Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack


Received anonymously via email:

“We have been paying attention to a particular scummy farmer who among other abuses likes to murder turkeys and sell their corpses for Christmas. They also, like many farmers, love to trap and shoot foxes. It doesn’t seem to matter how many mammal traps they find broken into pieces and strewn across the fields, they keep getting more.

This farmer had recently got themselves a new massive fox trap and placed it, ready for future use, in the enclosure they planned to put the turkeys in once they grew a bit larger.



8th July,

Received anonymously via email:


It’s always worth having a sneak around at night. After a visit to a farm we knew sold turkeys for Christmas, we managed to locate were the babies they’d be murdering come December were. Young and curious they slept on a filthy concrete floor with little bedding in a barn right next to the farmers house. But we can be quiet and fast when we have to, we took as many as we had good homes for. 26 escaped that night and will not have their bodies Continue reading Midlands,UK : MIDNIGHT TURKEY RAID IN SOLIDARITY WITH PRESOS SUSARON IN CHILE

(Chile) Switch Off! Campaign Claim of Incendiary Attack on “Melon” Cement Factory and “Río Maipo Aggregates”

August 4, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Received by email 4/08/2024

DE / FR /  GR

Switch Off! Campaign Claim of Incendiary Attack on “Melon” and “Río Maipo Aggregates” Cement Factory. (August 3. San Juan de Llolleo Sector, Valparaíso Region, Chile).

“We are the debris piles and the grains of sand in the gears of a machine which advances inexorably and with heavy steps. We are factors of disruption in the machine room”.

– Volcano Group

The night of Saturday, August 3, accompanied by the forces of the river, we decided to attack the “Melon” Cement factory and the “Río Maipo Aggregates S.A.” company.(1) located in the surroundings of the mouth of the Maipo River. We aimed to paralyze their functioning, entering both premises and igniting their lines of production, logistics and administrative offices using 10 incendiary devices, leading to the total destruction of the facilities of the location, and so consolidating our third act of sabotage with significant damage to factories that prey on and threaten the life along the Maipo River. This act returns part of the decades of harm that they have caused to the land and the environments in which they operate, as a way of contributing to the struggle against devastation. To the destruction of the earth and our lives, the only way we can respond with dignity is through the total destruction of that which destroys it.
Continue reading (Chile) Switch Off! Campaign Claim of Incendiary Attack on “Melon” Cement Factory and “Río Maipo Aggregates”

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll and Attack on RED bus at the University of Chile (JGM) in Solidarity with Francisco Solar

Incendiary Stroll and Attack on RED bus at the University of Chile (JGM) in Solidarity with Francisco Solar

August 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On Wednesday, August 14 a group of masked comrades left the Juan Gómez Milla campus to block the street and burn a Red bus of the 506 route on Avenida Grecia, attaching themselves to the campaign against the isolation of comrade Francisco Solar.

In response, COP entered the campus and the Public Minister instructed the audience of the Carabinero Criminalistic Laboratory (Labocar) and the OS-9 to search for suspects and evidence. As of the publication of this notice there have been no arrests.

Below are some records:

Claim for action in Mexico by Informal Coordinator of Anarchist Women against Civilizational depredation


Claim for action in Mexico


On Sunday, August 4 2024 we detonated a bomb made from dynamite, powder and butane gas in the facilities of the so-called “Tower of Well-being” in Mexico City. We have decided to act faced with the capitalist devastation which imposes itself, WE WILL NOT GIVE IN. They can’t offer us any “handout”, we will continue to act. Until the end. We don’t want their civilizational depredation we want to be wild; to join with nature.

Continue reading Claim for action in Mexico by Informal Coordinator of Anarchist Women against Civilizational depredation

Berlin (Germany): “Bauer AG” drilling crane set on fire for its participation in THE LINE

 “Bauer AG” drilling crane set on fire for its participation in THE LINE

Bauer AG is a highly specialized civil engineering company which, through its involvement in gigantic infrastructure and construction projects all over the world, is complicit in the destruction of habitats and the expulsion of their inhabitants. The advance of Bauer AG’s drills and diggers into the most remote parts of the planet never bodes well, and often heralds the end of the diversity of flora and fauna in favor of a gray misery of steel and concrete.

“What we do today determines what tomorrow’s world will look like”.

