Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Île-de-France: 3 prisoner exploiters redecorated for Christmas

Indymedia Lille / Sunday 2 January 2022
What am I?
We obey orders, plans thought up by others or by machines, we don’t choose why, how and with whom we do this or that. Other clues: Sometimes you lose your health and you waste your time, only to struggle to survive in a world governed by commercial relationships.
What am I? Work, of course!
Whether it is legalized or not, whether you are self-employed or in a family business, work is exploitation!
How many people end up in the clutches of the law and in prison, punished for not having been willing or able to submit to the rules of exploitation defined by the law? And once locked up, you still need money to live a little more decently and eat something other than the administered food.

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Communique of DESTROYING OF ATM AND TICKET-MACHINE (Poland, Wroclaw)

Poland, Wroclaw city:
“Insurrection lesson one, or why we destroyed an ATM and a ticket
machine. For ACAB day (13.12), we decided to kill the cops in our heads and shatter the illusion of order and peace that authority spreads.
So we smashed up the ATM and the ticket machine*. The displays were destroyed and the rest was glued with mounting foam.
We destroyed those things not to protest or make demands now, but because it was relatively easy and low risk. We want to learn how to attack this fucked up world so we can fuck it up even more in the future. Continue reading Communique of DESTROYING OF ATM AND TICKET-MACHINE (Poland, Wroclaw)

Ottawa: RBC Branch Redecorated in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en (Canada)

Fire extinguisher full of white paint was used on the facade of a RBC branch located in Ottawa during the holiday week.
The action was meant as an answer to the calls to action from the Gidimt’en clan who retook possession of “Coyote Camp” with their allies. We stand in solidarity with the Wetʼsuwetʼen nation and against KKKanada’s genocidal project.
Fuck CGL, Fuck the RCMP, fuck RBC, Shut down KKKanada and get the fuck out of the Yintah!
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

We Won’t Stop: RBC Head Office Attacked in Montreal,Canada

The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) funds Coastal GasLink (CGL), the pipeline fiercely opposed by Wet’suwet’en land defenders for over a decade. As we enter 2022, despite three RCMP raids, land defenders at Coyote Camp stand in the way of CGL drilling under the sacred headwaters of the Wedzin Kwa. RBC and all of CGL’s investors must understand that this pipeline will not be completed.
On the evening of December 30, 2021, more than a dozen windows were broken at the RBC head offices for Quebec, in the middle of downtown Montreal. No one was arrested.

Continue reading We Won’t Stop: RBC Head Office Attacked in Montreal,Canada

More Smashed Windows for RBC (Canada)

We noticed RBC is having some trouble replacing their broken windows. We’re going to chalk it up to supply chain delays that all of the branches that had their windows smashed two months ago still have tape and plywood patching up their facades. Meanwhile, RBC continues to fund Coastal GasLink, so on a recent night in late December, we gave them four more windowpanes to replace at the branch at the corner of Monkland and Harvard in Notre-Dame-des-Grâces.
Sending love and strength to Coyote Camp and land defenders everywhere.
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Hamilton: RBC Attacked for Funding CGL Pipeline (Canada)

There’s lots of smack to be said about Santa and, as anarchists, we aren’t big cheerleaders for the bearded guy; but we can appreciate that his sneaking game is on point. So a few of us celebrated this year by doing some sneaking of our own.
Late into the night on Christmas 2021, a call was answered to attack the banks and funding sources of the CGL pipeline that is being forced on the Wet’suwet’en people. Banks – like RBC – are very easy targets as they have many branches across the cities we live in that are relatively unguarded at night. A Hamilton branch, on Upper James, was one such branch visited and redecorated.

Continue reading Hamilton: RBC Attacked for Funding CGL Pipeline (Canada)

Bremen, Germany: The enemies of freedom are ours! Offices of the arms company OHB System AG in flames

We usher in the new year with restless nights for Marco R. Fuchs and his billion-dollar space and defense company Orbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen (OHB System AG). With hammers, we smashed several windows of a building of OHB and then set the offices on fire.
The damage to the company’s image is certain. Happy new fear!
OHB System AG is considered a respected space and high technology company. Since the 1950s, OHB has mainly been building satellite-based systems used for military interests. Due to direct orders from the German Armed Forces, OHB can no longer even attempt the fig leaf of dual-use, i.e. using its satellites for both civilian and military purposes. OHB is an armaments group.

Continue reading Bremen, Germany: The enemies of freedom are ours! Offices of the arms company OHB System AG in flames

Chile: Arson attack on forestry truck on Itata Route, Penco

“People want to make their own decisions on small matters, but making decisions on difficult and fundamental problems requires facing psychological conflicts, and most people hate them.”
“Every human being who is raised on the banks of a river, the highest concept he or she has is freedom.”
During the early morning of December 20, an arson attack was carried out against a forestry truck in Ruta Itata, Penco, Bio Bio region. Due to technical complications it was not possible to issue this communiqué on the day of the action, however, the motivations of our actions remain more valid than ever, that is why we understand that the delay of this communiqué does not mean a problem, much less a limitation to communicate the reasons that fuel our attacks.

Continue reading Chile: Arson attack on forestry truck on Itata Route, Penco

Paris: Welcome to Paris… yuppie scum!

Wednesday 29 December 2021
We were strolling through the dark and damp streets on Christmas Eve, discussing consumerism, social classes, injustices.
We were saying that the fundamental difference in this world, the one that marks all our lives, is the position of each one on the scale of wealth and power (they often go together). There are rich people and there are poor people. Then there are also a lot of other identity characteristics that are more or less artificial, more or less voluntarily chosen, more or less accepted, more or less marginalised or condemned. But basically there are always the rich at the top and the poor at the bottom. And most often the poor accept this state of affairs as fair and natural.

Continue reading Paris: Welcome to Paris… yuppie scum!

Arson of the construction Praxis that demolished the occupation of Biologica by Cores of Immediate Action (Thessaloniki,Greece)

On the morning of New Year’s Eve, numerous repressive forces surround the facilities of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and begin the operation to evacuate the occupation of the Biologica. They invade the hangout(at Biologica) and after the end of the research, they start the demolition works of the area. The renovation project, which concerns the “Investment in education, the acquisition of skills and lifelong learning” and amounts to a cost of 1,320,600 euros, concerns the creation of a sterile waiting area.These are the real needs of academic education: sterile spaces in a landscape deliberately degraded, to create the empty man of tomorrow, a willing servant and ruler in the appeals and interests of capitalist reconstruction.
The repressive gang war of Rector Papaioannou against the squats that belong to the(ΑΠΘ)Aristotle University of Thessaloniki continues. After the evacuation of the Terra Incognita squat in the summer of 2020, the evacuation of the squat on Nikis Street in the past (buildings that remain sealed even today), the uniformed academy proceeds to evacuate and demolish a space inside the university campus that over 3 decades captured what freedom in knowledge, self-education, access without profit and price means.The academic community officially opens its arms to militarism and repression, with the rubbish of the rectory sending its excited thanks personally to Mitsotakis himself. This is the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki:a matrix of collaborators of repression in which the officials of the uniformed Republic are hatched. Sludge like Papaioannou who does not care where he puts his signature and Margaritis who enacts laws to send to cement anyone who actually challenges the state monarchy.

Continue reading Arson of the construction Praxis that demolished the occupation of Biologica by Cores of Immediate Action (Thessaloniki,Greece)