Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

IT, EN] Attacco incendiario contro un ripetitore di telefonia mobile in solidarietà con l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito in sciopero della fame (Trambileno, 5 novembre 2022)

Attacco incendiario contro un ripetitore di telefonia mobile in solidarietà con l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito in sciopero della fame (Trambileno, 5 novembre 2022)

Incendiary attack against a mobile telecommunications antenna in solidarity with anarchist Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike (Trambileno, Italy, November 5, 2022)

We learn from the media, in particular the local Trentino media, that on the night of November 5 a mobile telecommunications antenna located in the municipality of Trambileno, in the province of Trento, was set on fire. On the structure was left the writing ‘Alongside Alfredo on hunger strike. No 41 bis’, in reference to the hunger strike indefinitely undertaken, starting on October 20, by anarchist Alfredo Cospito against the 41 bis prison regime to which he was transferred on May 5 and against life imprisonment without possibility of parole. Subsequently, two other imprisoned comrades, Juan Sorroche and Ivan Alocco – respectively starting on the 25th in the Terni prison and on the 27th in the Villepinte prison, in France – also began a hunger strike in solidarity with the comrade.

Continue reading IT, EN] Attacco incendiario contro un ripetitore di telefonia mobile in solidarietà con l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito in sciopero della fame (Trambileno, 5 novembre 2022)

Atlanta (USA): burning the movie studio to defend the forest

Atlanta: burning the movie studio to defend the forest

In Atlanta, Georgia, the city council voted on September 8, 2021 to allocate 34 acres of the South River Forest to a $90 million police militarization training center project, known to locals as “Cop City.” The facility includes a reconstructed city for cops to train in, as well as a helicopter landing pad, new firing ranges and more. Its development is led by the Atlanta Police Foundation and two-thirds of the funding comes from “philanthropic” and corporate donors, sending the rest of the bill back to the public.

Since April 2021, a struggle has been underway to oppose this “Cop City” project, with regular attacks and sabotage and an occupation of the wooded area to the east, which has reverted to its former name of Weelaunee Forest. And since the Hollywood film studio on the edge of the forest, Shadowbox Studios (formerly Blackhall Studios), also planned to expand by destroying another 80 hectares on the same side as the “Cop City” project, it became another target from the start. This summer, on July 31, when workers intervened accompanied by cops to try to clear the land needed for its expansion, they were, for example, pelted with stones, a backhoe was smashed and a company pickup truck set on fire, after other identical attacks (see brief chronology below).

Continue reading Atlanta (USA): burning the movie studio to defend the forest

Prague,Czech Republic: A colorful message at the Belarusian Embassy in Prague

Act for freedom now! receive and spread:
A colorful message at the Belarusian Embassy in Prague

On Friday, October 21, 2022, a colorful message was placed on the Belarusian Embassy in Prague: first, the wall was marked with red paint and then on this background was written “FREEDOM FOR IHAR A.”

The red color symbolizes the blood of people who are massacred by the Belarusian police at demonstrations and in KGB cells. Moreover, with the current war aggression in Ukraine, the Belarusian state is a very close partner of the Russian state. Thus, the Lukashenko regime is also complicit in the bloodbath of people outside Belarus.

Continue reading Prague,Czech Republic: A colorful message at the Belarusian Embassy in Prague

Athens, Greece: Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito , by Anarchists

Athens, Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito by Anarchists

With this text we take responsibility for the fire of 3 refrigerator-trucks of Davoutis SA, in Nea Ionia, Athens. All three trucks, which were parked next to the main shop-slaughterhouse of the company, were completely destroyed by the flames. This company has been active for decades in the trade of murdered animals, making it one of the largest domestic ‘meat markets’.

Our action is a signal of solidarity, complicity and comradeship with comrade Giannis Michailidis and his struggle, not only in the capacity of a prisoner with a “just demand”, but with all the perspectives and contents of struggle that as an anarchist he has put on the table of subversive fermentations.

