Thessaloniki,Greece: Banners for political prisoners

Banners for political prisoners In the past few days we have hung banners for political prisoners in neighbourhoods in the east: the request for the release of Giannis Michailidis, who is being held in revenge despite having fulfilled the necessary conditions for his release since December – and after 8.5 years of detention the Court … Continue reading Thessaloniki,Greece: Banners for political prisoners

Heraklion Crete: Taking responsibility by Anarchists (Greece)

Heraklion Crete: Taking responsibility by Anarchists Every day we are confronted with more and more violence and repression, from unpaid ten-hour days to the destruction of the National Health Ε.Σ.Υ. From the murders of refugees to the anti-terrorism case files, to security and the energy crisis.The story is well known: the State kills and the … Continue reading Heraklion Crete: Taking responsibility by Anarchists (Greece)

Athens, Greece: Information about the gathering at Korydallos prison, Saturday 26/02/22

On February 26, the “Assembly of Solidarity with the imprisoned, fugitives and persecuted militants” called for a meeting in Korydallos prison, in solidarity with the 3 imprisoned. The comrades had been arrested in Thessaloniki on 8 February by the anti-terrorist police in connection with the incendiary attack on the “Foundation for National and Religious Reflection”.

CGL Pipeline work site attacked

Masked mob swarms Northern, B.C. pipeline work site, causes millions in damage From Warrior Publications British Columbia’s minister of public safety Mike Farnworth has issued a statement condemning the attack on the Coastal GasLink site. “The RCMP is conducting a full investigation into this egregious criminal activity that could have led to serious injury or … Continue reading CGL Pipeline work site attacked

British Columbia (Canada): the fires of revenge consume the churches

In Canada, new arsons of catholic churches on native lands The World, June 27, 2021 Two new churches were burned down on Saturday 26 June on native territories in western Canada, bringing the total number of churches burned to four, since the discovery of a thousand unmarked graves near former residential schools run by the … Continue reading British Columbia (Canada): the fires of revenge consume the churches