Switch Off! The System Of Destruction : Rail Bridge Set on Fire, Oregon, USA

The target was a Portland and Western Railroad bridge/trestle over the Willamette River between Lake Oswego and Milwaukie, Oregon.


We will respond to the civilization that destroys the earth and the possibility of free life with destruction in turn.

“The track is closed to railroad traffic at this time.”

“ P&W (PNWR) traffic will be rerouted for quite a while, so Cornelius Pass may see a lot more action for a long time.”

“There is some structural damage to the trestle, which is operated by P&W Railroad.”

PNWR has a diverse traffic base based on carload commodities. Woodchips, paper, agricultural goods, and aggregates are all major sources of traffic. Primary amongst the road’s over 135
customers are Stimson Lumber Company, Cascade Steel Rolling Mills, Georgia Pacific, and Hampton Lumber Sales. The rail also transports Oil from Exxon Mobile, Asphalt, and petroleum
products. Rail is a primary method of transportation of materials for the industry that makes war possible.

The industrial activity responsible for climate collapse has no real interest in stopping its devastation but instead insists on pretending to be environmentally friendly and using terms such as “green energy”, with new sources of extractive energy that are still harmful to ecosystems and our lives; And above all, with the clarity that each of us are the only ones who can combat the advance of devastation, we see the urgency of attacking the industry that destroys the earth, adding our initiative and action to the internationalist campaign. Switch Off!” switchoff.noblogs.org
Continue reading Switch Off! The System Of Destruction : Rail Bridge Set on Fire, Oregon, USA



8th July,

Received anonymously via email:


It’s always worth having a sneak around at night. After a visit to a farm we knew sold turkeys for Christmas, we managed to locate were the babies they’d be murdering come December were. Young and curious they slept on a filthy concrete floor with little bedding in a barn right next to the farmers house. But we can be quiet and fast when we have to, we took as many as we had good homes for. 26 escaped that night and will not have their bodies Continue reading Midlands,UK : MIDNIGHT TURKEY RAID IN SOLIDARITY WITH PRESOS SUSARON IN CHILE

More on the house searches in Brussels and Amsterdam

Act for free receive and spread:

Early in the morning of 23 May 2024, three residences of comrades in Amsterdam and Brussels were raided. As a reminder: digital devices (computers, telephones, hard drives, usb keys, cameras), tools, and anarchist publications were seized. No one was arrested on that occasion.

According to the first documents of the investigation, three comrades are the targets of a procedure issued by the prosecutor’s office in Munich for: “participation in a criminal organization (§129), arson, disruption of public works, and anti-constitutional sabotage.”
Continue reading More on the house searches in Brussels and Amsterdam

(Chile) Switch Off! Campaign Claim of Incendiary Attack on “Melon” Cement Factory and “Río Maipo Aggregates”

August 4, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Received by email 4/08/2024

DE / FR /  GR

Switch Off! Campaign Claim of Incendiary Attack on “Melon” and “Río Maipo Aggregates” Cement Factory. (August 3. San Juan de Llolleo Sector, Valparaíso Region, Chile).

“We are the debris piles and the grains of sand in the gears of a machine which advances inexorably and with heavy steps. We are factors of disruption in the machine room”.

– Volcano Group

The night of Saturday, August 3, accompanied by the forces of the river, we decided to attack the “Melon” Cement factory and the “Río Maipo Aggregates S.A.” company.(1) located in the surroundings of the mouth of the Maipo River. We aimed to paralyze their functioning, entering both premises and igniting their lines of production, logistics and administrative offices using 10 incendiary devices, leading to the total destruction of the facilities of the location, and so consolidating our third act of sabotage with significant damage to factories that prey on and threaten the life along the Maipo River. This act returns part of the decades of harm that they have caused to the land and the environments in which they operate, as a way of contributing to the struggle against devastation. To the destruction of the earth and our lives, the only way we can respond with dignity is through the total destruction of that which destroys it.
Continue reading (Chile) Switch Off! Campaign Claim of Incendiary Attack on “Melon” Cement Factory and “Río Maipo Aggregates”

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll and Attack on RED bus at the University of Chile (JGM) in Solidarity with Francisco Solar

Incendiary Stroll and Attack on RED bus at the University of Chile (JGM) in Solidarity with Francisco Solar

August 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On Wednesday, August 14 a group of masked comrades left the Juan Gómez Milla campus to block the street and burn a Red bus of the 506 route on Avenida Grecia, attaching themselves to the campaign against the isolation of comrade Francisco Solar.

