Athens,Greece: Summary of the previous days’ actions in Athens in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 20/10/2022) Alfredo Cospito.

Summary of the previous days’ actions in Athens in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 20/10/2022) Alfredo Cospito. Actions/Interventions: 8.3.2023: An intervention took place in Syntagma Square on March 8, day of Remembrance and Resistance against the barbarity of patriarchy and mobilizations for the mass murder with responsibilities of State and capital in Tempe. … Continue reading Athens,Greece: Summary of the previous days’ actions in Athens in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 20/10/2022) Alfredo Cospito.

Urgent Words Faced with a Flame that is Going Out. Words of Monica Caballero on the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito ( $hile)

Urgent Words Faced with a Flame that is Going Out. Words of Monica Caballero on the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito February 3, 2023 I have had the pleasure of reading the words of comrades from different territories who showed their ardent solidarity with the hunger strike waged by Alfredo Cospito to get out of … Continue reading Urgent Words Faced with a Flame that is Going Out. Words of Monica Caballero on the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito ( $hile)

Montevideo, Uruguay ; Banner in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Montevideo :  Banner in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito As a gesture of rebellious complicity and response to the international call for solidarity with the comrade Alfredo, we dropped this banner off front of one of the houses that the Italian community has in the Uruguayan capital. The comrade has been on hunger strike for more … Continue reading Montevideo, Uruguay ; Banner in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Greece: Poster in Gr/En/ Honor Forever To Lampros Fountas, Freedom for Alfredo Cospito

From Theory to Practice For Anarchy Honor Forever To Lampros Fountas The comrade and member of the rebel anarchist organization Revolutionary Struggle fell with a gun in his hand after a fight with police during the organization’s preparatory action for attacks on economic targets on March 10, 2010. Freedom To Italian Anarchist Alfredo Cospito The … Continue reading Greece: Poster in Gr/En/ Honor Forever To Lampros Fountas, Freedom for Alfredo Cospito

Perugia, Italy : Alfredo Cospito case – Update 14.3.23

Perugia : Alfredo Cospito case – Update 14.3.23 This morning Alfredo was connected by teleconference during a hearing of the Perugia Court of Appeal, which was asked to review the request for the annulment of the injunctions ordered by the investigating magistrate, following a request by the local prosecutor against him and five other suspects … Continue reading Perugia, Italy : Alfredo Cospito case – Update 14.3.23

About the recent searches ordered by prosecutors of Rome and Massa as part of the investigations concerning some initiatives in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Italy, March 3 and 9, 2023)

About the recent searches ordered by prosecutors of Rome and Massa as part of the investigations concerning some initiatives in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on March 3 and 9, 2023 We publish in English two updates on recent investigations by the prosecutors of Massa (searches and precautionary measures of March 9th) and Rome (searches of … Continue reading About the recent searches ordered by prosecutors of Rome and Massa as part of the investigations concerning some initiatives in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Italy, March 3 and 9, 2023)

Rome, Italy: Windows and ATM of a BPM bank destroyed in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (28 February 2023)

Rome: Windows and ATM of a BPM bank destroyed in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito In the early hours of February 28th we attacked the windows and cashpoint of a BPM bank in the Don Bosco area of Rome. Action in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all anarchist and revolutionary prisoners. Attack State and capital NOW! … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Windows and ATM of a BPM bank destroyed in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (28 February 2023)

Athens,Greece: We call for a solidarity gathering with microphone, Saturday 11 March at 13.00 in Kapnikarea Square, Freedom for the anarchist prisoner in hunger strike (since 20/10/22) ALFREDO COSPITO! EN/ IT.

Athens : We call for a solidarity gathering with microphone, saturday 11 March at 13.00 in Kapnikarea Square. Freedom for the anarchist prisoner in hunger strike (since 20/10/22) ALFREDO COSPITO! simply cannot live in an inhumane regime like that of the 41bis, where I cannot freely read what I want. […] The only chance I … Continue reading Athens,Greece: We call for a solidarity gathering with microphone, Saturday 11 March at 13.00 in Kapnikarea Square, Freedom for the anarchist prisoner in hunger strike (since 20/10/22) ALFREDO COSPITO! EN/ IT.

Latest update 6.3.23 on Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

via:athens.indymedia.Translated to English by Act for freedom now! 6.03.23 Latest update on Alfredo Cospito In unprecedented delirium the government in Italy is speaking of ‘brutal criminals’ who launch violence against ‘citizens’ (…) ‘with guerrilla warfare, seriously injuring law and order and security officers’ (…) after Saturday’s demonstration in Turin in support of Alfredo Cospito and … Continue reading Latest update 6.3.23 on Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Letter by Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito made public by his lawyer on 1st March 2023 (EN/EL/ES/FR

Alfredo Cospito – what will probably be his last letter (in full) ——- Letter by Alfredo Cospito made public by his lawyer on 1st March 2023 My struggle against 41 bis is an individual struggle, I do not give or receive orders. It is simply that I cannot live in an inhuman regime such as … Continue reading Letter by Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito made public by his lawyer on 1st March 2023 (EN/EL/ES/FR