Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Grenoble, France: Support to the defendants of 8/12: the Palais de Justice is decorated 

via: attaque Indymedia Lille / Wednesday 8 December 2021

On December 8, 2021, a year has passed since cops raided several places in France (Toulouse, Rennes, Ile de France, Dordogne) to take 9 comrades, in the name of anti-terrorism. They took them to the offices of the DGSI in Levallois-Perret in order to interrogate them before incarcerating some and placing others under judicial control (and leaving 2 under witness status).
It seems that this repression on the part of the State and the cops is a response to the accusation that they hate the State and the cops. In the midst of the social movement against the Global Security Law, as usual, the media have been able to brandish the headline of an anti terrorist affair in the “extreme left” and have given themselves a great deal of pleasure in magnifying this affair by repeating the police’s accounts. […]

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Glorious Rage: Rail Sabotage in Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en (Canada)

There is nothing left unsaid. RCMP Out.
CGL off the Yintah.
Defend the Wedzin Kwa.
This is an act of genocide. An active genocide.
An armed invasion by the colonial state.
There is nothing left to say: they do not listen to words.
So just do; that is what we have done.
One recent evening, allies/accomplices went out into the night to pick up where others may have left off in the spring of 2020: targeting rail infrastructure.
Using various methods (detailed below for your reference, education and delight!) we disrupted rail all over so-called southern Ontario throughout the night, hitting nearly a dozen different spots on both CN and CP rail lines. We did this in heartfelt solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en defending their Yintah from destruction, and fuelled our actions with the justified rage we feel towards the RCMP and state for once against invading their territory on behalf of a private corporation.
Rail was a harbinger of colonized settlements and the genocide of Indigenous peoples across so-called Canada, and also an indefensible way to target the kkkanadian economy, so we find it an ideal target as people unable to be standing shoulder to shoulder with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders.
While some crews opted for the copper wire method, others found inspiration in other means of targeting railway circuits – including severing low voltage track circuits and the arson of railway signal bungalows.

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Toulouse,France: It’s not covid, but capitalism that’s killing us

via: attaque
Indymedia Lille / Saturday, December 4, 2021
On the night of December 3 to 4, we toasted the health of the Guadeloupean rioters with hammers against the windows of an Adecco Medical temp agency on Avenue de Bretagne in Toulouse.
This December 4th, the care workers are taking to the streets again against the chain of closures of many hospital services throughout France, due to the lack of personnel who are increasingly deserting. The temp agency is this privatized valve to compensate for the chronic daily lack of caregivers in the services. We remind you that these agencies earn a lot of money by being one of the cogs in the bankruptcy of the health care system.

Continue reading Toulouse,France: It’s not covid, but capitalism that’s killing us

Bremen (Germany): Against the borders of Europe! Army vehicles should burn (again and again)!

We are for anti-militarism!
We are for a world that does not need borders!
We stand for desertion!
We are for response!
We are for anti-racism!
We are for a revolutionary perspective!
We are for revolutionary violence!
We are for the violence that opposes the horrible and brutal violence of social conditions!
We are for the struggle against war!
Sometimes it almost seems that the slogans of the radical left are outdated. Sometimes it seems as if the idea of a world without war is no longer in fashion. War is accepted with a shrug, as a realistic option. Sometimes it seems that all these military operations “without alternative” have put us to sleep. Sometimes. Encouraged by the attack on the arms company OHB in Bremen in November, we decided to fight the war here. That’s why in the early morning of December 7th we set fire to a fleet of army vehicles in the Neustadt district of Bremen – in the parking lot of the company MAN, which profits from the war.

Continue reading Bremen (Germany): Against the borders of Europe! Army vehicles should burn (again and again)!

Bremen (Germany): incendiary devices against a Frontex collaborator

Attack on the arms company and Frontex OHB supplier in Bremen
Last night 24/11/21, we attacked the arms company OHB SE on the Manfred-Fuchs square in the industrial park of the university of Bremen and set several cars on fire.
OHB SE is one of the biggest players in the field of aeronautics and aerospace with its headquarters in Bremen, but it makes its money on the deaths with which the federal army and Frontex pave their way. In 2001, OHB became one of the biggest players in the satellite and aerospace sector when it won a contract worth more than 320 million euros with the German army ‘for the development, construction, launch and operation of the SAR-Lupe radar reconnaissance system’. This was to enable the German army to obtain information through autonomous military espionage, independent of weather conditions.
In 2008, the Federal Army officially received the satellite system. OHB itself stated: ‘With SAR-Lupe, OHB has succeeded for the first time in running a satellite program as the main contractor. In doing so, the company developed and built the satellite system and is jointly responsible with the Federal Armed Forces for its operation. OHB is thus not only a supplier to the Federal Army, but also actively participates in the German warfare and surveillance machine. In 2013, the German Army again placed an order with OHB for the development and construction of the SARah tracking system. This was and is to be used by the German army exclusively for military purposes.

