Iran: the nuclear chimera against the “great satan”. Debate on Iran’s nuclear power and Biden’s war politics (Spoleto, Italy, May 17, 2021)


Iran: the nuclear chimera against the “great satan”
Debate on Iran’s nuclear power and Biden’s war politics

As anarchists, as internationalists, as enemies of nuclear energy, we have no sympathy for the Iranian regime and its death plans. We remain aware that atomic energy is an energy that the state can afford from the moment it perceives itself as an advanced industrial power with imperialist projections. With the same internationalist spirit, at the same time, we do not hide the fact that in many ways Iran could become the ideal target for the war appetites of the new America of Biden and Harris. For both material and ideological reasons.

We will discuss all this:

Monday, May 17, 2021, at 5 pm, with an anarchist comrade of iranian origin and an internationalist comrade who participated in the struggle against the Montalto di Castro nuclear power plant.

Circolaccio Anarchico
viale della repubblica 1/A – Spoleto
e-mail: circolaccioanarchico[at]

Montreuil, France – April fool against Eiffage construction company and all prisons!
On 1st April a shoal of fish [From ‘poisson d’Avril’ – ‘April fish’. On ‘April fool’s day’ a paper fish would be taped to someone’s back without their knowing it as a practical joke] targeted a dumper truck owned by Eiffage in Montreuil [near Paris]. A hammer fish smashed the windscreen, a saw fish took the tyres and an octopus left a clear message: “Eiffage, jail constructor. Down with prisons, Death to jails”.
Eiffage fill their pockets building jails and detention centres for migrants. This gesture wants to be a response in solidarity with those who struggle against this world and those that the repression is beating down on, as in a case of “criminal terrorist conspiracy” * and with the rebels of the detention centre for migrants in Mesnil-Amelot last January**.

Continue reading Montreuil, France – April fool against Eiffage construction company and all prisons!

Nuevo número de Controntación (Chile)

Aquí estamos una vez más, llegando hasta lugares impensados en CONFRONTACIÓN contra toda forma de poder y autoridad. Sí, toda forma de autoridad, incluyendo aquella que se disfraza de revuelta y “revolución” intentando llevar las luchas hacia nuevas y viejas formas de tomar, PDF
controlar o construir el poder. Con clara convicción antiautoritaria gritamos sin cansancio: ¡Ni mandar ni obedecer, atacar y destruir toda forma de poder!
Desde la anarquía seguimos agitando y reflexionando, en este número, sobre la extensión del control y las respuestas ante la represión, sobre el 29 de marzo, sobre la farsa constituyente y las activaciones anárquicas.
¡Por la destrucción de lo existente o nada!
Periódico Confrontación.
Para para contacto y/o apoyo en distribución, escribir a

Chile: Statement on End of Hunger Strike by Anarchist and Subversive Comrades in Chilean Prisons

To peoples, individuals, communities and territories in struggle and resistance. To those who revolt in the face of this present of oppression and misery. To our families, our friends, our accomplices, compas and loved ones, throughout the world.
To everybody!
Ideas without actions are worthless, they’re just theoretical shit, so idea and action have to be and are one and the same.
-Mauricio Morales
We, the anarchists and subversive prisoners of the social war Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda, locked in the women’s prison of San Miguel, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, Juan Flores Riquelme and Joaquín García Chanks, in the High Security Prison (CAS), Francisco Solar Domínguez, in the Maximum Security Section and Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz, in module 2 of the Santiago 1 company-prison, as well as Juan Aliste Vega, in the CAS, who joins but is not on strike, for medical reasons, declare:
our decision to end our mobilization, a hunger strike (continuing to ingest liquids), after 50 days of intense agitation and action, in prisons and in the streets, in an urgent framework of control and social repression, to demand: Against life sentences! For the repeal of the amendments to Legislative Decree No. 321! And for the release of our comrade Marcelo Villarroel!

Continue reading Chile: Statement on End of Hunger Strike by Anarchist and Subversive Comrades in Chilean Prisons

Spain – A provincial court rejects request for the release of the 6 prisoners of 27 of February in Barcelona

We receive and spread:
Today, 4th May, a provincial court made public the rejection of a request for the release of the six prisoners being held in custody since 27 of February.
Judges don’t care about our comrades and friends being deprived of freedom for 67 days already, about the inconsistency of the evidence or disproportionate charges. In the face of this response we persist. We continue and will continue to give them solidarity and to demand their freedom.

Continue reading Spain – A provincial court rejects request for the release of the 6 prisoners of 27 of February in Barcelona

International zine of social war continuing the conflict against the rising techno-prison world,Dark Nights n°50

International zine of social war continuing the conflict against the rising techno-prison world. Now expanded to 24 pages after the recent repression against our project by the Counter-Terrorist cops. One more blow in the face of their blatant attempt to silence us.
Articles expanding on the critique against technology and Covid-19 repression, as well as Alfredo Cospito’s recent contribution about the “Proposal For a New Anarchist Manifesto” and an Introduction from Gustavo Rodriquez’s ‘Covid-19: Anarchy in the times of the pandemic.”
Print it out, for your local squat, social centre, mate’s house or give it out at a demo, even leave it in a random place. Lets ignite the next wave of the Black International!

