AS 2 – Print.cleaned

From the contents:

– Mega-project „energy-transition“: Localising the weak spots

– In the face of the enemy: Breaking through or circumvent the encirclement?

– „I have to get out of here!“

– Against rigidification

– All ready for war

anti-sistema at

The newspaper is printed decentralized, so we want to encourage to print and distribute these pages independently.

Chignin (Savoie): attack against Tesla (south-eastern France)

[On October 6, 2023 in Chignin (Savoie), the Tesla Center in Chambéry received an unexpected visitor. There, in its parking lot, 14 of the brand’s electric cars were destroyed by flames, before the firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control. This attack, which was covered here earlier, has now been claimed by “a band of musk elks” five months later, in a communique which we are happy to reproduce below.Note that previously, in September 2023 in Frankfurt (Germany), another attack had reduced some fifteen Tesla cars to ashes, and ditto in Malmö (Sweden) in October 2020 against seven of them].

On the outskirts of Chambery, on the night of October 6, 2023.

This world is full of cars and machines of all kinds. Some are used to move the techno-bourgeois, like the Tesla cars produced by one of the richest people in the world. There are machines for modern warfare, where humans hidden in an office use intelligent drones to massacre other humans hidden in a trench. And for the techno-bourgeois to get around peacefully, tapping away all day on their smartphones, the others have to massacre each other, because technology doesn’t just fall from the sky: wars are fought for it, and with it. Behind their ideological or ethnic character, the decisive stakes in the coming conflicts are also access to and control of energy resources and infrastructures.
Continue reading Chignin (Savoie): attack against Tesla (south-eastern France)

Taking responsibility In the early hours of Thursday 14/3/24 we carried out an incendiary attack on 5 buses. (Athens,Greece)

Taking responsibility

In the early hours of Thursday 14/3 we carried out an incendiary attack on 5 buses of the Kanasis private school on Taxilou Street in Zografou area. The result of this was the complete destruction of the buses as well as damage to the building itself. Even at the operational level, the school program was completely disorganised.

First of all, we want to make it clear that we are not in favour of either private or public-state education. The aim of the present educational system is “domestication”, civilizing loyal subjects through the inculcation of the values and principles of the system of domination and the production of disciplined slaves. The way of teaching is completely standardized and sterile, cut off from practical experience, oriented towards the welfare of the techno-industrial system. Every trace of initiative and creativity is neutralized, making it difficult to develop and sharpen critical thinking. Another goal of the educational system is the construction of personalities entirely in harmony with the normative standards and norms implemented through the punishment-reward dichotomy.

Continue reading Taking responsibility In the early hours of Thursday 14/3/24 we carried out an incendiary attack on 5 buses. (Athens,Greece)

Chile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Lucas Hernández for March 29th

April 2, 2024 / informativoanarquista

From the cell I remember the smell of the barricade, the smoking tires, the springs after the mattress was consumed and the neighbors with their contributions to the bonfire. I remember the mask like yesterday, the gloves, the iron in the belly, the clean bullets, the heavy backpacks, the desire to see if one day, a 29th, they’d pay this time and not us. I remember gathering the materials, coordinating with comrades, leaving to the street, the neighbor who told me “take care, son”, or the neighbor who asked me if I was going to hunt ghosts, the whistle of the first shot, I remember the crying eyes after the first teargas, running up to the post, the parapet and the moment. Advancing dressed like the night, good moments, that I hope many can and want to live, because it’s necessary to return the blows, nothing can remain unpunished.

March 29th commemorates Mauricio Maigret, Paulina Aguirre, brothers Eduardo and Rafael Vergara who were heinously assassinated, in memory of their ideas, their consequence, and their valor for, in a context of dictatorship and death, daring to do something in the bloodiest moments of this country. Not letting fear immobilize them, motivated by inequality and love for their peers, neighbors, families and comrades, these desires of justice faced with so much abuse that remains present today as yesterday. As new generations we learn from the history of those who fought before, releasing ourselves from arrogance, we must learn from the successes and errors in order to be more prepared facing the repression of power. On the 29th the street is ours, on the corners of the neighborhoods the stage for combat is set.
Continue reading Chile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Lucas Hernández for March 29th

Chile: Words of Comrade Kuyen After 6 Months of Preventative Prison

March 30, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Time has passed since I wrote my last communique, concerning my situation as a prisoner as well as expressing my perspective and general reflections that I’ve gained in this process. Summarizing these six months that have passed, since I was detained and put in preventative prison by the state  I can only say that I remain equally convinced by the path that I’ve decided to take, even if I walk it alone or alongside other individuals. I’ve decided that my life will be eternal war, carrying this responsibility to the end of the consequences that it carries with it, always sustaining that ideas without actions that back them up aren’t worth anything.

This said, I was to speak about a point that’s been present with me for a while but which has been defined with clarity after half a year in preventative prison. This is about the supossed individuals who label themselves anarchists and anticarceral. These labels that they’ve decided to put on stagger at the first expression on the part of power or when these positions take an active role in the various situations that come up in this adverse and uncertain path. I can’t avoid pointing out that these “comrades” who consider themselves in solidarity but who, as I mentioned before, when it’s moment to do something concrete that requires leaving their comfort for the cause which they say they’re a part of or for the situation of another  comrade, they vanish.
Continue reading Chile: Words of Comrade Kuyen After 6 Months of Preventative Prison