Solidarity from Uruguay to Athens.en/es/de


December 2024

We live in a world in which our existence is continuously threaten by the capitalist advances in all their expressions. Governments and businessman, mercenaries without scruples are responsible of keeping the status quo, while submitting all of us by means of state violence to a life of misery and resignation.Confronting such reality, those who rise up and resist head against this imposed reality, are turned immediately into terrorist.

This idea is sustained and reproduced thanks to the unconditional support of the dis-information media, which fulfills very well their role of deforming opinion. Nothing further from reality than the headlines of the local yellow press.

Who decides to attack?

There is no such things as a savior complex in those who decide to fight. It is rather a personal decision that keeps coherence with the chosen path in life. Tireless and stubborn, us who chose this way are the undesirable reflex of a society that thinks of it self in terms of the oppressor. Therefore, we will always be on the side of those who rise up, face the oppressor and attack. Making clear that these are not invulnerable monsters.

Continue reading Solidarity from Uruguay to Athens.en/es/de

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina, Ñuñoa

December 11, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

received by email

Thursday, December 5, masked individuals raised barricades and confronted the police (COP) with molotov cocktails outside of Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina in Ñuñoa, Santiago.

The incendiary action was carried out in rejection of the political persecution experienced inside the establishment, which has resulted in harassment and expulsion of students who have been linked with actions of the street struggle.

Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina, Ñuñoa

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Santiago (Usach) in Memory of Risue and in Solidarity with Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

 Incendiary Stroll at University of Santiago (Usach) in Memory of Risue and in Solidarity with Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

via:  informativoanarquistaTranslated by Act for freedom now!

Extracted from Difusión Negra Usach

Thursday, October 10…

On that mid-day a group of masked people left from inside the University of Santiago to block traffic in the context of the first month since the assassination of the comrade Alonso Verdejo (Risue). He was assassinated in the last pilgriage by a cowardly attack of a fascist counter-march. Through this we also show solidarity with the 532 years of resistance of the Mapuche people-nation.

Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Santiago (Usach) in Memory of Risue and in Solidarity with Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

Sidiq’s cell raided – Appeal. Indonesia

Hi all
We got a message from known and trusted comrades close to anarchist prisoner in Indonesia, Sidiq. They informed us that Sidiq had his cell raided and the guards took away several possessions of Sidiq. Generally,

Sidiq’s family and friends are finding it hard to support Sidiq because
it costs money to survive inside the prison. Therefore they have asked if it is possible to send some support money to the Paypal to improve his life there and buy again some provisions/items.
Continue reading Sidiq’s cell raided – Appeal. Indonesia

EVERYONE TO SÜNDI / ALLE ZUM SÜNDI 2.1.25 Hambacher Forest [ENG / DEU]


The industrial monster is at the door! The biggest pit in Europe – the
Hambach Mine, so-called “Germany” – is getting bigger day by day. A
precious woodland we call “the Sündi” (once part of the Hambacher
Forest) stands directly in its path, right next to the ruins of the
former village of Manheim (which coal-giant RWE has also been laying to

Since September the Sündi has been squatted! Where a world-eating coalmine was scheduled to expand, an autonomous zone has sprung up in its place, blocking the expansion of the pit and the system of death it powers. But now we have the news that the state will attempt an eviction, possibly as soon as January 6.
Continue reading EVERYONE TO SÜNDI / ALLE ZUM SÜNDI 2.1.25 Hambacher Forest [ENG / DEU]

France, Prison of Seysses : Damien back inside. Yet again.

via: attaque Translated by Act for freedom now!

received by mail / Thursday 19 December 2024


Damien back inside. Yet again.

On the 24th at the latest I go back inside. Yet again.

The official reason is that I was asleep in the work lorry under the effect of alcohol but because I was badly parked they assumed I was on the road and so drunk at the wheel etc…..The real reason is that by typing my name in the file, anarchiste S etc etc….
Continue reading France, Prison of Seysses : Damien back inside. Yet again.

Update About the Preparation of the Oral Trial Against Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernandez (Chile)

December 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Monday December 16, 2024, almost two years since the arrest of comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernandez, during the raids carried out in the context of the investigation into the bomb detonated at the National Gendarmerie Headquarters, the Santiago 10th Court of Guarantees cited the fulfillment of the preparation hearing of the oral trial.

This is a procedural instance in which, with the investigative stage concluded, both the prosecution and the defense aim to establish the evidence that will be used to accredit their positions in the following step, the oral trial.
Continue reading Update About the Preparation of the Oral Trial Against Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernandez (Chile)

“The Regime Has Fallen!” – Compilation of texts on the latest events in Syria, as well as on the history of the Syrian revolution, its (missing) solidarity, the war and the counter-revolution…

PDF: A3 | Tabloid

Table of content:

On the Realization of Fantasy… The Day Assad Fell. A Testimony from Damascus by Omar Dayyoub(17.12.24) – p. 3

„The future of Syria will be decided by the Syrians and nobody else” Interview with Leila Al-Shami (16.12.24) – p. 4

From Syria to Palestine, liberation comes from below by Joseph Daher (11.12.24) – p. 4 Continue reading “The Regime Has Fallen!” – Compilation of texts on the latest events in Syria, as well as on the history of the Syrian revolution, its (missing) solidarity, the war and the counter-revolution…

Berlin,Germany : Burning of Siemens car in solidarity responded to the call for days of action in memory of Kyriakos X and in solidarity with those persecuted in the Ampelokipoi case

On the morning of December 31, 2024, we responded to the call for days of action in memory of Kyriakos X and in solidarity with those persecuted in the Ampelokipoi case and destroyed a Siemens vehicle in Berlin-Baumschulenweg with a time-delayed incendiary device. Unfortunately, other vehicles also caught fire in the course of this, which is regrettable.

Siemens has been trying to improve its image in recent years. Withdrawing from some of its armaments sectors and investing in the renewable energy sector was intended to give the company a clean, green and politically correct face.
Continue reading Berlin,Germany : Burning of Siemens car in solidarity responded to the call for days of action in memory of Kyriakos X and in solidarity with those persecuted in the Ampelokipoi case

Athens, Greece: Update from the demonstration gathering at korydallos prison on 31/12/24

31/12, in the evening, a rally was held outside Korydallos prison with the massive participation of comrades.

The gathering headed towards the men’s prison and then marched along Grigoriou Lambrakis Street towards the women’s prison. Finally, it headed to the back of the men’s prison outside the A’ wing.

Throughout the rally, dynamic slogans were heard, joined by the voices of prisoners. For the struggle against prisons, in solidarity with those who are imprisoned, in solidarity with the comrades who are in pretrial detention for the Ampelokipi case, Marianna, Dimitra, Dimitris, Nikos and A.K., and for our comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris who will live forever in our hearts and struggles.







Assembly of Solidarity with the imprisoned, fugitiveand persecuted fighters