We inform that in January the censorship of correspondence (incoming and outgoing) to anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, currently imprisoned for a 20-year sentence in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial, was renewed. We remind that censorship was also previously ordered between September and December 2021. Alfredo was recently subject of an arrest order in the context of … Continue reading ITALY: THE CENSORSHIP OF CORRESPONDENCE FOR ALFREDO COSPITO WAS RENEWED

Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists

On Operation “Sibilla”, from Sardinia [Note: all the repressive measures inflicted on comrades struck by operation Scintilla were annulled by the court of review on 16th December 2021] SEMPRI AINNATIS! SOLIDARITY WITH THE RECALCITRANT! “…The use being made of the charge of incitement, whether employed “purely” or as “garnishing” to other charges, is significant because … Continue reading Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists

A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)

November 28, 2021 In the hope that they can pass censorship, I throw on paper these few lines. First of all affection and solidarity to the comrades who have been involved in this umpteenth clownish repression. Especially to Michael who is under house arrest and all-the other comrades and comrades of “Vetriolo”, and anarchist sites … Continue reading A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)

The reaction in Italy: Message in the barrel about operation Sibilla and much more by Anarchist Michele Fabiani

via: fuoridallariservaTranslated by Act for freedom now!   Message in the barrel about operation Sibilla and much more The passion for destruction is also a creative passion — M. Bakunin, The Reaction in Germany The story goes that one day Alexander the Great went to the barrel in which Diogenes of Sinope lived. Diogenes was … Continue reading The reaction in Italy: Message in the barrel about operation Sibilla and much more by Anarchist Michele Fabiani

Chile: ‘The risks of multiformity’ – Words of anarchist prisoner Francisco Solar EN/ES

The search for freedom implies the attempt to establish and develop practices in that sense. Breaking with imposed directions, dogmas and predetermined schemes is essential in the construction of anti-authoritarian relations and in the strengthening of these. Multiformity in terms of action (and not only) is circumscribed in this way of understanding and carrying out … Continue reading Chile: ‘The risks of multiformity’ – Words of anarchist prisoner Francisco Solar EN/ES

Anarchic and Subversive Words from Chilean Prisons for the International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

War cries; true sounds of freedom!! In this week of solidarity with the anarchist prisoners, we make an open call to war, to continue and intensify the conflict against each expression of Power and to strengthen the ties of affinity for combat between all the anti-authoritarian sectors that exist and walk common paths. It is … Continue reading Anarchic and Subversive Words from Chilean Prisons for the International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

Contribution of Alfredo Cospito from the AS2 section of the Ferrara prison for the cycle of presentations “Guerrilla and Revolution”

Torino, 18 May  2021 It may be due to the fact that I will spend a large portion of my remaining life in a prison, that lately I feel inclined to “necrophilia”, to “historicize” what has just been. After all, the last action claimed ‘Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale’ in Italy was “just” … Continue reading Contribution of Alfredo Cospito from the AS2 section of the Ferrara prison for the cycle of presentations “Guerrilla and Revolution”

Update on anarchist Alfredo’s situation in Terni prison (Italy, July 13, 2021)

UPDATE ON ALFREDO’S SITUATION IN TERNI PRISON At the end of June we heard the news that Alfredo had been transferred to Terni prison, where there is a section for imprisoned revolutionaries. To date, however, Alfredo is still being held in the “transit” section, despite the fact that the period of isolation imposed by the … Continue reading Update on anarchist Alfredo’s situation in Terni prison (Italy, July 13, 2021)

Italy: Number 6 of the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo has come out IT/EN

Our seventh issue (including issue #0) sees these columns return, in many ways, to our classic format. Nine months ago, the unprecedented release in the form of a wall-newspaper (issue 5) was part of our need for communication and a proposal for an instrument to break, materially, the pandemic home isolation; a sheet of paper, … Continue reading Italy: Number 6 of the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo has come out IT/EN

Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

Contribution for the debate at the anarchist space Motín by anarchists editors of “Vetriolo”. Madrid, February 27, 2021 Thanks to the comrades for the invitation, we regret that more comrades could not come. The reason for such a small presence is the restrictions related to the repressive laws enacted by governments, under the pretext of … Continue reading Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy