Rome, Italy: Defacement claim in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Rome,Defacement claim On the night of 21-22 August in Rome, we defaced the mural dedicated to Falcone and Borsellino [anti-mafia prosecutors killed in 1992 by the mafia] with paint and writings. A small gesture in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, anarchist prisoner under the 41 bis regime. A little contempt for democracy and its putrid champions. … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Defacement claim in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

[IT+EN] Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022)

Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022) Si è tenuta oggi, 25 maggio, l’udienza di cassazione del processo Scripta Manent. Il procuratore generale si è espresso per il rigetto di tutte le richieste (di accusa e difese) ad eccezione … Continue reading [IT+EN] Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022)

[EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

AGAINST THE 41 BIS REGIME, REVOLUTIONARY SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST ALFREDO COSPITO On Thursday 5th May imprisoned anarchist Alfredo Cospito received notification that he was under the 41 bis prison regime. At the moment Alfredo is still being held in the prison of Terni, in the designated unit. We don’t know if this is a temporary … Continue reading [EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

[IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)

Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (marzo 2022) Informiamo che a metà del mese di marzo è stata nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza al compagno anarchico Alfredo Cospito, attualmente recluso nella sezione AS2 (“Alta Sicurezza 2”) del carcere di Terni. La censura avrà una durata di tre mesi, quindi fino a … Continue reading [IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)


We inform that in January the censorship of correspondence (incoming and outgoing) to anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, currently imprisoned for a 20-year sentence in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial, was renewed. We remind that censorship was also previously ordered between September and December 2021. Alfredo was recently subject of an arrest order in the context of … Continue reading ITALY: THE CENSORSHIP OF CORRESPONDENCE FOR ALFREDO COSPITO WAS RENEWED

A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)

November 28, 2021 In the hope that they can pass censorship, I throw on paper these few lines. First of all affection and solidarity to the comrades who have been involved in this umpteenth clownish repression. Especially to Michael who is under house arrest and all-the other comrades and comrades of “Vetriolo”, and anarchist sites … Continue reading A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)

Censorship applied to anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy, September 2021)

We inform that just over a week ago comrade Alfredo was subjected to a three-month censorship of correspondence. Updates will follow. The address of the comrade: Alfredo Cospito C. C. di Terni strada delle Campore 32 05100 Terni Italia – Italy [September 30, 2021]. via: malacoda

Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara [Published in anarchist paper Vetriolo, issue 2, autumn 2018]

What international? Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara. Part One  Internationalism has always been the principle inspiring the actions and horizons of the exploited who do not accept the role that society has given them. It has always been a vaccine against opportunism of every kind, a guarantee that those … Continue reading Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara [Published in anarchist paper Vetriolo, issue 2, autumn 2018]

Contribution of Alfredo Cospito from the AS2 section of the Ferrara prison for the cycle of presentations “Guerrilla and Revolution”

Torino, 18 May  2021 It may be due to the fact that I will spend a large portion of my remaining life in a prison, that lately I feel inclined to “necrophilia”, to “historicize” what has just been. After all, the last action claimed ‘Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale’ in Italy was “just” … Continue reading Contribution of Alfredo Cospito from the AS2 section of the Ferrara prison for the cycle of presentations “Guerrilla and Revolution”

Italy : Update on anarchist Alfredo’s Cospito , situation in Terni prison and Anarchist Anna Beniamino transferred from the prison of Messina to that of Rebibbia in Rome

Anarchist Anna Beniamino transferred from the prison of Messina to that of Rebibbia in Rome (Italy, July 17, 2021) Anna has been transferred to the Rebibbia prison in Rome [the comrade was sentenced to 16 years and 6 months of imprisonment in the trial Scripta Manent]. Her new address is: Anna Beniamino C. C. di … Continue reading Italy : Update on anarchist Alfredo’s Cospito , situation in Terni prison and Anarchist Anna Beniamino transferred from the prison of Messina to that of Rebibbia in Rome