Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Athens Pagrati area, Greece: – Excerpt from claim by Anarchists for an attack on an apartment building where cops and Eftichis Vardoulakis reside

Pagrati, Greece: – Taking responsibility for an attack on an apartment building where cops and Eftychis Vardoulakis reside
At dawn on 17/02 we placed an incendiary device at the entrance of an apartment building in Lykofronos Street in Pagrati, where 5 cops live, among them some in high-ranking positions, as well as the communication technocrat of the New Democracy, Eftichis Vardoulakis. The result was the destruction of part of the entrance.
In conclusion, we will agree with our comrades from the Nuclei of Direct Action that we have to become a shield to protect the anarchist and communist prisoners inside the prisons, making it clear that every single cog in this repressive mechanism is a target for us. From the last cop to the prison directors and every legal adviser of law-making committees to the ministries and their executives.
PS: Honour and memory for the anarchist revolutionary guerrilla Lambros Fountas
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Taking Responsibility – Let’s sabotage the war / Let’s light the flame of practical internationalist solidarity by Anarchists

Taking Responsibility – Let’s sabotage the war / Let’s light the flame of practical internationalist solidarity
“No; none of the belligerents is entitled to invoke the name of civilization or to declare itself in a state of legitimate defence. The truth is that the cause of wars, of that which at present stains with blood the plains of Europe, as of all wars that have preceded it, rests solely in the existence of the State, which is the political form of privilege.
The role of the Anarchists in the present tragedy, whatever may be the place or the situation in which they find themselves, is to continue to proclaim that there is but one war of liberation: that which in all countries is waged by the oppressed against the oppressors, by the exploited against the exploiters. Our part is to summon the slaves to revolt against their masters.”
International Anarchist Manifesto Against the War, London (February 1915)
On 24 February the Russian State, under the pretext of the violating of the Minsk agreement and the “denazification” of Ukraine, launched an attack on the Ukrainian territories. The bloody military conflict that has been going on for the last few weeks has already cost hundreds of lives, which will increase as the war continues.
The Russian State, an authoritarian regime aimed at savagely serving the interests of Russian oligarchic capital, aims to maintain its territorial and economic influence in Ukraine, in collaboration with part of the local bourgeoisie. The current economic/political regime is the result of a long process beginning with the dissolution of the USSR, the October 1993 crisis, and a series of a dozen wars in the regions of the Russian federation and in neighbouring countries where local capital had direct interests. The result of this process is the absolute domination of oligarchic capital over Russian society, expressed politically by the Putin regime and the “fourth political theory”. On this political basis, the Russian ruling classes have launched a ferocious war against the insurgent sections of the oppressed, either internally with dozens of long-lasting, even pre-emptive sentences of anarchists and antifascists, or in territories that it considers its sphere of influence, such as the brutal repression of anarchists in Belarus and the crushing of antifascist forces in the Donbas DR.

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Taking responsibility for acts of sabotage by Anarchists (Athens,Greece)

Taking responsibility for acts of sabotage by Anarchists
Tuesday morning 8/2 once again the State acts repressively by arresting 2 comrades after the SWAT team (EKAM) raided the house where they were staying following an incendiary attack that took place at the (foundation for National and Religious Reflection) in the area of Ano Polis (Thessaloniki). A few hours later and for unknown reasons a third person was arrested.
The 3 persons accused of being members of a terrorist organization (187A) of the name of >>Anarchist Action>> were taken into custody on 11/2 with Thanos Xatziagkelou taking responsibility for the incendiary attack, Georgia Voulgari asking for a defence and finally Panagiotis Kalaitzis renouncing all charges, as the only connection he had with the persons was the granting of the house as a quarantine area. Continue reading Taking responsibility for acts of sabotage by Anarchists (Athens,Greece)

Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility actions in Exarxeia area by Anarchists

