Received anonymously via email:
“We had never seen an intensive bird farm as disgusting as this. Birds shitting on each other whilst standing on wire mesh, a suffocating smell that we will not forget and cages so small the birds could barely stand.
The door proved to be easier than we thought. The lock took some convincing but our trusty bolt cutters were enough to access the shed. Once inside, we took 85 quails to safety.


June 11, 2021 update from Jennifer Rose (usa)

I have a lot on my plate. Like Marius, I’m also a student paralegal – recently enrolled in Blackstone Paralegal Studies Program. I’ve also applied for summer courses at Coastline College.
On top of that I’m always pursuing various writing projects, and have recently been granted a writer’s mentorship after being accepted into the Writer’s Cohort of Empowerment Avenue & Prison Renaissance Project, started by Rahsaan Thomas at San Quentin. All this, in addition to my prison job assignments on the Recycle Crew, ISUDT Intensive, and Inmate Advisory Council (I.A.C.) Transgender Rep.
I’m always busy answering a stack of mail, reading books/zines, and pursuing my legal campaign for Executive Clemency/commutation of sentence, and to challenge the unfair parole denial and housing discrimination. I recently hired the National Clemency Project to help prepare my commutation application packet. I need support letters! Continue reading June 11, 2021 update from Jennifer Rose (usa)

Bristol UK : Squat Repression

This is a statement from some squatters in Bristol, who had 4 squats, including 40a Space, Salvation Army mutual aid/social centres and Wonky Arrow Books, a radical library.

In the past days, we’ve had our buildings forcibly closed with anti-social behaviour orders, and we’ve been raided by hundreds of riot police. We’ve been beaten, pepper-sprayed, arrested, and sectioned.
This is an escalation– it hasn’t been like this in the UK in years. Not that this is new. No, we see this as part of a long and brutal history of the repression of marginalised communities, and anyone who shows resistance or alternatives.

Continue reading Bristol UK : Squat Repression

Chile:Two Comrades Arrested for Explosive Attack on Police Station in Talca

On May 26, 2021, a large operation occured in the San Clemente sector, Maule region, where repressive forces manage to arrest two comrades accused of sending an explosive device to a Talca police station in November 2020.
At the end of 2020 “entities without face, nothing and nobody that you know” claimed the explosive attack on the police station that ended with two policemen with acoustic trauma. Since then, the Southern Prosecutor’s Office, self-continuing expert in research of this type of actions, together with OS-9 personnel developed the investigation. Continue reading Chile:Two Comrades Arrested for Explosive Attack on Police Station in Talca

Colombia: A Month of Incendiary Revolt

In Colombia, the revolt that has taken over the streets since April 28, now more than a month old, shows no signs of stopping. Conservative President Iván Duque, whose term ends in 2022, has tried a number of classic manoeuvres to appease the rioters, but nothing has been done: neither the suspension of the tax reform that had been the initial spark (including, for example, an increase in VAT from 5% to 19% on basic goods), on May 2; nor the resignation of the Minister of Finance who had carried it, on May 3; nor the opening of negotiations with the National Strike Committee on May 10 (followed by a pre-agreement on May 24 that is currently being validated); nor the rejection by Congress of the bill on the reform of the health system, which was modelled on the liberal North American model (this rejection was requested by many demonstrators), on 19 May; nor a few crumbs dropped on particular categories, such as the extension of free university education to the poorest for one semester, which did not help the government. a semester, which did not calm the students; nor, of course, the police terror against the protesters.
In a Colombian context marked by poverty and the informal economy, the government’s blackmail of confinements and curfews against the spread of covid-19 has not worked for a long time to prevent protesters from gathering en masse either, so much so that the government even officially lifted many restrictions on May 19, which were not respected anyway (the curfew being maintained, however, with an anti-riot objective in Medellin and Bogotá, and all weekend in Santa Marta and Cartagena). For the past month, street blockades and roadblocks have been scattered throughout the country, with demonstrations and gatherings that are more peaceful during the day (nearly 10,400 in one month), often followed by riots, looting and looting at night.