1. Bristol: Burn Baby Burn!

2. Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information
3. Greece: Attacks in Response to Dimitris Koufontinas’ Hunger Strike & Covid Repression
4. Neurocapitalism: ‘Ghost In The Shell’ Comes One Step Closer
5. Chile: Second Public Communiqué on the 32nd day of the Hunger Strike
6. COVID-19: Anarchy in Times of Pandemic – Gustavo Rodriguez
7. A Contribution About the “Proposal For a New Anarchist Manifesto” -Alfredo Cospito
8. A letter from Danilo, accused of setting fire to a police van in Barcelona
9. An Incomplete Chronology of Direct Actions from around Planet Earth
10. After Lockdown, Let’s Look At The Situation We’re Finding Around Us
11. Earth’s Lament – Everyday Revolution

Download, copy and distribute! DIY!


Anti-Copyright Network

received by email

Berlin,Germany : Riot on May 1th 2021


received by email:
The Central Committee of Berlin Autonomists summarizes the evening of May 1st and draws a preliminary conclusion.
The revolutionary May 1st demonstration attracted far more people than expected to Hermannplatz. In the end, over 20,000 people were counted who wanted to march together through Neukölln and Kreuzberg. After the cops initially blocked the demo to then complain about distances, they attacked the anarchist and the Interkiezionale block completely out of thin air and separated both (along with thousands of other people) from the rest of the demo. In addition, they claimed that no masks were being worn in these blocks – which, given the exemplary masking of the blocks, is really the last thing to object to. The demonstration was planned de-escalatively and was supposed to be a safe place for all people, but it could not be after the attacks of the cops. Subsequently, the situation escalated „in the short term“ as police chief Slowik accurately stated. In the process, the cops completely lost control and had to retreat in fear from Sonnenallee again and again. For several hours they did not get proper access to the neighborhood but instead experienced the strongest May riots in the last 10 years.
The strategy of the police did not work out at all, the new head of operations had hundreds of cops waiting in Kreuzberg at Hamburg bars and light poles. In addition, there were incompetent and overtaxed dog units from Baden-Würtemberg, Saxony-Anhalt and NRW. We hope that they will not forget their trip to Berlin too quickly.

Continue reading Berlin,Germany : Riot on May 1th 2021

Athens,Greece: Attack on Tax Office in Solidarity with Anarchists Sentenced in Revolutionary Self-Defense Trial in Cholargos area

As anarchists, we believe we do not need to write much about choosing the target. These are state structures that contribute to the economic bleeding of the poor, and to drive people out of their homes, or lead to suicide and depression. Similar hits have been made by other teams in the past.
On April 23, two anarchist comrades, D. Chatzivasileiadis and V. Stathopoulos, were convicted by the civil justice. The first to be illegally detained for a year and a half, he has taken responsibility for the armament, the expropriation and for the guerrilla organization: Revolutionary Self-Defense. The second is a hostage of the state for the reason that he stood in solidarity when Chatzivasileiadis asked for his help after his injury during the expropriation of the state casino. The judicial mafia charged V. Stathopoulos with 19 years of imprisonment and D. Chatzivasileiadis to 16 years where he was tried in absentia.
So we reflexively chose, decided and hit with inflammatory moods four days after the trial on April 28 as a sign of solidarity with the comrades. Our goal was the Tax Officein Cholargos, a few meters away from the house where the weapons were found and other evidence regarding the case of Revolutionary Self-Defense. We took it for granted to act immediately and do the least to give a fire to our comrades, a smile of solidarity.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Attack on Tax Office in Solidarity with Anarchists Sentenced in Revolutionary Self-Defense Trial in Cholargos area

Arson attacks on deportation infrastructure (Germany)

Braunschweig/Hanover, January 9, 2021

in the night from 08 01 21 to 09 01 21, we have carried out arson attacks on the vehicle fleet of the state deportation authority (LAB) in braunschweig and a building of the state deportation authority (LAB) in hannover-langenhagen in braunschweig we entered the premises of the LAB and placed incendiary devices under 6 transporters which are used for deportations
in hannover-langenhagen we placed a large incendiary device on the building of the LAB the LAB is involved in organizing and carrying out deportations at its various locations.

Continue reading Arson attacks on deportation infrastructure (Germany)

Italy : State of reanimation

State of reanimation
The general crisis – health, economic, institutional – continues to tighten the screw. A revolt in Naples, hospitals shut down, the renewal of work contracts for logistics and factory workers, the question of prison. We are just at the beginning. And the stink of the spectre of half-lock-down is starting to appear, which will be worse than the first.
Why half-lock-down is worse than a whole one
The press are now giving it for certain: maximum 7-10 days. It should be noted that in recent weeks all forecasts have been “reviewed” in anticipation of events. But what will the half-lockdown be? It will still be the same old mass quarantine like last spring, with the difference of continuing to go to work.
In this permanent dystopia, reality continues to surpass the most perverse imagination of science-fiction authors: not just a virus reducing humanity to house arrest, we are now facing a society where we only get out of our domestic cell in order to go to be exploited. As written in the latest issue of Vetriolo, which has just come out, «in this era of ours the energies of the exploited are being frozen in many senses so that they can be defrosted later, only in the moment of production » (see  Vetriolo, issue 5, ‘State of pandemic’). A post-consumerist capitalism, where the old produce-consume-die is no longer there, now reduced to the binary: produce-die. In this system women and men in flesh and blood are only useful if they can work.

Continue reading Italy : State of reanimation