Sète (Herault), France : 11th May: A third of those being held escaped from detention centre

They go through the roof to escape : ten people escape in the middle of the night from administrative Detention Centre Midi Libre/France3, 11th May 2024

A large-scale escape took place during the night of Friday 10th to Saturday 11th May, at the Administrative Detention Centre (CRA) of Sète. In fact, ten people managed to escape from the surveillance of the border police, the authority that handles this establishment situated at 15 quai Maillol, and then took advantage of the night to escape at around 2.30am. A significant event for this small centre, which has only 28 places.

According to a police source, in order to escape individuals pulled the vent from one of the rooms to access the attic. Once in the attic, they lifted up the tiles and jumped on to the roof to go down into the street below.
Continue reading Sète (Herault), France : 11th May: A third of those being held escaped from detention centre




AUTHORITY HAS EVERYONE IN A VICE GRIP.Dealing out crumbs through humiliating charity and robotised slavery. With nothing to guarantee any more, the technicians in power promise only crisis and emergency – and soon war. In the guise of defence against the rabid attacks in recent weeks they have enhanced their arsenal of social control against all of us.

MEANWHILE RACIST ATTACKS TAKE PLACE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. The perpetrators target ‘immigrants’ (or whoever they classify as such) with abuse, chemical dousing, threats, beatings, fire and bricks. This is the worst kind of cowardice: kneeling in front of bosses and leaders, but leaping up to strike at anyone they fear coming from below them. Without a doubt masses of angry citizens join behind them, perhaps more hesitant to act, but no less lobotomised by fear of the outsider.


Greece: Against borders, states, homelands, armies (here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere)

Here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere

Against borders, states, homelands, armies

War is everywhere. Without ever having been absent from the capitalist world, the world of homelands, armies and borders. It has always been present, except that nowadays every “war episode” tends to acquire global dimensions with different levels of transnational involvement: from the war in Palestine, Ukraine, Yemen, to the “tension zones” that presage a future conflict (e.g. Taiwan, Guyana, Red Sea, etc.), the world map seems to be shaped by a continuous geography of war “fronts” and “rears”.

And war takes many forms: from the famous trade sanctions that create “inflationary phenomena” in primitive societies and “food crises” in the capitalist periphery, to the Western States’ war on immigrants, the military-style management of “states of emergency” (be it viruses or floods, fires, etc.), the management of social policy in police terms. What the rulers cynically call “era fluidity” is on the one hand the other name for systemic contradictions reaching a limit point and on the other, it is a clear statement to subjects: in “fluid times” our lives are sadly expendable and survival is defined in terms of probability, risk, risk. And whoever lives through it… Then comes the famous “love of country”, the need for “national unity”, to form a “national body” in danger, with the State and the army defined as its “natural protectors”. Continue reading Greece: Against borders, states, homelands, armies (here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere)

Berlin (Germany): Acquittals at the “We are conspiring” trial!

The final day of the trial in the “We are conspiring” case took place on July 15. According to the prosecution, during the night of February 16, 2023, the accused wanted to set fire to the German railway company’s cables. The prosecution pleaded acquittal at the end of its closing arguments, citing lack of evidence. The lawyers also pleaded for acquittal, which the judge, after 15 minutes’ consideration, pronounced!

Here’s the statement the two defendants read together after the lawyers’ closing arguments:

We were arrested 17 months ago. We sat isolated from each other for a day and a half in the detention center on Tempelhofer Damm (Berlin) and were brought before a custodial judge. We then had to report to a cop station around 85 times and scribble our signatures on a piece of paper to prove that we had not yet evaded trial. Our DNA was taken and run through databases. For a total of 15 days, we were being surveilled by the secret police in our daily lives, with our friends and comrades, and had our home entrances filmed. For a few days now, we sat in front of this court where our guilt is being tried.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): Acquittals at the “We are conspiring” trial!

About the coordinated sabotage against the fiber optic network in the middle of the Olympics.

While the SNCF is just beginning to recover from the sabotage against the high-speed train network, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games don’t seem to be at the end of their troubles, as a new “massive sabotage” occurred on Sunday night (July 29), this time striking the long-distance fiber optic network (the backbone).

Between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., the digital highways of the fiber-optic network were deliberately cut in at least ten départements (Ain, Aude, Ardèche, Drôme, Hérault, Bouches-du-Rhône, Oise, Marne, Meuse, Vaucluse), with far-reaching consequences, since the section of these cables in the long-distance network of infrastructure operator SFR affected many other telecoms operators. These include Free, Bouygues, Orange (telecoms provider for the Paris 2024 Olympics), TDF, OVH, SFR, Netalis, Axione, as well as Vodafone, British telecom and Colt (British operator serving 28 European countries).

By Tuesday July 30, the official estimate was that 195 cell towers had been affected by sabotage, and at least 17 departments had experienced problems ranging from internet outages to higher-than-usual latency (including Oise, Bouches-du-Rhône, Meuse, Drôme, Aude, Hérault, Seine-et-Marne, Essonne, Ain, Allier, Vendée, Ardèche, Loire, Creuse and Lot-et-Garonne). And to illustrate what high latency means, i.e. a severe slowdown in the Internet connection, a geek posted on a specialized site the route taken by his data packets: “To do Lyon (Orange network) <> Roubaix (OVH data center), the data goes: Lyon → Marseille → Singapore → Canada → London → Roubaix”…
Continue reading About the coordinated sabotage against the fiber optic network in the middle of the Olympics.

