via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!
Munich, ghosts continue to haunt the night

Around 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday night, April 4, Munich firefighters were alerted to a major blaze in the Meillerweg district, just a few hundred meters from the Maximilianeum, the historic seat of the Bavarian State Parliament. On the scene, they discovered four pieces of construction equipment being consumed by flames: a backhoe, two wheel loaders and a Unimog (a small Mercedes all-terrain utility truck).
Except that this is not just any old place, because in addition to being a stone’s throw from the Palace of the Rulers of the Kingdom of Bavaria, it’s also the construction site for the second main line of the capital’s S-Bahn subway system. To be more precise, it involved relocating a district heating pipe to build a relief shaft from the railway tunnel. The four machines, located far apart, were completely destroyed, with damage running into six figures. The Bavarian Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (ZET) and the “Raute” investigation group were on the scene with sniffer dogs and forensic police.
Fortunately for them, the minions of law and order have a serious lead, as revealed by a major regional newspaper a few weeks later (Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 10): it’s probably ghosts, perhaps escaped from Ludwig II’s famous castle at Neuschwanstein (but on this last point, the cops are less formal).Let’s be the judge, since with this latest sabotage against the subway construction site, investigators are now attributing some 30 destructive attacks to Munich’s ghosts, causing at least 20 million euros worth of damage: “They set fire to power lines and construction equipment, telecoms antennas and electric vehicles; railroads are also the target of their attacks, as are geothermal pipelines. The identity of the perpetrators and their origins remain a mystery. Like ghosts, they leave no exploitable trace and no statement claiming the action. Who has an interest in attacking the critical infrastructure of Greater Munich? This is the question security services have been asking themselves since the series of attacks began at least three years ago.The damage caused so far is approaching the €20 million mark.”
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