Anarchist comrade Natascia Savio temporarily transferred to Vigevano prison (Italy, May 2021)

This morning [May 28] we learned that Natascia has been temporarily transferred to the prison of Vigevano in order to get closer to Turin, for the hearing of the Scintilla trial this morning and the next one, which will be held on June 16.
Further updates will follow.
To write to her:
Natascia Savio
C. C. di Vigevano
via Gravellona 240
27029 Vigevano (Pv)
Italia – Italy
Note: Natascia was arrested on May 21, 2019 along with two other comrades for “Prometeo” repressive operation, carried out by the ROS (“Special Operational Grouping”) of carabinieri. The main charge is “attack with the purpose of terrorism”, as they are held responsible for sending three parcel bombs that arrived in June 2017 to prosecutors Rinaudo (prosecutor in several trials against the antagonist movement and anarchists) and Sparagna (prosecutor in the Scripta Manent trial) and to Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP (“Department of Penitentiary Administration”) in Rome. Natascia and Beppe are currently in prison for the “Prometeo” operation, the trial of which is ongoing in Genoa. The comrade is also a defendant (free, but under investigation) in the trial that followed the “Scintilla” operation of February 7, 2019, on charges of “subversive association”.
[English text published by].

Berlin,Germany: Sabotaging the Tesla industrial complex at the source

via: sansnom, Translated by Act for freedom now!
Monday 17 May 2021, the famous millionaire boss of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk moved to Grünheide, a small town situated east of the German capital in the Brandebourg, to visit the site of his future luxury electric cars factory, which will be his fourth « Gigafactory » in the world (after those of the United States and China), exploiting 12 000 people. He announced its opening programmed for the end of 2021, where Tesla should produce a quota of 500 000 Model Y cars, but also battery cells, making it the biggest factory in Europe in the field.
In the night of 25 to Wednesday 26 at around 3am, his beautiful projects got a little smoke in their wings however and will be delayed. In fact, at about 250 metres from the Tesla factory site of Berlin/Grünheide – more precisely right next to the A10 motorway at the level of the Freienbrink exit – the Volcan group successfully set fire to six high voltage electric cables (110,000 volts) of the Edis company which supplied the site and were in a dedicated corridor behind a fence.

Continue reading Berlin,Germany: Sabotaging the Tesla industrial complex at the source

Athens,Greece: LETS RE-TAKE THE EMPTY HOUSES, 2 days events on 4 and 5 of June of public discussions in the squats of Zizania and Ano Kato space (Gr/En)

Είναι καιρός να επαναφέρουμε το θέμα των καταλήψεων. Καλούμε σε διήμερο συζήτησεων στις καταλήψεις Ζιζάνια και Άνω Κάτω. Θα συζητήσουμε τόσο θεωρητικά όσο και πρακτικά τους όρους με τους οποίους μπορούμε να αναζωπυρώσουμε το καταληψιακό κίνημα στην πόλη και να επιτεθούμε στην ιδιοκτησία και στο κράτος. Σας καλούμε να έρθετε και να συμμετάσχετε σε αυτές τις συζητήσεις, να μοιραστείτε εμπειρίες και να μοιραστείτε/μάθετε τεχνικές.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: LETS RE-TAKE THE EMPTY HOUSES, 2 days events on 4 and 5 of June of public discussions in the squats of Zizania and Ano Kato space (Gr/En)

Montreuil, France: Paving stone against windows, Axians out! on 18/2/21

During a little night walk I broke the windows of a van of Axians, affiliate of Vinci, in solidarity with RIgaer 94.
This act is motivated by my solidarity with Rigaer 94, combative squat in Berlin for years. Now it is being threatened by the cops and the owner, supposedly for fire-security. Continue reading Montreuil, France: Paving stone against windows, Axians out! on 18/2/21

Athens,Greece: International Solidarity to the 3 Imprisoned anarchist comrades( German/Greek)

from: athens.indymedia.
International Solidarity to the 3 Imprisoned comrades
The trial of the anarchist prisoners Konstantina Athanasopoulou, Giannis Michailidis, Dimitra Valavani begins on May 31. The comrades had been arrested after an operation of the anti-terrorist unit in the area of ​​Agia Paraskevi in ​​a stolen vehicle in which a weapon was found. Giannis took full responsibility for this. From the first moment of their arrest, a campaign was launched to discredit and criminalize by the media.
Meanwhile numerous accusations were added to their trial in order to frame the comrade as a “criminal organization” with the implication of a more severe sentence. In the trial that starts on May 31, the essence is that the state will try to condemn the struggle choices of our comrades in order to show through their exemplary punishment the futility of the struggle. Risky and costly choices, such as escape from prison, the choice of means, practical solidarity with the persecuted were, are and will remain an integral part of the history of the anarchist struggle.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: International Solidarity to the 3 Imprisoned anarchist comrades( German/Greek)

