Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 (Chile)

Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 via: informativoanarquista For Alfredo Cospito: A loud war cry!!! A call for internationalist solidarity! A clear call to action!!! In the course of the mobilizations in solidarity with the hunger strike of Italian anarchist comrade Alfredo … Continue reading Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 (Chile)

Solidarity to comrade Alfredo Cospito! Sempre con l’anarchia! [IT-EN/GR, By Open Assembly of Anarchists (Athens – Greece)

Solidarity to comrade Alfredo Cospito! Sempre con l’anarchia! [IT] Finché ogni prigione non sarà abbattuta. Sempre con l’anarchia. Perché per chi ama la vita, reagire quando è in gioco la vita e la morte è un atto di dovere., Anna Beniamino Alfredo Cospito, detenuto anarchico a cui è stata imposta la legge del “massacre” nel … Continue reading Solidarity to comrade Alfredo Cospito! Sempre con l’anarchia! [IT-EN/GR, By Open Assembly of Anarchists (Athens – Greece)

Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, on the 103rd day of hunger strike, was transferred to the Opera prison in Milan (Italy, January 30, 2023)

Alfredo Cospito was transferred from the prison of Bancali to the SAI (Intensified Assistance Service) inside the lager of Opera, in Milan. In this prison there is a hospital section for prisoners in 41 bis prison regime. The new address is: Alfredo Cospito Casa di Reclusione di Milano Opera via Camporgnago 40 20141 Milano Italy … Continue reading Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, on the 103rd day of hunger strike, was transferred to the Opera prison in Milan (Italy, January 30, 2023)

$hile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito

Words of Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito November 22nd, 2022 informativoanarquista A few days ago, I received the news that the indomitable Alfredo Cospito began a hunger strike to demand his release from the 41 bis legal torture regime. For those who do not know Alfredo Cospito, he is an anarchist comrade kidnapped by … Continue reading $hile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito

Update on imprisoned anarchist Ivan Alocco, on the 16th day of new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito (France, January 6, 2023)

6/1/23 Ivan on 16th day of hunger strike! We hear from France about the new hunger strike that anarchist Ivan Alocco has been on in solidarity with Alfredo since last December 22 [the comrade went on a first hunger strike, which lasted 35 days, between October 27 and December 1]. Ivan is fine, he takes … Continue reading Update on imprisoned anarchist Ivan Alocco, on the 16th day of new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito (France, January 6, 2023)

Rome,Italy: Electric car charging points damaged in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Ivan Alocco and all prisoners

Electric car charging points damaged in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Ivan Alocco and all prisoners (Rome, Italy, December 2022) One night at the end of December, we damaged six electric car charging points in Rome. We did this by sprinkling the sockets with expanding foam. In solidarity to Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike since … Continue reading Rome,Italy: Electric car charging points damaged in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Ivan Alocco and all prisoners

Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries (France, December 22, 2022)

Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries. The Italian state wants to keep Alfredo Cospito in 41 bis, despite his hunger strike of more than two months. A prisoner’s life counts for nothing, for these beings with bland minds and cold hearts. Whether … Continue reading Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries (France, December 22, 2022)

Update on anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the bitter end (Italy, December 19, 2022)

Alfredo is in fair condition, is very lucid, and was expecting a rejection by the surveillance court of Rome [the verdict of the December 1st hearing at the surveillance court was announced on the 19th]. He does not despair that he will still be successful in his battle. In any case, he lets it be … Continue reading Update on anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the bitter end (Italy, December 19, 2022)

Update on the December 5 hearing on the recalculation of sentences against anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino as part of the Scripta Manent trial (Turin, Italy, December 5, 2022)

Update on the December 5 hearing on the recalculation of sentences against anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino as part of the Scripta Manent trial inTurin. On December 5, the second appeal hearing of the Scripta Manent trial against comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino was held. The general prosecutor asked for 27 years and … Continue reading Update on the December 5 hearing on the recalculation of sentences against anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino as part of the Scripta Manent trial (Turin, Italy, December 5, 2022)

Banner hung in solidarity with anarchist nihilist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Bristol,UK)

Bristol, Banner hung in solidarity with anarchist nihilist comrade Alfredo Cospito On a typical bleak winter night on this grey prison island, during a typical poster sticking session, we hung a banner, in the Easton area, as a minimal sign of solidarity with our anarchist nihilist comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is on hunger strike since … Continue reading Banner hung in solidarity with anarchist nihilist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Bristol,UK)