Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack


Athens ,We claim responsibility for the following attacks on fascist targets:

i) In the early hours of 11/17, we placed an incendiary device in the house of the former member of the Hellenic Solution, Anastasia Aikaterini Alexopoulou, in Zografou. The Hellenic Solution is a far-right party that sought to replace Golden Dawn in Parliament, and has been there since 2019. Velopoulos’s party went to the elections promoting the whole extreme agenda and mainly fences and machine guns on the borders. Now these costumed fascists have ended up a funny opposition that turns its back on the government to pay off its debts. (After the act we have been informed that this particular piece of trash has moved from the house that was recently targeted, such an operational error will not be repeated)

ii) In the early hours of 11/17, we also placed an incendiary device in the house of the fascist of the neighbourhood of Zografou, Vassilis Barletis. After using information, Barletis, a well-known fascist in the area, was added to the itinerary and we decided to leave him a gift from us in his view.


Anarchists Sabotage Train Lines in Northern California in Solidarity with Palestine.( United States)

Anarchists Sabotage Train Lines in Northern California in Solidarity with Palestine

This action was taken in response to a larger call coming out of the Bay Area to protest against the continued bombing of Gaza and the violation of the Ceasefire by Israel.

On the morning of December 2nd at 5:00am we sabotaged various strategically located train lines in Northern California: in Pittsburgh, Oakland, Niles, Bahia, and Lodi. We used a tactic shared by natives and accomplices of the Wet’Suwet’en tribe in so called Canada. We took large gauge copper wire and wrapped it around both rails of the same train track. Doing this completed the low voltage current running thru the rails notifying the train operator that the track is occupied and cannot be used until the obstruction is found and removed. This method for stopping train traffic yields the lowest possibility for derailment, and thus the least likely to cause harm to human or animal life. We did this in solidarity with the ongoing resistance to genocide being waged against Palestinians by the so called state of Israel.

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A Communique on Sabotaging Zionist Infrastructure: Shutting Down Friends of the IDF -Water Main Cemented

For Palestine.

To rebels everywhere.

With deepest love and ancestral rage,

We gathered with heavy hearts and humble hands holding a promise for a world safer from white supremacist, settler-colonial violence. Those who declare war on original peoples and pillage sacred life and land will face retribution. There has been a great fire building, may it overflow and take all enemies of life with it. May it create fertile grounds for victory against violent occupiers.

We took it upon ourselves to make sure these fascists could not gather. Rather than the constant reactivity and rigidness of mass protest spectacles, we wanted to hit them where it fucking hurts.

On November 5th, the Zionist fascist scum, “Friends of the IDF,” who represent the interests of wealthy American capitalists in their direct support of the settler colonial state of Israel and its continued campaign of genocide and apartheid against the Palestinian people, attempted to hold a fundraiser gala at Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California.

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Anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno has died on 6th December at the age of 86

You will always be alive with us through our action and our lives. “ACTION REPLACES TEARS”

Alfredo Maria Bonanno, born in 1937 in Catania, Sicily, is one of the most prolific contemporary anarchists, responsible for Anarchismo editions and other publishing ventures. In 1977 he was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his book La Gioia Armata (Armed Joy). This book had been published at a historical moment when the Italian revolutionary movement was openly going on the offensive, while similar conditions existed in other European countries (Germany, Spain, England, Greece, Chile and more) and the question of violence was on the daily agenda. His contribution lies in a celebration of the pervasive class violence that liberates and satisfies the individual, but at the same time he sounds the alarm about the emergence of the armed party, which reduces the class conflict to a militaristic dimension, imposing the mediation of a small minority of armed men on the complexity of tens of thousands of people struggling by all means against the current reorganization of Capital, which at that moment seemed weak.

In the spirit of the book, all authentic liberating and destructive action comes from a logic of satisfaction in the struggle, not a self-sacrificing duty in accordance with the dictates of a micro-bureaucracy. The Italian Supreme Court ordered the destruction of the copies of the book that were in circulation, and sent a circular to public libraries to dispose of any copies they might have had.

Several librarians objected to this Nazi-inspired tactic. Its circulation was generally banned, and copies were confiscated from the homes of anarchist militants in the context of police raids on houses.

