Report-back for Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – Gidimt’en Yintah
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
On wednesday morning an action was put into effect in response to the posturing of RCMP in Likhts’amisyu territory which is approx 40 km away from the Gidimt’en drill site occupation. The action was in solidarity with Chief Dtsa’hyl who, while acting as an enforcement officer for Likhts’amisyu clan disabled 10 heavy machines which were being used to destroy their unceded territory and build a new road, which CGL says they own. It was assumed by police presence and a variety of other factors that enforcement would occur, and it did. The main objective was to show force, solidarity, and defiance to the incursion of the Canadian state and industry on Wet’suwet’en Yintah.
The action consisted of several components and was completed without arrests or injury. Tactics were deployed successfully and though police presence and security/worker aggression had potential for escalation and direct conflict, none occured.
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