From Berlin to Athens – we stand together in grief, with anger and in revolutionary solidarity.EN/DE/EL/ TURKISH / ES/ IT.

On 3.11 we came together with friends and comrades of Kyriakos Xymitiris, Marianna M., Dimitra Z. and the fourth accused person held imprisoned since the 1st of November, in the aftermath of an explosion that happened on Thursday the 31st of October in Ambelokipi, Athens and the repression that followed.

Each of them is one of us and they are loved and respected for who they are. In all the moments that we have shared with them, they inspired our daily struggles, made us stronger in the face of repression, made us laugh and gave us the power to believe in our strength and ideas. This is why we come together, grieve and cry collectively, and also show our solidarity and complicity in the streets of Berlin.
Continue reading From Berlin to Athens – we stand together in grief, with anger and in revolutionary solidarity.EN/DE/EL/ TURKISH / ES/ IT.

GREECE: Interventions at the medical associations in Thessaloniki, in Patras, and in Athens in solidarity with the Anarchist comrade Marianna M.

On the morning of Tuesday, November 5, at an initiative of comrades, we carried out an intervention with banners and flyers at the Medical Association of Thessaloniki, at Aristotelous 4. Texts were read and information was given about the case to the members of the association as well as making clear to them that the medical community is invited to take a stand and bear responsibility in the case of interrogation during the hospitalisation of the comrade Marianna M.

Here is the text we shared:
Continue reading GREECE: Interventions at the medical associations in Thessaloniki, in Patras, and in Athens in solidarity with the Anarchist comrade Marianna M.

Those lost in the fire of the struggle never die by anarchists – communists EN/FR/DE/ IT (Athens,Greece)

Those lost in the fire of the struggle never die

On the 31st of October, anarchist Kyriakos Ksimitiris was killed by an explosion in an apartment in Ampelokipoi area in Athens, Greece.
The only ones who can talk about our comrade are all of us who stood beside him in assemblies, actions, demos, and clashes.

For many years, Kyriakos had been incessantly present in groups of
solidarity to prisoners; in the antiwar-internationalist movement; in
actions to defend the neighbourhood of Exarchia; in struggles in the
universities; in the defence of squats and in every social and class
struggle. He was dedicated to it, always willing to explore together its most rebellious aspects. He wasn’t simply defending the struggle by all means for social liberation from a theoretical perspective, he truly incarnated it.

Comrade Kyriakos chose to fight until the end, by all means, against the world of power, state, capital, racism, patriarchy. He chose to fight on the side of the oppressed and the revolted, for a better world; for a world of solidarity, equality, freedom.
His loss creates a huge void for his family and friends, his comrades
who stood beside him; a void also for the struggle, to which he left his mark by his attitude and words.

Anarchist Kyriakos Ksimitiris was one of us. We will defend and
keep his memory forever in our hearts and in every moment of our

“I know you despise them because the Court is so well armed, but let me tell you that they are so confident of their power that they feel their importance. They are come to that pass that they do not value your forces, and though the evil is that at present their strength consists only in their imagination, yet a time may come when they may be able to do whatever they now think it in their power to do.”

Comrade, we will meet again in the streets of fire where you will live forever…

Strength to our injured comrade Marianna until liberation
Honour to the anarchist comrade Kyriakos Ksimitiris
Solidarity with all those persecuted for the same case

anarchists – communists

Solidarity Assembly for imprisoned, fugitives and persecuted fighters



Ceux qu’on perd dans le feu de la lutte ne meurent jamais

Le 31 octobre 2024, l’anarchiste Kyriakos Ksimitiris est tué suite à uneexplosion dans un appartement dans la région d’Ampelokipi, à Athènes,Grèce.Les seul.e.s qui peuvent parler de notre compagnon, c’est nous ;tout.e.s ceux et celles qui ont partagé avec lui des assemblés, desactions, des manifs, des affrontements.Kyriakos a été incessamment présent, pendant des années, dans desgroupes de solidarité aux prisonniers ; dans le mouvement anti-guerre –internationaliste ; à des actions pour la défense de la régiond’Exarchia ; aux luttes dans les universités ; à la défense des squatset dans toutes les luttes sociales et de classe.

Il a été dédié à cesluttes, toujours motivé d’explorer en commun leur aspects les plussubversifs. Il ne défendait pas simplement au niveau théorique la luttepar tous les moyens pour la libération sociale, il en était sa véritableincarnation. Notre compagnon Kyriakos a choisi de se battre jusqu’au but, luttant partous les moyens contre le monde du pouvoir, l’État, le capital, leracisme, le patriarcat. Il a choisi de lutter aux côtés des oppressés etdes révoltés pour un meilleur monde, pour un monde de solidarité,d’égalité, de liberté.Sa perte laisse un vide énorme pour sa famille et ses ami.e.s, pour qui l’ont croisé, mais aussi pour la lutte elle-même,qu’il a marqué tant avec son attitude qu’avec ses mots.L’anarchiste Kyriakos Ksimitiris était un parmi nous. Nous allonsdéfendre et sauvegarder sa mémoire dans nos cœurs et dans tous lesmoments de notre lutte.
Continue reading Those lost in the fire of the struggle never die by anarchists – communists EN/FR/DE/ IT (Athens,Greece)

Hamburg/Germany: From Hamburg to Berlin to Greece – we are with you.

