Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February

Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February 2022 We receive and publish a leaflet handed out during an initiative dedicated to Juan and anarchist prisoners that took place in Genoa on 20th February. The leaflet introduces an exhibition of texts written by our imprisoned comrades Juan Sorroche, Anna … Continue reading Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February

To block Greece’s participation in the imperialist wars

English translation of our collective’s text regarding the situation in Ukraine and Greece’s involvement. It is our duty to work against Greece’s participation, and to build international struggles against the war, against all capitalist wars. (You can find the text in pdf form as well, in the end of the page). “Those at the top … Continue reading To block Greece’s participation in the imperialist wars

Italy – Blank spaces and black letters

via:  infernourbano Translated by act for freedom now! Blank spaces and black letters – On the repressive operation “Sibilla” To express annoyance or disappointment in the face of power is not for us. Convinced as we are that between freedom and authority not only there is an unbridgeable gap but also that the former is … Continue reading Italy – Blank spaces and black letters

Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki Revolution or Barbarism In recent years our days have been filled with news of deaths, with numbers of dead, with the words of “experts” who command arrogantly and boastfully from the power they have been given. They are filled … Continue reading Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Italy and Germany : From Rome to Bialystok, passing by Berlin

we received by email 20/2/22 From Rome to Bialystok, passing by Berlin What has an anti-anarchist operation in Italy got to do with Berlin? Operation “Bialystok” took place in Italy on 12 June 2020. Yet another attack on the anarchist milieu, adding to the long tradition of state attacks against rebellious structures and individuals. Main … Continue reading Italy and Germany : From Rome to Bialystok, passing by Berlin

France,From Nantes to Nîmes: “Down with the state, the cops and the fascists”

Nantes: Against the far right, against the state and capital L’Obs / Saturday 22 January 2022 Two people were arrested, one of whom was taken into custody, following incidents on the sidelines of an “antifa” demonstration that brought together more than 600 people in downtown Nantes on Friday 21 January, police sources said. A torchlight … Continue reading France,From Nantes to Nîmes: “Down with the state, the cops and the fascists”

Spain: Legal developments since last public statement on Gabriel Pomba Da Silva (April 2021)

With this communiqué we want to inform about the current legal situation that continues to prevent the release of our anarchist comrade, despite the fact that 2 years have passed since his arrest (we remember illegal). It is evident the will of the executioners in robes to continue kidnapping Gabriel. With any means that their … Continue reading Spain: Legal developments since last public statement on Gabriel Pomba Da Silva (April 2021)


A DNA MIXTURE THAT COULD BE ANYONE’S, EVEN YOURS! This text was written on the occasion of the 2nd degree trial that will be held on February 9th ,2022 , for the case of Vanggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis. In the first instance, the former was sentenced to 19 years’ prison for his practical solidarity … Continue reading A DNA MIXTURE THAT COULD BE ANYONE’S, EVEN YOURS! (GREECE)

Lecce, Italy : Blow it  up

Published on 23/01/2022 by disordine Translated by act for freedom now! Blow it up In order to “convince” people to be vaccinated, but above all to loyally follow the imposed rules and be obedient, the State through its Governments with the support of its technicians and the media, has terrorized and blackmailed, taken away rights … Continue reading Lecce, Italy : Blow it  up

Italy: Measure and process updates for “Operation Bialystok”

via: darknights —————– January 2022 As we approach the end of the trial of Operation Bialystok, it seems to us to be the right moment to spread some considerations on its progress. Although we are not interested in following the pace dictated by repression, nor in taking a victimistic or alarmist stance in the face … Continue reading Italy: Measure and process updates for “Operation Bialystok”