With this action, therefore, we in turn want to put a small stone in the broadening of the struggle for freedom and the enrichment of its perspectives and practices. We want to reposition in the integral place it occupies within the resistance to the plundering of nature, the targeting and sabotage of structures that enrich themselves through the torture and mass extermination of non-human animals.
The creation of communities of resistance and direct action against development projects on remote mountain tops and rivers. The struggles for the militant defence of the few remaining urban green zones (such as those evolving in the hills, parks and squares of Athens). The collective vigilance and organisation for the protection and rescue of forests from the devastating fires of urbanisation. Our self-education on the destructive consequences of the continuous development of industrial civilization, on the evolving climate change and further radical analysis and action against the hourglass of destruction.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito , by Anarchists

Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Attiko Metro station destroying entrance barriers, ticket machines and ATMs.

Taking responsibility by Anarchists

The use and exploitation of the urban fabric by State and capital has experienced different conditions and modes of enforcement. From metropolitan centres – factories aimed at absorbing as much of the industrial workforce as possible, to bureaucratic and decision-making centres, to amusement parks and theme parks, metropolitan centres have been points of great interest to the rulers of this world. An interest which was in turn met with resistance from the struggling sections of society. From roadblocks and barricades, clashes and demonstrations, to occupations and acts of sabotage, the social base found and continues to find ways of re-appropriating the space in which it lives, works and socialises. From the Paris Commune to the Gezi Square in Istanbul, the struggles for and within the urban fabric make up a mosaic of resistance against State and capital.

Even today, when the Athenian metropolis, with its centre at its peak, is a tourist resort reserved for the European “cream of the crop”, there are daily struggles to defend and visualise the social base. In a situation where the State with its uniformed guards is consolidating the further impoverishment and alienation of those from below, struggles such as the one in defence of Exarcheia are moments of rallying and counter-attack.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Attiko Metro station destroying entrance barriers, ticket machines and ATMs.

When the car jack cracks the rail (France)

via: lille.indymedia

When the car jack cracks the rail

ANDRA fuck off, we’re on the right track!

To our friends, the mischievous kids, we wanted to recount… one of those beautiful starry nights.

In small crew, we left at night. We walked, we crawled a little bit, we wandered around. Given that we were a little prepared, the reconnaissance had spotted everything well. We laughed, though not too much humming, maybe we were a bit stressed. But even if we hardly saw each other, we promise you that that there were smiles.

And we found on our way… a railroad track. By the greatest of the chances! Then, with the tools we had, one of the rails was… somewhat damaged. Oops! Very patiently, quietly and with all the precautions, we waited little by little … that the car jack cracks the rail! And then we left quietly, without leaving any trace.
Continue reading When the car jack cracks the rail (France)

Athens, Greece: Claim of action by Exarchia’s Paint Bombers

Claim of action by  Color Bombers

On Friday 30 September we threw paint at the City Hall of Athens, without the cop forces stationed in the area having time to notice anything, thus returning the visit that Bakoyannis( Mayor of Athens) made earlier that day to the EMΠ (polytechnic university). In this way we decided to add a piece to the militant movements that have begun to take form and respond to the overall attack against the neighbourhood of Exarcheia.

This action, although it left visible signs, was hushed up so as not to spoil the narrative of normality, law and order that they are trying to establish in the centre of the city.

The Municipality of Athens has chosen to seize by force and deprive both the residents and the movements at the same time of the two public spaces of Exarcheia.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim of action by Exarchia’s Paint Bombers

Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE

Occupied the crane of the construction site of La Scala Theatre in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Juan Sorroche and Ivan Alocco on hunger strike against 41 bis and life imprisonment without possibility of parole (Milan, Italy, November 6, 2022)

Since the early hours of this morning, two comrades have been occupying the crane at the construction site of La Scala Theatre in Milan in solidarity with the hunger strike by Alfredo, Juan and Ivan against 41 bis prison regime and life imprisonment without possibility of parole.

