Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Santiago, Chile: Explosive attack against the company Sodexo + Claim by the “Revolutionary Cells Nicolás Neira”

Missed from 01/06/2021
On May 11, at 9:00 p.m., unknown persons arrive on a bicycle at Pérez Valenzuela and Antonio Bellet, in the Providencia district, where a building of the SODEXO food concessionaire is located.
After leaving a suspicious package, they quickly escape, and a few minutes later there is a loud explosion that destroys part of the windows of the building.
GOPE, Labocar and the South Prosecutor’s Office arrived in the area to investigate the attack, which left no injuries, only material damage.
Claim of the “Revolutionary Cells Nicolás Neira”.
Since March 22 different subversive and anarchist prisoners have been on hunger strike to demand the repeal of Legislative Decree 321, the freedom of comrade Marcelo Villarroel and the prisoners of the revolt. In this scenario of anti-prison struggle we point out:
1. During the night of Black May 11 and prior to the curfew we detonated an explosive device in front of the SODEXO company for its responsibility in the daily misery that tortures thousands of prisoners in the prisons of the Chilean democracy.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Explosive attack against the company Sodexo + Claim by the “Revolutionary Cells Nicolás Neira”

Incendiary Attack against Construction of Police Station of Carabineros in Talcahuano, $hile

action video here:
We carried out sabotage against the construction of the police station in Talcahuano, in memory of our Weichafe comrade, fallen into the hands of the police cruelty of murderous $hilean $tate.
In honor and memory of Luisa Toledo.
Down with the forest industry of the Wallmapu
Down with the yuta [Chilean slang for cops] of the hills of Thno
Down with the yuta of the entire world
From: es-contrainfo
via: amwenglish

Chile: Mapuche zone ignites after the murder of Pablo Marchant [update]

Chile: Mapuche zone ignites after the murder of Pablo Marchant [update]
In the south of Chile, a section of the Mapuche population has been waging a fierce struggle for many years against the large landowners (burning down their villas and occupying their land) as well as against agro-forestry operators, large hydro-electric dams and intensive salmon farms. It was in this context that Pablo Marchant Gutiérrez was murdered on Friday 9 July in Carahue during an attack on the vehicles of the company Forestal Mininco (a subsidiary of the cellulose giant CMPC).
The 29-year-old former anthropology student, who later joined the Mapuche struggle through CAM (Coordinadora Arauco Malleco), was participating in the burning of a minibus, a skidder and a tanker at around 5pm on the Santa Ana-Tres Palos estate when he was shot in the head at close range by carabinieri charged with protecting the interests of the loggers. Another saboteur and an employee were also wounded by bullets in the exchange of fire, and the public prosecutor’s office was quick to speculate that the bullet that sent the latter to hospital came from the M16 held by Pablo Marchant.

Continue reading Chile: Mapuche zone ignites after the murder of Pablo Marchant [update]

Explosion and Fire in Response to Police Murder of Stanislav Tomáš (Czech Republic)

Explosion and fire in the comfort zone of the rich
The police protect the rich. They defend their power and property they have because they exploit workers.
Police acts hard against poor people. He holds them with violence and his threat in obedience and poverty. Some also kills. Like Stanislav Tomáš in Teplice.
Inside the comfort zone of the riches, on the outskirts of Teplice, 12. 7. 2021 intentionally established fire. This morning, snaps in the villas awakened small explosions and flames.
This is anger directed against the rich and their police security guard.
Continue reading Explosion and Fire in Response to Police Murder of Stanislav Tomáš (Czech Republic)

Grenoble,France : scopelec vehicle boom 

During the night of 15 to 16 July, a Scopelec van was set on fire in the Eaux Clairs district of Grenoble.
A small boom against this company which participates in the extension of technological control by installing telecom networks (fibre optics, 5G etc.). The introduction of a ‘health pass’ is one more brick in the construction of “smart cities”, surveillance and tracing. Solidarity with Boris locked up for the arson of two relay antennas!
ps:  rain does not extinguish the fire 
via: nantes.indymedia.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Action against Bristol Post photographer (Bristol,UK)

WARNING! To state-agents..we collect intelligence too!
Message to Simon Chapman
As a free-lance photographer in a careless rush to make a fast buck, you snap images that expose people’s identity, when it’s totally possible to shoot from a different angle which doesn’t show the face. This inconsiderate funding of your lifestyle has earned you a reminder to take this as a warning!
There have been many demonstrations recently, and Simon Chapman has been out making a name for himself (and some money) at most of them. Because of this, we paid him a visit…

Continue reading Action against Bristol Post photographer (Bristol,UK)

Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) : Stars through the windows (France)

One morning, while watering the plants on rue de la République in Villejuif, we noticed that during the night of 08/07 to 09/07, an Algeco Vinci [modular construction firm] had literally all of its front windows smashed.
We suppose that this has to do with Vinci’s involvement in the construction of CRA and prisons.
It’s nice, cheers you up and there are many more waiting it seems.
Kind regards, many kisses
The sprinklers
Translated by Act for freedom now!

anti-logging sabotage in kwakwaka’wakw territory

submitted anonymously –
spring 2021 unceded kwakwaka’wakw territory, northern so called vancouver island, so called british columbia. two surveyed road routes had their flagging tape and other survey markings removed. if cleared and built, they would allow cutting of old growth and second growth forests.
fuck western forest products… and their claims to this land thru the colonial-capitalist state in “tree farm license 6” on northern vancouver island.
this fun, quick, easy action is in solidarity with ongoing kwakwaka’wakw resistance to logging in their territory, in violation of the so called douglas treaties and the sacred land of the kwakwaka’wakw people.
Continue reading anti-logging sabotage in kwakwaka’wakw territory

Gate locked as RCMP attacks logging blockades on Vancouver Island

Submitted anonymously –
On May 17 2021, the same day RCMP scum began enforcing Teal Jones Group’s court injunction against longterm logging blockades in Pacheedaht and Ditidaht territory, we locked TJG’s gate on Grierson Main road.
This action happened inside the injunction zone, within a few hours of the pigs beginning their assault on the brave land defenders at Caycuse blockade.
This gate, one of many in the area installed by Teal Jones to restrict access to their operations, is so easily turned against them. It now obstructs them from further destroying the upper reaches of the already ravaged Camper Creek watershed.

Continue reading Gate locked as RCMP attacks logging blockades on Vancouver Island

Nancy/Bar-le-Duc/Meuse, France: On the night of the…   

Indymedia Nantes / Monday 14 June 2021
direct action against Cigeo
At the beginning of June, the trial for criminal association against 7 people was held in Bar le Duc. A trial against opponents of the nuclear waste burial project in Bure, Meuse. For the State, the stakes are clear: to try to crush at all costs any resistance to the Bure nuclear waste project, one of the missing links in the French and European nuclear chain.
Sold as a clean energy, nuclear power is in fact the opposite. From uranium mining to waste burial, everything is a social and ecological disaster. Just like what the digitalized society promises us. This will require us to produce more and more electrical energy, a growing demand for the future that will have to be met by nuclear power. The geopolitical stakes of digital technology are reminiscent of those that were raised for nuclear power, regardless of the massive refusal they encounter, the damage or the risks, the State has launched its absurd race.

Continue reading Nancy/Bar-le-Duc/Meuse, France: On the night of the…