Taking responsibility by Anarchists
On 26.2.22, during the carnival against the gentrification of Exarcheia, a group of comrades took the opportunity to carry out a series of attacks targeting various aspects of gentrification. Several surveillance cameras in the neighbourhood were painted.
We also carried out the following attacks
-breaking the window of the co-fashion boutique at 39 S. Trikoupis Street.
-breaking the window of the very expensive hipster clothing store Mohxa at 59 Z. Pigi Street.
-Breaking the surveillance camera and the bell of the Athens Way Apartments hotel at 76 Ch.Trikoupis Street.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility actions in Exarxeia area by Anarchists

Paris: Molotov cocktail hits the Russian cultural center

via: attaque
Le Parisien / Monday, March 7, 2022
The Russian House of Science and Culture, a cultural entity considered close to the Russian power of Vladimir Putin, was the target of Molotov cocktail, “an incendiary device”, says a source close to the case. The act took place Sunday night, at 2:45 am.
One or more individuals aimed at the signs and the gate of the entrance of the center, located at 61, rue Boissière (XVIe), in the Victor-Hugo district, a kind of beautiful private mansion, with diplomatic status.

Continue reading Paris: Molotov cocktail hits the Russian cultural center

London,UK: Attack on Automated Supermarket

Attack on Automated Supermarket
From the first moment automation has never been ‘labour saving’. As the machines are faster, more efficient, more automatic, ‘smarter’, we are simply forced to work at the increased speed and intensity the machine is now capable of.
The first fully ‘automated supermarkets’ have begun appearing in the UK. Like many other invasions of the urban landscape, which in London particularly is already a fortress under constant surveillance, they are greeted with further indifference. Constant crisis has a wearying effect, every further incursion has a ready-made justification, for further ‘efficiencies’, ‘monitoring’, for a ‘smarter city’. Continue reading London,UK: Attack on Automated Supermarket

Paris: The enemy is here

Paris: The enemy is here
Our enemies are not the other exploited but the bosses and the state. We reject all nationalist and Common Front appeals, even if we recognize the horror of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But Putin did not become a dictator on February 24 because the Western media and leaders condemned him. The dictatorship has always been there, Russia and its vassal Belarus have always been police states. It was enough to look at things and not do anything. The brutal repression of all popular demands, opponents murdered, tortured and imprisoned…
We think of our anarchist comrades, like Ilya Romanov who spent long years in jail or the two young Russian companions recently sentenced to several years in jail for dynamiting a political police station – in a video game! We also think of the 2020 revolt in Belarus, when the inhabitants of this country wanted to overthrow the dictator Lukashenko. Dozens of people were killed by the police, hundreds tortured, thousands imprisoned to the indifference of Europe. While they wanted to have the upper hand in the geostrategic games, the Western governments never condemned the Russian police state which on the contrary has always been an important economic partner. Société Générale, Total, Engie, Renault, the Auchan group… it is also with French money that Putin’s dictatorship has prospered, it is with this money that the army that today massacres civilians and threatens nuclear disasters has been financed.

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Hamburg,Germany : Incendiary attack on the car of former police spy Astrid Oppermann

via: Zündlappen Translated by Act for freedom now!
It was a joy to set fire to the car of Astrid Oppermann near her Winterhude apartment in Maria-Louisenstieg today.
Astrid Oppermann spied on the autonomous scene in Hamburg as an undercover investigator under the name Astrid Schütt from 2006-2013. She was a regular active participant in the autonomous general assembly, helped prepare the autonomous congress in Cologne, she went to the protests against the world climate summit in Copenhagen, was involved in the mobilizations against the conference of interior ministers in 2010 and the protest against the so-called “Day of the German Future” in Hamburg in 2012.

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Indonesia: Communique: Claim Action by Unit Nemesis/FAI-IRF (spontaneous and decentralized cells)

Communique: Claim Action
In Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners!
“For the one who carries the wolf of praxis in him, you are not alone”
On March 2nd, a police post was set on fire which is located beside the Tugu Mahkota, Solo, Indonesia and the throwing of Molotov cocktails at the Waskita Colomadu Factory in Solo, Indonesia.
We claim these actions were the actions of our conspirators aiming to attack the authorities and corporations responsible for land grabbing and ecocides!

Continue reading Indonesia: Communique: Claim Action by Unit Nemesis/FAI-IRF (spontaneous and decentralized cells)