We will hold a gathering as of now in support of the action in Piazza della Scala until the comrades come down. We invite you to join us in large numbers! The day is still long!

[Taken from the facebook page Galipettes Occupato:

Freedom for Alfredo Cospito – Intervention at the FU (Berlin Germany)

Heute, am 31.10.2022, wurde in Solidarität mit Alfredo Cospito, der sich seit dem 20. Oktober im Hungerstreik befindet, eine Vorlesung der Fakultät Rechtswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin unterbrochen. Der Titel der Konferenz lautete: “Warum ist Italien so schwierig zu regieren? Auswirkungen des Wahlrechts auf die politische Stabilität in Italien”.

Nach der Vorstellung des Redners nahmen wir uns die Bühne, entrollten die Banner und verteilten Flyer im Saal. Auf der Bühne haben wir unsere Stimmen erhoben und erklärt, was 41bis ist, warum es eine Form der Folter ist, die der italienische Staat an  Gefangenen anwendet, und dass Alfredo im Hungerstreik gegen dieses Haftregime, dem er unterworfen ist, und gegen die lebenslange Inhaftierung ohne Bewährungsmöglichkeit ist.
Unerwarteterweise reagierte das Publikum mit Beifall.

Gegen alle Gefängnisse, gegen 41bis.
Solidarität und Kraft für Alfredo und für Juan und Ivan, die sich dem Hungerstreik angeschlossen haben.
Freiheit für alle!

Today 31.10.2022 in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, who has been on hunger strike since 20 October, a lecture at the law department of the Freie Universität Berlin was interrupted. The title of the conference was: ‘Why is Italy so difficult to govern? Effects of electoral law on Italian political stability’.
After the speaker’s introduction, we took the stage, opened the banners and flyered in the auditorium. On stage, we took voice and told what 41 bis is, why it is a form of torture that the Italian state applies to certain prisoners, and that Alfredo is on hunger strike against this prison regime to which he is subjected and against life imprisonment.
Unexpectedly, the audience responded with applause.
Against all prisons, against 41bis.
Solidarity and strength to Alfredo, and to Juan and Ivan who joined in the hunger strike.
Free them all!!
Oggi 31.10.2022 in solidarietà ad Alfredo Cospito, in sciopero della fame dal 20 Ottobre è stato interrotta la conferenza presso il dipartimento di giurisprudenza del università Freie Universität di Berlino. Il titolo della conferenza era:” Perché l’Italia è cosi difficile da governare? Effetti della legge elettorale sulla stabilità politica italiana”.
Dopo l’introduzione del relatore, abbiamo preso il palco, aperto gli striscioni e volantinato nella sala. Sul palco, abbiamo preso la parola e raccontato che cos’è il 41 bis, perché è una forma di tortura che lo Stato Italiano applica ad alcuni detenuti, e che Alfredo è in sciopero della fame contro questo regime detentivo a cui è sottoposto e contro l’ergastolo ostativo.
Inaspettatamente il pubblico ha risposto con un applauso.
Contro tutte le galere, contro il 41bis.
Solidarietà e forza ad Alfredo, e a Juan e Ivan che si sono uniti nello sciopero della fame.
Liber* tutt*!!
Aujourd’hui 31.10.2022, nous avons interrompu une conférence à la faculté de droits de la Freie Universität Berlin, en solidarité avec Alfredo Cospito, qui est en grève de la faim depuis le 20 Octobre. Le titre de la conférence etait :”Pourquoi l’italie est elle si difficile á gouverner ? Les éffets du droit éléctoral sur la stabilité politique de l’italie.”
L’introduction faite, nous avons pris l’estrade, déroulé les banderolles et diffusé des pamphlets dans l’auditorium. Depuis l’estrade nous expliquerions ce qu’est le paragraph 41bis , pourquoi il s’agit d’une forme de torture que l’état italien applique à certains prisonniers et qu’Alfredo est en grève de la faim contre le régime de détention qui lui est infligé et contre une vie en emprisonnement.
Étonnament l’audience a repondu avec applaudissement.
Contre toutes les prisons, contre le 41bis.
Solidarité et force a Alfredo, tant qu’à Juan et Ivan qui l’ont rejoint dans la grève de la faim.
Liberté a!!!
Statement from Berlin Anarchists in Solidarity with Anarchist Hunger Striker Alfredo Cospito in Italy
Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike against 41 bis
Since May 5, the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been suffering the legalized torture of the 41 bis, an Italian prison regime. Since October 20, Alfredo has been on hunger strike to protest against this infamous regime.

