Italy: Paolo was transferred from Uta prison to that of Nuoro (April 2021)

We learn that our comrade Paolo has been transferred from the prison of Uta (Cagliari) to that of Badu ‘e Carros in Nùoro. All our closeness and solidarity goes out to him.
To write to him:
Paolo Todde
C. C. di Nuoro
Località Badu ‘e Carros
via Badu ‘e Carros 1
08100 Nuoro
Italia – Italy
Note: Paolo is a sardinian anarchist arrested on October 31, 2017 following an armed robbery at a post office in Cagliari (Sardinia). The comrade, who was with two accomplices, was arrested after a chase with the police in some streets of the city. At the end of the first-degree trial, he was sentenced to 6 years of prison.
[Update published in italian by, translated into english by].

Switzerland : What remains is grief, anger and incomprehension (statement from zurich about the talk active ex-comrade)

What remains is grief, anger and incomprehension
This text tries to come to terms with the events surrounding the repression case in Zurich, in which a former anarchist fellow directed suspicion towards other people in his environment in order to clear himself. It is about repression, betrayal and other abysses.
What is it about?
In January 2019, a former companion was arrested in Zurich. He was accused of arson attacks on army vehicles in Hinwil in 2015 and on the Waidberg emergency radio station of the Zurich city police in 2016. [5] Before his arrest, the former comrade was under surveillance for months.
In prison, the prisoner submitted a written statement to the public prosecutor’s office without consulting his circle of supporters during the final interrogation, i.e. before the investigation had been completed. In this statement, he denied having anything to do with the arsons of which he was accused and directed suspicion to his friends and acquaintances.

Continue reading Switzerland : What remains is grief, anger and incomprehension (statement from zurich about the talk active ex-comrade)

IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA

Durante l’ultimo anno, l’opinione pubblica è stata raggiunta da sempre più racconti riguardanti momenti circoscritti di un fenomeno costante che è vecchio come l’esistenza dello Stato e dell’autorità. Il fenomeno della brutalità della polizia.
Dagli omicidi di afroamericani negli USA, quelli in Myanmar a seguito del colpo di Stato, le rivolte a Parigi dopo il voto di nuove leggi a beneficio dei poliziotti, l’uccisione di un «sospetto» in Albania, le pratiche fasciste in Turchia, fino alla Grecia con gli innumerevoli pestaggi di manifestanti e cittadini, i trasferimenti vendicativi dei detenuti, le continue torture nella sede della polizia di Atene (il GADA) e nei commissariati, gli stupri e non solo nei confronti dei rifugiati nel centro di deportazione e trasferimento di Petrou Ralli, e molti altri episodi tra i quali non posso dimenticare le torture dei miei compagni nelle stazioni di polizia, i loro pestaggi nelle manifestazioni, e naturalmente il trattamento violento che ho affrontato da parte dei poliziotti dell’unità antiterrorismo quando hanno tentato di prelevarmi un campione di DNA. Dopo i nostri arresti del 29 gennaio 2020, mentre eravamo reclusi al 12° piano del GADA, mi hanno richiesto di fornire un campione di DNA, cosa che ho rifiutato, come ho rifiutato qualsiasi tipo di cooperazione. Dal 2015, dopo il grande sciopero della fame dei prigionieri, l’ordine del procuratore che imponeva il prelievo del DNA, è cambiato in «prelievo obbligatorio del DNA nel rispetto della dignità umana». Continue reading IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA

Athens,Greece: Call for solidarity demonstration with the anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos

Call for solidarity demonstration Wednesday, April 21, at 6 pm- Monastiraki,area in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Vangelis Stathopoulos.


Friday, April 23, at 9 am – Gathering of solidarity at the Court of Appeal (Loukareos), in the announcement of the decision of the trial.

Words from Anarchist Comrade Eric King (usa)

Words from Eric
March 5, 2021
Hello friends, comrades & government voyeur (sic) creeps!
Recently the fucking pukes at the bureau decided it’d be best to cut off my mail again…. this along with the telephone ban, essentially strangling my contact with the outside world… all this while pre-trial… ugh. Really its fucking exhausting and it gets really old, This is systematic and intentional and a vindication of both my revolutionary spirit/actions inside, and the AMAZING Support from our community.
It was really amazing throughout December, getting to reconnect with dear friends…. And getting to meet so many great new people. Truly I felt so loved and supported coming off the first mail ban, It blew me away to have so much solidarity and support. Unreal love.

Continue reading Words from Anarchist Comrade Eric King (usa)

Yearly overview of attacks against power in France 2020-2021

Received  by  anonymous email: [With a few minor corrections in the introduction by act for freedom now]


Face to face with the enemy
Domination has acquired a dazzling rhythm of mutation. The veil of technological advance is covering the world as we knew it in shrouds. Ecological disaster is not “coming”, is already there. While industrial progress advances triumphantly, instability on all levels (social, political, economical, ecological) is increasing. A difficult challenge for those who will continue to fight for freedom as a totality, and not as a negotiation on the lengths of our chains. Old models of revolutionary intervention are fading away as the urge for new perspectives presses.
A century ago, anarchists on the banks of the Rio de la Platain South-America declared war on power and came “Face to face with the enemy”. They went to seek out the enemy in their lairs with offensive moves. They bombed banks, police stations, institutions, getting ever more closer to the enemy. With anarchy in their hearts, and a gun in their hands, they went forward, not waiting for the masses or the building of a broad movement. And every bomb they put echoed with the numerous publications they spread. Action and idea went together, hand in hand. Today, how do we come “face to face with the enemy”? Where does he hide, where can we hit him? As domination shifts to new models, anarchists and rebels also broaden their views.

Continue reading Yearly overview of attacks against power in France 2020-2021

Barcelona, Spain: Incendiary devices on 5G relay antennas

imc_barcelona / Friday 26 March 2021
Incendiary devices placed on 5G antennas in Barcelona
One early morning in the month of March we decided to sabotage domination and technological progress by setting fire to four 5G relay antenna electrical cabinets in Barcelona; this action is a sign of solidarity with all the anarchist and subversive prisoners on hunger strike in the territories dominated by the Chilean and Greek states.
It is also a small contribution to all the revolts that have been taking place recently.
Death to the State and its domination
via: Attaque Translated Act for freedom now!

Italy: New investigation for article 280 in relation to the attack on the Bologna carabinieri barracks

At the beginning of April the carabinieri notified Robert, already on trial for ”operation Prometeo”, a warranty notice for article 280 (attack for purposes of terrorism) with an attached request for urgent assessments to be carried out on 13th April 2021 at the RIS headquarters in Parma on materials collected on 27 and 28th November 2016 in the areas close to the carabinieri barracks of Bologna-Corticella.
Just a couple of days later the same papers were notified to Giuseppe, presently being held in the prison of Bologna, who is also under investigation for the Prometeo inquest. The disputed facts concern the explosion of a device on the night of November 27, 2016 outside the carabinieri barracks.

Continue reading Italy: New investigation for article 280 in relation to the attack on the Bologna carabinieri barracks

Protests Break Out Across US Over Police Shooting of Daunte Wright (USA)

The Minnesota police murder of Daunte Wright reignited impassioned protests across many US cities Monday night — with a riot in Portland, Oregon, as hundreds attacked cops.
A second night of demonstrations boiled in Brooklyn Park, where the murder occured, while protesters gathered in other cities in a show of unity. Researchers were able to locate and publicly post the address of the pig who murdered Daunte, driving her from her home.
“Burn the precincts to the ground, in every city and every town!” chanted marchers in Portland.

Continue reading Protests Break Out Across US Over Police Shooting of Daunte Wright (USA)