In response, COP entered the campus and the Public Minister instructed the audience of the Carabinero Criminalistic Laboratory (Labocar) and the OS-9 to search for suspects and evidence. As of the publication of this notice there have been no arrests.

Below are some records:

KOMOTINI (Northern Greece): Solidarity against the isolation regime of the Anarchist Francisco Solar by Anarchists from Utopia AD

Solidarity against the isolation regime of the Anarchist Francisco Solar

In the framework of the international week of agitation and solidarity against the isolation regime of the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar from August 10 to 17, we carried out on the walls posters in central places of Komotini.

Continue reading KOMOTINI (Northern Greece): Solidarity against the isolation regime of the Anarchist Francisco Solar by Anarchists from Utopia AD

Claim for action in Mexico by Informal Coordinator of Anarchist Women against Civilizational depredation


Claim for action in Mexico


On Sunday, August 4 2024 we detonated a bomb made from dynamite, powder and butane gas in the facilities of the so-called “Tower of Well-being” in Mexico City. We have decided to act faced with the capitalist devastation which imposes itself, WE WILL NOT GIVE IN. They can’t offer us any “handout”, we will continue to act. Until the end. We don’t want their civilizational depredation we want to be wild; to join with nature.

Continue reading Claim for action in Mexico by Informal Coordinator of Anarchist Women against Civilizational depredation

Berlin (Germany): “Bauer AG” drilling crane set on fire for its participation in THE LINE

 “Bauer AG” drilling crane set on fire for its participation in THE LINE

Bauer AG is a highly specialized civil engineering company which, through its involvement in gigantic infrastructure and construction projects all over the world, is complicit in the destruction of habitats and the expulsion of their inhabitants. The advance of Bauer AG’s drills and diggers into the most remote parts of the planet never bodes well, and often heralds the end of the diversity of flora and fauna in favor of a gray misery of steel and concrete.

“What we do today determines what tomorrow’s world will look like”.

This seemingly innocuous statement by the CEO of Bauer AG represents a serious threat to everything that doesn’t fit in with the Western idea of progress, or doesn’t want to submit to it. For wherever the much-vaunted conquests of civilization extend, there always arises a colonial mentality that wants to quantify every living thing in terms of its utility, and is obsessed with the will to dominate and control the wild and the unpredictable. But it doesn’t always go unanswered. Recently in Canada, the staunch opposition of the Wet’suwet’en nation to the Coastal GasLink pipeline, which once again crosses their territory, has drawn attention to Bauer AG’s involvement in this crime. But Bauer AG is not interested in any of that. It prides itself on being responsible and sustainable, reducing its environmental impact and carbon footprint through innovative solutions and digitalization.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): “Bauer AG” drilling crane set on fire for its participation in THE LINE

Italy: Two texts from Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: “Beating on cell bars in solidarity in the prison of Sanremo” and “Trieste: the death of an excluded”

Two texts from Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: “Beating on cell bars in solidarity in the prison of Sanremo” and “Trieste: the death of an excluded”

Beating on cell bars in solidarity

May 4th, from 8.15pm to 9pm I did a battitura [beating metal object on cell bars] in solidarity with the comrades arrested during the night between 3rd and 4th May in Genoa and imprisoned in the jails of Marassi and Pontedecimo.

Today is the anniversary of Bobby Sands’ death in 1981, the Irish revolutionary who taught dignity in the prison struggle. It is right that this anniversary be remembered.

I also dedicated this small gesture to all the comrades struck by the repression these past few weeks concerning the solidarity carried out in the streets during the mobilisation for Alfredo Cospito and against 41-bis. To you my fraternal greetings with clenched fist!
Continue reading Italy: Two texts from Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: “Beating on cell bars in solidarity in the prison of Sanremo” and “Trieste: the death of an excluded”