Munich (Germany): sabotaging the concrete industry…

Around 3 a.m. on Sunday night, September 2, employees of a small company called the fire department to report a fire at their neighbor’s premises. Their neighbor, in the Detmoldstraße industrial park to the north of Munich, is none other than a huge factory: the Max Bögl Concrete Plant, which has been covering the world in its filth since 1929 and, according to its own figures, employs 6,500 people at 40 sites worldwide.

On site, the firefighters were quickly dismayed. The flames were engulfing the production site in various places. On one side, six concrete transport trucks were ablaze, on the other an excavator, and finally, high in the sky, the company’s conveyor belt lit up the night. Despite the general alarm sounded by the first firefighters, who were joined by some fifty colleagues, the fire continued to spread, and the conveyor belt fire eventually reached the top of the mixing silo, starting to eat away at it, at the same time as several blocks of compressed cardboard from a nearby waste disposal site began to smell a bit scorched. It wasn’t until 6.30 a.m. that the sabotage against the concrete plant, which caused millions of euros worth of damage, was finally extinguished.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): sabotaging the concrete industry…

In Grief, Anger and Revolutionary Solidarity – We Bid Farewell to our Fallen Friend and Comrade Kyriakos EN/EL/DE/ (Berlin,Germany)


Kyriakos lived for the struggle and died struggling.

Our friend and comrade lost his life in an explosion in an apartment in Athens on October 31st 2024.

We want to remember him as a beloved part of all of our lives, which he enriched in so many ways.

Kyriakos took part in struggles around the world and stood up against all oppression with all his being. We have stood shoulder to shoulder in the streets, in houses and gatherings, to wage a common struggle against state and capital.

Together we have stood against racism, fascism, prisons and patriarchy, covering each other’s backs and giving each other strength to fight this exploitative system.

His solidarity had no limits and we can proudly say that we were able to fight for a better world alongside such a wonderful person.
Continue reading In Grief, Anger and Revolutionary Solidarity – We Bid Farewell to our Fallen Friend and Comrade Kyriakos EN/EL/DE/ (Berlin,Germany)

La Tempesta: The unforeseen Palestinian issue in the global war. EN/FR/IT

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“The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you can no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of the inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space.”
– Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

The main value of these texts, published in Italy last March, is undoubtedly the commitment of the authors to the fate of the struggle of the colonized, imprisoned and massacred Palestinian population, and, additionally, the fact that their position does not yield to the overwhelming blackmail of those who try to equate any “pro-Palestinian” position with anti-Semitism. Amidst the general indifference to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, there are few who care to act; La Tempesta does.

However, after a first reading of the various texts that make up this publication, we are left with a mixed impression and a certain uneasiness. We are struck by the fact that some of the analyses, proposals and points of view with which we are in deep agreement are juxtaposed with others — sometimes separated by only a period or a comma — that evoke in us only repulsion, nausea and, since the authors are anarchists, dismay. We’re not used to well-argued and coherent words that, on the one hand, win our deepest convictions and, on the other, attract our most vigorous dissent.

Continue reading La Tempesta: The unforeseen Palestinian issue in the global war. EN/FR/IT

Solidarity to those who resist (Athens,Greece)

On October 31, 2024, the anarchist comrade Kyriakos X. falls dead after a bomb exploded in his hands in an apartment in Ampelokipi. The explosion seriously injured the anarchist comrade Marianna M., who is now under guard at Evangelismos hospital, having escaped the danger.

From the first moment, the state and the media began their well-known operations of mud, scaremongering and putting out various scenarios. As a result of this, the multi-injured M. is being prosecuted with charges of founding and joining a terrorist organization under Article 187a (and other felony and misdemeanor charges). M., the anarchist comrade Dimitra Z., as well as another comrade who has already been remanded, are in custody.

The wretchedness and vindictiveness of the state apparatus was visible from the first moments, with the cops harassing the parents of our dead comrade K. X., telling them it wasn’t him. Also, the cops proceeded to take fingerprints while M.M. was in a critical condition in the ICU.

For our part, we know our comrades very well. We have been with them in many struggles, in assemblies, actions and on the streets. Our solidarity and support for them is unconditional.

As for K. X., his memory will accompany us in our struggles, those now and those which we have ahead of us. The struggles that he dedicated himself and finally gave his life to.

Kyriako forever in our hearts.

Power to Marianna M.

Freedom to Dimitra Z. and the other comrade on remand


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Windows of BwConsulting – strategic consultancy firm of the German army – smashed (Berlin, Germany, November 6th, 2024)

Windows of BwConsulting – strategic consultancy firm of the German army – smashed

Germany is getting “fit for war” again: for the first time in over 30 years, 2% of the GDP will be invested in armaments, thus achieving NATO objectives. Campino says he would join the army¹. The Taz newspaper is encouraging rearmament². «Robert Habeck³ wants to  strengthen the defence industry», reports the Handelsblatt. Germany 2024, Trump is nothing in comparison.

