December 2024
We live in a world in which our existence is continuously threaten by the capitalist advances in all their expressions. Governments and businessman, mercenaries without scruples are responsible of keeping the status quo, while submitting all of us by means of state violence to a life of misery and resignation.Confronting such reality, those who rise up and resist head against this imposed reality, are turned immediately into terrorist.
This idea is sustained and reproduced thanks to the unconditional support of the dis-information media, which fulfills very well their role of deforming opinion. Nothing further from reality than the headlines of the local yellow press.
Who decides to attack?
There is no such things as a savior complex in those who decide to fight. It is rather a personal decision that keeps coherence with the chosen path in life. Tireless and stubborn, us who chose this way are the undesirable reflex of a society that thinks of it self in terms of the oppressor. Therefore, we will always be on the side of those who rise up, face the oppressor and attack. Making clear that these are not invulnerable monsters.