We strongly affirm our solidarity with Alfredo and all prisoners in 41bis who are forgotten, walled alive in a condition of total isolation, dehumanization and torture!

Since May 5, the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been suffering the legalized torture of the 41 bis, an Italian prison regime. Since October 20, Alfredo has been on hunger strike to protest against this infamous regime.
He is isolated in the high-security prison of Bancali (Sardinia), without being able to have any kind of human contact or communication except with his own torturers; Alfredo has decided to use the only tool he has left to get his protest outside the walls of his cell: the hunger strike.
For many years it has been clear that he, and with him the entire radical movement, are the target of a repressive apparatus that is becoming increasingly insidious and heavy-handed in Italy. The multiple police operations, trials, arbitrary detentions and charges are aimed to criminalize all forms of dissent.
All those practices aim to label as terrorists those who, through the sharing of ideas and experiences, express a radical critique towards the current conditions and the increasing of racist and fascists politics.
To recall some of the measures provided by the 41bis regime: surveillance by camera h24, solitary isolation for 23 hours a day, censorship and restriction of mail, trial through videoconference, interviews possible only with a direct family member and only for one hour a month.
In addition, since October 25, the anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche, detained in Terni prison, started a hunger strike in solidarity with Alfredo.
From inside to outside prisons we fight together for the elimination of 41 bis. Against jails and the state that produces them. A hug and solidarity to Juan.
Break the silence destroy the prison walls!
Anarchists -Berlin-



The anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike since 20th October in the prison of Sassari against the regime of 41 bis that he has been subjected to since last May, after ten years in Maximum Security. The unprecedented decision to keep an anarchist in 41 bis is just the tip of the iceberg of the authoritarian backlash in act in Italy, a backlash inaugurated with the prison massacre in March 2020, followed by investigations against trade union struggles, with logistics workers accused of ‘extortion’ against the boss because they demanded wage increases, in a particularly fierce preventive counterrevolution against the anarchist movement as indicated by the seizures of books and newspapers, the endless special surveillance, the sentencing of Juan Sorroche to 28 years’ prison and the Court of Cassation of the scripta manent trial.
10am – Prison of Terni
2pm – Prison of Spoleto
• We will bring news of Alfredo’s struggle against the 41 bis sections!
• In solidarity with Juan, maximum-security prisoner in the prison of Terni!
• In solidarity with the medium-security prisoners in the prison of Terni protagonists in the revolt of last October 16!
• In solidarity with Roberto Morandi, revolutionary communist in 41 bis in the prison of Spoleto!

Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis-Thanos Chatziangelou,A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis. EN/EL

A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis

A solidarity message from captive member of the Organization Anarchist Action to anarchist guerilla Alfredo Cospito, who is on a hunger strike against isolation regime 41bis.

For some, the cohesion of comradeship is built on shared positions or philosophical opinions. In an empty dimension where common words are far from action. In the guerilla war what makes us comrades is the common enlistment in this war, the choices, the hostilities behind the mound of the anarchist struggle. And when we are wrapped in chains our common component is complicity, political responsibility, unrepentant stability in the same paths. It is the dedication to the pace of the path of fire.


