Sardinia (Italy): green capitalism under fire again

On September 9, on the occasion of attacks on industrial wind turbines in Mamoiada and Villacidro, we published a short summary of mobilizations against “energy speculation” in Sardinia, with some details about the two sabotages at the end of August.

As it happens, the series didn’t stop there, as a third occurred shortly afterwards against one of the countless “green” nuisances being installed on the island. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, September 11, at around 4 a.m., in the Garganu area near Tuili in the south of the territory, two thousand photovoltaic panels were completely destroyed after being sprayed with petrol and then set alight. The panels had been stored at the site for use by Polish energy multinational Greenvolt Power.

Continue reading Sardinia (Italy): green capitalism under fire again

(Uruguay) Montevideo Anarchist Bookfair

 Montevideo Anarchist Bookfair

October 4, 2024

Received by email

A few publishers, editors and librarians extend this invitation to participate in the Montevideo Anarchist Bookfair to comrades from this or other territories.

We’ll be receiving initiatives and proposals of different types (talks, workshops, tables or others that are pertinent to the theme of the fair) by email:

Against the electoral circus and generalized apathy, today more than ever, we continue creating spaces to sharpen anarchist practices and debate.

November 9 and 10, 2024

Sardinia (Italy): the price of green capitalism

In Sardinia, as in many other parts of Europe, energy projects to feed green capitalism have been proliferating for several years. In these sunny and seaside regions, already infested by mass tourism, these are mainly solar and wind farms.

On this Mediterranean island off the coast of Corsica, monsters of steel and cement must be built at all costs, even if it means uprooting olive, apricot and almond trees by force, to be replaced by huge industrial wind turbines with masts up to 200 meters high. Nearly 800 new “renewable energy production” projects are officially being studied, some of which are symbolic of all the others, such as that of the Chinese multinational Chint, which in April 2024 purchased over a thousand hectares in the north of the island (at Nurra), in order to build the largest solar farm ever conceived in Europe. Faced with growing citizen protests, ranging from local committee demonstrations to picketing the port of Oristano in an attempt to block the arrival of a shipment of wind masts, and arguing in particular for the landscape and the fact that Sardinia cannot continue to be ravaged in this way just to export so-called “green” energy to the mainland, the region’s president soon found herself faced with a dilemma.
Continue reading Sardinia (Italy): the price of green capitalism

Spontaneous demonstration, riots and clashes against the expansion of the Israelian genocidal war(Berlin, Germany, 27th September 2024)

Kreuzberg 27.9.2024: Spontaneous demonstration with fireworks and actions against the expansion of the Israelian genocidal war

According to reports from several State media and the police, in the night of 27th September, 50 to 100 people caused riots in the Kreuzberg district near the Schlesisches Tor. In one of the videos entitled “Berlin rise up” on Tiktok and Instagram, you see many people spontaneously demonstrating in the streets and shouting slogans against the genocidal war of Israel – supported by the Western accomplices – against the Palestinian population and the recent extension of the killings to Lebanon. The crowd passes by burning materials, including a chemical bath, and spilled construction material. Several fireworks are set off.

According to state media and the cops, during the “riots”, stones and bottles were thrown at the police officers who arrived on the spot to keep away this crowd of German pro-Israeli “state reasons”. For example, the windows of a police vehicle were broken, forcing the policemen to retreat. Continue reading Spontaneous demonstration, riots and clashes against the expansion of the Israelian genocidal war(Berlin, Germany, 27th September 2024)

In the night of 3-4 October 2024, we sabotaged the tracks of the railway from Toulouse in a south-south-west direction.(France)

In the night of 3-4 October 2024, we sabotaged the tracks of the railway from Toulouse in a south-south-west direction. Nearby was left written: «Sabotons leurs chemins de guerre» [Let’s sabotage their war paths].

The neo-liberal war trails cross all countries thanks to the railways.

