Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Hamburg, Germany: A JCDecaux service car set on fire    

via:attaque. / Tuesday 28 September 2021
To express our incompatibility with the dominant system and to propagate the direct attack of all structures of oppression, on the night of September 25-26, 2021, instead of going through the electoral ballot box, we chose to attack and set fire to a service car of the French outdoor advertising company JCDecaux.
Like Ströer, the French company JCDecaux, which in 2009 also acquired a majority stake in Wall AG, supplies large-format posters. They profit from the development of public spaces, which seduce and pacify the population with so-called consumer happiness, and also profit from the development of smart cities. In addition, at timesw these companies openly support organized fascism, as was recently revealed with regard to Ströer, which donated to the AfD, in the form of poster campaigns.

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Santiago (Chile): Transantiago bus set on fire

via: attaque.
Noticias de la guerra social / Saturday 25 September 2021
On Friday, September 10, 2021, a group of about five persons unknown boarded a Transantiago bus on Vicuña Mackenna Avenue, in front of the San Joaquin campus of the Catholic University, and got the driver and passengers to descend.
The unknown people quickly doused the bus in gasoline and set fire to it, while throwing leaflets demanding the release of the prisoners of the revolt and remembering one of the people killed by the repression during the revolt.
No one was injured or arrested.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Graz, Austria: Stronger than Capitalism

Greetings of solidarity to opponents of the International Motor Show
Graz, summer 2021.
While the car speeds away from a world worth living in, we are fighting against the current civilizatio’s hostility to life!
Wherever we look, everything is spoiled: where there are already hardly any trees left, they continue to cut and clear; where concrete kills fertile soil forever, they continue to build; where people want to live in peace, they are evicted; where people want to be as they are, they are killed; where there could be air to breathe and room to grow, they impose bureaucratic forms with guidelines; where beings could meet, there are… CARS!

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RBC Targeted in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders (Montreal, Canada)

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Canada is a lie. Reconciliation is dead. After night fell on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, RBC was targeted in the center of Montreal’s financial district. The Royal Bank of Canada is an investor in the Coastal GasLink pipeline. While they stage orange shirt photo ops to proclaim their commitment to reconciliation, CGL is attempting to drill under Wedzin Kwa, the sacred headwaters of the Wet’suwet’en people, with the help of the RCMP threatening, arresting, and torturing land defenders.
By morning they covered up the message we left them: “RBC funds colonialism. CGL off the Yintah”. Ashamed, RBC?
Reconciling with Canada’s genocidal history means confronting the institutions and infrastructures that reproduce colonial violence in the present. CGL, its investors, and the RCMP are playing with fire by prolonging their occupation of Wet’suwet’en territory.

Rome, Italy: Sirti car burnt

On August 28 2021 in Rome during the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners we set fire to a car belonging to the Sirti company. Sirti collaborates with the digitalisation and technological implementation fundamental to this phase in the development of dominion, we require no other reason to attack it.
Solidarity with all the anarchist prisoners in the world! Closeness and strength to Boris, in coma in France following a fire in his cell!
To all those who continue to light up our nights with their actions!
Via: infernourbano
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), Paris, France: The van of Valmy street

This is the story of an eiffage van. A brand new van. Because it has obviously replaced the one that, as we read, was burned earlier this year in the same area. A brand new van, therefore, which ends up burning.
An Eiffage van is most often used to build cages.
Sad cages with colors that sound false. Cages to get us used to conformity, to prepare us for work and to play the social role we have been assigned.
Cages that are depressing or full of noise and lights that make our heads spin, supposed to motivate us to waste our time and energy in occupations that are too often useless or harmful.

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Bremen, Germany: Once again a vehicle of prison profiteers torched

“It is companies like Spie, WISAG, Massak, Sodexo […] that keep state rule alive through their pandering.”
Inspired by the compas who already relieved Dussmann Service GmbH of three vehicles at the beginning of the year, we attacked SPIE in the night from Monday to Tuesday and burned out a van in front of their branch at Sielhof.
Both as part of the French nuclear industry and through its cooperation with RWE in the lignite mining in the Hambach Forest, SPIE has already made itself a legitimate target.
But for us, SPIE is one thing above all: a prison profiteer.

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Hamburg, Germany: Broken glass and flood of paint at Hamburg job centres

In the night of 14 September, job centres in the districts of Altona and Rahlstedt were attacked with hammers, stones and paint.
“The top 10 per cent of the population own about two-thirds of Germany’s total wealth” (quote:
The gap between rich and poor is constantly growing. Even during the Corona crisis, the wealth of the rich few multiplied. In contrast, workers, especially in the precarious sector, have lost their jobs. Many struggle with existential fears and depend on support from the state. They are exposed to the arbitrariness of the Job Centre system, which will continue its repressive measures after the end of the lockdown.

Continue reading Hamburg, Germany: Broken glass and flood of paint at Hamburg job centres

Fire Set in Prison Construction Office in Dresden, Germany

Fire set in engineering office involved in jail construction
Dresden, September 17, 2021
For some time now, militant resistance has been stirring against the ongoing construction of prisons in Zwickau. In the meantime, many companies involved in construction, planning or logistics have been affected. Particular attention was paid to the construction company Hentschke Bau, whose boss had also attracted negative attention through donations to the AfD. However, such a large project involves many participants and we do not want to be accused of forgetting anyone.
So in the night from September 16 to 17, we dedicated ourselves with a few liters of gasoline to the engineering office Rathenow in the Albertstadt. We broke two windows and placed incendiary devices in the rooms. We hope that the fire disturbed the smooth running of further prison planning and that the company understands: Whoever earns money from the construction of prisons will have to bear the consequences! On the area we found additionally still another Bonzenschlitten, we set it without further ado on fire.

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Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas (Ardèche), France: Sabotage of an electrical station, “the fairies will never be electric”

via:sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!
Don’t forget to turn off the light on your way out
The modern world has held us hostage non stop, ever since childhood, venting the merits of security and making us forget the copious dose of servitude we must accept in return for progress through a series of increasingly poorly kept promises.
As the horizons that present themselves at the forefront of civilisation’s advances continue to darken – the ravaging of wilderness, the increasing domestication of the living, the artificialisation of beings – the present world continues its frantic race, making it ever more dependent on energy infrastructures and the products they consume and produce: oil, uranium, electricity.
In the space of less than two centuries, the production of electricity and the increasing electrification of spaces has continued to expand and colonise every part of our lives.
Continue reading Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas (Ardèche), France: Sabotage of an electrical station, “the fairies will never be electric”