Since 24/05, our friend and comrade, anarchist political prisoner Giannis Dimitrakis is being hospitalized at Lamia with heavy injuries from the murderous attack against him at Domokos prison. At the very moment, it appears that Giannis has overcomed the danger of the first hours. The injuries that he sustained however, have caused multiple hematomas in the head that influence basic functions of his brain.
On the murderous attack against anarchist comrade Giannis Dimitrakis
Since 24/05, our friend and comrade, anarchist political prisoner Giannis Dimitrakis is being hospitalized at Lamia with heavy injuries from the murderous attack against him at Domokos prison. At the very moment, it appears that Giannis has overcomed the danger of the first hours. The injuries that he sustained however, have caused multiple hematomas in the head that influence basic functions of his brain. On Sunday 30/05, many of us gathered outside of the hospital of Lamia. We shouted slogans just a few meters away from his bedroom window to express our solidarity, even though Giannis could not hear us. Since then, his state seems to be improving. For his health to be fully restored, however, continuiing monitoring from specialized medical personell is required for several months. It is obvious that such care cannot be given in the prison environment.
“on 12th June we headed to Stutton shooting estate in Suffolk
we picked this date because it coincides with the birthday of our comrade Annna Campbell, who was killed by the fascist Turkish state while fighting for liberation in Rojava
Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been transferred from the Alta Sicurezza 2 (“High Security 2”) section of Ferrara prison to that of Terni. Below the new address:
Alfredo Cospito
C. C. di Terni
strada delle Campore 32
05100 Terni
Italia – Italy
The comrade has been in prison since September 14, 2012, following the repressive operation that led to his arrest and that of another comrade, both accused of having shot and wounded Roberto Adinolfi, the CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, on May 7 of that year in Genoa. The action, claimed by the Nucleo Olga of Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale (“Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front”), was then claimed individually by the two comrades also during the first degree trial held in Genoa. The comrade had been imprisoned in Ferrara’s AS2 since 2013.
Final news of the terror court trial on 29th of June, and sentence against our 3 anarchist comrades Kostantina Ahanasopoulou, Giannis Mixailidis and Dimitra Valavani
Giannis Michailidis 26 years ( 20 ‘merged’)
Kostantina Athanasopoulou 2 and a half years
Dimitra Valavani 2 and a half years
Dimitra Valavani is free! from 30th of July 2021 she walked out to the streets as she had already been in prison from January 31.01.2020
Konstantina Athanasopoulou had been on the run since she was released on bail for activities related to the Revolutionary Struggle organization. She was sentenced in absentia in 2019 to 35 years and 6 months. Kostantina is still in prison and the appeal court trial of the Revolutionary Struggle organization continues this month, July 2021 also the 2 members of the Revolutionary struggle Roupa Panagiota (Pola) and nikos Maziotis, and one person charalampidis x.
Once again I face a tribunal that I do not accept to judge my decisions and my actions. I have already stated my position on the State, capital, the established order of inequality and the widespread enslavement and exploitation of people and nature, the gradual transformation of the planet into an immense prison for every living thing. I have opposed the laws that sustain the murderous State order, both in word and deed. I have tried to be consistent in my position vis-à-vis law and order every time I have been dragged into the dock by the organs of its enforcement, not participating in the hypocritical process of every trial that always pretends to validate the State’s control over life and liberty.
I have paid the price of my choices by spending almost 8 years of my life inside penitentiary institutions, which are the centre of the social panopticon, the fear to discipline society and the tool for the reproduction of crime in terms of integration into the dark capitalist economy. Where in the name of the Law the walls suffer a generalized injustice. There in the grey zone of the law where the bones and souls of people are smashed to be thrown away morally and economically broken with no choice but to feed the prison monster with their despair. Providing the perfect alibi for the supposed necessity of the law and the building of the State of society. Of course, the outrages, which, if revealed, are labeled isolated incidents, are actually structural elements of the system and take place under the control or supervision of various officials and servants of the State, the «corrupt» and those who passively tolerate them so as not to jeopardize their positions or careers.
Natascia, an anarchist prisoner, went on hunger strike on June 16 to oppose her transfer to the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison.
She has been transferred several times since her arrest in May 2019, in addition to having her correspondence censored and various other forms of internal pressure. It is evident the will of judges and jailers to distance and isolate her from the solidarity of those who support her from outside and to undermine her determination.
This last transfer takes on an even more indicative value since it occurred in the proximity of the beginning of the trial for Operation Prometheus that has Natascia together with 2 other comrades, accused of having sent explosive packages to the then director of the DAP and to the two public prosecutors Sparagna and Rinaudo.
Compañerxs, amigxs y familiares:
Nuevamente les escribo desde una celda. Me encuentro recluida en la cárcel de San Miguel, durante 14 días permaneceré aislada por protocolo de prevención de contagio al COVID-19, posteriormente me clasificarán y me llevarán a un módulo definitivo.
Ya son casi 10 años desde la primera vez que pisé la cárcel como
imputada. Durante estos años mi vida de alguna u otra manera, siempre ha estado ligada a las prisiones, si bien los sistemas de control pueden cambiar, pero su estructura esencialmente no, se sigue buscando el castigo y el arrepentimiento.
Parole di Natascia in solidarietà con la mobilitazione e lo sciopero della fame dei prigionieri anarchici cileni
Scrivo queste parole nel mio decimo giorno di sciopero della fame, in solidarietà ai compagni cileni nuovamente in sciopero della fame: non siete soli.