Shortly afterwards, the author was accused of being an “instigator” of the Azione Rivoluzionaria, an armed organisation of 1976-79, which operated on the basis of “affinity groups” throughout central Italy, mainly against newspapers and party offices, and similar “manipulative mechanisms of consensus-building”. In 1979 the organisation was practically dismantled with the arrest of 86 people and the arrest of Salvatore Cinieri and Gianfranco Faina. The first went on to die in prison in a scuffle with criminal inmates when he defended a prisoner suspected of submitting an escape plan, while the second was released to die of lung cancer after being diagnosed with a tumour while in custody.

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Athens, Greece: Fire to the ATTIKO METRO machinery! By Anarchists

Athens,Fire to the ATTIKO METRO machinery! (excerpt)

In the early hours of November 17th, we attacked and set fire to 3 ATTIKO METRO machines at the construction site of line 4 in the area of Kaisariani at the junction of Ethnikis Antistaseos and Filolaou streets.

Our action is the conceivable sequel of the slogan that we shouted so many times together with thousands of other demonstrators at the gatherings and demonstrations against the destruction of Exarchia square by the cooperation of the state-contractors-Attiko Metro-municipal authority. Mobilizations that have intensified recently, after the invasion of the machinery in the square with the aim of clearing the area of trees, bushes, etc.

Finally, we chose our incendiary attack to take place at a time and day (early morning on November 17, 2023) when, according to media reports, 5000 thousand policemen were patrolling the streets of Athens ahead of the mobilizations for the 50th anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising. Our arson attack took place within breathing distance between the Kaisariani police station and the headquarters of the YMET (special units of the Greek Police)in Oulof Palme avenue, proving that the city belongs to those who wish to destroy order and not to those who are paid to enforce it. Now and always.


Arson Committee “Σπεύδε Βραδέως”

Nationwide Subsidiary Attacked in East Bay Area, CA (USA)

Nationwide Subsidiary Attacked in East Bay Area, CA

On the early morning of Wednesday, November 22, I smashed all 7 windows within reach at Pcf Insurance Services in Walnut Creek, CA. I also painted “Uncover Cop City” on the front of the building so they’d know why I came. Pcf is a subsidiary of Nationwide, which I learned from Nationwide’s own website at . Nationwide is the insurance provider for Cop City, and they have thousands of locations like this all across the country, also listed at Without an insurance provider, Cop City can’t be built.
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United States : Cop City-Affiliated Concrete Company Attacked In Raleigh, NC

Cop City-Affiliated Concrete Company Attacked In Raleigh, NC

On the night of November 19th, we snuck onto the Raleigh worksite of Thomas Concrete, one of several southeastern companies contracted to help build Cop City. We smashed the windos of their office, disabled a half dozen or so concrete trucks by cutting their tires’ valve stems, and left “Stop Cop City” and “For Tort” painted around the site.

Thomas Concrete has multiple offices and worksites throughout the Southeast. We encourage others to visit them day and night, in groups large and small. We also salute the recent attack on Ernst concrete trucks, and hope people keep the pressure up on Brasfield and Gorrie too!
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Munich (Germany): another attack on a city construction site

Munich : another attack on a city construction site

At around 4 a.m. on Friday November 10, Munich firefighters arrived a little late at Johanneskirchen Straße. There, an excavator and a dump truck, located on the tramway construction site run by the municipal public transport company MVG (Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft), were burning up.

The two construction machines were destroyed, with the flames causing damage estimated at 300,000 euros. The fact that they were separated by several meters, leading investigators to suspect the existence of several sources of ignition, prompted the Munich Criminal Police and the State Protection Service (Staatsschutz) to take over the investigation.

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Athens, Greece: Claim for molotov attack on OPKE

Athens, Claim for molotov attack on OPKE

50 years after the Polytechnic uprising, 15 years after December ’08, which erupted after the murder of the anarchist student Alexandros Grigoropoulos, the states and the capitalists have launched an attack of unprecedented intensity on the conquests won through blood and struggle. The intensity of the attack is experienced by the most impoverished sections of society who are subject to daily exploitation. The murders in the workplaces and work sites, at the borders, in prisons and police checkpoints are dubbed ‘industrial accidents’, ‘isolated incidents’, ‘shootings’ and occupy a single column in the margin of a newspaper. But they are clearly state and capitalist killings in an environment where our lives are devalued and expendable.

In a neoliberal environment where the bosses, whose sole criteria is to increase their profitability, aim the guns of the cops at the disposable, poor, outcasts and petty criminals. The forces of repression have always been the murderous assault battalions of bourgeois democracy.
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