(Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building December 15, 2023 / informativoanarquista (received 12/15/2023 by email informativoanarquista@riseup.net) Claim for the attempted explosive attack on the corporate Scotiabank building Succeeding in an attack is the most expected situation because we like things to turn out as planned and for our claims to be … Continue reading (Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Rome, Italy: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023)

Rome: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023) Claim for incendiary barricade and stone-throwing Rome – 2nd November 2023 In the night of 2 November we placed and set fire to tyres to block the traffic in front of the headquarters of Terna spa of via … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023)

South London , UK : We are presenting a two-part event, The Social War in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State – And International Solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners, at the Touchpaper Anarchist Library.

POSTER ON PDF: TEXT FROM THE POSTER: an unrelenting struggle, an insurrectional dream. Social war and repression of anarchists and subversives in the territory dominated by the Chilean state “Continuing to take paths of rupture is therefore a small victory, showing that, even if the State shows us its worst face, it cannot bend us. … Continue reading South London , UK : We are presenting a two-part event, The Social War in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State – And International Solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners, at the Touchpaper Anarchist Library.

(Wallmapu) Mapuche political prisoners from Temuco show solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners August 22nd, 2023

(Excerpted from La Zarzamora) Letter of solidarity from Wallmapu To all those who struggle and to public opinion in general. Throughout the history of humanity, the pueblos have risen up, fought, resisted against tyranny and oppression imposed in different ways and different contexts. This is how the capitalist system through the state and government as … Continue reading (Wallmapu) Mapuche political prisoners from Temuco show solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners August 22nd, 2023

CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons July 11, 2023 Monica, Francisco, Joaquín, Juan and Marcelo Speak. – Our emphasis, challenges and urgencies: – 50 years after pinochet’s civic-military coup, his juridical legacy shamefully endures in the heavy sentences of the military court for comrade Marcelo Villarroel. -In the context … Continue reading CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

[Peruvian State] Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners Around the World May 10, 2023

Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners Around the World May 10, 2023 From the overcrowding of the urban areas in a present that is increasingly immersed in slavery, we rise up and join the gestures of solidarity with the anarchist prisoners around the world, realities that appear distant but which, along with our own local … Continue reading [Peruvian State] Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners Around the World May 10, 2023

Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.

“Above all one thing must be clear, one is only part of the FAI-FRI in the moment of the action, then each one returns to their life as anarchist, nihilist, individualist, to their own projects and rebel or revolutionary perspectives with all their adjuncts of assemblies, coordinations, affinity nuclei, occupations, communes, struggles in the territory … Continue reading Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.

Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility – incendiary attack on a Volkswagen dealership by anarchists

Athens, Claim of responsibility – incendiary attack on a Volkswagen dealership. The future dystopia of a life fully controlled by smart cities, 5G, in which your refrigerator communicates with your mobile phone or a street lamp, and supermarkets offer you everything you want from the (anti)social media, is already here. Everything is more and more … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility – incendiary attack on a Volkswagen dealership by anarchists

On the night of Wednesday, 24.04, in solidarity with Alfredo, we decorated the facade of the insurance company Generali with paint. (Bern,Switzerland)

Generali is an Italian company and one of the pillars in Europe. Alfredo was for 180 on hunger strike, fighting against 41bis since 20.10.22 . Although Alfredo stopped his hunger strike, we decided to attack because he is still in jail and 41bis still exists. 41bis is a prison regime to which other 728 prisoners … Continue reading On the night of Wednesday, 24.04, in solidarity with Alfredo, we decorated the facade of the insurance company Generali with paint. (Bern,Switzerland)