Athens, Greece: Anti info solidarity event for comrades imprisoned for the Susaron case in Chile

Anti info solidarity event for comrades imprisoned for the Susaron case in Chile

from Open Antispeciesist Assembly

MONDAY 08/7 at 18:00 -open squat OutsideHill at the streffi hill in Exarxeia area

In September 2022 an arson attack on a meat packing plant takes place in Chile. The refrigeration system and transport trucks are engulfed in flames.

In November of the same year, four people are arrested and charged with the attack, remanded in custody and are now awaiting trial, with the initial proposal of the prosecutor referring to a sentence of ten years. Ita was released from prison in March this year with restrictive conditions for the next five years but her comrades remain incarcerated.

Rome, Italy: Demonstration of 28 January 2023 at Trastevere: 4th of July the preliminary hearing of the proceedings

July 4th is the date of the preliminary hearing of the proceedings for the events of piazza Trilussa and Trastevere, in Rome, of 28 January, 2023.

On that day the indictment concerning the 13 comrades accused of resisting a public official and of carrying weapons or objects likely to offend, with numerous aggravating circumstances, will be requested. We recall that at the time of the events the anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito had been on hunger strike for 101 days against 41 bis and a life sentence without appeal. That Saturday afternoon a demonstration in solidarity was called in piazza Trilussa, in Rome, which the police forces decided to surround and provoke. However that evening the plans did not go as foreseen in the offices of the police, with a part of the demonstrators remaining outside the encirclement and the police forces ending up in the grip of those whom they wanted to provoke.
Continue reading Rome, Italy: Demonstration of 28 January 2023 at Trastevere: 4th of July the preliminary hearing of the proceedings

Munich (Germany): ghosts continue to haunt the night    

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Munich, ghosts continue to haunt the night    

Around 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday night, April 4, Munich firefighters were alerted to a major blaze in the Meillerweg district, just a few hundred meters from the Maximilianeum, the historic seat of the Bavarian State Parliament. On the scene, they discovered four pieces of construction equipment being consumed by flames: a backhoe, two wheel loaders and a Unimog (a small Mercedes all-terrain utility truck).

Except that this is not just any old place, because in addition to being a stone’s throw from the Palace of the Rulers of the Kingdom of Bavaria, it’s also the construction site for the second main line of the capital’s S-Bahn subway system. To be more precise, it involved relocating a district heating pipe to build a relief shaft from the railway tunnel. The four machines, located far apart, were completely destroyed, with damage running into six figures. The Bavarian Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (ZET) and the “Raute” investigation group were on the scene with sniffer dogs and forensic police.

Fortunately for them, the minions of law and order have a serious lead, as revealed by a major regional newspaper a few weeks later (Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 10): it’s probably ghosts, perhaps escaped from Ludwig II’s famous castle at Neuschwanstein (but on this last point, the cops are less formal).Let’s be the judge, since with this latest sabotage against the subway construction site, investigators are now attributing some 30 destructive attacks to Munich’s ghosts, causing at least 20 million euros worth of damage: “They set fire to power lines and construction equipment, telecoms antennas and electric vehicles; railroads are also the target of their attacks, as are geothermal pipelines. The identity of the perpetrators and their origins remain a mystery. Like ghosts, they leave no exploitable trace and no statement claiming the action. Who has an interest in attacking the critical infrastructure of Greater Munich? This is the question security services have been asking themselves since the series of attacks began at least three years ago.The damage caused so far is approaching the €20 million mark.”
Continue reading Munich (Germany): ghosts continue to haunt the night    

Central Greece : Αgainst the destruction of central Evia


Αgainst the destruction of central Evia

At this moment, the State and investors are planning the looting of the last piece of green in central Evia. In particular, Ellaktor of Vardinogianni and the Portuguese multinational EDP Renewables are planning to place 86 wind turbines in the mountainous green areas of Dirfyos, Xerovouni, the Kotylaia Mountains and the Euboean Olympus. In fact, following the recent rejection by the ΑΠΕ of the appeal made by residents and associations of Evia, the implementation of this project is just around the corner.

