Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Action against Bristol Post photographer (Bristol,UK)

WARNING! To state-agents..we collect intelligence too!
Message to Simon Chapman
As a free-lance photographer in a careless rush to make a fast buck, you snap images that expose people’s identity, when it’s totally possible to shoot from a different angle which doesn’t show the face. This inconsiderate funding of your lifestyle has earned you a reminder to take this as a warning!
There have been many demonstrations recently, and Simon Chapman has been out making a name for himself (and some money) at most of them. Because of this, we paid him a visit…

Continue reading Action against Bristol Post photographer (Bristol,UK)

Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) : Stars through the windows (France)

One morning, while watering the plants on rue de la République in Villejuif, we noticed that during the night of 08/07 to 09/07, an Algeco Vinci [modular construction firm] had literally all of its front windows smashed.
We suppose that this has to do with Vinci’s involvement in the construction of CRA and prisons.
It’s nice, cheers you up and there are many more waiting it seems.
Kind regards, many kisses
The sprinklers
Translated by Act for freedom now!

anti-logging sabotage in kwakwaka’wakw territory

submitted anonymously –
spring 2021 unceded kwakwaka’wakw territory, northern so called vancouver island, so called british columbia. two surveyed road routes had their flagging tape and other survey markings removed. if cleared and built, they would allow cutting of old growth and second growth forests.
fuck western forest products… and their claims to this land thru the colonial-capitalist state in “tree farm license 6” on northern vancouver island.
this fun, quick, easy action is in solidarity with ongoing kwakwaka’wakw resistance to logging in their territory, in violation of the so called douglas treaties and the sacred land of the kwakwaka’wakw people.
Continue reading anti-logging sabotage in kwakwaka’wakw territory

Gate locked as RCMP attacks logging blockades on Vancouver Island

Submitted anonymously –
On May 17 2021, the same day RCMP scum began enforcing Teal Jones Group’s court injunction against longterm logging blockades in Pacheedaht and Ditidaht territory, we locked TJG’s gate on Grierson Main road.
This action happened inside the injunction zone, within a few hours of the pigs beginning their assault on the brave land defenders at Caycuse blockade.
This gate, one of many in the area installed by Teal Jones to restrict access to their operations, is so easily turned against them. It now obstructs them from further destroying the upper reaches of the already ravaged Camper Creek watershed.

Continue reading Gate locked as RCMP attacks logging blockades on Vancouver Island

Nancy/Bar-le-Duc/Meuse, France: On the night of the…   

Indymedia Nantes / Monday 14 June 2021
direct action against Cigeo
At the beginning of June, the trial for criminal association against 7 people was held in Bar le Duc. A trial against opponents of the nuclear waste burial project in Bure, Meuse. For the State, the stakes are clear: to try to crush at all costs any resistance to the Bure nuclear waste project, one of the missing links in the French and European nuclear chain.
Sold as a clean energy, nuclear power is in fact the opposite. From uranium mining to waste burial, everything is a social and ecological disaster. Just like what the digitalized society promises us. This will require us to produce more and more electrical energy, a growing demand for the future that will have to be met by nuclear power. The geopolitical stakes of digital technology are reminiscent of those that were raised for nuclear power, regardless of the massive refusal they encounter, the damage or the risks, the State has launched its absurd race.

Continue reading Nancy/Bar-le-Duc/Meuse, France: On the night of the…   

Vonovia car set on fire (Germany)

Even if the smoke has cleared a little after the attack on Rigaer 94, this does not mean that the struggles for affordable and decent housing in Berlin and elsewhere have stopped. Every year, many other tenants fear anew for their flat and thus for their centre of life. The prospects of finding a halfway affordable flat in this city tend towards zero for most people with an average salary.
The death of Peter Hollinger on 31 May 2021 shows that this fear can also have deadly consequences. After a three-year, unsuccessful court case against an eviction action due to owner-occupancy, the 67-year-old musician and long-established Kreuzberger killed himself. This is not the first death in connection with evictions. It is also worth remembering the death of Rosemarie F. who died two days after her eviction in a Berlin homeless shelter. In both cases, it was clear in the run-up to the eviction what immense pressure and psychological stress the people concerned had been subjected to and in both cases, from a medical point of view, an eviction was urgently advised against. The fatal consequence was accepted in favour of a property issue.

Continue reading Vonovia car set on fire (Germany)

Portland, USA : SUV Tires Deflated In Solidarity With Climate Liberation Front

Submitted Anonymously
Last night, over 100 tires on large SUVs were deflated in solidarity with recent actions by the Climate Liberation Front. From Portland to Arlington, we see ya.
An awl through the sidewall is quick and quiet.
It was hot as fuck during the day, over 110 degrees, so we took full advantage of the night. The city would never even get this hot if not for the gases these SUVs emit into the atmosphere, and the miles of dark, heat-absorbing asphalt that have been put down for them to drive on.

Continue reading Portland, USA : SUV Tires Deflated In Solidarity With Climate Liberation Front

Report Back – action in response to PPB’s murder on 6/24/21 ( USA,Portland)

Submitted Anonymously
In response to the Portland Police murder of Michael Ray Townsend on June 24, a parking lot containing multiple Portland Police Bureau squad cars was attacked. A hole was cut into the surrounding barbed wire fence, and a dozen vehicles were hit. All cars had their windows, windshields, lights and mirrors smashed, and abolitionists / anarchists messages were painted across their exteriors. A fire extinguisher filled with paint was used to completely cover multiple squad cars, as well as their interiors.
Everyday the pigs turn our public spaces into open air prisons. We call on all abolitionists to take the defunding and disarming of the pigs into their own hands.
Be bold! Sabotage is fun!
From: Rose City Counter-Info

Madrid (Spain): Two attack claims

Sabotage of a Police School
barcelona_imc / Thursday 24 June 2021
The door was blocked and paint was thrown at the Police Academy in the centre of Madrid.
Death to the police and long live anarchy!
Attack on an agency of Iberdrola
barcelona_imc / thursday 24th june 2021
Last week, the windows of an Iberdrola branch were destroyed. Against the devastation of the land and the rise of electricity bills.

Qintus engineering house attacked (Germany)

Hamburg, 14 June 2021
In a few days the cops will try to enforce an inspection of Rigaer Straße 94 in Friedrichshain by the so-called “owner” of the house and a fire safety expert. From the planned lockdown and siege of the neighbourhood it is obvious that the house project is seriously threatened again.
That’s why we sent solidarity and militant greetings on the night of Tuesday, 15.06, to all companions who keep their heads up and oppose the repression. Shards in front of the “Qintus Ingenieurhaus” in Max-Brauer-Allee 62-64 testify to the hatred that unites us against all those who profit from the city of the rich. Greetings to Rigaer94 were also left on site.
Continue reading Qintus engineering house attacked (Germany)