Received email:

From Hamburg to Berlin to Greece – we are with you. In shock and with anger we heard the terrible news from Athens. So we had a very brief assembly in our Anarchist Library on Sunday morning, printed a few flyers and hung two banners – one in a busy park in the St Pauli Area, another one at the Bookfair of the anarchist Re/Fuse congress, which is taking place this weekend.

In deep grief, anger, revolutionary solidarity and complicity we are on your side.

Anarchists from Hamburg



And a call out for four open days of skillsharing around the practical
aspects of occuping and inhabiting free spaces.

(4-7 of November)

We are having a gathering in the occupied Hambacher Forest to discuss the possibilities for squatting as a way of fighting now and in the future, and how to answer attempts of legalisation and pacification in general.

The squatting movement in so-called Germany lies in ruins. Most of the once squatted houses in this territory are now either evicted or turned into house projects with a legal status. In a lot of cases this has severed their connections with conflictual political struggles, creating a process of pacification.


On SNCF’s post-sabotage surveillance systems (France)

Sabotage: SNCF takes action to prevent further attacks on the rail network

Le Figaro, September 9, 2024

The sabotage against the railroad tracks on the night before the Olympic Games opening ceremony on July 26 has left its mark on the SNCF. Officially, the rail company prefers to highlight its handling of this XXL attack: within three days, all train traffic had been restored. “435 agents worked 3×8 for three days. The speed with which we were able to return to normal shows the resilience of our network in the face of a very large-scale attack”, says Damien Pallant, Deputy Director General of Safety at SNCF Réseau, which is responsible for France’s railroads. The general public has discovered the fragility of the French network. And, away from the microphones, tongues are wagging within the state-owned company: “We were stunned that several axes of our network were under attack at the same time,” says one of its executives.

A fortnight earlier, the group’s CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou had seemed confident during his visit to the SNCF Réseau Île-de-France supervision center. The head of this operations center, nestled somewhere in the Gare du Nord, had presented him with a reassuring system where 25 people working in 3×8 shifts, 7 days a week, monitored the state of the network on computer screens. With 50% of equipment fitted with sensors (rails, catenaries, etc.), they were immediately informed of any faults. And that’s not even mentioning the measures intended to thwart malicious acts on these installations. For this, SNCF Réseau felt it was already doing a great deal: anti-intrusion devices on signal boxes, protected electrical transformers…
Continue reading On SNCF’s post-sabotage surveillance systems (France)

About the raid against squatted Prosfygika in the 22nd of November, 2022 (Athens, Greece)

Received by email:


The Community of Squatted Prosfygika* was violently raided twice by armed police forces in the 22nd of November, 2022. The first raid took place in the early morning hours and the goal was to capture fellow comrade and member of the community Kostas Dimalexis, whom the state accused of commiting arson attacks on state and capital targets. The case could not stand in court, where, after a year and a half of imprisonment he was deemed non-guilty, since most if not all the evidence was either fabricated or just lacking.

Afterwards, in the evening of the 22nd, the second raid occurred, where a counter-terrorist unit backed up by other militarised police squads broke into one of the buildings of the community, a building that houses a social kitchen, an open political space and families, and arrested 79 people. Among them were comrades who came to express their solidarity to the community after the first raid and families with children. This group stood united and fought valiantly against the police forces in order to protect one another and the liberated grounds of the community.
Continue reading About the raid against squatted Prosfygika in the 22nd of November, 2022 (Athens, Greece)

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Alonso Verdejo, Risue

October 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On Wednesday October 2, masked students from Manuel Barros Borgoño High School, located in the Franklin neighborhood, built barricades and confronted the presence of the Carabineros (COP) with molotovs in memory and vengeance for Claudia López and Alonso Verdejo, also known as Risue.

Some records of the event:

Against the Silicon Forest (USA)


Silicon Forest (n): A high-tech industrial corridor in the Portland Metro area, primarily Beaverton and Hillsboro, known for its concentration of tech companies fabricating and applying semiconductors such as Intel, Tektronix, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and more.


The speed of technological advancement feels like a train that’s off the rails. What seemed like a distant dystopia even just a few years ago has passed into the regular order of the present day, whether with a bang or subtly, without most of us even noticing. A degree of skepticism and nervousness towards this dystopia in progress is permitted and even affirmed in the mainstream, as long as no one starts to question the trajectory of technological advancement which those who dreamed up this virtual reality want us to see as the unstoppable path of progress. They want us to see their digital world as being all around us, and, at the same time, nowhere at all.
Continue reading Against the Silicon Forest (USA)




The anti-authoritarian comrade Kevin Garrido was captured by the Chilean dirty police on November 19, 2015, after placing and detonating an artisanal explosive device at one of the entrances to the San Bernardo gendarmerie school. After his capture, he was also accused of carrying out an explosive attack outside the 12th police station of San Miguel on October 29 of that same year, which was attributed to the International Conspiracy for Revenge – Gerásimos Tsakalos Explosion Cell. During the early hours of November 19, the police also captured comrade Joaquín García Chancks, accusing him of belonging, along with Kevin, to this cell responsible for the attack against the 12th police station.

After a long trial, Kevin was sentenced to 17 years in prison for attacking both police institutions with explosives, and Joaquín García was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the explosive attack and carrying a firearm that he had at the time been recaptured after escaping from house arrest in 2016.