This seemingly innocuous statement by the CEO of Bauer AG represents a serious threat to everything that doesn’t fit in with the Western idea of progress, or doesn’t want to submit to it. For wherever the much-vaunted conquests of civilization extend, there always arises a colonial mentality that wants to quantify every living thing in terms of its utility, and is obsessed with the will to dominate and control the wild and the unpredictable. But it doesn’t always go unanswered. Recently in Canada, the staunch opposition of the Wet’suwet’en nation to the Coastal GasLink pipeline, which once again crosses their territory, has drawn attention to Bauer AG’s involvement in this crime. But Bauer AG is not interested in any of that. It prides itself on being responsible and sustainable, reducing its environmental impact and carbon footprint through innovative solutions and digitalization.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): “Bauer AG” drilling crane set on fire for its participation in THE LINE

Berlin: Attack on office of SPD politician Lars Düsterhöft by some Anarchists (Germany)

Attack on the citizen office of the SPD politician Lars Düsterhöft (42) at Siemensstraße in Berlin-Oberschöneweide!

Four holes burst in the window with the photo of the SPD Member of Parliament Lars Dürsterhöft. In addition, “We condemn Germany 4 Genocide” sprayed on the wall.He made the attack with reference to the Middle East war public even on Facebook, was shocked that he was only now being held responsible. He hadn’t been able to sleep quietly for a long time, as his participation as a member of the SPD in the genocide in the Palestinians robs him of sleep.

State security police took over the investigation.At first, he condemned the attack and spoke of shooting at his photo. The police later informed that the damage to the window was probably caused by a sharp tool. Later he came to the conclusion that the damages and the slogans on the wall are attached to the fact that “criminal actions, for example German arms exports for Western imperialism, e.g., originate from the Federal Republic of Germany and deeply hit him and shake him.He asks himself: “What is the next increase that someone with the pistol stands in front of me and shots? He writes on his Facebook page: “will several thousand people be executed in Berlin by AI-controlled drones like in the Gaza Strip?”
Continue reading Berlin: Attack on office of SPD politician Lars Düsterhöft by some Anarchists (Germany)

Fenouillet (Haute-Garonne) France : five bullets and counting?

 five bullets and counting?

What’s the life worth of a 28-year-old driver from the “Traveller community”, as the press modestly calls him, when he tries with dignity to escape a police checkpoint behind the wheel of his vehicle? Five bullets were fired by the gendarmes, one of which pierced the headrest and exploded his young skull. It happened in the northern suburbs of Toulouse on Thursday July 25, shortly after 10pm, in Fenouillet. His name was Maïky and he came from the Ginestous camp, just a stone’s throw away.

Before Maïky was pronounced dead during the night, almost 200 people immediately turned out in front of the Purpan hospital, in particular to find out whether he had any chance of survival, and to wait for his partner and their month-old daughter, who were with him in the car, to be discharged. Not content with committing yet another murder, the uniforms gathered in front of the hospital fired tear gas at the family, in an attempt to contain the rising anger once the fatal outcome was known. But vengeance can also be a dish best served hot, and there’s no shortage of targets: on the night of Thursday to Friday July 26, the cement manufacturer Lafarge, whose site is close to the Ginestous camp, was attacked: four mixer trucks were set on fire in a matter of minutes.

All day the following day, the small crowd in front of the hospital refused to give up, demanding that Maïky’s body be returned to them so that he could be laid to rest as soon as possible. This was done after an straight-forward autopsy of a gendarme shooting him in the head, while a reconstruction of the execution was carried out with the two gendarmes-shooters, before they were released from police custody without being referred to an examining magistrate by the public prosecutor’s office, as this would have had the disadvantage of giving relatives access to the case file. The prosecutor hoped that these relatives would eventually calm down ahead of the funeral scheduled for Monday July 29.

“It’s a job well done”, he might even have thought from the comfort of his armchair, before heading home to watch the day’s Olympic results, such as the mixed team rifle shooting. The next morning, however, he was faced with the terse headline of a major regional daily: “Deadly refusal to comply: fires and urban violence in Toulouse, millions of euros worth of damage”. For the Lafarge trucks were just a foretaste of a vengeance that had no reason to run out so quickly.

Fenouillet, night of July 26 to 27: fire on the premises of electronic components manufacturer CSI (Cimulec group)

On the night of July 26 to Saturday July 27, while TGV traffic was still largely disrupted across much of France, a boss and his 60 employees were left with nothing but tears in their eyes. Shortly after midnight, the 1,800 m² warehouse of CSI Sud-Ouest became a vast inferno, which is no small feat when you consider that the company’s activity was more harmful than anything else: the production of electronic components for the Cimulec group, which describes itself as “one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of highly reliable printed circuits for harsh environments (defense, space, aeronautics, nuclear, rail, etc.)”.

