Chile: Mapuche zone ignites after the murder of Pablo Marchant [update]

Chile: Mapuche zone ignites after the murder of Pablo Marchant [update]
In the south of Chile, a section of the Mapuche population has been waging a fierce struggle for many years against the large landowners (burning down their villas and occupying their land) as well as against agro-forestry operators, large hydro-electric dams and intensive salmon farms. It was in this context that Pablo Marchant Gutiérrez was murdered on Friday 9 July in Carahue during an attack on the vehicles of the company Forestal Mininco (a subsidiary of the cellulose giant CMPC).
The 29-year-old former anthropology student, who later joined the Mapuche struggle through CAM (Coordinadora Arauco Malleco), was participating in the burning of a minibus, a skidder and a tanker at around 5pm on the Santa Ana-Tres Palos estate when he was shot in the head at close range by carabinieri charged with protecting the interests of the loggers. Another saboteur and an employee were also wounded by bullets in the exchange of fire, and the public prosecutor’s office was quick to speculate that the bullet that sent the latter to hospital came from the M16 held by Pablo Marchant.

Continue reading Chile: Mapuche zone ignites after the murder of Pablo Marchant [update]

Melilla (Morocco/Spain): the victorious assault on the border

Melilla: 119 migrants manage to enter the Spanish border
AFP/Infomigrants, 12 July 2021
A group of around 200 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa tried to scale the metal fence separating Morocco and Melilla at around 4.30am on Monday 12 July, Spanish authorities told AFP.
The Spanish Civil Guard and Moroccan police quickly mobilised to try to stop them, but 119 people managed to force their way through and enter the Spanish territory. Five civil guards and one migrant were injured in the operation.
The 119 migrants were immediately taken to the Temporary Stay Centre (CETI, detention centre) and placed in a special area to be tested for Covid-19.

Continue reading Melilla (Morocco/Spain): the victorious assault on the border

Bologna, Italy – Banners against prison and Special Surveillance

Yesterday, Thursday July 8, 2021 banners in solidarity with all prisoners, with Nat on hunger strike, against prison and its torturers, against surveillance and isolation appeared all over Bologna.
Banners read:
“Surveillance, prison, isolation; against the state no reformation”
“52 rotten apples? Let’s chop the tree down!”
“Santa Maria Capua Vetere is no exception! Prison is torture!”
“Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Guantanamo, DAP, ministry, screws = torturers and murderers!”
Writings on walls:
“Yesterday like today piazza Verdi”
“Davide Delogu free”
Translated by Act for freedom now! via:

Explosion and Fire in Response to Police Murder of Stanislav Tomáš (Czech Republic)

Explosion and fire in the comfort zone of the rich
The police protect the rich. They defend their power and property they have because they exploit workers.
Police acts hard against poor people. He holds them with violence and his threat in obedience and poverty. Some also kills. Like Stanislav Tomáš in Teplice.
Inside the comfort zone of the riches, on the outskirts of Teplice, 12. 7. 2021 intentionally established fire. This morning, snaps in the villas awakened small explosions and flames.
This is anger directed against the rich and their police security guard.
Continue reading Explosion and Fire in Response to Police Murder of Stanislav Tomáš (Czech Republic)

5 years of traveling with you – hugging words from nowhere

My dearest,
Consider yourselves embraced with each written word! It has been some time since I whispered something to you from a secret path from nowhere. But as they say: good things need time.
In my thoughts I cheerfully fire volleys of questions at you – how are you, what are you busy with, what’s happening at home, and and and… I would question you relentlessly to the wall and for every answer, ten new questions would arise from my side in the naive belief that in this way we will at some point reach the ground. And every time again this delusion would be replaced by the most beautiful of all realizations; there is no ground that limits our relations and connections. There exists only infinite depth.
Continue reading 5 years of traveling with you – hugging words from nowhere


Actforfree received by email in English and in Italian:
We write this text to warn against the umpteenth worrying reactionary drift of some well-known characters who still find accessibility within the anarchist scene, in Italy (less and less) and abroad, despite the fact that in recent years they have accumulated a series of alliances and embarrassing speeches, tending to the most extreme populism and increasingly close to the right-wing world.
We are talking about the organizers of the Three Days against Technoscience, also involved in the website Resistance to Nanoworld, the magazine L’Urlo della Terra and in the documentation space La Piralide in Bergamo.
For the three international days against technoscience that will be held in Alessandria (for the third consecutive year), characters such as Maurizio Martucci and Daniela Danna are invited to speak this time.

Athens, Greece: Incendiary Attack Against a FORD Dealership in Memory of the George Floyd Uprising

On July 1 at dawn in the area of Gyzi on Chaldari Street, we carried out an arson attack on the Ford dealership. As a result, at least two vehicles and the front of the company were burnt to the ground.
The choice of this particular target was not accidental. This is an American giant with branches throughout the world that has played a dominant role in the global capitalist scene. In particular, its founder Henry Ford in 1913 introduced a model of work organisation in which workers perform a set of identified movements, repeated over many hours. The work of the one cut off and alienated, as a stone of the production set, influences the work of the other in chains, raising the intensity and rhythm of production and work. Moreover, the possibility of refusals and resistances during work is reduced, since all the workers’ movements are dependent and form a chain. This has been a historical form of repression and surveillance of workers.
Fourth, Ford’s relationship with the US cops is widely known. It is one of the companies that has reinforced the repression carried out by the US state by providing equipment and vehicles. Even in Greece, in Laconia, Ford Motor Hellas has provided a vehicle worth 48,000 euros for the needs of the cops of the OPKE for the second time. The Mayor of Sparta has excellent relations with this company while the deputy mayor Thanasis Karlaitis former cop, he stressed: “hopefully other agencies will follow Ford’s example for the benefit of the citizens”.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Incendiary Attack Against a FORD Dealership in Memory of the George Floyd Uprising

Greece, Athens: Responsibility Claim for Arson Attacks by Direct Action Cells – Cell ‘Mauricio Morales’

The decay and ugliness of the present is not hidden behind theoretical embellishments. Instead, it relies on the transparency of habit and the power of acquiescence. There is not the slightest reason to face the war of the increasingly authoritarian bourgeois-democratic order against those who are left over or who rebel against its multidimensional existential cheapness in search of new life perspectives. They struggle anxiously for our annihilation or our political mutilation and this is revealed by their repeated repressive moves against movement activities, against our spaces, against militants.
Consciously or not, they understand that the unification of the institutions of oppression and the maintenance of the hegemony of capital implies the corresponding possible unification and strengthening of the revolutionary forces. They fear the prospect of an acute social war setting fire to the bowels of the capitalist world, as we are already seeing happening in various corners of the planet.

Continue reading Greece, Athens: Responsibility Claim for Arson Attacks by Direct Action Cells – Cell ‘Mauricio Morales’

Grenoble,France : scopelec vehicle boom 

During the night of 15 to 16 July, a Scopelec van was set on fire in the Eaux Clairs district of Grenoble.
A small boom against this company which participates in the extension of technological control by installing telecom networks (fibre optics, 5G etc.). The introduction of a ‘health pass’ is one more brick in the construction of “smart cities”, surveillance and tracing. Solidarity with Boris locked up for the arson of two relay antennas!
ps:  rain does not extinguish the fire 
via: nantes.indymedia.
Translated by Act for freedom now!