Creil (Oise) : Suez, the water tower and cameras

Creil: fire “probably” criminal of a building belonging to Suez
AFP, 8 July 2021 (extract)
A fire “probably” deliberately destroyed a building belonging to the Suez group in Creil (Oise) on the night of Wednesday 7 to Thursday 8 July, according to the public prosecutor’s office, a source close to the investigation establishing a link with the recent installation of video surveillance. According to the police, the fire broke out at around 00:30 in an administrative building of Suez Eau France.
“It almost completely destroyed one of the buildings dedicated to water activities, (…) which houses activities related to customer service, computer servers and archives,” without causing any injuries, a Suez spokeswoman told AFP. “An investigation is underway and in view of the testimonies, it is more than likely that the fire was deliberate,” Jean-Baptiste Bladier, the Senlis public prosecutor, told the AFP news agency. “We are not ruling out a link with the firing of fireworks during the day at a newly installed surveillance camera,” he added. According to a source close to the investigation, “video surveillance cameras had just been installed at a water tower…”.

Continue reading Creil (Oise) : Suez, the water tower and cameras

Action in Caen , Down with their elections, long live self-determination! (France)

via: attaque.
Action in Caen
17 June 2021
During the night, we vandalized the Socialist Party office (rue Paul Toutain) in Caen. We tagged their facade and embellished it with some rotten eggs (but less rotten than these politicians).
The choice could have been made just as well on the premises of the National Front, the Republicans, the LREM, or La France Insoumise, on any party that participates in this biased political game and in the progression of conservative, republican and reactionary ideas.
Down with their elections, long live self-determination!
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Nancy/Bar-le-Duc/Meuse, France: On the night of the…   

Indymedia Nantes / Monday 14 June 2021
direct action against Cigeo
At the beginning of June, the trial for criminal association against 7 people was held in Bar le Duc. A trial against opponents of the nuclear waste burial project in Bure, Meuse. For the State, the stakes are clear: to try to crush at all costs any resistance to the Bure nuclear waste project, one of the missing links in the French and European nuclear chain.
Sold as a clean energy, nuclear power is in fact the opposite. From uranium mining to waste burial, everything is a social and ecological disaster. Just like what the digitalized society promises us. This will require us to produce more and more electrical energy, a growing demand for the future that will have to be met by nuclear power. The geopolitical stakes of digital technology are reminiscent of those that were raised for nuclear power, regardless of the massive refusal they encounter, the damage or the risks, the State has launched its absurd race.

Continue reading Nancy/Bar-le-Duc/Meuse, France: On the night of the…   

ES: Publicación REBELIÓN N 17

El tiempo pasa y la autoridad permanece, de ahí mismo, surge otro virus en la tierra. Contra ésto, una nueva rebelión es inminente.
Compartir un nuevo momento entre compañerxs a la distancia, es un placer. Pasar de la última edición en la que el mundo entero ardía en protestas y la elite temblaba, al nuevo genocidio de un virus mortal, junto con él de los gobiernos, el capitalismo y el sistema carcelario que siguen intactos. Representa el claro ejemplo, que la autoridad avanza a pasos agigantados.
Mediante su abance, millones de pobres más, millones de ricxs más ricxs y en el medio, millones de muertxs con cada pisada. Para no parecer menos, la policía hizo lo suyo también, matando a Facundo Castro, a cientos más en nombre de la ley y luego victimizandoce (huelga show) por un salario digno. Matando a Ursula Bahillo para luego abogar hipócritamente contra los femicidios de sus propios compañeros y los de ésta sociedad patriarcal-policial. Emilia fue asesinada de un balazo en la frente, por otro sicario del poder. Tehuel sigue sin aparecer y la Iglesia y su moral siguen demostrando lo genocidias que siempre fueron, con el grito de mil niñxs aborígenes torturadxs y enterradxs en fosas common bajo sus templos. Mientras tanto, se idiotiza toda una la sociedad entera undida en deudas y enfermedad con el circo sin pan, con
el patriotismo-popular de otra copa América. Demostrando nuevamente que toda la religión, Capital y Estado son misántropos desde sus orígenes.
Y como buenos justicierxs de burgueses, reprimieron en desalojos de tierras y casas, en protestas, defendiendo el capital a capa y espada, torturando, matando o encarcelando a todxs lxs que atenten contra lo establecido. Sicarios de lxs que generan miserias. Esclavos miserables, que protegen a sus amos y sus intereses …


Today, 5/7 at around 6:00am a surveyors workgroup and a contractor showed up at the square for setting out the works concerning the construction of a metro station in the square.
Immediately people from the neighbourhood and in solidarity arrived at the square making it clear that the people won’t allow the construction of a metro station in Exarchia, forcing them to leave.
They also made it clear that, as has happened until now, the next time they show up in the neighbourhood the people will be there to prevent any work.
Individuals from the Exarchia neighbourhood and in solidarity

A small attack against Airbnb in Exarchia
Some days before we did an action against an apartment that is being rented through the Airbnb platform in Manis street, Exarchia.
We wrote slogans, painted the key box, we threw leaflets with written on them in English “Housing is not a luxury, stop the evictions and gentrification” and “Immigrants welcome, tourists go to your own homes”. Then we threw paint on the balcony. The Delta cops passed by the point a few minutes before the action and a few minutes after we had finished without understanding anything.
Photos and short video attached


