Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Neue Galerie, Starbucks, Chanel store, and Navy recruitment center vandalized – NYC & Brooklyn, NY (USA)

Neue Galerie, Starbucks, Chanel store, and Navy recruitment center vandalized – NYC & Brooklyn, NY

an autonomous group of anti-colonial anarchists redecorated Neue Galerie on 5th Avenue in NYC with blood red paint yesterday for its direct support of the IDF & its ties to Israeli weapons company Elbit Systems.

“In response to the call from Bethlehem for no celebration during genocide, and on one of the biggest days of the year for capitalist consumerism, an autonomous group of anti-colonial anarchists targeted Neue Galerie on 5th Avenue in New York City for its direct support of the IOF and its ties to Elbit Systems. The activists smeared paint as thick and red as blood across the outer walls and entrance gate.

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For the attack on Starbucks on 29/12 in Heraklion, Crete
In the night that dawned on 29/12, we decided to attack the Starbucks on Byronos and August 25th streets. The action was carried out by lighting two improvised smoke bombs and hitting the windows of the store with hammers.

After the door fell, we threw in bottles filled with red paint. Red like the blood of children in Palestine. Starbucks, among many other companies, choose not only to cover up Israel’s terrorism and murder of the Palestinian people, but are actively contributing by making deals that will take place over the soil where the victims of the Israeli State’s bloodlust are buried.

This action is an indication that we will continue to fight the terror imposed by States, despite repression and intimidation in the name of security and order.



via: athens.indymedia

Translated by  Act for freedom now!

Athens,Greece: Activists vandalise Syntagma waterfall with red paint in solidarity with Palestine

On Christmas night, activists covertly made a spectacle in the tourist hub of Athens, Syntagma square. The anonymous actors poured red paint into the central waterfall of the busy square, while scattering leaflets reading “long live Palestine” “long live the resistance” and “long live Gaza”.

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Anonymous activists torch central Athens Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve , in solidarity with Palestine. (Greece)

Anonymous activists torch central Athens Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve with makeshift flame thrower, in solidarity with Palestine.


The gesture is in response to Bethlehem’s cancellation of Christmas and the international call to take action on New Years Eve, in solidarity with Palestine.

The action took place in the touristic centre of Athens. Nearby, champagne glasses overflowing with ignorance were enjoyed, while flames of rage engulfed the fake Christmas tree. For the principled among us, this season’s many trees and decorations failed to symbolise Christmas, but rather served as a reminder of the fake humanity and capitalistic individualism that alllows people to ‘celebrate’ while the Zionists continue their genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza and bomb the birthplace of Jesus.
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North London, UK : Anarchists and Antifascists covered a Barclays bank with red paint and slogan in North London in solidarity with the people of Palestine

Anarchists covered a Barclays with red paint and slogan in North London in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Barclays Bank holds over £1 billion in shares, and provides over £3 billion in loans and to companies whose military technology…

This is a small action, but as anarchists and Anti-fascists we believe that everyone should take whatever action they can, small or big to fight Israeli fascism and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Taking responsibility for attacks on Israeli investments in Athens ,by Initiative to move the war to the rear (Πρωτοβουλία για τη μεταφορά του πολέμου στα μετόπισθεν)

Athens : Taking responsibility for attacks on Israeli investments


The massacre carried out by the Israeli army of occupation in Gaza is being carried out with the tolerance and support of NATO imperialism, with the Greek state playing an active role: Above,from the eternal concession of the Souda base, turns the 112th combat wing into Eleusina on the basis of logistics and support of the murderous Greece-US-Israel alliance.

Also, the Ministry of Defence has dispatched the war frigate “Psara” to the Cyprus-Lebanon border to support the American fleet in the event of a wider military conflict in the region. The Greek ruling class is not only investing in military cooperation with the terrorist state of Israel, but also in direct economic cooperation with Israeli capital through various investments and partnerships spread throughout Greece. These investments can be easily targeted by anyone and everyone. After all, our task as working class and fighters was and is to transfer the war to the rear. Sabotage and rupture with the bourgeoisie and its alliances in our own country.
In an increasingly suffocating environment of silence about the massacre in Gaza, the mainstream media is selling the narrative that the Palestinians are the terrorists. But we know very well who has been slaughtering and oppressing for 75 years.