The imperial war is being built here in Europe. Transport infrastructure is an essential base for its development.
As part of its European military mobility programme, the Transatlantic Security Initiative (TSI) produced a report in April 2020. The aim is to increase freight capacity and digital connections within and outside Europe. This relationship results in new agreements between railway companies and military companies.
This is what is currently happening in Italy between Leonardo (an arms company) and RFI (the Italian Railway Network).L

In France, the SNCF [Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français – French national railway company] boasted that it was the first industry invited to the parade on 14th July, in honour of its participation in the nation’s rearmament effort and logistical support. But it is not the only one: many others are taking advantage of the devastation in act, from the arms market to that of reconstruction. The area southwest of Toulouse is home to SNCF, Thalès, Airbus, Safran and other war beneficiaries. Symbolically, at least for a day, their workers had difficulty getting to work this morning – we are sorry for those who just wanted to take a walk.
Continue reading In the night of 3-4 October 2024, we sabotaged the tracks of the railway from Toulouse in a south-south-west direction.(France)

Munich (Germany): the rail-mounted factory didn’t make it through the night

Some don’t appreciate anonymous attacks on power, to say the least. On one side are the narrow-minded of the revolutionary movement, who see nothing but “recuperation” when comrades highlight and defend acts that speak to them. At the opposite end of the spectrum, for example, are the Munich cops, who in 2023 had to set up a special investigation group called “Raute”, under the State Protection Service (Staatsschutz), to try and solve some 30 arson attacks that left no textual clues. These included sabotage of communications, energy, logistics and war infrastructures*, two of which were the subject of raids by German police on comrades in Brussels and Amsterdam last May

After a few months’ respite, the lackeys of Bavaria’s good order were hoping to finally bask in the summer sun, if not for the return of the ghosts that haunt their sleepless nights. In Oberhaching, a small village to the south of Munich, a 200-meter-long ballast cleaner machine was parked to replace the track ballast between the S-Bahn (suburban railway) stations of Deisenhofen and Solln. A fine civilizational undertaking that was ruined at around 4am on Wednesday July 31, when several incendiary devices were judiciously placed to devour it in flames. The damage caused by the sabotage is estimated at around 500,000 euros, or “a six-figure sum in the middle of the range”, as they say in the bureaucratic language of uniforms. Not least because the expensive steel snake consisting of two excavation chains and three screen systems is now out of action, and part of it had to be dismantled on site.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): the rail-mounted factory didn’t make it through the night

Reflective gathering today by Anarchists Tuesday, October 29, in Eleftherias Square of Korydallos at 20:30, for the hanged prisoner in Korydallos prisons. Athens,Greece

On the evening of Friday 25/10, a 22-year-old woman prisoner was found hanged in a temporary detention area of Korydallos prisons, with the news announced by the media of the system four days later on the morning of the 29th. On 24/10 she had been transferred to the special health centre of Korydallos prisons and then to a psychiatric hospital, as the prison officials had judged her behaviour “criminal”. She was then returned to her cell with the same pattern repeating itself next morning. Even if forensically this is considered suicide, the distinction is meaningless as a large number of previous incidents prove the uniformed officers’ contribution. This particular case is another state murder, reminding us of the punitive and inhumane nature of the prison system.

A system that not only does not care about them, but annihilates the personality of each prisoner. A system that not only does not respect mental illness, neurodiversity and the experiences of the incarcerated, but that creates countless psychological traumas and not only.
Continue reading Reflective gathering today by Anarchists Tuesday, October 29, in Eleftherias Square of Korydallos at 20:30, for the hanged prisoner in Korydallos prisons. Athens,Greece

(Chile) Incendiary Strolls in Commemoration of October 18 at Tajamar, Civtorino Lastarria and Manuel Barros Borgoño High Schools

 Incendiary Strolls in Commemoration of October 18 at Tajamar, Civtorino Lastarria and Manuel Barros Borgoño High Schools

October 23, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Received by mail

On the day of October 17, 202 various emblematic high schools in the communes of Providencia and Santiago in the territory dominated by the chilean state marked the commemoration of the Social Uprising which took place on October 18, 2019.

On this date, the chilean state and its repressive apparatus arrested, tortured, mutilated, raped, abused and assassinated thousands of residents who rose up across the territory. A revolt that initially began from the call for fare evasion from the secondary students after the price of public transport tickets was raised, that blossomed into the outburst of the rage of thousands of residents. Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Strolls in Commemoration of October 18 at Tajamar, Civtorino Lastarria and Manuel Barros Borgoño High Schools

Anti-militarist paper-banners pasted in dozens of copies in various areas of the centre and the western districts of Athens and Piraeus (Greece)

As part of the call for “international days of action against militarism and nationalism” between 1 and 10 October 2024, by the balkan anarchist solidarity network gathered in Pristina during the 16th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (5-7 July 2024).]


[In greece, israel, russia, ukraine

Fire to conscription centers and military courts

Solidarity to army objectors and deserters]

Continue reading Anti-militarist paper-banners pasted in dozens of copies in various areas of the centre and the western districts of Athens and Piraeus (Greece)