Un abbraccio fraterno a ogni compagno rinchiuso.
Per una solidarietà attiva e rivoluzionaria ovunque.
Natascia, prigioniera anarchica
26 giugno 2021
Words of Anarchist Natascia Savio in Solidarity with the Mobilization and Hunger Strike of the Chilean Imprisoned Anarchists (Italy)
I write these words during my tenth day of hunger strike, in solidarity with the Chilean comrades once again on hunger strike: you are not alone.
A fraternal embrace to every imprisoned comrade.
For an active and revolutionary solidarity everywhere.
Comunicado solidario de la compañera anarquista Natascia Savio (Italia)
Escribo estas palabras en mi décimo día de huelga de hambre, en solidaridad con los compañeros chilenos nuevamente en huelga de hambre: no están solos.
Un abrazo fraterno a cada compañero encerrado.
Por una solidaridad activa y revolucionaria en todas partes.
Natascia, prisionera anarquista
26 de junio de 2021
Veranstaltungen Anfang Juli 2021 – Events in beginning of July 2021
Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento
Surplus oder Konsumterror
Dokumentarfilm, ca. 50 Minuten, Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln
Samstag 3. Juli, 21:00 Uhr
Eine primitivistische Collage welche auf provokante Weise die Leere, den Wahn und auch die ihr zugrundeliegende Ausbeutung der Warenzivilisation aufzeigt; – ebenso wie die der falschen Alternativen des Staatssozialismus, welche der gleichen Lächerlichkeit preisgegeben wird. Ein Zeitzeugnis der frühen 2000er Jahre, welches die Notwendigkeit der Zerstörung dieser Scheisse aufzeigt und als Dokument des radikalen Flügels der Antiglobalisierungsbewegung immer wieder sehenswert ist… Yeaah!
Surplus. Terrorized Into Being Consumers
Documentary, around 50 minutes, english with german subs
Saturday 3rd July, 9p.m.
A primitivist Collage that shows in a provocing way the emptiness, the insanity and also the exploitation underlying the commodity civilisation… as well as that of the false alternatives of state socialism, which are held up for ridicule. A testimony of the early 2000’s that shows the necessity of destroying all that shit and is as a document of the radical wing of the antiglobalization movement allways worth a view… Yeaah!
Abschaffung der Polizei?
Mittwoch, 7. Juli, 19:00 Uhr
Wir wollen über das gegenwärtig immer breiter diskutierte Thema der Abschaffung der Polizei diskutieren und dabei auch den Punkt ausleuchten, ob und inwiefern Abschaffung und Zerstörung vielleicht sogar ein Gegensatz sind…?
Police abolition?
Wednesday, 7th July, 7p.m.
We want to discuss about the presently ever wider discussed topic of Police Abolition and thereby focus on the point if and inhowfar abolition and destruction are maybe even opposites…?
Falsche Kritiker von links und rechts
Samstag, 10. Juli, 20:00 Uhr
Wir wollen an diesem Abend in Augenschein nehmen, wie linke und rechte Akteure sich in der derzeitigen Situation aufstellen und inwiefern durch diese falschen Gegensätze gerade dem der Boden genommen wird, was sich jenseits dieses politischen Geschwafels und Demonstrierens abspielen könnte. Denn weder die Wiedereinführung der alten, noch die gerechte Verwaltung der neuen Normalität kann jene befriedigen, die wirkliche Freiheit wollen.
False critics from left and right
Saturday, 10th July, 8p.m.
On this evening we want to have a look at how leftwing and rightwing agents position themselves in the current situation and inhowfar through this false opposites the ground is taken away for something that could play out beyond this political brabbling and protesting. Because neither the reintroduction of the old, nor the just management of the new normality can satisfy those that want genuine freedom
Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est
en format A5, et celui-ci fait 16 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque
nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le blog :
“Mais ce qui frappe aussi, est que les formes infinies
d’auto-organisation qui auraient pu surgir des singularités
individuelles pour faire face au virus et continuer d’agir malgré lui,
aient été d’emblée comme paralysées par des sables mouvants de
recommandations contradictoires et de chiffres assommants : taux de mortalité et de létalité, taux de positivité, taux d’incidence, taux de passage aux urgences et d’occupation en réanimation, taux d’anticorpspersistants, taux de réinfection… et ainsi de suite. Cela met à nouveau en évidence qu’en se plaçant sur le terrain de la politique des grands nombres plutôt qu’en partant de soi –avec ses doutes comme avec ses désirs enflammés–, la réflexion finit généralement par s’embourber dans une logique gestionnaire, où le calcul productif prend vite la place de la vie et de ses excès dispersifs.
Pour briser le schéma même qui préside à toute réduction statistique de la complexité humaine, faire exister de l’unicité au-delà des moyennes et recréer de la diversité en défaisant les agrégats de données, il n’y a pas trente-six solutions.
C’est le terrain même où chaque individu est sommé de
s’incliner face à un intérêt supérieur collectif qu’il s’agit de
refuser. C’est son propre rapport sensible à la vie, à la mort, à la
maladie, aux risques à prendre, à l’entr’aide, aux étoiles à cueillir,
qu’il s’agit de défendre face à l’exigence sociale de les sacrifier sur
l’autel de la quantité. Que cette dernière se nomme patrie, économie, bien commun… ou même immunité collective.