Continue reading Taking responsibility for attacks on Israeli investments in Athens ,by Initiative to move the war to the rear (Πρωτοβουλία για τη μεταφορά του πολέμου στα μετόπισθεν)

Saint-Égrève (Isère) France : nocturnal sabotage against cement manufacturer Vicat

Saint-Égrève (Isère): nocturnal sabotage against cement manufacturer Vicat

Rebellyon, December 5, 2023

On the night of December 3 to 4, as part of the days of action against Lafarge and the concrete industry, we decided to take action to stop production at the Vicat cement plant in Saint-Egrève.

If, through this action, we are attacking the entire concrete industry, the choice of Vicat is no accident. Far from the image of a small local company that it tries to promote, Vicat is a concrete giant that produces almost 23 million tonnes of materials every year, with sales of over 3 billion euros. The company has a dozen subsidiaries worldwide, including some in West Africa where, in a dramatic neo-colonial logic, it massively pollutes the water and air.

The company tries to pretend that its intentions are ecologically-minded, for example by highlighting the fact that raw materials are transported by cable car from the Saint-Egrève site – manufactured by POMA, the nuclear gravedigger at Bure. Yet its activities remain among the world’s most emissive, releasing 20 mega tonnes of CO2 per year into the atmosphere, and it has not reduced its emissions in recent years, despite its promises to do so. Beyond these emissions, the company contributes to the destruction of life in many other ways. After selling concrete for the construction of the EPR, and taking part in the artificialization of the soil as part of the Grand Paris project, the company recently acquired the transport company SATM in order to participate directly in the absurd Lyon-Turin construction site.

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20 Machines belonging to Brent Scarbrough vandalized (Unites states)

20 Machines belonging to Brent Scarbrough vandalized at Clayton Co. construction site “may be linked to Atlanta public safety training center site”

Just off Tara Boulevard and Poston Road is a construction site full of dirt that the Clayton County Board of Commissioners hopes will bring millions to the city.

Members of the board say when the development is complete it will be a place where the community can live, work, and play.

However, the project temporarily hit a speed bump shortly before Thanksgiving after more than 20 pieces of construction equipment were vandalized.

According to the police chief, a detective on the case reports a contractor whose equipment was damaged also works on the training center, which has allegedly been the impetus for numerous acts of vandalism.
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Loire/Puy-de-Dôme , France : double attack on Aubert et Duval steelworks, supplier to war industries

Loire/Puy-de-Dôme: double attack on Aubert et Duval steelworks, supplier to war industries

During the night of November 19 to 20, we attacked the power supply of two production sites of the Aubert et Duval corporation:

At Firminy, we sawed through a pylon on the 220kV line supplying the site. It only partially fell.

– In Ancizes-Comps, we also set fire to a 220kV line, at the point where the high-voltage cables went underground. We were able to get close and place our devices at the foot of the sheaths, without harm.

Aubert et Duval is a key player in the French military industry. It supplies parts for Naval Group submarines, Dassault Rafales and Framatom nuclear power plants.

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When we think of Palestine, don’t let’s forget ENI (Italy)

When we think of Palestine, don’t let’s forget ENI

From the Instagram profile of the Young Palestinians in Italy:

In the 2000s the discovery of large natural gas deposits in the eastern Mediterranean area has allowed the zionist entity to reduce energy dependence from abroad and to become an exporter. The most important deposit, Leviathan, is located less than 200 kilometres from the coast of Palestine and Israel hopes that others will be found to increase the reserve and increment exportation to Europe, which since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war is looking for new energy sources. In this optic, on October 29th the minister of Israeli Energy, Israel Katz declared he has granted 12 licences to six companies for the exploration of natural gas off the Mediterranean coast to create more competition and diversify suppliers.

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