At the same time, federal in-house consultancy company “BwConsulting” is advertising its participation in the  CSD on its website [Christopher Street Day – German equivalent of Gay Pride] in  Cologne. And on instagram it announced that it is now regularly organising internal “Diversity Lunches”. Their gadgets at work fairs are usually characterized by the colours of the rainbow. Only radiant faces appear on the website. We are unable to verify and honestly cannot establish if those smiles are briefly dropped during the optimization of supplies of weapons systems (one of the consultancy company’s tasks).

Continue reading Windows of BwConsulting – strategic consultancy firm of the German army – smashed (Berlin, Germany, November 6th, 2024)

Assago (Milan), Italy: Incendiary attack on 23 Enjoy cars and an Eni Plenitude van (Assago, 31 October 2024)

Assago (Milan), Incendiary attack on 23 Enjoy cars and an Eni Plenitude van.

During the night between Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st October in Assago, province of Milan, 23 electric cars of the above car-sharing company and a van belonging to Eniplenitude, of the Eni group, were set on fire.

While the massacre in Gaza continues a year on, Eni continues to enrich itself doing big business with Israel as is shown by the acquisitions of off-shore natural gas deposits along the coasts of Gaza carried out by the Italian multinational immediately after October 7th 2023.

Alongside the Palestinian people
Free Palestine

[Received by e-mail and published in | Photographs are from the mass media.]

Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

As soon as the moment for tears is over, the time for action arrives. en/it

As soon as the moment for tears is over, the time for action arrives


Life holds surprises it would be wise to take into account. Yet no one is wise enough to do so. That is why we are always unprepared when the unexpected guest pays a visit. His arrival eliminates everyone, righteous and unjust, victims and executioners, in the same way. It makes no difference. We are the difference. It lies deep in our heart.

Alfredo M. Bonanno

The news came out a few days ago, overpowering and out of the blue. In the afternoon of October 31, a massive explosion blew up the third floor apartment of a building in the Ampelokipoi neighbourhood in Athens. Anarchist comrade Marianna was pulled out from the rubble alive and is in a serious condition in the Evangelismos hospital, in the hands of the police.
Continue reading As soon as the moment for tears is over, the time for action arrives. en/it

Chile: A death in action is an eternal call to struggle. Letter to the comrades of Kyriakos and Marianna. EN/ES

A death in action is an eternal call to struggle.
Letter to the comrades of Kyriakos and Marianna.

Kyriakos has left us, he died in an apartment last Thursday. Marianna is seriously wounded in the Evangelismos hospital. Both anarchist comrades present in different scenarios of the struggle. We receive the news with sadness and closeness because the last breath of her life could have been eventually also the last of several of us. Our feelings cannot be more than immense affection and admiration because we know that those who walk the path of the anarchist offensive are valuable and unique in their qualities, contradictions and contributions to the struggle.

Our era is marked by the naturalization of war and death in the service of conflicts between powers, turning loss into a figure, forgetting names and identities. On the other hand, in this, our war against power, we do not forget any face, we do not forget any name. From now on, every 31st of October will be a day in which we, the anarchists of the world are summoned to take a step forward and take up arms against the states, capital and authority, internationally braiding the horizon of anarchy and freedom through attack. None of our dead will be a reference to an old history, they are the present of action and combat.
Continue reading Chile: A death in action is an eternal call to struggle. Letter to the comrades of Kyriakos and Marianna. EN/ES

Solidarity Gathering for the persecuted anarchist comrade Dimitra Z. – 7/11, 10am, Evelpidon courts Athens-Greece

We call you to a solidarity gathering for our persecuted anarchist comrade Dimitra Z. on Thursday 7/11 at 10am in Evelpidon courts . The comrade is being persecuted as a result of the bomb explosion on 31/10 in an apartment in Ampelokipis which claimed the life of our anarchist comrade Kyriakos X. and seriously injured our anarchist comrade Marianna M.

We know the comrades through their continuous and consistent participation and action in social struggles. We stand unconditionally next to them, as well as to their family, friendly and social environment. We will not tolerate any anti-terrorist operations on people close to them, such as those that this agency has got accustomed to doing for many years. Against the fear that the cops are trying to spread and the mud of the media, we all stand by them.

Thursday 7/11, 10am Evelpidon courts





Solidarity assembly for imprisoned, fugitive and persecuted fighters.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Solidarity gatherings with injured anarchist comrade Marianna M. at Evangelismos hospital in Athens -Greece

As an immediate reflexive move, on the afternoon of Saturday 2/11, as on Monday 4/11, numerous gatherings were held in solidarity with our wounded anarchist comrade Marianna M. and those arrested, but also in memory of our anarchist comrade Kyriakos X., outside Evangelismos Hospital in Athens.
Continue reading Solidarity gatherings with injured anarchist comrade Marianna M. at Evangelismos hospital in Athens -Greece