Athens, Greece : 31.5.21 Update of the trial for anarchist K. Athanasopoulou , D. Valavani and G. Michailidis

The trial for the 3 anarchist comrades was postponed for Thursday 10/6/ 2021
A solidarity call again 10/6 at 9:00 at the Court of Appeal in Loukareos in Athens .
Freedom to the anarchist comrades Dimitra Valavani, Giannis Michailidis, and Kostantina  Athanasopoulou.
None alone in the hands of the state.
Solidarity is our weapon!
Act for freedom now!

(UK) National Demonstration: Saturday 5th June 2021, 2pm at HMP prison Full Sutton, Moor Lane, York

What: National Demonstration
When: Saturday 5th June 2021, 2pm
Where: HMP Full Sutton, Moor Lane, York, YO41 1PS
What to bring: PPE, food and drink
Transport: The prison has NO public transport links available, for prisoner families taxis can cost £25 each way from York City Centre.
CAPE is therefore organising transport from across the UK, as well as collections from York Train Station.

Continue reading (UK) National Demonstration: Saturday 5th June 2021, 2pm at HMP prison Full Sutton, Moor Lane, York

The book in italian language “La guerra di classe in Spagna: 1973. Gangsters o rivoluzionari?” has been published (Italy)

“Written paper represents a fundamental element, both for revolutionary movements and for individualities determined to act. Historical experiences of struggle and armed agitation have always equipped themselves with pamphlets, libraries, mimeographs and whatever else was necessary to produce autonomously the material to be diffused. The times? Long. The places? Often cramped. People? Reliable, before being specialized or computerized militants. It is in the structuring of these physicalities that the threads of the actions are recomposed, that the enemy is identified, that it is possible to better establish where to strike him, anticipating and unmasking his next moves” (from the introductory note).
“Revolutionaries or gangsters? A title that says it all. Formulated at the time in a critical manner towards those European ‘revolutionaries’ who, in the years preceding Puig Antich’s death, had done their best to obfuscate the innovative energy that the MIL–GAC (Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación – Grupos Autonomos de Combate) was bringing to the post-1968 European revolutionary panorama.

Continue reading The book in italian language “La guerra di classe in Spagna: 1973. Gangsters o rivoluzionari?” has been published (Italy)

en/de/ anarchist publication RUMOER #4

Anarchist publication RUMOER #4 is out! Check it on:
BOOOOOOOM!!! RUMOER number four on your screen (or preferably, on paper). Loaded edition with thoughts and reflections. About the curfew riots in the Netherlands, corona-stress of anti-authoritarian people but also on accountability-processes. Also there is lots of news from very far and  pretty nearby…
Like the last issues, this RUMOER will be spread on the streets, in
spots that are not 100% hygienic. You may also find it in your better bookstore or (anti)social-center. If you cant find it there you can also just print it, or send us an email with your order. You could order a couple more, so your friends and family profit from it as well. Quite nice is that you can send us some money, if you have any, otherwise we will just send you one for free. Send your request to RUMOER at RISEUP dot NET. Continue reading en/de/ anarchist publication RUMOER #4


May14th in the morning the sentence was being pronounced in the court of Bolzano against 63 comrades accused of devastation and looting following a demo against borders that took place in Brenner on May 7th 2016, for whom prosecutors were asking for over 300 years’ prison. Meanwhile, a group of comrades went to Bologna station to the platform where an OBB train to Munich was about to leave and pass through the border where an anti-immigrant barrier was to have been erected in 2016 by the Italian and Austrian states. For months anyone on those trains who didn’t have a white face was subjected to police control.
Today a banner was unfurled on the platform along with a spoken intervention as leaflets were handed out to the passengers to remind them and everybody else that borders continue to kill and that those who are against them or try to cross them are harshly repressed.
Here is the leaflet distributed during the initiative:

Continue reading Bologna, Italy – AGAINST ALL BORDERS AND THEIR VIOLENCE!