Urban guerilla anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been held captive in the prisons of the Italian state since 2012. He has proudly claimed political responsibility for the shooting of Ansaldo Nucleare’s CEO, Roberto Adinolfi, an action carried out by the Olga Core of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI- IRF). Since then he has remained an unrepentant enemy of tyranny. The constant persecutions against him, the status of exception and the restrictions, although they constantly intensify his isolation, both from his social and from his political-social environment, they do not bend Alfredo’s rebellious will, his thirst for new moments of rebellion. Since 2016, under the cover of the anti-terrorist operation Scripta Manent, Alfredo has been accused of leading the FAI, a sentence that essentially aims at his life imprisonment. And yet he still defends the Anarchy of action. Anarchy that is hostile towards power and people of authority, Anarchy that arms itself and attacks.

Now Tyranny is sending Alfredo one step deeper into the concrete tombs of captivity, isolating him in the regime of 41bis, the cornerstone of sensory isolation in the Italian state’s maximum security prisons. Against the new exemption regime, the comrade has started a hunger strike since October 20, while the hunger striker Juan Sorroche now stands in solidarity with him. Because Anarchy does not beg, it fights to the end.

We enlisted behind the ramparts of the guerilla war because for us Anarchy is the conflict with the present itself, with the relations of power and exploitation. We are organizing direct action groups because we are looking for rupture and anti-authoritarian hostile actions, here and now. We are neither orators in auditoriums, nor philosophers in endless rounds of debates. We have the vision and the need for the total overthrow of statism and capitalist dictatorship, which constantly reproduces socio-economic crises. We have the will and determination to resist, to confront those of power, to attack in order to destabilize the regime and social peace.

Even through bars, with the same sagacity we have the courage and audacity to defend our choices. To serve the same values. Through a time of disarmament and resignation, we have a political responsibility to arm Anarchy through the propaganda of action. Comrade Alfredo is an integral part of this movement and we, serving the international community of anarchist prisoners, stand by his side because we thus defend the very necessity of anarchist guerrilla warfare. For now and forever, unrepentantly enlisted in the front line. Because Anarchy means to Attack.

Comrade Alfredo hold on tight – freedom is within us.

Power to the unrepentant prisoners of the Italian state.

We do not forget our comrade-in-arms Diana Melatsi, the first dead guerrilla in the 41bis isolation regime who was imprisoned for participating in the reconstruction of the Red Brigades.

Thanos Chatziangelou, captive member of the Organisation Anarchist Action

D wing, Korydallos’ prison



Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis

Μήνυμα αλληλεγγύης του αιχμάλωτου μέλους της Οργάνωσης Αναρχική Δράση στον αναρχικό αντάρτη Alfredo Cospito, που πραγματοποιεί απεργία πείνας ενάντια στο καθεστώς απομόνωσης 41bis. 

Για κάποιους η συνοχή της συντροφικότητας χτίζεται πάνω στις κοινές θέσεις ή στις φιλοσοφικές κορόνες. Σε μία κενή διάσταση όπου τα κοινά λόγια απέχουν από την πράξη. Στον ανταρτοπόλεμο συντρόφους μας κάνει η κοινή στράτευση, οι επιλογές, οι εχθροπραξίες πίσω από το ανάχωμα του αναρχικού αγώνα. και όταν μας τυλίγουν οι αλυσίδες, η κοινή μας συνιστώσα είναι η συνενοχή, η πολιτική ευθύνη, η αμετανόητη σταθερότητα στα ίδια μονοπάτια. Είναι η προσήλωση στο βάδισμα του δρόμου της φωτιάς.