Mountains of Euboean Olympus

Green Repower, the company of the forestor – sometimes also investor(!) – Eleftherios Karapidakis, is a company preparing environmental impact studies of Development & Evaluation of RES Projects. The specific subject has signed studies for a series of disastrous “green” investments throughout the Greek region, such as Evia, Agrafa, Boeotia, serving his personal benefit as well as those of his bosses. Continue reading Central Greece : Αgainst the destruction of central Evia

Athens, Greece: Breakthrough on Israeli targets from down to the down by Renovations/Demolitions Initiative

Athens: Breakthrough on Israeli targets from down to the down

Words seem trivial so we call for international solidarity through direct action thus targeting the Israeli capital and interest that is carrying out the genocide in Gaza. We choose to bring the war on to our own terms, to the metropolitan fabric by smashing the Zoia hotels at 25 Metsovou and 30 Kosmas Melodou Streets.

We strike self-interest everywhere and always. An invisible thread connects the struggles of the fighting subjects in Palestine, Chile, the Philippines and in every corner of the planet with the resistance unfolding in every neighbourhood of the Greek region. Resistance and struggles against the suffocating advance of capital.



Renovations/demolition initiative



Conversation with an American comrade about Atlanta Forest Struggle and Repression, Friday 28/6, 20:00, Prosfygika Square

The George Floyd uprising opened up new possibilities for militant struggle in the United States. Over the past few years, American anarchists have been seizing these opportunities in a coordinated effort to connect various struggles across the country. “There are no local struggles” and the fight against the police is a fight for earth liberation.


Power Pylon Sabotaged in Forest Park (USA)


This week tension cables that holds a wooden power pylon were cut causing the pylon to lean.
This was done with the hopes that the pylon later fall causing an outage.
Electricity is exists today as a crucial component of state power, capital, and ecological destruction.

However small this action, the secret is to begin.

Solidarity with the volcano group.


submitted anonymously at rosecitycounterinfo

Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024, 5 – 7 July 2024, Prishtina, Kosovo

Open call

[ENG] [SHQIP] [română] [eλληνικά] [magyar] [العربية] [کوردیی ناوەندی] [کوردییفارسی] [български] [français] [srpsko-hrvatski] [deutsch] [türkçe] [slovensko]


Call for Participation: Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024

With great excitement we announce that, for the first time ever, the 16th edition of Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) will be held in Prishtina, Kosova, from 5th – 7th of July 2024. BAB is not merely a platform to promote books, but also place to exchange information and ideas, create new initiatives, and strengthen organizations. As such, for more than 20 years, it stands as a testament to our collective commitment to solidarity, resistance, and collaboration across the artificial borders of Balkans.

BAB comes at a crucial time when the capital is experiencing its regular accumulation crisis, the fires of war are ravaging across the world, putting us at the brink of a world war, and fascism, in its explicit form, is spreading like wildfire. States are getting more militarized and the populations are increasingly policed, breaking apart communities and bonds of solidarity. And with any type of dissent oppressed, the capital runs freely, ever expanding to new sources of exploitation.
Continue reading Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024, 5 – 7 July 2024, Prishtina, Kosovo

Cop Campus Subcontractor Vandalized by some other anarchists, Richmond (USA)

Cop Campus Subcontractor Vandalized
Commercial Door and Frame (14212 Doolittle Drive, San Leandro CA tel: 510 957-5108) vandalized in retaliation for participating in the construction of Cop Campus police facility in San Pablo.
Commercial Door and Frame is currently subcontracted by Overaa Construction (200 Parr Boulevard, Richmond, CA) to build the Cop Campus police training facility in San Pablo, CA. We left a big spray painted messege on the front of their business.
It reads “DROP THE CONTRACT WITH OVERAA. DO NOT BUILD COP CAMPUS!” and signed it with a circle A.

Continue reading Cop Campus Subcontractor Vandalized by some other anarchists, Richmond (USA)