They go through the roof to escape : ten people escape in the middle of the night from administrative Detention Centre Midi Libre/France3, 11th May 2024
A large-scale escape took place during the night of Friday 10th to Saturday 11th May, at the Administrative Detention Centre (CRA) of Sète. In fact, ten people managed to escape from the surveillance of the border police, the authority that handles this establishment situated at 15 quai Maillol, and then took advantage of the night to escape at around 2.30am. A significant event for this small centre, which has only 28 places.
According to a police source, in order to escape individuals pulled the vent from one of the rooms to access the attic. Once in the attic, they lifted up the tiles and jumped on to the roof to go down into the street below.
Continue reading Sète (Herault), France : 11th May: A third of those being held escaped from detention centre