Ο αναρχικός αντάρτης πόλεων Alfredo Cospito βρίσκεται αιχμάλωτος στα κάτεργα του ιταλικού κράτους από το 2012. Έχει αναλάβει με περηφάνεια την πολιτική ευθύνη για τον πυροβολισμό του CEO της Ansaldo Nucleare, Roberto Adinolfi, ενέργεια που πραγματοποιήθηκε από τον Πυρήνα Όλγα της Άτυπης Αναρχικής Ομοσπονδίας (FAI-IRF). Έκτοτε παραμένει αμετανόητος εχθρός της τυραννίας. Οι συνεχείς διώξεις προς το πρόσωπό του, το καθεστώς εξαίρεσης και οι περιορισμοί παρότι εντείνουν συνεχώς την απομόνωσή του, τόσο από το κοινωνικό όσο και από το πολιτικό-συντροφικό του περιβάλλον, δεν λυγίζουν την εξεγερτική θέληση του Alfredo, τη δίψα του συντρόφου για νέες στιγμές ανταρσίας. Από το 2016 κάτω από τη σκεπή της αντιτρομοκρατικής επιχείρησης Scripta Manent, o Alfredo κατηγορείται για τον ηγετικό ρόλο της FAI, ποινή που κατ’ ουσίαν στοχεύει στην ισόβια αιχμαλωσία του. Και όμως με το ίδιο πάθος υπερασπίζεται την Αναρχία της πράξης. Την Αναρχία που εχθρεύεται την εξουσία και τους ηγεμόνες, την Αναρχία που οπλίζεται και επιτίθεται.

Σήμερα η Τυραννία στέλνει ένα βήμα πιο βαθιά στους τσιμεντένιους τάφους της αιχμαλωσίας τον Alfredo, απομονώνοντάς τον στο καθεστώς 41bis, το θεμέλιο λίθο της αισθητηριακής απομόνωσης στις φυλακές υψίστης ασφαλείας του ιταλικού κράτους. Απέναντι στο νέο καθεστώς εξαίρεσης ο σύντροφος έχει ξεκινήσει απεργία πείνας από 20 Οκτώβρη, ενώ στο πλευρό του πλέον τάσσεται αλληλέγγυα και ο απεργός πείνας Juan Sorroche. Γιατί η Αναρχία δεν ζητιανεύει, μάχεται μέχρι τέλους.

Στρατευτήκαμε πίσω από τα αναχώματα του ανταρτοπόλεμου γιατί για εμάς η Αναρχία είναι η σύγκρουση με το υπάρχον, με τις σχέσεις εξουσίας και εκμετάλλευσης. Οργανώνουμε πυρήνες άμεσης δράσης γιατί αποζητούμε τη ρήξη και τις αντιεξουσιαστικές εχθροπραξίες, εδώ και τώρα. Δεν είμαστε ούτε ρήτορες σε αμφιθέατρα, ούτε φιλόσοφοι σε ατέρμονους κύκλους συζητήσεων. Έχουμε το όραμα και την ανάγκη για τη συνολική ανατροπή του κρατισμού και της καπιταλιστικής δικτατορίας, που ανα-παράγει συνεχώς κοινωνικοοικονομικές κρίσεις. Έχουμε τη θέληση και την αποφασιστικότητα να αντισταθούμε, να αντιπαρατεθούμε με την κυριαρχία, να επιτεθούμε για να αποσταθεροποιήσουμε την καθεστωτική και κοινωνική ειρήνη.

Ακόμα και μέσα από τα κάγκελα, με την ίδια οξυδέρκεια έχουμε το θάρρος και το θράσος να υπερασπιζόμαστε τις επιλογές μας. Να υπηρετούμε τις ίδιες αξίες. Σε μία εποχή αφοπλισμού και παραίτησης, έχουμε την πολιτική ευθύνη να οπλίσουμε την Αναρχία μέσα από την προπαγάνδα της πράξης. Ο σύντροφος Alfredo είναι αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι αυτού του ρεύματος και εμείς, υπηρετώντας τη διεθνή κοινότητα των αναρχικών αιχμαλώτων, στεκόμαστε στο πλευρό του συντρόφου γιατί έτσι υπερασπιζόμαστε την ίδια την αναγκαιότητα του αναρχικού ανταρτοπόλεμου. Για τώρα και για πάντα, αμετανόητα στρατευμένοι στην πρώτη γραμμή. Γιατί Αναρχία σημαίνει Επίθεση.

Σύντροφε Alfredo κράτα γερά – η ελευθερία είναι μέσα μας.

Δύναμη στους αμετανόητους αιχμαλώτους του ιταλικού κράτους.

Δεν ξεχνάμε την ένοπλη συντρόφισσα Ντιάνα Μελάτσι, την πρώτη νεκρή αντάρτισσα στο καθεστώς απομόνωσης 41bis που φυλακίστηκε για τη συμμετοχή στην ανασυγκρότηση των Ερυθρών Ταξιαρχιών.

Θάνος Χατζηαγγέλου, αιχμάλωτο μέλος της Οργάνωσης Αναρχική Δράση

Δ’ Πτέρυγα, Φυλακές Κορυδαλλού




We do not allow the murder of Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike since October 20th. Call for international mobilization

On October 20th, anarchist Alfredo Cospito, during a trial at the Sassari surveillance court, made an attempt to read an articulate statement in which he was about to announce that he is starting a hunger strike against the 41 bis prison regime to which he is subjected and against life imprisonment without possibility of parole. A battle that Alfredo does not intend to stop, until his own death. The comrade, who has been in 41 bis since last May 5th, under a decree signed by then Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia, is now being detained in the Bancali prison in Sardinia.

Alfredo Cospito is an anarchist who has always been at the front line of struggles, never willing to compromise or give up. He is a comrade who has been fighting since the late 1980s, a period in which he was imprisoned as a total objector (for refusing to serve in the obligatory military service) and who, after his arrest in 2012, during the trial that followed, claimed the responsibility for the shooting of Ansaldo Nucleare executive Roberto Adinolfi, an act that was carried out by Nucleo Olga / Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale, FAI-FRI (“Olga Nucleus” / Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front), and occurred on May 7th of the same year in Genoa.

Alfredo has been always active in the defense of comrades affected by repression, in every corner of the world. His struggle objectively concerns all detainees, among whom we particularly remember the three militants of Brigate Rosse per la costruzione del Partito Comunista Combattente (Red Brigades for the construction of the Combatant Communist Party) locked up for more than 17 years in 41 bis (Nadia Lioce, Roberto Morandi, Marco Mezzasalma). In 2009, comrade Diana Blefari, from the same organization, committed suicide after her living in this harsh prison regime.

Alfredo has been uninterruptedly in prison for 10 years, which he spent in High Security sections until his transfer to 41 bis. In 2016 he was involved in repressive operation “Scripta Manent”, accused of subversive association with the purpose of terrorism and multiple explosive attacks. Following a Supreme Court verdict in July this year, the sentence for Alfredo and Anna Beniamino was reformulated to “political massacre,” the only punishment which means prison for life. The Italian state that has always been protecting fascist mass murderers now wants to condemn two anarchists for massacre for an attack that caused neither victims nor injuries.

Alfredo has been for many years contributing articles, editorial projects and proposals to the international anarchist debate. For this reason, he has been censored several times and banned from communicating with the outside world, being condemned for the publication of the revolutionary anarchist paper “KNO3” and the latest edition of “Croce Nera Anarchica” (“Anarchist Black Cross”) and currently under investigation for the publication of the anarchist newspaper “Vetriolo”. After these measures, Alfredo was imposed to 41 bis in May and subsequently transferred from Terni prison to that of Bancali, in Sassari. This blocks him from any contact with the outside world.

The 41 bis serves to totally isolate the prisoner from the outside world. The measure is imposed for four years, but in fact the only way to get out is to repent and cooperate with the repressive forces. In other words, 41 bis is torture, as it is designed to induce suffering for the purpose of extorting confessions or statements.