Germany: double sabotage on the Bremen-Hamburg railway line

Was it an anonymous nod to the unexpected delegation that brought much of France’s rail traffic to a standstill a few hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, or was it a happy coincidence? In any case, a few days later, on the night of Sunday to Monday July 29, a double sabotage attack paralyzed part of Germany’s high-speed rail network.

The first fire occurred at around 4 a.m. in Bremen’s Bürgerpark district, igniting a shaft of cables along the track. The second fire, which occurred the same night, involved cables of a railroad near Hamburg, 150 kilometers away. Conclusion for the two major industrial and commercial cities in northern Germany? ICE high-speed trains between North Rhine-Westphalia and Hamburg were unable to reach Bremen’s main station, while long-distance trains from the southwest to Hamburg were also diverted. The same was true of the regional rail operator metronom, whose trains experienced long delays and partial cancellations throughout the day.
Continue reading Germany: double sabotage on the Bremen-Hamburg railway line

Berlin: Attack on office of SPD politician Lars Düsterhöft by some Anarchists (Germany)

Attack on the citizen office of the SPD politician Lars Düsterhöft (42) at Siemensstraße in Berlin-Oberschöneweide!

Four holes burst in the window with the photo of the SPD Member of Parliament Lars Dürsterhöft. In addition, “We condemn Germany 4 Genocide” sprayed on the wall.He made the attack with reference to the Middle East war public even on Facebook, was shocked that he was only now being held responsible. He hadn’t been able to sleep quietly for a long time, as his participation as a member of the SPD in the genocide in the Palestinians robs him of sleep.

State security police took over the investigation.At first, he condemned the attack and spoke of shooting at his photo. The police later informed that the damage to the window was probably caused by a sharp tool. Later he came to the conclusion that the damages and the slogans on the wall are attached to the fact that “criminal actions, for example German arms exports for Western imperialism, e.g., originate from the Federal Republic of Germany and deeply hit him and shake him.He asks himself: “What is the next increase that someone with the pistol stands in front of me and shots? He writes on his Facebook page: “will several thousand people be executed in Berlin by AI-controlled drones like in the Gaza Strip?”
Continue reading Berlin: Attack on office of SPD politician Lars Düsterhöft by some Anarchists (Germany)


A closed prison is also a closed account with Tyrranny. It is neither a sight nor an architectural work of art, but the mass grave of thousands of bodies that were imprisoned, tortured, deprived and burned to death not ever seeing the sun again without the bars or a break. When you look at a prison, think of how many people were subjected to the violence of isolation, how many were buried alive in solitary confinement, how many were deprived of their families, their people, their self- evident right to freedom. How many marched in sections through the wing courtyards, turning into each wall again and again, how many lost what was most

beautiful in themselves and became alienated, emotionally humiliated and cold.

In these cells the Greek state once imprisoned people who fought for the freedom of this country, people who resisted decay and misery, people who could not reconcile themselves to a life of submission and rebelled. In these cells, the Greek state murdered fighters who did not cooperate, who did not repent and whose death became a symbol of resistance and freedom. Today, the Greek state is still murdering people in its prisons because they are claiming, outside of bribes and favours, their self-evident rights. Because they do not bow down to their captors, but they demand better conditions of detention, they demand better lives, and they not sign their death in silence.




Georg Gelhausen is the name of the mayor of Merzenich, a CDU politician foolish enough to think that much of the Hambacher Forest (a.k.a. one of Europe’s biggest autonomous zones, still squatted after more than 12 years) lies within his jurisdiction. He and some environmental minister had invited themselves to the forest for 23.7.24, allegedly to gather information on how to best protect the forest – ironically, a habitat (less than 10% of which still remains) that Georg’s administration green-lit being utterly destroyed by RWE back in 2018.

More moderate attempts to establish the state’s authority had already been made here, through proposals to clear gravel from the forest paths, to establish official meeting points for the emergency services, or even to kindly remove one of our strongest barricades (an oak tree which fell across one of the main access points to the forest). His insistence on visiting on July 23rd represented an escalation in his strategy, given his threat that, if we would maintain our cheerful legacy of making politicians unwelcome in these woods, he would be required to take “security measures” – in other words to bring the cops.

The night before the occassion, however, dear Georg cancelled his picnic, along with an additional four visits he had scheduled for the next week, having learnt that we would not be rolling out a carpet for him.[1] Instead we had been up late freshly erecting barricades – which neither the cops nor RWE’s security forces made it through that day.
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Perama Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim

Perama Athens, Responsibility claim

On Friday, June 9, in the neighbourhood of Perama, we set fire to polling booths of multiple party choices on the occasion of the European election process, an act of defiance against the party apparatus and the oppressors of our lives. We want to send a message to Yiannis Lagoudakos, New Democracy politician, newly appointed mayor of Perama. When he vents his fascist anger against vulnerable minorities such as the Roma he should not forget the recent incident when the water hose rained down on the mother while he was making threats to kidnap her children, and that in the face of fascist violence nothing will be left unanswered.

From what it seems, the mirror of electoral delusion has been cracked. The mechanism of the elections and the entire Euro-parliamentary mafia is given meaning in the social conflict. The high rates of abstention from the European election process represent the maximum amount of dissatisfaction from society as a whole. At least in the Greek axis, right and left together and their ends have collapsed in the eyes of the youth and not only. What remains is the strengthening of self-organized social forces on the basis of radical formation, the creation of informal direct action groups and the cooperation between persons with the characteristics appropriate to the circumstances. Beyond the difficulty of the times and the hardening of State control over our lives, the anarchist struggle must examine the rebuilding and reconstitution of the insurrectionary process as well as its strategic framework for preparing and restarting new battle structures.

Continue reading Perama Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim