Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Wallmapu: Conviction against those who attacked police

After the repression of a Mapuche march in August 2020 in the city of Temuco, skirmishes spread throughout the city. It was just at that moment that a lone policeman received a well-deserved beating, leaving him with a fractured jaw and collarbone, leaving a beautiful image that went viral.
Following surveillance cameras and eyewitnesses, OS-9 personnel managed to arrest three people who had participated in the attack.

Continue reading Wallmapu: Conviction against those who attacked police

Athens , Greece Taking responsibility in solidarity with the 3 anarchist comrades arrested in Thessaloniki

Taking responsibility in solidarity with the 3 anarchist comrades
In the early morning of Tuesday 8/2/22 two people were arrested by the anti-terrorist police in connection with the placing of an explosive device at the entrance of the“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection”in Thessaloniki. During the day one more person was arrested. A case file is formed against them for allegedly forming and joining the “Anarchist Action Organization”.
As a reflexive and minimal sign of solidarity with the persecuted comrades on Wednesday night 9/2 /22we chose to break 2 ATMs, one of Eurobank in Theomitoros street in Alimos and one of Piraeus in Michalakopoulou street.
We are in an uninterrupted state of war with every power and its defenders and the garbage of the anti-terrorism department should get it through their heads.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

UK, London : An Invitation to Deflate the System, Claim for Action by Anarchists

act for free received by anonymous email:


An Invitation to Deflate the System
As the walls of control close in its hard not to feel a sense of despair. As an anarchist inside the Great British Prison Island, with apathy and inaction the main pillars of the anarchist ghetto, its hard not to feel deflated. Daily humiliations tend to extinguish your burning desire to attack the system. Every time you try to get a fire going another excuse puts it out. Too much risk for that action This action is inconsequential The atmosphere of trepidation is paralyzing.
You end up stuck between a fantasy of burning the whole edifice down and the reality of your limited abilities which seem to you to offer very little. But this is where you are wrong. You already have everything you need to begin. Besides, you can’t do anything with what you haven’t got. You can only do something with what you have got. Inabilities become abilities along the way but only if you take that first step.
Be realistic about your situation! The targets for attack are everywhere and within reach. The simple weapons needed can be found in shops on every high street. Alone or with others, all you need is the will to put one foot in front of the other. So what if you can’t get your hands on an Amazon server or some other privileged target yet? The infrastructure of control is also sustained by simple and unguarded technology. Continue reading UK, London : An Invitation to Deflate the System, Claim for Action by Anarchists

Rome, Italy: Incendiary attack on two Sirti vehicles by Some dedicated to the cult of fire

via: infernourbano
We receive by anonymous mail and publish:
Inspired by the attack of 28th August 2021, that took place in this city, we acted to set fire to two vehicles of the Sirti company during the night of December 16 .
Sirti S.p.A. is a company specialising in the design, implementation and maintenance of large telecommunications networks.
At the moment it is actively collaborating with Openfiber, the company set up by Enel and shared by Cassa Depositi and Prestiti whose purpose is the installation and management of the fibre optic network in Italy. This infrastructure is of fundamental importance for the technological implementation towards which society as a whole is racing under the impetus of the demands of growth of the capitalist economic system. This will affect the private lives of millions of individuals as well as public administrations, which will be ‘forced’ to adapt to the new European standards, and will also influence the competitiveness of companies as the Fourth Industrial Revolution approaches.
For us therefore attacking this company means to contrast the direct interests of capitalism at the dawn of its restructuring of production and consumption.
If we are writing these words it is to strengthen communication through anarchist action and the struggle against all power and specifically against the current phase of capitalist expansion consisting of the virtualisation of social interactions, ever more pervasive control, ever greater exploitation of workplaces and natural resources and the repression of anyone who publicly organises their opposition to all this.

