Richmond,USA : General contractor for Cop Campus has main office vandalized by Some anarchists

Copy of an email sent to Overra CEO, Owner, and Project manager.

Dear, Carl Overaa, Christopher Manning, Ken Brumbaugh, Emily Setoudeh, last night we vandalized the main Overra office located at 200 Parr blvd in Richmond. We did this in protest of the contract you hold with the City of San Pablo to build a new police training facility.
We commited this act as a simple reminder that you will be met with resistance at every step along the path to fullfill the contract to build Cop Campus.
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Claim of Responsibility for Parker-Hannifin Arson (Portland,United States)

On June 4th, The Israeli Defense Ministry penned a deal to procure a third F-35 fighter jet squadron from the United States government. This deal totaling 3 billion dollars, financed by US military aid to Israel, would bring the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 fleet to 75 fighter jets. The F-35 considered to be the backbone of the Israeli airforce, has played a critical role in the IDF’s assault on Gaza, escalating Israel’s aim of the total destruction of Palestinian life within Israeli occupied territories.

So on the morning of June 9th, we started a fire at the Portland offices of Parker-Hannifin located at 6458 N. Basin Ave in the Mocks Bottom industrial area. The mainstream media did not report on this fire. The full extent of the damage is unknown.
Continue reading Claim of Responsibility for Parker-Hannifin Arson (Portland,United States)

EL/Albanian/FR/ Persian/EN : Anarchoqueer anti-nationalist pride demo 28.06.24 Athens, Greece

Anarchoqueer anti-nationalist pride demo

Queers, freaks, migrants, the impoverished, unseen, disabled and sick: We are (and stand with) those who don’t fit into dominant national normativity.

Against oppression, exploitation, displacement, and death,

we resist, fighting daily to build relationships of solidarity and care.

For the destruction of all authority, binaries, and division,

we make the incomprehensible visible,
Continue reading EL/Albanian/FR/ Persian/EN : Anarchoqueer anti-nationalist pride demo 28.06.24 Athens, Greece


08/06/2024 via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

13th May 2024. The shopping centre « Kenu In » goes up in smoke from the first night of the insurrection

Despite the efforts of the French colonial authorities, who day after day backed with numerous press releases are announcing a return to normal, the situation in New-Caledonia is far from being settled four weeks after the outbreak of the uprising of a part of the Kanak youth. And some signs are unmistakable, such as the continuation of the curfew (18h-6h) at least until June 17, the requisition of petrol stations for the exclusive use of cops and military that has just been lifted on June 8th, or the fact that the international airport of La Tontouta remains closed «until further notice». Only the airfield of Magenta has been open to commercial flights again since June 5th, or internal flights to New Caledonia to Lifou, Ouvéa and Maré, and nearly 500 French tourists are still blocked on the island after three weeks. As for the North of New Caledonia, it is the army that takes charge directly of the supplying (and therefore rationing and priorities) of the stores, managing the containers that arrive at Koné by barge.

At present, despite the pressure of the 3,500 cops and soldiers sent to the scene, some roadblocks in the neighbourhoods of Nouméa or along the 50 km road leading to the airport, are still being re-erected by Kanak insurgents after their dismantling, without omitting to trap them with gas cylinders at times or even prepare some little surprises for the blues: on June 4th in Dumbéa, for example, a gendarme fell down a manhole after walking on branches that had been placed over it to mask the opening. “With a depth of 1m20, concrete re-inforced irons 2 mm in diameter had been positioned vertically at the bottom to create piles. The gendarme was impaled by one leg and a metal stake that had got in between his bullet-proof vest and body vest, which had pierced but without penetration thanks to the Kevlar plate.”

In total, of this archipelago of 270,000 inhabitants, 212 police officers and gendarmes have been injured since May 13, but also a significant number of Kanaks that the authorities officially refuse to account for, but which we know is considerable and sometimes very serious: several insurgents have lost an eye or had facial bones smashed following shots from police flash balls, others have bullet wounds and are in coma.


Athens,Greece: The only ethical consumption is expropriation, by Anarchists

via: athens.indymedia.

The only ethical consumption is expropriation.

In the face of the hijacking of our lives we refuse to remain inactive. That’s why on Thursday June 6th we storm on morning times  at the A.B. supermarket located on the National Resistance street ( Εθνικής Αντιστάσεως ) in Kaisariani. We went in, took what we wanted and left undisturbed.

This location was chosen in an attempt to break the regime of terror and inaction that has prevailed in recent months in the area, due to the suffocating increase in police, both static forces and patrols. We are re-residentializing our spaces and neighbourhoods, which the State is methodically trying to sterilize, turning them into hotbeds of lawlessness and resistance.

