Italy – You’ll find us in our place as we can’t stay in yours. On the “Diamante” investigation

You’ll find us in our place as we can’t stay in yours. On the “Diamante” investigation At dawn on 16th March 2022 two anarchists were arrested in Rome by the DIGOS police and the ROS carabinieri on orders of the Power of Attorney of Genoa and Public Prosecutor Federico Manotti. The charge is fabrication and … Continue reading Italy – You’ll find us in our place as we can’t stay in yours. On the “Diamante” investigation

Spoleto, Italy – Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression, 26-27/06/2022

Spoleto,Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression, 26-27/06/2022 Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression Sunday 26th June 2022 5pm: The ongoing war and the reasons for our internationalism. Against the wars of bosses and rulers. Against all States, starting from ours. For the defeat … Continue reading Spoleto, Italy – Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression, 26-27/06/2022

Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis part of FAI-IRF

Communique Claim Action We claim that the ATM sabotage action in the early hours of June 11 in Solo, Central Java and the vandalism in Sidoarjo, East Java were the individual actions of our conspirators. “We see their problem as lack of ambition. – Aragorn!” At times like this we are haunted by the values … Continue reading Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis part of FAI-IRF

Rome, Italy: Meeting to organise an initiative in piazza in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41bis prison regime, against all prisons (Rome 9.06.2022)

Meeting to organise an initiative in piazza in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41bis prison regime, against all prisons (Rome 9.06.2022) The last hearing of the Scripta Manent trial will be held on 27 June at the Court of Cassation, where anarchists will be on trial for subversive association for the purposes … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Meeting to organise an initiative in piazza in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41bis prison regime, against all prisons (Rome 9.06.2022)

UK: “Like Mercury” Open Letter for Dan Baker, aka Alishare : from Toby Shone

Alishare, I heard your message of solidarity, thank you, it gave me strength. I would turn the energy with this open letter, and I hope to kick a brick from the walls. One more time. In a flurry of black feathers and lunar wisdom, a murder of crows delivered your statement and those wily crows … Continue reading UK: “Like Mercury” Open Letter for Dan Baker, aka Alishare : from Toby Shone

Italy – Updates on the trial for operation ”Bialystok”

The first-instance trial begun following the repressive operation dubbed “Bialystok”, which kicked off on 12th June 2020 at the hands of the Carabinieri ROS, is finally coming to an end. On 5th May the prosecution indictment took place in the courtrooms of the judicial city of Rome, where the public prosecutor and civil parties clarified … Continue reading Italy – Updates on the trial for operation ”Bialystok”

Milan, Italy – Cash machine destroyed in Solidarity with all the imprisoned anarchists

Milan, Italy: ATM machine destroyed 11th May – ATM machine of a branch of Intesa-San paolo bank hammered to pieces in Via Rapisardi, Milan. This action is aimed at striking one of the many speculators involved in the war in Ukraine. Intesa-San Paolo, the main Italian bank, is present in Russia with 28 branches, holds … Continue reading Milan, Italy – Cash machine destroyed in Solidarity with all the imprisoned anarchists

Italy – For international revolutionary solidarity!

“… I think that only from the clashing of these two (anarchist terrorism and creative anarchy) can the new be born, because life is contrast: rational and irrational, hate and love, anything but deadly static “equilibrium”. Harmony is the child of “disequilibrium”, of chaos…” Well, what had been looming for some time has finally come … Continue reading Italy – For international revolutionary solidarity!

Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February

Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February 2022 We receive and publish a leaflet handed out during an initiative dedicated to Juan and anarchist prisoners that took place in Genoa on 20th February. The leaflet introduces an exhibition of texts written by our imprisoned comrades Juan Sorroche, Anna … Continue reading Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February

Italy – Blank spaces and black letters

via:  infernourbano Translated by act for freedom now! Blank spaces and black letters – On the repressive operation “Sibilla” To express annoyance or disappointment in the face of power is not for us. Convinced as we are that between freedom and authority not only there is an unbridgeable gap but also that the former is … Continue reading Italy – Blank spaces and black letters