Action against Bristol Post photographer (Bristol,UK)
WARNING! To state-agents..we collect intelligence too!
Message to Simon Chapman
As a free-lance photographer in a careless rush to make a fast buck, you snap images that expose people’s identity, when it’s totally possible to shoot from a different angle which doesn’t show the face. This inconsiderate funding of your lifestyle has earned you a reminder to take this as a warning!
There have been many demonstrations recently, and Simon Chapman has been out making a name for himself (and some money) at most of them. Because of this, we paid him a visit…
Continue reading Action against Bristol Post photographer (Bristol,UK)
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Summary of the “Chaos Gathering”
One autumn Sunday, we gathered to share a friendly day with rounds of talks and a meal.
The proposal arose with the intention of furthering the tension with the existent, the passivity present in the wider context as well as in our practices and perspectives.
We seek to generate a break in the agenda of (public) anarchist activities in the city of Buenos Aires. We are concerned to see that every anarchist meeting ends in a festival or concert, that the call is limited to groups of friends who share a costume and a musical taste. We believe that in addition to activities of relaxation and enjoyment, which already abound, we need more spaces for meeting and reflection that help us strengthen ties and deepen practices, giving more strength to our actions and multiplying the existence of active groups.
Continue reading Buenos Aires, Argentina: Summary of the “Chaos Gathering”
[Spain] Actions in Barcelona June 14-20 against the devastation of the land and electricity price rises
During the week of agitation from June 14 to June 20 the following actions were recorded in Barcelona:
Graffiti and paint thrown at an Endesa centre in the Sant Andreu neighbourhood where one can read “Endesa out of ancestral land” and “Endesa steals and devastates land”
Graffiti and breaking of several windows at an Endesa centre at the intersection of Paris and Josep Tarradelles streets where “Endesa loots, steals, devastates” was written.
Athens,Greece: Solidarity Concert for Financial Support for the 3 anarchist comrades
Solidarity – Financial Support Concert for comrades
Day / Time: 17/07/2021
at 20:00
Solidarity concert with:
Buzz x Dj Moya + friends,
Zero 100
For the financial support of: G . Michailidis, D. Valavani, K. Athanasopoulou and persecuted fighters
At Agricultural University of Athens
Italy – Theatre and PRISON… An embrace
We receive and spread:
Shit loves being close to shit – that’s a fact. Be it because it comes from the same arsehole or because it floats in the same sewer, that’s the way it is. But certain shit also likes to be near chocolate or at least it would like people to believe so. Boasting about being nutritious is not enough, isn’t sufficient.
Theatre is life, but life is not theatre. On 8th March 2020, 9 prisoners in the prison of Modena lost their lives following the violent repression of a revolt inside it. For over a year many have been trying to shed light on the matter, the details of which are still unclear thanks to attempts made by the institutions to mislead and archive the investigations, silencing the voices of dissent and testimonies from inside. In this humanly chilling scenario, the Teatro dei Venti are bringing about a theatre project inside this prison, showing their indifference concerning the events that occurred and without the least empathy towards the people who lost their lives. In fact, the only cynical public comment on the affair was the acknowledgment of having lost an actor (because he was dead) and of having had to replace 90% of the other actors/prisoners (presumably because they were transferred after the revolt or because they refused or were forbidden to carry on with the project).
Saronno, Italy – G8 2001-2021 // TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY
We receive and spread:
Twenty years have passed.
A day to talk about Genoa again with the aim of going beyond Genoa.
But doing so through the memories and stories of those hot days of July 2001.
Continue reading Saronno, Italy – G8 2001-2021 // TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY
Italy – Camping against the titanium mine on Mount Beigua (Liguria) – 6th/7th/8th August, 2021
We receive and spread:
They are coming… They want titanium… they will destroy our mountains…
6th/7th/8th August, Monte Beigua area (province of Savona)
Friday 6 in the afternoon:
Monocorpologo [a sort of theatrical performance] “Le scarpe di mio padre” [my father’s shoes] by Vito Mora, followed by DJ set and concert with M.D.P.E.A (Musica Discreta Per Ambienti Eleganti) [discreet music for elegant environments]
Saturday 7: morning walk. In the afternoon, presentation of the book “Capitalismo Guerre ed Epidemie” [capitalism, wars and epidemics] by Calusca City Lights, Edizioni Colibrì Milan 2020. A debate will follow: “Il vuoto oltre la civiltà” [the void beyond civilization] by Edizioni Hirundo. In the night, DJ set and concert with: No Chappi? Burgeois! + Peggio Klasse Blues + il blues del “Il Tenebroso della fitta selva” [the gloomy one from the dense forest blues].
Sunday 8: morning walk. Presentation of the self-produced comic magazine “Respiro” [breath] with its editor Marco Ballone. Followed by Songs of Resistance under a centuries old lime tree
via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!
Sabotage at the A49 construction site (Germany)

Photo of the Dannenröder forest after the trees were cut down to make space for the A49 highway
We learn from regime propaganda sources of a sabotage action against the construction of the A49 freeway in Germany.
Following is the text:
About 150,000 euros of material damage at the A49 construction site in Schwalmstadt SCHWALMSTADT (ol). Five different construction vehicles and equipment were severely damaged last week at the A49 freeway construction site in Schwalmstadt. The unknowns allegedly caused material damage of about 150,000 euros. The police see a connection with protests against the the further construction of the A 49. According to the police, the property damage allegedly occurred between July 2 and 5.
Continue reading Sabotage at the A49 construction site (Germany)