France: Anti-shoplifting biometrics arrive in supermarkets

Extract from Mainstream Media
Biometric video surveillance in our supermarkets
In order to detect theft, Carrefour, Monoprix, Super U and Franprix [and Intermarché] are experimenting with biometric analysis software to monitor our every move in their stores.
The health crisis had already unleashed the desire of private companies for biometric surveillance: thermal cameras at company entrances, detection of physical distances in offices, tracking of eye movements for remote university exams… Several French companies are now proposing to automatically detect thefts in stores “in real time” thanks to biometric analysis software directly connected to the cameras already present in the stores [behavior detection software that then sends an immediate alert to the security guard’s smartphone with a copy of the images].
While the idea of automatically detecting theft in stores has already been tested in Japan, several French companies have not hesitated to develop their own software:

Continue reading France: Anti-shoplifting biometrics arrive in supermarkets

Liguria, Italy – Camping against the titanium mine on Mount Beigua

via: Inferno Urbano

6th-7th-8th August 2021
The threat of a devastating titanium mine in the Piampaludo – Bric area in Tarin keeps advancing. Far from appeals and the chambers of the regional administrative tribunal, we decided to invite everybody to a self-organized camping to get to know one another, to know the territory and start sharing spaces without any kind of authority in the Mount Beigua area in Liguria.
per contatti:
Updates and more information will follow shortly.
Translated by act for freedom now!

A text by Divine on his deportation from Italy (June 2020)

A text by Divine on his deportation from Italy
Greetings to everyone.
On the morning of July 15, 2019 I found the cops at home who asked me to follow them to sign a notification.
When I arrived at the police station, I found out that the notification was about my deportation for the following day, so they took me to Malpensa airport and kept me there.
Of course, the same day of the detention there was a medieval-style trial, with everything already decided at the beginning.
The next day, at Malpensa, I was told by a cop that the deportation had been blocked by the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights), so instead of just releasing me, not satisfied with the outcome of the European court, they decided to lock me up in the CPR [Centro di Permanenza per il Rimpatrio, “Centre of Permanence for Repatriation”, detention centres for migrants in Italy] of Bari.
Continue reading A text by Divine on his deportation from Italy (June 2020)

Spain: Statement by comrades arrested on 27 February 2021 ( IT/CAST/CAT/EN/GR)

We are the imprisoned after the manifestation of the 27th of February in Barcelona, who considered necessary, having received so many gestures of solidarity and that much of support ,to release this collective statement.
We are 7 individuals with different personal and political experiences , which, however, sometimes coincide. What we share for sure, is the way we see the world and the relations we aspire to between individuals.
We love freedom,we believe in equality and sharing,we hate power,and we oppose to the exploitation of a person by another.

Continue reading Spain: Statement by comrades arrested on 27 February 2021 ( IT/CAST/CAT/EN/GR)

Genoa, Italy – Itinerant gathering against Special Surveillance

via: Inferno Urbano Translated by act for freedom now
From the struggles against the devastation and plundering of the earth to the struggles against borders that divide people and split up the world, from the antimilitarist struggle against the massacres of war and arms trafficking to the struggle of those who fight against work exploitation… The enemy is always the same: power, neo-liberal domination, the capitalist system that grabs everything for the privileges of the few to the detriment of the many.
For power those who rebel become dangerous individuals to be monitored. Repression transforms affinity between people into terrorist cells and subversive associations. Our response to these attacks is self-organization and carrying on the struggle in spite of the repression.

Italy – Updates on” Operation Bialystok”

via: roundrobin.infoTranslated by act for freedom now!
Concerning Claudio’s detention situation, about two months ago he was transferred from the AS3 unit to the “commons” unit in the prison of Syracuse. The reasons for his transfer have yet to be clarified, but it seems it is a “ministerial” order, i.e. by DAP [Department of Prison Administration] (actually the body that decides over placements in detention). Moreover it was declared that custodial measures for 280bis were not valid, but he remains in prison for ‘carrying and fabricating weapons and explosives with purposes of terrorism’.
We recall that the first grade trial for ”Operation Bialystok” started on 25th February 2021 with statements from the witness for the prosecution Luigi Imperatore, a ROS colonel. On 12th May Imperatore was still the protagonist, carrying on his historical ramblings regarding the anarchist galaxy and actually giving prominence to the usual written “evidence” for lack of concrete facts.
The next hearings will be on 8th and 30th June, when experts for the defence will be heard (concerning accusations against Claudio), who will present their consultation based on the reports produced by the prosecutor. After the summer break hearings will continue on 7th, 9th September and 6th October. From 30/06 hearings will be held in the bunker courtroom of Rebibbia.
This is the address to write to Claudio:
Claudio Zaccone
C.C. Siracusa
Strada dei Monasteri 20
96014 Floridia

