Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack


The Winnemucca Indian Colony, on Paiute and Shoshone land in so-called Winnemucca, Nevada, is under attack from self-appointed tribal chairperson Judy Rojo and her crooked council, none of whom even live on the colony or in Nevada. Judy is not recognized by the residents and elders of the Winnemucca Indian Colony. Although the colony was part of a forced removal project intended for “homeless Indians,” Judy Rojo charges the residents rent and began demolishing their homes and forcefully evicting them in November of 2021. The 20 acres of land where the WIC residents live today was purchased in 1928 by the government from the Central Pacific Railway. Many of the elders have lived on this land for decades and are second generation residents. Judy Rojo and her contracted goon, Bob McNichols of REZBuilders, have demolished 8 structures and homes on the colony so far without the consent of the residents.

Judy Rojo has also stolen 320 acres that has ‘legally’ belonged to the Winnemucca Indian Colony since 1918 under colonial law. She is building homes and a tribal building, which has not been approved by the colony residents. On the 320, Judy built and is using the Water Canyon Dispensary to steal and launder millions of dollars from WIC residents. The dispensary is currently expanding to increase their profits. This is a land grab. The identity of the non-native dispensary owner collaborating with Judy to launder money is unknown.

Athens, Greece: Intervention on airbnb in Exarcheia area

Intervention on airbnb in Exarcheia area

The analyses of the gentrification of the Exarcheia neighbourhood are now well known and are part of the words and practice of the anti-authoritarian space. House evictions, cop culture, bawdy tourists frolicking undisturbed in their new playground. Squat evictions, mega real estate companies, and so much more that we see in our neighbourhood every day.

Gentrification is our forced replacement with first-class citizens and visitors. For what purpose? For political denaturalization, for counter-insurgency, for profit. But the actions of our diverse movements will sweep them away once again.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Intervention on airbnb in Exarcheia area

Chile : Explosive Attack Against Belasco Construction Company in Las Condes + Claim by “Grupo de Acción 6 de Julio-Nueva Subversión”.

Explosive Attack Against Belasco Construction Company in Las Condes + Claim by “Grupo de Acción 6 de Julio-Nueva Subversión”.

During the night of Tuesday July 5, around 11 pm an anonymous cyclist was riding through the streets of the wealthy Las Condes neighbourhood and stopped at the intersection of Ebro and Encomenderos.

This is the location of the corporate building of the construction company Belasco, the anonymous person manages to pass a small package through the fence towards the interior of the building. After a few minutes, the device explodes, damaging the facade, mainly the pillar, the entrance gate and windows of the building.

The unknown silhouette manages to continue its course without any problem or being detected. The typical police personnel for these events arrive at the place: GOPE, LABOCAR, OS-9 in charge of the already-traditional Fiscalia Sur, self-styled expert for these cases.

Continue reading Chile : Explosive Attack Against Belasco Construction Company in Las Condes + Claim by “Grupo de Acción 6 de Julio-Nueva Subversión”.

WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

To all

We assume responsibility for the arson attack to a unit of the corporation Lojas Marisa (clothing retailer) located at 431 Martin Afonso St in downtown Martin Afonso 431 in the center of the city of São Vicente, on the coast of the province of São Paulo, on the afternoon of 14-07-2022. A member of our collective placed a small incendiary device with a time mechanism directly on the electrical network of the air conditioner. The device worked as expected, causing a short circuit and a fire. The fire totally destroyed the commercial establishment.

Images of the action

Our action was a reprisal for the support that Lojas Marisa gave to the psychopath Jair Bolsonaro in the 2018 elections. Lojas Marisa and its controller, Zionist millionaire Ricardo Goldfarb, were financiers of the fake news scheme on the WhatsApp network orchestrated by Yankee mercenary Steve Bannon to swindle the 2018 elections and elect Bolsonaro.

Continue reading WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

Rovereto,Italy: windows smashed in solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna

Rovereto, windows smashed in solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna

We learn from the local media that the windows of various banks and shops in the town centre were smashed between 3 and 4 July. According to reports the banks Intesa San Paolo and Crédit Agricole and the Benetton and Inbitcoin stores were struck. The words “Juan Alfredo Anna free” were found nearby.

News from the media

Vandalistic raid in Rovereto: windows of various shops and banks destroyed

A rude awakening this morning for the inhabitants of the city of the oak: in the night the town centre of Rovereto was victim of a vandalistic raid, with various windows damaged and the words “Juan Alfredo Anna free” written on a bank.

