Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Berlin, Germany: Burning of Hertz truck – not only for hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

We use simple means to sabotage the enemy’s infrastructure. That the car rental company Hertz is an enemy became known not only after an attack on their branch* and further fires of their vehicle fleet in Athens. Not only the Greek police is equipped by Hertz with vehicles at preferential conditions, but also in other states active and former cops and military are supported according to self-advertisement.

Hertz is one of the companies that force the constant need for mobility. Everything and everyone must always be immediately available everywhere. Delivery services, rental vehicles and Uber now dominate traffic in cities. Along the way, they create data collections about moving things and people for the police’s tracing computers, Hertz also by filming drivers while they drive.

In the social war and in the war state against state, we stand flagless on the side of the oppressed against the oppressors and Hertz stands on the side of power, sometimes under the Greek flag in the jeeps of OPKE, sometimes under the US flag on the trucks of the National Guard or under the flag of capital on their vans, with which they profit in Germany from the compulsion of the citizens to constantly move to another place from expensive apartments. Continue reading Berlin, Germany: Burning of Hertz truck – not only for hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

Toronto,Canada : May Day Bank Attack

Toronto: May Day Bank Attack

In “Toronto” on the morning of May 1st, we attacked an RBC branch in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders. We left a spray-painted message, a damaged lock, and a mess of red paint.

As we walked away into a beautiful May Day sunrise, we left a trail of messages through the city.

We were left wanting more, but we know that there are many more days ahead.

The time is now, the task is simple! Atta​​​​​​​ck!


Milan, Italy – Cash machine destroyed in Solidarity with all the imprisoned anarchists

Milan, Italy: ATM machine destroyed

11th May – ATM machine of a branch of Intesa-San paolo bank hammered to pieces in Via Rapisardi, Milan.

This action is aimed at striking one of the many speculators involved in the war in Ukraine. Intesa-San Paolo, the main Italian bank, is present in Russia with 28 branches, holds assets of 1.3 billion, has granted loans of more than 5 billion to Russian companies and holds over 50 million in State bonds. In 2017 it purchased 19% share capital from Rosneft, a Russian oil giant. It controls Pravex bank in Ukraine. It is currently carrying out a strategic review in order to square their profits with western sanctions.

It is necessary to sabotage the war by launching attacks on our own capitalists and warmongers, rejecting the mobilizations of civil pacifism.

Alongside those who struggle, who rebel and who don’t surrender.

Maximum support to Alfredo Cospito, recently placed under the 41bis regime.

Solidarity with all the imprisoned anarchists in Italy, Chile, Greece, England, Spain, Russia, Belarus, etc.

No peace – War on power


Translated by act for freedom now!

Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking Responsibility for the burning of a BRINKS security company vehicle by Anarchists

Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking Responsibility

Our lives are daily subjected to the devaluation and all-out attack of the state in all areas of socio-political reality. Understaffed hospitals where people are dying without even having the possibility of a decent hospitalization, labour sweatshops where workers are murdered as security measures are non-existent, uniformed scumbags chasing and shooting unarmed minors because they are Roma in the name of property and security, arrests with inflated charges linking people to organizations because of relations of friendship. These are all examples that display the dystopia the rulers want to establish.

In this effort, therefore, we feel the need to set up barriers of resistance and fight back with all means and in various ways against the enemy, while giving the answer that nothing will end with arrests and detention of militants. Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking Responsibility for the burning of a BRINKS security company vehicle by Anarchists

Los Álamos (Chile): “Capitalist development is not compatible with the life of the Mapuche”

Los Álamos (Chile), April 28, 2022: thirty-three trucks and construction machinery destroyed by fire in an attack against the forestry industry


On Thursday, April 28, 2022, a group of 40 people from the group Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche (RML) attacked several logging companies in the municipality of Los Álamos in the early morning, in the region of Bío Bío (Chile). Thirty-three dump trucks, backhoes, front-end loaders and other vans surrendered to the flames in less than three hours, while the two access roads to the companies (Trongol road and Pilpilco road) were blocked either by burning trucks moved there or by barricades of felled trees. This coordinated attack was described by the Chilean press as the most significant “since the resumption of the violent struggle by radical Mapuche groups in 1997.”

Needless to say, the forest devastation companies (such as the Asociación de Contratistas Forestales) immediately demanded the extension of the state of emergency established in October 2021 in all of southern Chile, which had ended on March 16 with the new left-wing government of Gabriel Boric. It should be noted that in the north of Chile, the same state of emergency (Estado de Excepción) with military intervention to support the police, established last February, has been maintained on the border with Bolivia and Peru. But the arrival of migrants from Venezuela in the north is not the prolonged struggle of a part of the Mapuche in the south to recover the land and drive out the exploiters, with whom the Chilean state is trying to re-establish dialogue. And the new Minister of the Interior Iskia Siches will not deny this, she who on March 15, in her first days in office, had the bad idea of trying to calm the conflict with a symbolic gesture, going to the community of Temucuicui (Araucanía region) to meet with the father of Camilo Catrillanca, a young peasant shot in the head in November 2018 by the Special Operations Group of the Carabineros responsible for restoring order.

