Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Claim for Incendiary Attack on Bus. 15 Years After Your Death in Action, MAURICIO MORALES, YOU LIVE ON IN FIRE (Chile)

May 29, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Sent by mail 28/05/24

“Lying, knocked down on the street, with the frozen cement, I see my fall pass closeby and I see myself taken down at this same spot… with heart beating hurriedly and the rain forcefully washing the blood from around me.”
 Mauricio Morales

“We hold our dead in our hearts. We carry them with us in wild moments when the anarchist attack disrupts the order of this world. Anarchy has no victims or heroes.”
 Conspiracy Cells of Fire

On May 27, 2024, a few hours after midnight we took a public transport bus by storm. With a clear target, breaking the monotony of the citizen rythym and illuminating the cold May night in memory of anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales.

15 years ago… one May 22 of 2009, around 1:30am, a blast shook the silent and cold night of the Matta district. The ingenuity that he transported towards the cursed school of the gendarmerie of Chile had detonated early. Punky Mauri, as he was known in anarchist spaces, died instantly in the explosion, merging with the artefact that he had been intended for this horrific institution.

Continue reading Claim for Incendiary Attack on Bus. 15 Years After Your Death in Action, MAURICIO MORALES, YOU LIVE ON IN FIRE (Chile)

Saint-Orens-de-Gameville (Haute-Garonne) France : against the Olympics, fire at the cell tower and fiber optics

Against the Olympics, fire at the cell tower and fiber optics ES/ EL /IT    Game-Over in Gameville
IAATA, July 26, 2024

On the night of July 25 to 26, in Saint Orens de Gameville, we set fire to a cell tower and a fiber optic interconnect node, and tagged “No J.O.” on the tower housing the cables.

There is no Olympic truce. The government’s rhetorical bombardment of appeasement through sport, at both geopolitical and parliamentary levels, is accompanied by military bombardment around the world and a war against populations.

What kind of truce, what kind of appeasement are we talking about? The displacement of the most marginalized populations, the increased police presence in the capital, the development of panoptic surveillance in all directions, based on the installation of new video surveillance cameras and the repressive use of artificial intelligence?
Continue reading Saint-Orens-de-Gameville (Haute-Garonne) France : against the Olympics, fire at the cell tower and fiber optics

France: Claim of sabotage of TGV lines a few hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Claim of sabotage of TGV lines a few hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

They call it a celebration? We see it as a celebration of nationalism, a gigantic staging of the subjugation of populations by states.

Underneath their friendly, playful guise, the Olympic Games provide a testing ground for police crowd management and the generalized control of our movements.

Like all major sporting events, they are also an opportunity to worship the values that underpin the world of power and money, generalized competition, performance at all costs, sacrifice for the sake of national interest and glory.

The call to identify with an imaginary community and to support the side to which one supposedly belongs is no less harmful than the permanent incitement to see one’s salvation in the health of one’s national economy and the strength of one’s national army.
Continue reading France: Claim of sabotage of TGV lines a few hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

(Chile) Fiery Outings at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Luisa Toledo and in Solidarity with the Prisoners of July 6

July 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On both Tuesday the July 9 as well as the Friday the 12th, masked students of Manuel Barros Borgoño High School displayed banners, spread pamphlets and armed barricades while confronting the presence of the COP with molotovs. The first day in memory of Luisa Toledo, and the second in solidarity with the comrades who were detained and imprisoned during the July 6 raids in Villa Francia and other areas, the same day that the 3 year anniversary of the death of comrade Luisa Toledo was being commemorated.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Noyarey (Isère) France : solidarity sabotage against the war industry

solidarity sabotage against the war industry

High-voltage cables set on fire: ultra-left suspected

Le Dauphiné, June 27, 2024

A new electrical sabotage attack took place overnight in the Grenoble area on Monday night, as Le Dauphiné Libéré learned from corroborating sources on Wednesday morning: in the commune of Noyarey, 20,000 volt electrical cables were set on fire along the RD 1532, the incident apparently only being discovered late on Tuesday afternoon. During the night of June 12-13, two 20,000-volt power transformers were set on fire on avenue du Grand Sablons in La Tronche and avenue de l’Europe in Grenoble, leaving 2,000 homes and businesses without power.

In Noyarey, the perpetrators of this latest attack targeted easily accessible cables that cross a small stream, the Ruisset (or Gélinot stream), at the level of a small bridge over the RD 1532. The fire caused extensive damage to these cables, but it seems that there were no major power cuts in the neighborhood, either to homes or to neighboring businesses, which would explain why the fire was only discovered on Tuesday afternoon.
Continue reading Noyarey (Isère) France : solidarity sabotage against the war industry

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : The metro construction site is under fire

The metro construction site is under fire

The night brings good advice
IAATA, May 19, 2024

Ecological transition and decarbonization are hammered into our heads under the guise of green capitalism. The reality is that capitalism is not a system of transition but of accumulation. 3rd metro line, LGV freeway… This system is maintained by its flows, and that’s where it finds its weaknesses.

