Number of the day: over 10 million (France)

In Fenouillet (Haute-Garonne), following the murder of Maïky by gendarmes for “refusing to obey orders”, several economic and administrative interests went up in flames on the two nights of July 25 and 26 around the Ginestous camp, where he lived. These included trucks belonging to cement manufacturer Lafarge, vehicles and a building belonging to Toulouse-Métropole, as well as a hitherto little-known company: CSI Sud-Ouest, specialized in the manufacture of microchips for the army, aeronautics and the nuclear industry.

Continue reading Number of the day: over 10 million (France)

Multiple police vehicles in a parking lot caught fire – McKEESPORT, Pa. ( Pittsburgh,usa)

Several SUVs in the parking lot were burnt out in the lot that’s located along Lysle Boulevard and is used for police cars and other city vehicles.

Four police vehicles in total were burnt out.

Dispatchers tell KDKA that the incident started just before 3:15 a.m. when police officers and firefighters were called to the scene.

Investigators from the ATF and the Allegheny County Fire Marshal’s Office were also on scene pictures and collecting evidence.

“I think it’s safe to say that it was arson,” Mayor Michael Cherepka said.

From Mainstream Media


Athens, September 26, 2024, reflective march on the same day by hundreds for the dead immigrant from Pakistan, Mohammed Kamran Asik after a brutal beating at the Agios Panteleimonas Cop Station.

The march for the state assassination of Mohamed Kamran Asik moved around the square of Agios Panteleimonas. At the end of the march after clashes, the cops arrest  4 people, 2 of which turned into arrests with heavy charges  .

Last Saturday morning, an immigrant from Pakistan, who had been missing for about a week, was found dead inside the Agios Panteleimonas Cop Station. 37-year-old Mohammad Kamran Ashiq, who worked as a delivery man, was found with multiple injuries on his body, which is also reflected in shocking photos.
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Muhammad Kamran Ashiq was murdered by cops, beaten to death .. Athens,Greece


CALL TODAY 19:30 PLATEIA VIKTORIA Muhammad Kamran Ashiq was murdered by cops, beaten to death in the infamous Agios Panteleimonas police station. We all know that beatings like this one happen regularly, even if they don’t reach the MME. Every day in AT like Agios Panteleimonas and Omonia people are taken out of view of cameras and tortured, beaten, raped, by cops who believe that they have absolute power.

Every day migrants and non-white people are targeted, tortured, and murdered by cops and in complicity with every other cog in the racist state machine. From the pushbacks on the borders, to the exploitation in workplaces, to the suffocating bureaucracy — the racism is created and maintained by the batons of the cops but also the indifference and silence of the society. Continue reading Muhammad Kamran Ashiq was murdered by cops, beaten to death .. Athens,Greece

From domokos prison, Nikos Maziotis: The Quality of the “Citizens’ Protectors” 23/9/24 (Greece)

Whether outside or inside prison the struggle for us is a matter of honor and dignity and will continue.

The revolutionary struggle continues.  NIKOS MAZIOTIS

July 2014

Nikos Maziotis: The Quality of the “Citizens’ Protectors”

The quality of those encharged with persecuting us through the pursuit of Revolutionary Struggle and myself, a wanted person with a bounty on their head, i.e. the security forces, the so-called “citizens’ protectors”, proves in the end that they are really the ones who are a danger to citizens by committing heinous social crimes.

According to recent media reports, a retired “protector of citizens”, who during the expropriation of Piraeus Bank in Kleitoria in 2014 was injured and disarmed by me and decorated for his zeal in saving the bank’s money, was recently arrested as a member of a criminal organisation that deceived elderly people and specifically, for fraud against an elderly 70-year-old woman by extorting 40,000 euros from her.

Continue reading From domokos prison, Nikos Maziotis: The Quality of the “Citizens’ Protectors” 23/9/24 (Greece)

End of the hunger strike of prisoner Sakis Pikassis (Greece)

End of the hunger strike


Today, 20/9/2024, I have decided to stop the hunger strike that I started on 8/7, demanding my return to Korydallos prison so that I can continue my studies at the university as I am entitled and participate in the examinations of the electronic engineering department of PADA and IEK Korydallos.