Temucuicui (Ercilla), March 15, 2022: car set on fire on a bridge, shots fired and trees cut down to welcome the Minister of the Interior Continue reading Los Álamos (Chile): “Capitalist development is not compatible with the life of the Mapuche”

Leipzig (Germany): against militarism, a relay antenna goes up in flames

via: sansnom

We attacked German railroads (Deutsche Bahn, DB) as part of the war logistics in Europe. We have not forgotten that this company (even if it is currently trying to clear its image with “humanitarian” deliveries to Ukraine) has been involved in the delivery of weapons for years. Our friends in Rojava, in particular, are killed every day with weapons supplied by DB. The cooperation between the German railroads and the fascist regime of Erdogan is close.

And so, in the night of 28-29 April, we set fire to a DB antenna in Markkleeberg. The line on which the antenna is located was and still is used for the delivery of weapons. We are trying to counteract the current war logic with the means at our disposal and want the material damage to be as great as possible. Until the line is no longer used for the transport of military vehicles, cars, coal and other destructive raw materials that are diligently being sent around the world. Continue reading Leipzig (Germany): against militarism, a relay antenna goes up in flames

Moscow, Russia: “If the day fades away forever…”


On May 2, 2022 in the heart of Moscow, in Revolution Square near the monument to Karl Marx, an unknown person threw a molotov against the OMON (Russian Ministry of Interior Special Forces) riot vehicles that are always parked there. The flames managed to eat away at one of them for several minutes before being extinguished.

The unknown person was unfortunately arrested immediately. This is 45-year-old Vitaly Koltsov, a father of three and a philosophy graduate, who had previously participated in anti-government rallies – in 2017, he was arrested for disobeying the cops, and in 2019 for violating “the established order” to hold rallies. Continue reading Moscow, Russia: “If the day fades away forever…”

Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking responsibility for a set fire to Demourtzidis’ professional car, by Nightriders of the Flame

Thessaloniki, Greece: – Taking responsibility

Life in the metropolises is suffocating. In recent years, we have seen the urban beast grow larger sucking life into its path. Cops and snitches lurk around every corner, poverty and deprivation are reflected in every aspect of daily life, oppression (labour, sexual, racial) is a brutal reality, while the area of ‘freedoms’ and ‘breaths of life’ are narrowing more and more. In this suffocating grip, capitalism comes to remind us that we are expendable material for its machines, which produce endlessly and thirst for profit.

The gentrification projects are the blunt admission by the state that we exist simply to produce for them. Squares, parks, neighbourhoods that were once appropriable by their inhabitants are being gentrified by labour and handed over to tourists and urban bourgeois. Expensive cafes, airbnb, surveillance cameras, growing tourist population, overall increase in the cost of living are some of the consequences of redevelopment. Consequences that result in the displacement of people who once lived in these neighbourhoods as they can no longer cope with the new situation. So so-called ‘gentrification’ is thus creating ‘fortress’ (urban) areas with increased social control and repression while other urban areas are ghettoised and impoverished. The segregation of neighbourhoods within cities and their pronounced differentiations clearly facilitates the work of the cops in terms of mapping and surveillance. Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking responsibility for a set fire to Demourtzidis’ professional car, by Nightriders of the Flame


Just after 10am on Wednesday, May 24th (the 4th day of the Third Week of Action) 2 DeKalb County park police entered the forest to inspect the path created by bulldozers on Monday in the RC field. As they were exiting, forest defenders ambushed them by throwing rocks and bottles their cars, smashing windows.

It seems they aren’t so formidable when they aren’t alongside DeKalb County Police assisting in encampment sweeps, as they did last December at the behest of Blackhall Studios following the “Witch Bloc” hexing. Continue reading MULTIPLE POLICE CARS DAMAGED IN WEELAUNEE (usa)

Nighttime Visit at the Home of an RBC Executive

Late in the night, on May 4th, individuals acting in the spirit of vengeance visited the home of Michael Fortier on Chester Avenue. Mr. Fortier was a federal cabinet minister under Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Today, he is the vice-chairman of capital markets at the Royal Bank of Canada. Tucked away in his big house in the Town of Mount-Royal (a wealthy Montreal neighborhood separated by a long wall from the poor and exploited), Mr. Fortier no doubt feels at ease with his employer’s decision to continue funding the Coastal GasLink pipeline (or any other disgusting project financed by RBC).

As glaciers melt and drought, fire and famine spread, Mr. Fortier may think that his money and connections will protect him, his children and his grandchildren. But the ecologically dispossessed will know the names of those responsible. He must understand that no one is safe amid this storm. Continue reading Nighttime Visit at the Home of an RBC Executive