Greece: EN/IT/EL,Text of Solidarity for the comrade Alfredo Cospito by prisoners members of Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis

Text of Solidarity for the comrade Alfredo Cospito by the members of Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis 15/11/2022 The physical and moral extermination of revolutionary fighters and political prisoners, or the coercion of them into political renunciation and repentance, has been the goal of the State and capital throughout time. In order to … Continue reading Greece: EN/IT/EL,Text of Solidarity for the comrade Alfredo Cospito by prisoners members of Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis

Genoa, Italy: ”Operation Prometeo”: Monday 14th November presence at the court of Genoa in solidarity

Genoa, Operation Prometeo: Monday 14th November at 10am, solidarity presence at the court of Genoa Presence in solidarity with Beppe, Natascia and Robert, still accused after the acquittal in first instance of having sent an explosive package to the ex-director of the DAP, Santi Consolo, and to two public prosecutors in Turin, Roberto Sparagna and … Continue reading Genoa, Italy: ”Operation Prometeo”: Monday 14th November presence at the court of Genoa in solidarity

Anarchist prisoner comrade Giannis Michailidis starting a hunger strike as a sign of solidarity with the 11 fighters and hunger strikers from Turkey (Greece)

Hunger strike of anarchist GIannis MichaIlidIs as a sign of solidarity with the 11 fighters and hunger strikers from Turkey On 7th of October, the 11 fighters from Turkey Ali Ercan Gökoğlu, Burak Agarmış, Hasan Kaya, Sinan Çam, Şadi Naci Özpolat, Halil Demir, Anıl Sayar, Harika Kızılkaya, Hazal Seçer, Sinan Oktay Özen and İsmail Zat … Continue reading Anarchist prisoner comrade Giannis Michailidis starting a hunger strike as a sign of solidarity with the 11 fighters and hunger strikers from Turkey (Greece)

Santiago, Chile: Claim for Explosive Attack Against Sercor S.A. Subsidiary of AntarChile

Santiago, Claim for Explosive Attack Against Sercor S.A. Subsidiary of AntarChile On the night of October 19, three years after the beginning of the revolt, we attacked the company SerCor located in the Las Condes district, specifically in building 150 of El Golf Avenue, with dynamite. SerCor S.A. is a company of the corporate center … Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Claim for Explosive Attack Against Sercor S.A. Subsidiary of AntarChile

Italy: “Steadfastness in revolutionary practice” – Discourse at gatherings outside the prisons of Terni and Spoleto

“Steadfastness in revolutionary practice” – Discourse at gatherings outside the prisons of Terni and Spoleto (1/11/2022) We are writing these lines on the occasion of the gatherings planned for 1st November 2022 outside the prisons of Terni and Spoleto in conjunction with the call for struggle launched through the hunger strike by anarchist comrade Alfredo … Continue reading Italy: “Steadfastness in revolutionary practice” – Discourse at gatherings outside the prisons of Terni and Spoleto

Fire of Solidarity for Alfredo Cospito by Autonomous Cell Anna Maria Mantini in (Berlin, Germany)

Fire of Solidarity for Alfredo Cospito by Autonomous Cell Anna Maria Mantini In the early hours of 31 October, we set fire to a van belonging to the GA-Tec company. This company for building and facilities management technology is 100% owned by the Sodexo group and runs prisons itself (in England and Chile) and is … Continue reading Fire of Solidarity for Alfredo Cospito by Autonomous Cell Anna Maria Mantini in (Berlin, Germany)

Germany: SPIE & MIELE Vans Set on Fire in Leipzig – Freedom for our Comrades!

SPIE & MIELE Vans Set on Fire in Leipzig During the night from 31.10. to 01.11. we set fire to SPIE and MIELE vans in the south of Leipzig. SPIE has been known as a prison profiteer for years. The company is involved in both the construction and operation of prisons worldwide. For us, MIELE … Continue reading Germany: SPIE & MIELE Vans Set on Fire in Leipzig – Freedom for our Comrades!

IT, EN] Attacco incendiario contro un ripetitore di telefonia mobile in solidarietà con l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito in sciopero della fame (Trambileno, 5 novembre 2022)

Attacco incendiario contro un ripetitore di telefonia mobile in solidarietà con l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito in sciopero della fame (Trambileno, 5 novembre 2022) ——————– Incendiary attack against a mobile telecommunications antenna in solidarity with anarchist Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike (Trambileno, Italy, November 5, 2022) We learn from the media, in particular the local Trentino … Continue reading IT, EN] Attacco incendiario contro un ripetitore di telefonia mobile in solidarietà con l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito in sciopero della fame (Trambileno, 5 novembre 2022)

ES:Madrid,Spain Concentración: No permitamos que el compañero anarquista italiano Alfredo Cóspito sea asesinado

[Madrid] Concentración: No permitamos que el compañero anarquista italiano Alfredo Cóspito sea asesinado NO PERMITAMOS QUE EL COMPAÑERO ANARQUISTA ITALIANO ALFREDO CÓSPITO SEA ASESINADO Concentración , domingo 6 de noviembre, 13H, Tirso de Molina. SOLIDARIDAD INTERNACIONALISTA Y COMPLICIDAD REVOLUCIONARIA CON EL COMPAÑERO ALFREDO CÓSPITO EN HUELGA DE HAMBRE El compañero lleva en huelga de hambre … Continue reading ES:Madrid,Spain Concentración: No permitamos que el compañero anarquista italiano Alfredo Cóspito sea asesinado

Italy: The first grade sentence concerning the trial of the”Operation Bialystok”Against Anarchists. en/el

”Operation Bialystok” Received and spread: On 29th September the first grade sentence concerning the trial following the so-called Operation Bialystok which saw 6 anarchists charged with different types of offences, from association with terrorist aims (art. 270bis cp) to terroristic attack, (art. 280 cp), from damage to arson, from incitement to commit a crime to … Continue reading Italy: The first grade sentence concerning the trial of the”Operation Bialystok”Against Anarchists. en/el