Continue reading Colombia: A Month of Incendiary Revolt

About the mafia-style attack on anarchist comrade Giannis Dimitrakis in Domokos prisons (Greece)

On 24 May 2021, anarchist fighter G. Dimitrakis was murderously attacked with multiple blows to the head by a group of prisoners in Domokos prisons where he is currently being held. Following the attack, Giannis was transferred to the hospital of Lamia in a critical condition. Eight days on, although our comrade has escaped the danger to his life, the damage done is still very serious. Giannis’s strength and mental vigor make us optimistic that he will also come out of this battle victorious.
The cause of the attack on Giannis was his refusal to accept and subordinate himself to the authoritarian and brutal laws that the prison mafia are trying to impose on the prisoners in full consensus with the prison services. The cause of the attack is that he has steadfastly defended his ethical, value ​​and political substance as anarchist, as an insurgent, as a social struggler. The cause of the attack was his refusal to kowtow to those who want to humiliate and violate the weaker prisoners to affirm their prestige in their sick “code of conduct”. It is his refusal to subject himself to the unfavourable correlations and mentalities that prevail nowadays in prisons and overall in social and class antagonism. So his refusal to accept prison as a life condition is ultimately his refusal to submit to the State and its mechanisms.
Strength to the anarchist fighter Giannis Dimitrakis
Giannis stay strong, until freedom!
comrades from act for freedom now!


Urgent updated information 3 and 5 of june – Comrade Giannis Dimitrakis is in solitary confinement in Domokou prison, an isolation that in the situation of the comrade is obvious torture. Giannis survived the danger that his life was in the first hours, but the blows he received caused multiple haematomas in the head, affecting the basic functioning of his brain.
Wednesday, June 9 at Exarcheia Square at 7pm: Gathering – Microphone of solidarity with the Anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis (followed by a march in the neighborhood of Exarcheia)

Attacks in solidarity with anarchist comrade Vaggelis Stathopoulos (Athens,Greece)

“By convicting me, they are convicting and sentencing solidarity in a court that just processed the prefabricated case file of the counter-terrorism service. Refusing all the accusations made against me I remain a political prisoner in the modern prison hellholes … “
Vaggelis Stathopoulos

In a political trial with fake data from the counter-terrorist service, comrade B. Stathopoulos was sentenced to 19 years’ imprisonment without suspension. This tactic is used repeatedly by the prosecuting authorities to bend those who fight against the State and authority.

As anarchists, we consider it unthinkable that a comrade’s sentence of 19 years’ prison for the consistency and solidarity he has shown, pass in funereal silence by the anarchist movement almost in its entirety. This seems to be the consequence of the movement’s wider sense of defeat and lethargy at the present time. We for our part chose to break the silence and send a signal of solidarity to the imprisoned comrade V. Stathopoulos.

For this reason, on Friday night 11/5/21 we attacked the following:
1 post office at Piraeus
1 post office at N. Faliro
and a social services office at Moschato

To break inertia, to create direct action groups and hit the State mechanisms and their dogs until the noise from the attacks is heard inside the last cell of their  rotten system.

Direct Action Groups


via: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1612503/

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Bad News for the state and the capital from different places in the world Episode 45 (05/2021)

Welcome to the 45th episode of our monthly podcast, this time put together in Berlin. Every month we try to bring you the Bad News for the state and the capital from different places in the world. We broadcast this to show that our hearts and our thoughts are with all our friends who are in a constant fight with oppression but still are trying to organize their communities in solidarity.
1. Frequenz A: On the current uprising in Colombia
2. The Final Straw: Interview with Palestinian Filmmaker and activist Yousef Natsha
3. A Radio Vienna: Callout for international solidarity on June 11th
4. Crna Luknja: Interview from sister radio collective show Kilavo Seme
5. A-Radio Berlin: Remembering Josef Selnik,a romnja antifascist also known as Black Partisan, from Czech Republic
6. Frequenz A: On a repression case in Russia
Length: 1:20 h
And the music in this episode comes from Alice Dee and Mother Tareka
You can directly download it from archive.org

June 11, 2021 statement from John Paul Wootton

I suppose my story is far from usual. It begins as a teenager, not yet 18 years old and angry at socio-economic conditions within his community.
Growing up in working-class Irish Republican areas, it was inevitable that I would be intensely exposed to that ideology and its propaganda. It claimed that all the ills in Irish society could be blamed on British state interference and that only an independent socialist state could offer a solution. The history, the romance, and the already strong presence in the community were hard to resist. I had found my answer.
Being young and inexperienced, my involvement was quite peripheral. It amount to not much more than attending street protests and distributing propaganda. However minor my role, the state took a dim view. I had dared to challenge its status quo; I was now a legitimate target.

Continue reading June 11, 2021 statement from John Paul Wootton