The perpetrators of the vandalistic raid have not yet been identified, but on the window of the Crédit Agricole branch were found the words “Juan Alfredo Anna free”. The windows of the structure in via Stoppani were also damaged, while in piazza Cesare Battisti the vandals struck the windows of the branch of Intesa San Paolo.
A little further up the street, in via Rialto, it was the shop window of Inbitcoin that was struck and damaged in various points. In via Mazzini those responsible for the action then destroyed the windows of the Benetton shop. It isn’t clear what the vandals used to destroy the shop windows in the town, but one thing certain is that the damage to the affected companies is not insignificant.


via: Translated by Act for freedom now!

Milan, Italy: ATM destroyed No peace – War on power

Milan, ATM destroyed

We receive by anonymous mail and publish:

11th May – An ATM machine of the Intesa-San Paolo bank in via Rapisardi in Milan destroyed with hammer blows.

This action aimed at striking one of the many racketeers involved in the war in Ukraine. Intesa-San Paolo, the main banking group in Italy, is present in Russia with 28 branches, holds 1.3 billion in assets, has issued more than 5 billion in loans to Russian companies and owns more than 50 millions in government bonds. In 2017 it acquired 19% capital of Russian oil giant Rosneft. In Ukraine it controls the Pravex bank. It is currently undergoing a strategic review to balance its profits with Western sanctions.
Continue reading Milan, Italy: ATM destroyed No peace – War on power

France: Arson of a Vinci utility vehicle in solidarity with Yvan (94)

L’Haÿ-Les-Roses (94): arson of a Vinci utility vehicle

Arson of a Vinci utility vehicle in solidarity with Yvan (94)
Indymedia lille, 10 July 2022

During the night of July 7 to 8, rue Paul Hochart in l’Haÿ-Les-Roses (94), we set fire to a Vinci van. Vinci is a shitty company for many reasons but especially due to the fact that it builds prisons. In solidarity with Yvan, an anarchist comrade incarcerated in the Villepinte prison suspected of having set fire to different types of cars, we attacked a vehicle of this company by burning it.
Continue reading France: Arson of a Vinci utility vehicle in solidarity with Yvan (94)

EN/FR: There are no isolated arsonists



There are no isolated arsonists

An anarchist companion, Ivan, was arrested in the Paris region on June 11, 2022. He is suspected of several car arsons: cars with diplomatic plates, cars of the rich, of Enedis, and of others. We consider the arson and sabotage of cars, cell towers, electricity pylons and corporate targets as a strategy of the international anarchist struggle.

The omnipresence of our enemies makes them vulnerable. Some targets seem unreachable, yet all their tentacles are Achilles’ heels. If a company’s headquarters is difficult to access, we can torch one of its many cars, its branches and its power supply. We find joy in severing these tentacles, alone or in groups, with or without claims, with the means at hand or with more sophisticated techniques. In this way, we attack specific structures of domination. Continue reading EN/FR: There are no isolated arsonists

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne),France : solidarity arson of a camera

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): solidarity arson of a camera

The Saint-Jean fire in Bonnefoy
IAATA, July 6, 2022

Joyous solidarity by Lucienne Ducrime

Thinking of the comrade imprisoned in Villepinte accused of burning diplomatic cars and of all those who continue to conspire and attack. However, solidarity should not cause us to idolize perfect and sacred figures, let’s remain critical of the mistakes of companions while not remaining indifferent to repression.

We know well why it burned
For St. John’s Day, in Bonnefoy
A freshly installed cam
Rue Michel-Ange, it burned out.

How not to lose one’s head,
Scrutinized by the police eyes?
With thoughts of the companion
In Villepinte locked up.

We who liked so much
Attack and mutual aid all the time
Let’s not forget the Parisian.

A rich of the 17th district snitched
To the 17 who caught him.
It’s scary to be hit by the state.
We knew it, but we did it

We who liked so much
To make pretty fires for the Saint-Jean
In solidarity,
We always wanted to revolt

Editor’s note: On the “comrade imprisoned in Villepinte”, see his first letter here

via:sansnom translated by act for freedom now!

Kirzhach (Russia): anarchist sabotage of a military train line

Anarchist sabotage of a military train line

translated from Russian via the anarchist website a2day, June 28, 2022

The Vladimir cell of the Anarcho-Communist Fighting Organization (БОАК-Владимир1) assumes responsibility for the sabotage of the railroad line leading to military unit 55443 in Barsovo (51st arsenal of the Main Branch of Missiles and Artillery of the Russian Ministry of Defense), near Kirzhach, Vladimir Oblast.

Unlike the previous attack, where we took responsibility for the sabotage without waiting for the result (we decided to publish the information to show everyone how possible it was to attack), for the following actions we chose the strategy of waiting for the result, not publishing a report until success was achieved or it was known that the sabotage had been detected.
Continue reading Kirzhach (Russia): anarchist sabotage of a military train line

  1. Note of Sans Nom: БОАК stands for “Боевая Организация Анархо-Коммунистов” (Anarcho-communist fighting organization)