Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Report-back for Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – Gidimt’en Yintah (Canada)

Report-back for Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – Gidimt’en Yintah
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
On wednesday morning an action was put into effect in response to the posturing of RCMP in Likhts’amisyu territory which is approx 40 km away from the Gidimt’en drill site occupation. The action was in solidarity with Chief Dtsa’hyl who, while acting as an enforcement officer for Likhts’amisyu clan disabled 10 heavy machines which were being used to destroy their unceded territory and build a new road, which CGL says they own. It was assumed by police presence and a variety of other factors that enforcement would occur, and it did. The main objective was to show force, solidarity, and defiance to the incursion of the Canadian state and industry on Wet’suwet’en Yintah.
The action consisted of several components and was completed without arrests or injury. Tactics were deployed successfully and though police presence and security/worker aggression had potential for escalation and direct conflict, none occured.

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Athens, Greece: Molotov attack against the General Secretariat of Information Systems (ΚΕΠΥΟ) by Anarchists

Greek Press (Ekathimerini),21 October – Anarchists claimed responsibility on Indymedia Athens for the arson attack on the General Secretariat of Information Systems in Moschato, near Piraeus, south of Athens, on 10 October.
One of the aims of the group was to show solidarity with the 14 comrades arrested or under surveillance on the basis of their DNA. Around seven Molotovs were thrown in all, affecting both the car parking lot and the building housing the Greek government’s offices and data centre hosting all the data on its official website (


Attack on the General Secretariat of Information Systems (KEPYO) in Moschato on 10 October 2021 Indymedia Athens   20 October 2021
The state organizes, equips, and executes.
During the pandemic, while the Mitsotákis government restricted our freedom in every possible way, it not only armed its repressive forces, but also proceeded to strengthen its electronic hegemony.

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Bern, Switzerland: fire against Securitas

Translated from German by Barrikade, 21 October 2021
In Bern yesterday night, October 21, a car of Contrafeu, a subsidiary of the Securitas Group, was set on fire. As long as Securitas profits from control, violence and coercion, they will be attacked.
Much has already been written about the role of Securitas in the detention regime for asylum seekers*.

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Berlin (Germany): With a smile on our faces – Covivo office hit with hammers / Sunday 17 October 2021
Last Friday night was probably one of the best nights of the year. While earlier the eviction of the Köpi-Wagenplatz by a huge amount of cops had caused a feeling of helplessness, the night was quite the opposite.
Several thousand people took to the streets of Kreuzberg and expressed their anger in a self-determined way. Everything went well; the cops couldn’t get their lines in place, wild demonstrations broke out on all sides, the cops and their cars were overwhelmed, property managers, trendy cafes and hotels took their toll.

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Santiago, Chile: Claim for Explosive Attack Against the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE)

via: es-contrainfo translated by Act for freedom now!
Received 10/18/2021:
Two years after the October Revolt, there has been no retribution.
May our practices empower and move towards a new urban guerrilla
Because fighting the impunity of the murderers, mutilators and torturers will be our victory.
On the night of October 17, we placed an explosive device inside the headquarters of the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE), on the eve of a new commemoration of the October revolt.
This dive is a collaborator in matters of State security and maintenance of public order, carrying out permanent academic activities intended for police forces, in terms of intelligence, investigative and counterinsurgency strategies. It is a repressive body under the Ministry of Defence which also shares knowledge internationally with States such as Spain, Colombia, Israel, etc.
Different academics of this den of Power have written about anarchist practices and tendencies, trying to analyze our ideas, dynamics and proposals, with texts including alleged studies about international projects (Black International/FAI-FRI) or the current overview of our milieus.
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Milan, Italy – The premises of the PD party under attack

Milan – In the night between 7th and 8th October the windows of the Partito Democratico premises of the Ortica neighbourhood section were smashed.
 There is no need to spend too many words on this vile party. Like all the other parties, its line and action of government (it is the party which has governed most in the last eight years) tend to favour the elite and worsen the living conditions of the less well-off. Moreover it is one of the main promoters of the current restrictions and of the green pass, an instrument of blackmail and discrimination that imposes social segregation on those who refuse it.

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Berlin (Germany): Two banks and a Vonovia vehicle destroyed – Köpiplatz lives!

Last night 15/10/21, in connection with the great explosion of rage at the D-Day demonstration in Kreuzberg, we attacked a savings bank on Anton-Sefkow-Platz, a Sparda bank on Baumschulenweg and a Vonovia vehicle with paint and hammers.
We are impressed by the courage and determination of the inhabitants of the wagenplatz, the offensive attacks against the cops during the demonstration and the solidarity among each other. This gives us hope that we also can create broad situations of resistance in the future in the struggle for a livable city for all.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): Two banks and a Vonovia vehicle destroyed – Köpiplatz lives!

Barcelona: International Call for Direct Action against Catalunya EN/ES

Postcard Barcelona SUCKS! In the last years we have seen, from near and far, how the Catalan institutions have managed to continue selling an image of “inclusive city”; when it is an ultra-capitalist city that expels and mistreats its own population (not to mention the thousands of migrants who are sold at ridiculous prices, or are dragged into the vilest prostitution) in order to have something to eat. Colau is a fake who plays to establish pacts with the most aberrant powers, to exercise her second mandate as mayor. She skillfully negotiated with many squatted spaces -to legalize them- and thus reduce her refractory actions against the System. Unfortunately for us, the tactic has been successful: they have “tamed” us. The once called rose of fire only burns when interclassist nationalism orders it to do so. And there is no lack of sheep…
On February 27th, in the context of a demonstration (promoted by the most Stalinist and retrograde communist authoritarianism) they arrested a group of comrades, previously arrested by the organizers themselves – read Arran, the youth of the CUP – in a disgusting set-up, tending to blame “Italian anarchist insurrectionalists”, for the riots resulting from the imprisonment of the unclean rapper Pablo Hasel. We do not forget that it was an act of revenge for a previous set-up in Girona. The so-called ‘purge-of-Girona’ perpetrated by anti-anarchist groups to sweep out of their city those who did not conform to their political interests… Currently 6 of our people are still in prison, in the territory dominated by the Catalan pseudo-state. And there is a silence (complicit) on the part of an infinity of supposedly “libertarian” collectives, about this alarming situation. It is time to shout ENOUGH!

Continue reading Barcelona: International Call for Direct Action against Catalunya EN/ES

Hamburg (Germany): A “Green” Coworking Space Attacked with Rocks – Solidarity Greetings with the Köpi

On 17/8/21 Sunday night, the new office of the Impact Hub coworking space, on the corner of Schomburgstraße and Thedestraße in the Altona district, was relieved of some of its windows. We don’t want your green and improved capitalism. We want a complete upheaval of social relations. And if the state and the cops keep evicting places where people organise, we won’t leave the yuppies alone in their lofts and luxury offices either.
Impact Hub sees itself as a platform that connects start-ups working in the fields of sustainability, diversity and green energy and makes them profitable, with chic offices in many cities around the world, for example a 3500 m² creative space in Neukölln. Of course, there should be no shortage of this, as there is obviously enough space for people and accommodation in Hamburg and Berlin! 

Continue reading Hamburg (Germany): A “Green” Coworking Space Attacked with Rocks – Solidarity Greetings with the Köpi