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Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking responsibility for an attack on a bank by Μητροπολιτική Ομάδα Καταστροφών [Metropolitan Catastrophes Group]

via: athens.indymedia translated by Act for freedom now!
6/12 marks the 13th anniversary of the murder of the anarchist student Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the cops Korkoneas and Saraliotis. “Normality” died overnight. The straw that broke the camel’s back led thousands of pupils, students, migrants, workers from all over the country to take to the streets, to violent demonstrations, to mass strikes, to attacks against State and capitalist targets.
December 2008 became the vehicle of an uprising that gave hope to those oppressed and excluded by the State and capital. Overnight, after years of social “stability”, the proletarian riots of December reopened the stakes of social resistance and revolution in post-communist Greece. The 2008 uprising, the occupations, the clashes, but above all the realization that we have nothing to lose and the perception that the enemy is not invulnerable, left an important legacy for the resistances in the decade of repression, poverty and exploitation that followed.
Today, 13 years later, in times of crisis, the State is stepping up its attack on those from below. Having abandoned the public health system in the midst of a pandemic, it has chosen the path of repression. It beats up students, abolishes university asylum, targets squats, bans demonstrations, unleashes a wave of persecution against anarchists and militants without evidence with the sole aim of cutting off any prospect of uprisings in the here and now.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking responsibility for an attack on a bank by Μητροπολιτική Ομάδα Καταστροφών [Metropolitan Catastrophes Group]

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack on the Acropolis police station by comrades

via: athens.indymedia.Translated by act for freedom now!
On Saturday 27 November we attacked the Acropolis police station with Molotov cocktails. At the time of the attack the guard cop and 4 under cover cops sitting in front of the police station, at the sound of the cry “murderers” scampered and hid in the building while we set fire to the guard post and the entrance of the police station.
We haven’t said the last word yet, these are Alexi’s days.
It is not remembrance, or melancholy nostalgia. It is the very idea of rebellion against our oppressors and exploiters. It is the fiery flame of yesterday that drives the gestures of resistance of today.
It is not a desire for repetition, but the very reality of exploitation, death politics, totalitarian control, segregation and total state management of the pandemic.
It is the intensity of oppression, of the suffocating present that arms us with the will, the desire, the strength to attack the state apparatus. It is the December 2008 uprising that fills us with the faith that the situation can and must change and that those from below can come back to the forefront by claiming their own lives.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack on the Acropolis police station by comrades

Cologne (Germany): Fire for Strabag

via: attaque Translated by Act for freedom  now! / Sunday 28 November 2021
Last night we targeted the Strabag site in Cologne and freed it from a car.
We chose Strabag as a target because this company has been profiting from the climate crisis for years and is a major contributor to it, as it builds motorways all over Germany, including the construction of the A49 motorway. In order to build this motorway, part of the Dannenrod forest has to be cleared. Here too we have seen once again how the state decides by brutal means, against the interests of the citizens and for the profit of the big capitalists.
Since the 1st of October, the hot clearing season has started all over Germany.

Continue reading Cologne (Germany): Fire for Strabag

La Paz (Bolivia): explosion against the bishops’ headquarters [MaJ]

via :sansnomTranslated by Act for freedom now!
Claim for the explosion against the headquarters of the Bolivian Episcopal Conference (CEB) reproduced via Spanish from anarquiainfo, 28 November 2021
In the early hours of Wednesday 24 November, avoiding the numerous patrols in the area, and a few meters from a police car on guard, we placed and detonated a device against the entrance to the headquarters of the Bolivian Episcopal Conference (CEB), the highest authority of the Catholic Church in Bolivia.
This action speaks for itself. The aim was to damage the infrastructure of the CEB and send a clear message that the abuses of the Church will not go unchallenged. This is the only possible response to an institution that persists in torturing bodies to perpetuate its hypocritical morality.
Recently, once again, this institution forced an 11-year-old girl to give birth (1). They prolonged her rape pregnancy as long as they could. Every day that this child spent sequestered by the Bolivian archdiocese, under the duress of moral threats, is clearly a form of torture.

Continue reading La Paz (Bolivia): explosion against the bishops’ headquarters [MaJ]

Toulouse France: Breaking free from the net

Indymedia Lille / Friday 19 November 2021
The night of November 17 to 18 in the North district of Toulouse, 4 vans of a company installing fiber optics burned.
The COP26 has just come to an end and the media debate is focused on the choice of a source of energy capable of making France independent and not appearing crude in terms of pollution. In this apocalyptic landscape, the expansion of high speed internet is at its peak and already announces a society where the state will need more and more energy to dematerialize the whole economy via the internet.
That’s why we tried to disrupt a company that installs fiber optics in businesses by setting their vehicles on fire.
Translated from french by Act for freedom now!