So I decided, fearing permanent neurological damage, to end the hunger strike without knowing whether my request would be granted.
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Anti-Repression Talks #1: Preparing for Physical Surveillance

From No Trace Project

The No Trace Project is launching a new initiative, the Anti-Repression Talks, to encourage discussion of surveillance and security issues within and between informal anarchist networks, on an international level. We believe that many anti-repression practices are more powerful when they are carried out across a network, rather than only by specific affinity groups.

The Anti-Repression Talks will be a series of sessions, each on a different topic, and each lasting three months. During a session, participants are encouraged to form local study groups with people they trust to discuss the topic of the session — we provide resources and discussion points to help kickstart those discussions. At the end of a session, an international online chat takes place, where participants can anonymously meet to discuss their thoughts and findings. After a session, its findings are published on the No Trace Project website, including any materials contributed by study groups and a summary of the online chat.

The first session, Anti-Repression Talks #1, will address the topic of preparing for physical surveillance and will take place in October, November, and December 2024, with the online chat taking place on January 4, 2025. The findings will be published here.

Physical surveillance

In the past decades, the surveillance capabilities of State actors have greatly diversified, thanks in part to new technological developments such as video surveillance, mobile phones and DNA sampling. Despite this, physical surveillance — the direct observation of people or activities for the purpose of gathering information — is still widely used by State actors, in particular in cases where other surveillance techniques are not effective. Our Threat Library references examples of the use of physical surveillance against anarchists.

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Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications. Solidarity gathering on the occasion of the preliminary hearing for the Sibilla operation (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

Alfredo out of 41 bis
Hands off the anarchist publications

On October 10th is set the preliminary hearing for Sibilla proceeding, which in November 2021 led to an operation targeted mainly against the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’, an operation intended as a repressive warning against revolutionary anarchist publications. On that date, an indictment will be requested for 12 anarchists on 19 counts, almost all of them aggravated by the purpose of terrorism.

In order to attack anarchists and revolutionary paths, the State rants about ‘inciting’ and ‘orienting’ capabilities in such an ambit as the anarchist movement, which has always been a proponent of an obstinate and radical autonomy of thought and action. An assertion that goes hand in hand with having supported in the Scripta Manent trial convictions for ‘political massacre’ in the country where the massacres, the real ones, have always been perpetrated by the State apparatus.

Continue reading Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications. Solidarity gathering on the occasion of the preliminary hearing for the Sibilla operation (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Chile (JGM) on the Eve of a New Commemoration of the Coup D’Etat

Action at JGM (U. Chile) on the eve of a new commemoration of the Coup D’Etat (51 years). 

via: informativoanarquista

From Frente Fotrográfico

Yesterday, 6th of September a day of protest was carried out at the University of Chile, school of Juan Gómez Millas. Throughout the morning an event and vigil in memory of the 119 was held, with students and professors of the campus participating. A discussion took place and words were shared for memory and diffusion. After this, masked people raised barricades in the surroundings of the university, sparking confrontations with the police, who came to clear the area.
Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Chile (JGM) on the Eve of a New Commemoration of the Coup D’Etat

From Berlin to Bolzano in Italy (Germany)

From Berlin to Bolzano (Italy)

Solidarity action with comrades affected by repression

On Sunday, September 1, people in solidarity gathered in front of the Carlo Giuliani monument in Berlin to express solidarity with the prisoners in northern Italy (Bolzano) and to draw attention to the authoritarian developments there. Background information:

BOZEN. They showed solidarity with the prisoners in Bolzano prison when they protested against the inhumane prison conditions, they campaigned for feminist self-determination rights and showed solidarity with the people in Gaza. The consequences: city expulsions, bans on demonstrations, charges, possibly dismissals and special surveillance.
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