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Over the weekend, two simultaneous attacks occurred at construction sites for a major refined petroleum pipeline running through the forested hills of Portland OR. Work is ongoing to upgrade the pipeline, which is run by Kinder Morgan and carries diesel and gasoline between Portland and Eugene.

The pipeline is an essential supply line for gas stations in the area and part of a bigger network that runs up the West coast.

Extremely expensive Tesla completely burnt out (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

Happened in the night between 10 and 11 June in Amsterdam.

Just after 3:30 a.m., a parked Tesla burned out completely on the Heemstedestraat in Nieuw-West. This type of car cost about 108,000 euros new. The fire brigade had arrived shortly after the report, but by then it was already clear that there was little left to save. The flames were already shooting out of the electric car meters high.

There was also a lot of smoke released. The exact cause of the fire is not yet known. Given the time of day, arson is not ruled out, but a short circuit could also be a cause. That will be looked into.

Incendiary attack on the machinery of the Elikonos Station (Athens,Greece)

In a society that champions the urban landscape as the sole way of existence, our liberty and very essence endure relentless oppression day after day. To turn a blind eye to this truth is to allow this tyranny to thrive and progress. It’s degrading to merely endure this survival state instead of truly living. We must rebel against it by any means necessary.

Therefore, on 26/5, we executed an incendiary attack on the equipment situated at the construction site of the Elikonos station within the forthcoming line 4 of the metro. We harbor no delusions that this strike will halt the advancement of the new line project, yet we grasp that it represents a stride in the correct direction. Every development zone of this nature leads to the gentrification of the surrounding locality, causing small enterprises to flounder and rents to soar to exorbitant levels. It is our obligation to stand as the barrier against this dystopian future until absolute emancipation.
Continue reading Incendiary attack on the machinery of the Elikonos Station (Athens,Greece)


THE FRENCH COLONY IN THE SOUTH  PACIFIC KNOWN AS NEW CALEDONIA’ is the site of three open-pit nickel mining operations (an essential component for state-of-the-art batteries and in stainless steel production) exploiting a quarter of the world’s nickel reserves. The air and water is polluted with the acrid discharge of metal processing, with the island under the yoke of a colonialism which has not slackened since its infamous use as a prison colony. In recent weeks this centuries-old domination has been shaken to its core by the revolt of the indigenous Kanak youth.

The colonial economy in the hands of French administrators holds the country to ransom, dictating everything in the society to the benefit of foreign multinationals. Historically they have recruited opportunist puppets within the indigenous Kanak liberation movement to keep a lid on rebellion (one of these was memorably silenced in 1989 by the gunshots of a rebel  who wouldn’t accept ‘peace accordswith colonialists to be signed on his behalf).

Earlier in May, the latest intrigue by France to rig the electoral system was the trigger for a new explosion of rebellion, surging against the men and structures of power. At the time of writing this revolt is far from over.

Kanak rebels have paralysed the capital city, cut all air traffic and have brought nickel production to a grinding halt. The images of the last weeks have been of burning barricades, thousands or French soldiers and police deployed to this imperial frontier, and shocked Foreign tourists evacuated from their island holidays on emergency military flights.

The international media is the voice of the enemy, and so the information we have is of little serious value, and is thin on the ground, but we want to make an effort to grasp something of this revolt from far away because it is a war which we are involved in whether we realise it or not.

Everywhere around us is the noxious electric garbage (e-vehicles, ‘renewable’ energy storage) whose metallic components have been ripped out of the ground that this unconquerable people are fighting on. Venerated by the faithful dogs of power as ‘progress’ we know what the demand for raw materials and energy tor the ‘electrified’ economy means: ecological carnage and colonial slaughter in the frenzy to construct a sterile, artificial world.

One small part of this global geography of domination is now a site of rebirth tor the social war. For all lovers or freedom then, whose desire is for these storms to engulf the maps of this controlled world, it is necessary to try to hear and to reply: so that revolt speaks to revolt, individual or collective, in a cacophony which reverberates through borders. Anywhere, everywhere.

Naples, Italy: Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd, 2024

Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd

After a year’s prison on remand and 13 hearings, 9 of which in videoconference, a derealizing tool created in an emergency but now extended to an increasingly wide range of prisoners, which behind a generic justification of security renders the accused, i.e. the protagonist of the trial, a spectator of his fate, reducing the trial even more to a confrontation between technicians, all to ensure the peaceful development of the hearings and without even the annoyance of having to look the prisoner in the eye, I have decided to make this declaration.

I am doing so because this is a political trial, even if nobody wants to say so out loud.

I am not interested in the charges, nor the police operation that they originated from, which as far as I am concerned is only a jumble of judicial bureaucracy functional to the political will of the government apparatus that, consistently with the logic of war, aims to lock up the so-called internal enemies, those considered irreformable.
Continue reading Naples, Italy: Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd, 2024