Whether Macron likes it or not, if there’s accumulation there’s no trickle-down, it’s a fable with the same misery at the end, the rich don’t share and the poor work themselves to death. That’s why on the night of May 17 to 18 in Toulouse, a drill belonging to NGE, working on the new Toulouse metro line, was set on fire.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : The metro construction site is under fire

Pisa, Italy: Claim for incendiary attack on optic fibre 2 June 2024

Pisa, Claim for incendiary attack on optic fibre

In the night between 1 and 2 June, using rags and fuel, we set fire to a fibre optic street cabinet in the Fontina area of Pisa. We chose this place because it is in an industrial area near the Carrefour hypermarket, a robotics laboratory of the Sant’Anna Institute and the Bank of Pisa. Each day reality shows us how domination and war are directly linked to the development of these technologies, as the smart annihilation of the population of Gaza is demonstrating.

As much as the media has downplayed the damage by attributing it to a fault, they have had to admit that the repairs will require a long time. In this way we hope we have spoiled the work of the above-mentioned institutes and the festivities for this hypocritical republic.

Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

[Received via e-mail and published in]

Rivendicazione dell’attacco incendiario contro la fibra ottica (Pisa, 2 giugno 2024)

La notte tra il 1 e il 2 di giugno abbiamo incendiato con stracci e combustibile un armadio della fibra ottica a Pisa in località la Fontina. Abbiamo scelto il posto perchè situato in un’area industriale vicino ad un ipermercato della Carrefour, ad un laboratorio di robotica dell’Istituto Sant’Anna e al Banco di Pisa.

La realtà di tutti i giorni ci mostra come il dominio e la guerra siano direttamente legate allo sviluppo di queste tecnologie, come lo sterminio smart della popolazione di Gaza ci insegna. Per quanto i media abbiano minimizzato il danno attribuendolo ad un guasto, hanno dovuto ammettere che le riparazioni richiederanno parecchio tempo.

Speriamo di aver guastato con ciò l’opera degli istituti sopracitati e i festeggiamenti per questa ipocrita repubblica.

Leipzig (Germany): arson attack on a Tesla dealership

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Leipzig : arson attack on a Tesla dealership

[On the night of May 12/13 in Leipzig, several Tesla cars were set on fire in the Schomburgkstrasse parking lot of a Tesla dealership. Two Tesla cars were completely destroyed, and two others heavily damaged, with damage amounting to 120,000 euros. The Saxony Regional Criminal Police’s Center for Defense against Terrorism and Extremism (PTAZ) was in charge of the investigation. The day before the attack in Leipzig, 2,500 demonstrators marched in Berlin from the forest towards the Tesla factory in Grünheide, with clashes with the police. On May 16, a communique was published on de.indymedia.].

Disrupt Tesla – Electric cars set on fire west of Leipzig

On the night of May 12/13, as the dust began to settle in Grünheide and the cops were leaving, we went to remove several Teslas from circulation at a car dealership in western Leipzig using incendiary devices.

Continue reading Leipzig (Germany): arson attack on a Tesla dealership

Ten OMNY Machines Smashed by the Transit Liberation Front NY,USA

Recently, Black Revolutionaries in Atlanta sent out a call for a Summer of Resistance, a sustained, militant, and decentralized campaign targeting the multitude of appendages of the settler-colonial so-called United States, its Zionist client government, and their many accomplices in promoting a genocidal agenda in Palestine that is killing tens of thousands. In response, we turned our attention to the MTA and the touchless payment system, OMNY, that it is trying to shove down New Yorkers’ collective throat. These machines represent a world in which we must trade away our privacy for the right to move about our own city. The existence of OMNY and the city’s desire to phase out all other methods of payment is an obvious ploy to increase surveillance and further violate our communities by policing the main arteries of transit for everyday New Yorkers—as if the subways weren’t fucking crawling with police already.

We smashed ten of these machines in multiple subway stations across the city. We estimate that this is equivalent to about $40,000 in damage.
Continue reading Ten OMNY Machines Smashed by the Transit Liberation Front NY,USA

Berlin (Germany): drilling machines set ablaze in solidarity

[In Canada, a struggle has been underway for several years on Wet’suwet’en territory against the Coastal GasLink pipeline project, being punctuated by numerous sabotages, occupations and incendiary attacks. During a raid in Calgary on the site of the company responsible for drilling under the Wedzin Kwa River, anarchists were able to make public in June 2022 the names of the two German manufacturers of the huge drilling machines used on site (Herrenkencht and Bauer). On August 3, 2022, Bauer construction machinery, including an expensive drilling rig, went up in smoke in the Bavarian region. And on the night of Sunday May 5 to Monday May 6, two more Bauer drilling machines were set alight on a construction site in the Wedding district of Berlin, in solidarity with the struggles of the Wet’suwet’en people, and more broadly against extractivist projects. Below is a translation from the German of the communique published the same day on]

Attack on Bauer drills and extractivist infrastructures! Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en anti-colonial struggle!

Around the world, countless indigenous communities are fighting extractivist projects and infrastructures, such as mining projects, hydraulic fracking, deforestation and pipelines. In the territory occupied by the Canadian state, for example, a huge project is currently under construction: the Coastal GasLink Pipeline, designed to transport gas extracted by hydraulic fracking. This project not only destroys entire regions, but also threatens the Wet’suwet’en indigenous way of life. The pipeline is to be built on their territory, crossing the Wedzin Kwa River, which is essential to their way of life as a source of water and fish. That’s why the Wet’suwet’en have long opposed this project with fierce resistance, defending their land. Their resistance is met with strong repression, but also benefits from great solidarity.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): drilling machines set ablaze in solidarity