( Athens,Greece) Direct Action Cores – Accepting responsibility for the arson attack on the house of union cop Theodoros Foukas.

The Direct Action Cores take responsibility for the arson attack on the house of the trade union police officer, Theodoros Foukas, in the Byron area in the early hours of 1/3. For three years now, our group, through the strategy of personal targeting of representatives of power, has been trying to put into practice the … Continue reading ( Athens,Greece) Direct Action Cores – Accepting responsibility for the arson attack on the house of union cop Theodoros Foukas.

[Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

/ Italiano / English / French / Source in Italian: https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/04/non-saremo-complici-saremo-disertori-spoleto-marzo-2024/ Responding to a parliamentary question, War Minister Guido Crosetto confirmed that the factory of Terrestrial Military Ammunition (SMMT) in Baiano di Spoleto could soon produce the new missiles and ammunition to be sent to Ukraine to support the ongoing war. The Defense Industries Agency … Continue reading [Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

$hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel

“Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel On December 16, 2009 I was expelled from Argentina after 21 months of confinement in different units of the province of Neuquén to be at the disposal of the Chilean state and it has been 14 years since then. In 2014 I was sentenced to 14 … Continue reading $hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel

Rome, Italy: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023)

Rome: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023) Claim for incendiary barricade and stone-throwing Rome – 2nd November 2023 In the night of 2 November we placed and set fire to tyres to block the traffic in front of the headquarters of Terna spa of via … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Claim for the incendiary barricade and stone-throwing against the headquarters of Terna (Rome, 2nd November 2023)

Italy: For a thousand reasons. Solidarity presence with the anarchists accused re the publication of “Bezmotivny” (Massa, 9th January 2024)

For a thousand reasons. Solidarity presence with the anarchists accused re the publication of “Bezmotivny” (Massa, 9th January 2024) Last August 8th a police operation took place involving ten anarchists, putting them under investigation for subversive association with aims of terrorism and instigation to commit crime aggravated with aims of terrorism, in reference to the … Continue reading Italy: For a thousand reasons. Solidarity presence with the anarchists accused re the publication of “Bezmotivny” (Massa, 9th January 2024)

Italy: Police raids between Bologna, Lombardy and Trentino (16th November 2023)

This morning, 16th November, 2023  the ROS (of Bologna, Milano, Brescia and Florence) raided the Spazio di documentazione anarchico “Il Tribolo” and the homes of 19 comrades between Bologna, Lombardia and Trentino. The raids are part of investigations for 270 bis, whose opening had initially been notified to 6 comrades in June 2023 and for … Continue reading Italy: Police raids between Bologna, Lombardy and Trentino (16th November 2023)

Rome, Italy: Sentence of the Bialystok appeal trial (28th November 2023)

BIALYSTOK TRIAL SECOND INSTANCE JUDGEMENT Tuesday 28th November the second instance judgement concerning“Operation Bialystok” was issued. The Public Prosecutor’s appeal request seemed poor from the motivational point of view, so much so that the Attorney General (representing the prosecution at this stage of the trial) asked at the end of the trial that the penalties … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Sentence of the Bialystok appeal trial (28th November 2023)

Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, Athens (Greece)

Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, in Athens The squatted community of Prosfygika, in Athens, was the setting for 3 days of discussions on a wide range of topics that cut across the community: gentrification, anti-fascism and borders, solidarity with political prisoners, and more. The workshop on political prisoners announced the opening of … Continue reading Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, Athens (Greece)

[Italy] October 19, 20, 21. Let’s take to the streets against war, the society of control, repression. Anarchist Bloc at the Ghedi (Brescia) demonstration on October 21

WAR IS EVERYWHERE The ongoing war in Ukraine between the Russian Federation and NATO is not a local conflict, but part of a global clash for the partitioning of the world that threatens to erupt elsewhere every day (Africa, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Armenia…). Having become a veritable meat grinder, with hundreds of thousands of deaths among … Continue reading [Italy] October 19, 20, 21. Let’s take to the streets against war, the society of control, repression. Anarchist Bloc at the Ghedi (Brescia) demonstration on October 21

Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)

Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023) The anarchist comrade Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria, in “Alta Sicurezza 2” [High-security 2], where many anarchist comrades have been imprisoned in the past and where … Continue reading Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)