Continue reading Rome, Italy: Incendiary attack on two Sirti vehicles by Some dedicated to the cult of fire

Paint bags against DPolG office Stuttgart, December 31, 2021

via: chronik.blackblogs
Tonight we marked the facade of the German Police Union (DPolG) in Stuttgart with some paint. The DPolG is a right-wing police lobby. It actively defends cops and demands more special rights for them. Besides it agitates again and again against leftists and trivializes right-wing violence.
And so it is, among others, an actor of the repressive apparatus.

Continue reading Paint bags against DPolG office Stuttgart, December 31, 2021

Aachen. Germany. Found on Indymedia DE, a solidarity action for the Wuppertal Osterholz in Aachen.

Originally published by Indymedia DE.
Indymedia DE:
Monday greetings from Aachen to the Osterholz forest
Yesterday we brought greetings from the occupied Osterholz in Wuppertal to the engineering office Stoll & Partner ( in Aachen. They are responsible for some expertises in the approval procedure for the extension of the quarry.
Mark and attack profiteers of climate change!
Osterholz stays!

Italy – GBRG ENGENEERING: those who collaborate with prison are planning torture!

On 16th January 2022, we covered the walls of the GBRG site in zibido san giacomo (MI) with posters and graffiti. This firm which operates in the field of building projects (they boast the construction of EXPO pavilions among other things) actively collaborates with prisons in northern Italy.
Jails and the torture that takes place inside them are possible thanks to the collaboration of all those who make profits out of them. Continue reading Italy – GBRG ENGENEERING: those who collaborate with prison are planning torture!

Athens, Greece: Anarchists take responsibility arson attack on two cars of the Hertz dealership.

The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘state of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in keeping with this insight.
Walter Benjamin.
The Greek State is in the process of strengthening and intensifying its repressive mechanisms and under the umbrella of the doctrine of “law and order” is further arming its defences. It is creating and nurturing daily bipolarism and tactics of social division (vaccinated-unvaccinated) and at the same time focuses on the narrative of the enemy within, with the anarchist space and its militants in the forefront.
It applies a doctrine of shock, with the regime’s peak being terrorism, this time through the virus, the external threat from neighbouring countries, the projection of “violent” incidents on university campuses and the simultaneous silencing of the revaluations, impoverishment and poverty of the largest population of the country, the resisting parts of society becoming the recipients of the State’s vengeance. The aim of the current government of the South-West is to consolidate impoverishment by completing the work of the social democracy that it succeeded. At the same time, faithful to its historical encounter with revisionism, the Greek right aspires to put a tombstone on the struggle against impoverishment by intensifying repression against the resisting parts of society and trying to delegitimise the memory of the struggle against the State and capital.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Anarchists take responsibility arson attack on two cars of the Hertz dealership.

Athens, Greece: THIS IS NOT A MUSEUM, THIS IS WHERE WE LIVE! Actions Claim By Anarchists

As you may have understood already, on the buses, in the streets, in the shops, cameras are watching and recording our every step. The social media industry has made us accustomed to the presence of cameras at events, on marches and in our daily lives (in workplaces, schools, etc.), so that our resistance to them is diminishing. It seems as if there is no other way and this leaves us no room to breathe.
The State is installing cameras to protect its infrastructure, to record demonstrations and to monitor its citizens. On the other hand, the petty bourgeoisie use them to protect their sacred property while their visual material is always available to the cops and is used as incriminating evidence in court cases. On the pretext that this system of surveillance and control will create greater security, it shields the system of domination.
Cameras have never prevented any “crime”, nor have they ever “protected” anyone. The goal of surveillance is to create a sense of constant monitoring of our every step, every social media post is recorded and creates profiles with data that can be used against us.
Then we start to think twice, where we go, what we say, who we talk to and what we do. This superstitious obedience is part of repression and self-censorship. When we are not anonymous we do not act and speak as we would like, but according to what is socially acceptable.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: THIS IS NOT A MUSEUM, THIS IS WHERE WE LIVE! Actions Claim By Anarchists