On 21/9, the Pakistani worker Mohamed Kamran Asik is tortured and murdered in the police station of Agios Panteleimonas by the uniformed murderers who staff one of the most notorious, sweat-soaked and blood-soaked hellhouses in Athens. Mohammed’s murder is the result of the repressive strategy of the state against the exploited and the oppressed, especially the most undervalued part of the multicultural working class. A strategy that remains regardless of the government while currently being sharpened by New Democracy party. The brutality revealed through the photos made public of Mohammed’s abused body is not a new but a systematic practice. In a political juncture when capitalism has nothing to offer or promise, when more and more people are to be devalued, marginalized and crippled, Mohammed’s abused body is a trophy in the hands of cops and fascists.
In the city center, the area of Agios Panteleimonas is perhaps the clearest illustration over time of the organic confluence of the fascist assault storm troopers, the mafia, the police and the “residents’ committees” which, as communicating vessels, attempted to tear down a multicultural neighborhood with radical roots and antifascist reference points. The multicultural proletariat is condemned to survive on starvation wages and in conditions of undeclared work, on the streets of drug addicts, in the concentration camps for immigrants and refugees, in the prisons and detention centers of the police stations, in the cardboard boxes of the homeless, in the psychiatric hospitals. It was in this system that Mohammed was murdered. In the system of capitalist inequalities, poverty, war and police violence.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: DEMONSTRATION FOR THE MURDER BY THE STATE OF Mohamed Kamran Asik and Mia Xarizoul SATURDAY 12 OCTOBER, VICTORIA SQUARE 14.30 →