Prison of Nancy-Maxeville, France: Why I burned the two antennas of Mont Poupet

Hi, I’m Boris. I’ve been incarcerated in the Nancy Maxéville prison for 9 months now for the burning of two cell towers in the Jura in April 2020.
If I decide only now to write a few public words about my case, it is mainly because the State has just judged me and it seems vital to me to put down on paper my impressions and my rage against this techno-totalitarianism which have not faded at all since I have been locked up. On the contrary.
While the States were agreeing to muzzle the population by summoning it to stay quietly at home under the pretext of curbing the covid-19 pandemic, waves of sabotages broke out in France and in Europe (Netherlands, England, Italy,. From East to West, from South to North of France, pylons have been knocked down, their cables cut and most of them burned by dozens, interrupting telecommunications, the geolocation of cell phones and the spying of those in the target of the repression organs.
Continue reading Prison of Nancy-Maxeville, France: Why I burned the two antennas of Mont Poupet

Athens,Greece: Comrade Marios Seisidis is on trial in the courts of Loukareos in Athens on 25/6 at 9am

On Friday 25/6/21, at 9am in the courts of Loukareos Street on the 6th floor, the trial of anarchist comrade Marios Seisidis continues in the second instance for the case of the armed robbery of the National Bank on Solonos Street in 2006.
During the escape of the perpetrators, the state dogs did not hesitate to shoot into the people, resulting in the wounding and arrest of the anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis. Marios and Simos Seisidis and Grigoris Tsironis were subsequently declared wanted and € 600,000 proclaimed for them. After almost a decade on the run, the 3 wanted comrades were arrested in different places at different times. Simos lost his leg from a police bullet in Tavros area in Athens, Grigoris in Volos in an attack by EKAM special force of cops unite (during which Spyros Darvilas decided to committed suicide to be free) and Marios in Peloponnese together with Costas Sakkas.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Comrade Marios Seisidis is on trial in the courts of Loukareos in Athens on 25/6 at 9am

A text by anarchist Natascia Savio on hunger strike (Italy)

S. M. C. V., June 17, 2021
E MENO MALE CHE IN CAMPANIA SE MAGN’ BBUONO! [And it’s a good thing we eat well in Campania!] –
Hi there!
A quick update.
Without wasting a minute, the night after the last “Scintilla” preliminary hearing [June 16], they put me back on a plane to send me back to this shitty place, S. Maria Capua Vetere. I knew that the transfer to the north was only a temporary support, but I sincerely thought that I would have some more time, just as I naively hoped that they would at least read the various petitions submitted, by me and my lawyer, for reassignment to another prison.Since the day I was transferred here, three months ago, I have not been able to communicate decently with my lawyer: interviews have been reopened, so no video calls or phone calls at the request of the lawyer, phone calls are only one per month lasting 10 minutes, even for defendants and even for those who are 1,000 kilometres away from the trial site or from home.

If he is in the mood, the director of the prison can grant a second extraordinary one during the same month, but obviously, as this is a concession, he is under no obligation to do so, and in any case it is out of the question to exceed two monthly. So 20 minutes per month, in a small stuffy room, and at the appointed time and day, hoping that your lawyer will be in the office that day.

Continue reading A text by anarchist Natascia Savio on hunger strike (Italy)


via: Translated by Act for freedom now!
June 22, 2021
In the last days of the first week of June, the Gendarmería de Chile (Genchi) carried out a massive transfer of prisoners from the Cárcel de Alta seguridad (CAS) to the prison of Rancagua, capital of the O’Higgins region, 87 kilometres south of Santiago.
The prisoners include the Anarchists and Subversives: Juan Aliste Vega, Marcelo Villarroel, Mauricio Hernández Norambuena, Juan Flores, Joaquín García and Francisco Solar.
The transfer of these prisoners was motivated by modifications in the infrastructure of the CAS, which will last approximately one year. Once the works are finished, the prisoners will be returned to the prison according to the information provided by GENCHI, meanwhile my comrades will be away from their affective and political environment. In this way, not only is the prisoner being punished, but also their friends, comrades and family members.
It is also important to emphasize that in the territory dominated by the Chilean State, free transit between regions is not allowed due to measures for the prevention of the spreading of Covid 19.