Translated by Act for freedom now!

via: athens.indymedia


I am already serving 8.5 years in prison for the activities of the organization Lucha Revolucionaria. I have been sentenced for all the attacks of the organization to 137 years in total, of which the new CP stipulates that in 20 years are suspended. According to the «penitentiary» code, even with the latest modifications made by the government last November, when it increased the limits for granting leave to convicts with 10 years or more of sentence – from 1/5 of the sentence as it was before, to 3/10 – I am entitled to be granted a short leave, since instead of the 6 years required for someone with 20 years of sentence, I have served 8.5 years. I should also point out that I have served most of my sentence to the limit of being eligible for parole at 3/5th of it, as stipulated by law for decades. In fact, as I have been informed by the secretariat of the Domokos C.C. where I am detained, in the first months of 2022 I will serve 3/5 of my sentence. That is to say, the 12 years gross of the 20 years of imprisonment which will then include more than 9 years of my stay in prison plus 3 years of working days of beneficial computation in the serving of my sentence.

The granting of short furlough days to prisoners, which has been legislated following prisoner struggles, is essentially a transitional stage in the preparation of prisoners from confinement to release with restrictive conditions due to the suspension of serving the remaining 2/5ths of the sentence. Continue reading GREECE: TEXT BY NIKOS MAZIOTIS, MEMBER OF REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE, ON THE DENIAL OF EXIT PERMIT.

Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle), France: a prisoner seizes the opportunity to climb on to the roof of the building

A prisoner barricaded himself on the roof of the prison in Toul
JSL, July 8, 2021
During this Thursday morning, a prisoner barricaded himself on the roof of the prison of Toul, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, as reported by our colleagues of L’Est Républicain. The man finally surrendered late in the afternoon after an intervention unit decided to climb on to the roof – the prisoner had refused to negotiate until then.
Continue reading Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle), France: a prisoner seizes the opportunity to climb on to the roof of the building


Four years after the murder of Santiago Maldonado we continue to vindicate our comrade.
Because anarchic memory is action, we call to remember Lechu, emphasizing the ideals and perspectives of our comrade.
We do not forget that Santiago was killed by the repressive agents of the State at a barricade in the Puelmapu, nor do we forget the usurpation that reformist sectors and supporters of this society made of his death, using his look and his body for their political moves. For this reason:
  • This year we propose NOT to use Santiago’s physical image in the propaganda, but rather his songs, ideas and practices, thus fighting the emptying and the washed out image that they have raised from the power.
  • Because we know that Lechu fought for the land and against capital, we propose to emphasize a multiform memory, which inevitably leads us to remember other comrades fallen in these same struggles. Thus, six months after the assassination of Baucis by hired assassins in the midst of the recovery of Mapuche land, we call for Bau to be present in the actions that we carry out.
  • We propose a memory of action that assumes that enemies are everywhere, which broadens our capacity to attack. We can be creative in attacking, let us not forget.
For a black memory,
to multiply propaganda and actions
No comrade is forgotten.
To our comrades in the dungeons of power in Chile, know that you are with us in every action.
July 2021,
MalosAires, Territory (still) dominated by the Argentine State.


Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

July 23-24-25, 2021
3rd International Meeting
at Altradimora, Strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Presentation of the meeting
15.30 Introduction by Resistenze al nanomondo
Immunity and the machine
Contribution by Sarajevo (Athens)
World-Laboratory: from the health emergency to the techno-sanitary dictatorship
Contra Toda Nocividad (Madrid)
As a result of the “health emergency” decreed practically all over the planet, our lives have been regulated and structured under the imperatives of health: social distancing, confinement, masks, “vaccines”, virtual relationships, etc. All these pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures have been taken from a sanitary-securitarian and authoritarian vision by the health technocracy. Measures that are solely and exclusively ideological and political and in no case show improvements in population health.
The catastrophic story of the media and authorities has meant the exposure to high doses of fear and terror of a large part of the population that has accepted this health dictatorship, we wonder if it would have accepted with the same submission a dictatorship of any other type. This catastrophic history has led us to a war scenario in which we have seen the invasion of space by the military and the acceleration of repressive measures and laws. In the course of this war against the ‘virus’ the enemy to be beaten are our own pathologized bodies and possible carriers of the ‘virus’, we will focus the discourse on the critique of this attack on our bodies and especially on our immune system that will involve pharmacological measures. Especially gene therapy, which is hidden behind mRNA “vaccines”, which will mean the expropriation of our immune system, the mechanization and conversion of our bodies into a drug factory at the service of the pharmaceutical industry and the cellular-genetic alteration of our bodies that will lead to a true epidemic of autoimmune diseases.

Continue reading Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

People Set Fire to Police Station in Medellín in Response to Police Rape (Colombia)

A few days ago, during the anti-government protests in Medellin, Colombia a 15 year old girl was raped by the police. On July 2, groups of feminists set fire to the police station with Molotov cocktails.
This is not an isolated case, since the protests started, more than 2 months ago, 28 women have been raped.
The uprising in Colombia has hit its 67th consecutive day. Despite hundreds of people being killed and disappeared, and police shooting out the eyes of demonstrators, people have been returning to the streets, fighting back valiently, burning police stations and attacking police.
via: amwenglish.