And given that this charming company was located precisely in Fenouillet, in the area of Maïky’s police murder and not far from the Ginestous camp, the public prosecutor had no hesitation in entrusting the investigation to the Division de la criminalité organisée et spécialisée (DCOS). Especially as the firefighters had their work cut out trying to extinguish the blaze, since a hundred people with masked faces were waiting for them behind barricades, and the cops who came to reinforce them were subjected to a barrage of stones and mortar fire. Having reached the end of their tether, the firefighters found that the fire was now “generalized”, and the damage to CSI Sud-Ouest is now estimated at several million euros.

Fenouillet, night of July 26-27: fire on Toulouse-Métropole premises and eight vehicles

But why stop there, once the first reflex is not to seek justice from those responsible for the death of a loved one, but to let loose all one’s rage against a world that generates gendarmes and prosecutors? Right next door to the now-defunct CSI Sud-Ouest is a Toulouse Métropole building, which logically met the same fate: a hundred-square-meter building belonging to the agglomeration and eight of its utility vehicles were consumed by flames in the course of the same night. The mayor of Toulouse (and president of the Métropole) was more moved by the arson than by the five gendarmerie bullets fired at the recalcitrant driver, with Jean-Luc Moudenc immediately calling on “the State to take all necessary measures to find those responsible and severely punish these acts.”

Three days after Maïky’s death, no one can speak for the unidentified individuals who set fire to Fenouillet. But everyone can learn something from it: in the face of police murders, a whole world remains to be demolished, and it’s often closer than we think…

[Synthesis of the regional press (La Dépêche & France3), July 29, 2024]

via: sansnom

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Montreal,Canada : L’espoir c’est la lutte: Reflections on the Night Demo of July 19th.

On July 19th, under a calm night sky, over 60 people assembled in downtown Montreal to march for Palestine. The demonstration was publicized without using social media, resulting in no police presence visible at the gathering location. The account that follows comes from a couple of participants in the demo. We hope to share an understanding of what went down for those who weren’t there and make some suggestions for next time.

Around 10pm, the march set off, a front banner announcing “L’espoir c’est la lutte” alongside a circle-A, and a banner reading “Liberation to the people, liberation to the land” bringing up the rear. Snaking through streets beneath skyscrapers and chanting, the energy in the crowd gradually rose as we acclimated to the strange reality: no bike cops, no riot cops, no cops in front, in back, or on the sides, just us and our friends and comrades, and their friends and comrades, and theirs, our black bloc and keffiyeh bloc protecting us from the hundred or so surveillance cameras that would inertly record our stroll.

The march lasted sixteen minutes. Fireworks were set off upon reaching Square Victoria, site of the Al-Soumoud camp, dismantled two weeks prior. Demonstrators quickly began breaking bank windows, hitting a CIBC and Scotiabank. Heading against traffic on Saint-Jacques, we were greeted ecstatically by Friday night party-goers, who stepped into the street to cheer, and drivers who rolled down their windows to high-five black-gloved militants. Some supportive passersby began excitedly following the demo as it continued towards the Caisse de Dépot et Placement du Québec (CDPQ). The CDPQ, which had been singled out by the Al-Soumoud camp a block away, has $14 billion invested in companies complicit in the genocide in Palestine. Though its windows appeared challenging to break, several were tagged, several others shattered, and a smoke device was tossed through an opening into an office space, hopefully setting off sprinklers and causing water damage.
Continue reading Montreal,Canada : L’espoir c’est la lutte: Reflections on the Night Demo of July 19th.

Berlin (Germany): fire to the cell towers of technological progress and militarization

[On the night of Saturday to Sunday, July 7, two cell towers went up in smoke in Berlin. One of them was located in the Tempelhof district, more precisely in the aptly named Attilastraße, where the fire was reported at around 2am. The tower was located on the site of a cell phone operator, and the State Protection Service (Staatsschutz) was in charge of the investigation. The following day, a claim was published on de.indymedia].

Attack on militarization and spectacle / Attack on two cell towers

Yesterday, cell towers were set on fire at two different locations in Berlin.

This action is a contribution to the struggle against technology, militarization and domination.

In recent years, we have become accustomed to being surrounded by more and more cell towers, which have become part of our environment. These antennae and the cell phone network are essential to enable the digitization of our lives, to realize the Smart City and to develop (military) technology and social control in general.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): fire to the cell towers of technological progress and militarization