France – A letter from isolation, a poem and a drawing that escaped from inside a prison

On 8th December 2020, several searches took place all over France, leading to the arrest of nine people. After 96 hours in custody at DGSI (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure) [General Direction of Internal Security], seven of them were charged with “criminal association of a terrorist nature”. Five of these people were subsequently imprisoned, … Continue reading France – A letter from isolation, a poem and a drawing that escaped from inside a prison


SOLIDARITY TO KØPI, YFANET AND PROSFYGIKA Our squats are under attack all over Europe. 6 days ago, cops evicted the trailer park of Kopiplatz. As a minimum show of support we hung a banner in our squat, Zizania, in solidarity with all struggling comrades against the repression of the state, the violence of the cops … Continue reading Athens,Greece: from Zizania squat, SOLIDARITY TO KØPI, YFANET AND PROSFYGIKA ,EN/DE

Chile: Text of anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero from San Miguel prison

This week marks 8 years since various groups of the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) and different individuals around the world raised the initiative to maintain a week of international solidarity with imprisoned anarchists, and that this week coincides with the day on which the anniversary of the legal murder of anarchists Bartolomeo Vanzetti and Nicola … Continue reading Chile: Text of anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero from San Miguel prison

Greece: text written by comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis on the occasion of the trial for the first police raid in squat GARE in November 2017

Here is the translation in English of the text written by comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis on the occasion of the trial for the first police raid in squat GARE in November 2017. At this eviction four comrades were arrested on heavy charges, two members of the squat and two comrades from squat Rigear94 (Berlin). This trial … Continue reading Greece: text written by comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis on the occasion of the trial for the first police raid in squat GARE in November 2017

Italy – ”Operation Prometeo”: prosecutors demand 17 to 18 years and 4 months for Nat, Beppe and Robert and flyer and poster for a gathering in solidarity and complicity on Monday, October 4, in front of the court in Genoa

via: infernourbanoTranslated by act for freedom now! On 20th September, at the court of the assizes in Genoa, prosecutor Federico Manotti and the civil party representing Rinaudi were heard at the Prometeo trial. 17 years were demanded for Robert and Natascia and 18 years and 4 months for Beppe, the latter two comrades having been … Continue reading Italy – ”Operation Prometeo”: prosecutors demand 17 to 18 years and 4 months for Nat, Beppe and Robert and flyer and poster for a gathering in solidarity and complicity on Monday, October 4, in front of the court in Genoa

Italy : L’Urlo della Terra latest issue– Editorial

via: .resistenzealnanomondo,Translated by act for freedom now! Issue 9 Dear readers, The latest issue of the paper L’Urlo della Terra is about to come out and we hope we’ll have it ready for distribution in mid-July. We ask you to support us, if you can, earlier than the usual time required for dispatching the paper … Continue reading Italy : L’Urlo della Terra latest issue– Editorial

Volos, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the attack on the AGET factory by Direct Action Cell ‘Vassilis Maggos’

RESPONSIBILITY CLAIM FOR THE ATTACK ON THE AGET FACTORY “The exploited people have nothing to manage themselves beyond the denial of their status as such. Only in this way will their bosses, their leaders, their variously adorned apologists be eliminated with them. In this ‘massive task of urgent demolition’, we must quickly seek, joy.” ACTION … Continue reading Volos, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the attack on the AGET factory by Direct Action Cell ‘Vassilis Maggos’

A world without mothers? by Silvia Guerini (Italy)

A world without mothers? The term ectogenesis was coined in the 1920s by geneticist and biologist researcher J.B.S. Haldaine to refer to the development of a new being outside the maternal body. Haldaine considered ectogenesis “an important opportunity for social engineering” inscribed in a eugenic society where a complete separation of procreation from sex would … Continue reading A world without mothers? by Silvia Guerini (Italy)

Anarchic and Subversive Words from Chilean Prisons for the International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

War cries; true sounds of freedom!! In this week of solidarity with the anarchist prisoners, we make an open call to war, to continue and intensify the conflict against each expression of Power and to strengthen the ties of affinity for combat between all the anti-authoritarian sectors that exist and walk common paths. It is … Continue reading Anarchic and Subversive Words from Chilean Prisons for the International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara [Published in anarchist paper Vetriolo, issue 2, autumn 2018]

What international? Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara. Part One  Internationalism has always been the principle inspiring the actions and horizons of the exploited who do not accept the role that society has given them. It has always been a vaccine against opportunism of every kind, a guarantee that those … Continue reading Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara [Published in anarchist paper Vetriolo, issue 2, autumn 2018]