Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Paris, France: Night visits to builders of prisons!

Those who participate in their construction, those who decide, order and design them (not those exploited in the building works)are content and capitalize on other people’s misery.
To disturb their tranquility, we paid two of them a visit at the beginning of this month of May.
More prisons! Passed on to each new government. There are those who have the honour of programming them and those who manage their construction. The excuses are always the same: to face overpopulation in unworthy conditions, in collective cells.

Continue reading Paris, France: Night visits to builders of prisons!

Argentina: Explosive Attack against Police Car in Buenos Aires

Responding to the appeal of action by our subversive and anarchist comrades on hunger strike from May 16 to 23.
We say that after the completion of the hunger strike, we felt the same urgency of action. To absorb the incendiary / destructive activity as an accomplice continuity form with whom today and yesterday, we fight from the enclosure of the State / Capital dungeons.
On the night of May 18 we left a tube sealed at its two ends, stuffed with fragmented munition, ground aluminum and black gunpowder. Activated by a timer of washing machine. Deposited below the infamous police vigilant patrol a few meters from the commissioner of the commune 15 of the neighborhood of Villa Crespo, Calle Camargo. Caba.

Continue reading Argentina: Explosive Attack against Police Car in Buenos Aires

Berlin, Germany: Strabag vehicle set on fire

via: Attaque
source Kontrapolis / Wednesday 2 June 2021
On June 2nd there will be a day of action against motorways at national level. This kick-off against this capitalist madness, cars, was the reason we set fire to a vehicle of the Strabag in the night from Monday to Tuesday.
Nobody was put in danger, no other car was damaged and, above all, the attack was not aimed against the driver of this company car.
In this world guided by ideas of profit and maximization of rentability, this company keeps spinning the wheel of always bigger, always faster… it is devastating the countryside, but in spite of its size it is only small fry. Strabag belongs to the problem of a world that increasingly enslaves nature.
« Each extra metre of motorway means the destruction of the climate, cast in concrete. »
Let’s attack the Munich IAA / Greetings to all the forest occupations / Rigaer94 resist!
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Attacks in solidarity with anarchist comrade Vaggelis Stathopoulos (Athens,Greece)

“By convicting me, they are convicting and sentencing solidarity in a court that just processed the prefabricated case file of the counter-terrorism service. Refusing all the accusations made against me I remain a political prisoner in the modern prison hellholes … “
Vaggelis Stathopoulos

In a political trial with fake data from the counter-terrorist service, comrade B. Stathopoulos was sentenced to 19 years’ imprisonment without suspension. This tactic is used repeatedly by the prosecuting authorities to bend those who fight against the State and authority.

As anarchists, we consider it unthinkable that a comrade’s sentence of 19 years’ prison for the consistency and solidarity he has shown, pass in funereal silence by the anarchist movement almost in its entirety. This seems to be the consequence of the movement’s wider sense of defeat and lethargy at the present time. We for our part chose to break the silence and send a signal of solidarity to the imprisoned comrade V. Stathopoulos.

For this reason, on Friday night 11/5/21 we attacked the following:
1 post office at Piraeus
1 post office at N. Faliro
and a social services office at Moschato

To break inertia, to create direct action groups and hit the State mechanisms and their dogs until the noise from the attacks is heard inside the last cell of their  rotten system.

Direct Action Groups



Translated by Act for freedom now!

Montreuil, France: Paving stone against windows, Axians out! on 18/2/21

During a little night walk I broke the windows of a van of Axians, affiliate of Vinci, in solidarity with RIgaer 94.
This act is motivated by my solidarity with Rigaer 94, combative squat in Berlin for years. Now it is being threatened by the cops and the owner, supposedly for fire-security. Continue reading Montreuil, France: Paving stone against windows, Axians out! on 18/2/21

Mexico: Explosive attack against an Armed Forces bank

via: Attaque

After midnight…
Just a few minutes after midnight on May 23 2021 we placed an explosive device composed of black powder and butane gas at number 7700 of the Calzada del Hueso, in the Tlapan area, town of Mexico, with the aim of destroying the installations of Banjèrcito, [a bank belonging to the Mexican armed forces] an objective that we fully accomplished.
We did it because…
We remember Mauricio Morales, a Chilean anarchist comrade who died tragically on May 22 2009, while transporting an explosive device apparently destined for the school of prison screws of Barrio Matta, in Santiago… You are present comrade !
We hear the call to action launched by the anarchist prisoners throughout the world. From Mexico to Greece, from Montevideo to Belgium, from Argentina to the United Kingdom, may armed joy continue to find us!

Continue reading Mexico: Explosive attack against an Armed Forces bank

Montevideo, Uruguay : Solidarity

via: Attaque

From the territory usurped by the Uruguayen State.

During the night of Tuesday May 18 we decided to block one of the access roads to the town of Montevideo by fire.
clink for video action
We feel alongside the compas who, day after day, defy the daily routine of the prison, using their bodies as a stronghold in the struggle.
We send them a complicit wink of love and rage, which transcends the borders imposed by States and capital.
In memory of Mauricio Morales, comrade fallen in combat on May 22nd 2009; we want to send a loving warm hug to his friends and affinities, who remember him every day in the struggle.
Solidarity with the anarchist and subversive prisoners throughout the world! In this month of May of black memory, we remember the compas fallen in combat and, in solidarity with the anarchist and subversive prisoners in Chile, in Italy, in Greece and all over the world, we materialize our rage with the complicit anarchic fire of the struggle.
To transcend the borders, walls and bars.
Long live anarchy!
For the spreading of the revolt!
Long live permanent insurrection!
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Unmarked police car arsoned (Germany)

By chronik on 1. Mai 2021
Bremen, May 1, 2021
Another spark in Bremen: Against the curfew! Against the world of order! Unmarked cop car torched downtown!
We join the Autonomous Group that lit a fire on the first night of the curfew (
The curfew is enforced with a massive contingent of cops and property protection, which leaves no other association than that of a police state.
If you are still on the street after 10 p.m., you are suspect. Until midnight you are exposed to police arbitrariness, which certainly has no witnesses. Cops decide whether you look like you could be doing sports or on your way home. After midnight there is no escape.

Continue reading Unmarked police car arsoned (Germany)

Montevideo,Uruguay : Account of actions carried out in April and May

via: Attaque

We see how the State and capital rule our lives, modifying our environments, imposing social relations on us based on egoism, competition, hierarchies and pass off this blind way of obeying and accepting institutions, work and consumerism as something natural.
The mediatisation of the pandemic, 5G technology, « smart cities » and social control are but a few examples of how this system functions.

Continue reading Montevideo,Uruguay : Account of actions carried out in April and May

Temuco,Chile: Coordinated Attack on 26 Logging Machines

In the Mapuche territory, in the south of Chile, a beautiful coordinated attack conducted in full day made great noise on Thursday, May 6, 2021 in the region of Araucanía. It is nothing less than eight incendiary attacks in less than 6 hours, from noon to 6 pm, against no less than 26 machines of all types (trucks, carriers, skidders) of the forest industry, On the P90 road that leads from Lumaco to Tirúa, in the fields of Los Laureles, the way to Rilún, in Rilún even and at Pishi PiCheen, operated by the company CMPC.
The latter, founded in 1920, is one of the forty greatest in the country and is a major player in the paper and forest industry, which destroys and operates the forests of the large-scale zone, and is the subject of a fierce opposition by certain Mapuche groups.

Continue reading Temuco,Chile: Coordinated Attack on 26 Logging Machines