This prison regime implies one hour of visitation per month with glass dividing, under electronic surveillance, and with audio and video recording. Only if family members do not have the opportunity to go to the interview, a monthly 10-minute phone call is allowed as an alternative to the prison visit, but in order to do so, the family member of the detainee must go to a Carabinieri station or inside a prison. In addition, there is only one hour of air time and social time inside the section, which take place in groups consisting of a minimum of two to a maximum of four prisoners: the division into groups is decided directly by the bureaucrats’ offices in Rome and it applies for several months.

The 41 bis is a prison regime of annihilation, it is designed to cause physical and mental damage through the technique of sensory deprivation; it is a political and social death sentence designed to break all forms of contact with the outside world. Alfredo’s treatment reminds us of the words attributed to Benito Mussolini about Gramsci: “This brain must be prevented from functioning for twenty years”.

An example of the black hole into which one ends up once enters 41 bis is precisely what happened on October 20th during the hearing at the Sassari surveillance court. In this hearing, the sympathizers were prevented from entering the courtroom, the comrade was connected via videoconference from prison as prescribed by 41 bis rules, and when he attempted to read his statement, his voice was taken away by pressing a button. The statement is secreted by the judges; if the lawyers released it, they would risk a heavy criminal sentence.

The story of the comrade Alfredo Cospito is entangled with an increasingly of dark repressive climate in the country. Outside the anarchist movement, we are also witnessing the increasingly oppressive repression against workers, students, and social movements. Let us cite the most striking case: this summer the prosecutor’s office in Piacenza opened an investigation against trade unionists accusing them of “extortion” because they were demanding, through a “radical” struggle (picketing and roadblocks), salary increases from the bosses.

We want to be understood even abroad that the repressive decline that the Italian state is adopting affects everyone personally, since a precedent of this magnitude in the heart of Europe could be a harbinger of further repressive rushes in other latitudes as well. All these are happening while the social crisis and the international military crisis are getting worse by the day. We know that these are the ideal contexts for governments to implement authoritarian turns. We have a few weeks to save Alfredo Cospito’s life, to prevent his assassination, but most importantly to give a signal of counterattack to what is happening. The state is responsible for the life and health of our comrade. Let’s mobilize around the world, let’s pressure the Italian state so that Alfredo can be released from 41 bis.

October 25th, 2022

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the incendiary/explosive attack on the house of the child rapist-pimp Elias Michos – Direct Action Cells

As Direct Action Cells we take responsibility for the incendiary attack on the home owned by the child rapist, pimp and member of the New Democracy party Elias Michos, and his ex-wife Elizabeth Lekka. In the early morning of 23/10, we placed a low-powered incendiary/explosive device at the entrance of their apartment building in the Attica area.


An organised ring promoting and covering up pimps, rapists, child rapists, murderers and torturers – The cutting edge of the domestic capital mafia

“This is the practice and to whom it may please” – Demosthenes Pakos (police “unionist”)

Continue reading Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE

Red paint on the facade of the Ukrainian Embassy ( Prague,Czech Republic)

Red paint on the facade of the Ukrainian Embassy

The Ukrainian Embassy in Prague was heavily stained with red paint on the morning of 5 October 2022. It is an angry message to the Ukrainian state, which is needlessly sacrificing people in a war that they do not want to participate in. It is impossible to stand silently by as Zelensky and his government deny the people the opportunity to choose to leave the shelled country and not bleed for the interests of the bourgeoisie.

This action was taken in solidarity with the people affected by the war, all deserters, conscientious objectors and those who sabotage the war machine. Behind this act of solidarity are the same attitudes that were expressed in the Manifesto of the Internationalists Against Capitalist War and Peace in Ukraine…

Continue reading Red paint on the facade of the Ukrainian Embassy ( Prague,Czech Republic)

Claim Arson Attack Against Baeza Trucks in Chile by ‘Maipo Insurrectional Cell – New Subversion’

Claiming responsibility for the arson attack against an aggregates company on the Maipo River, Puente Alto, Chile.


On the night of Saturday, October 1st, we materialized the attack in defense of the land and the waters of the Maipo River via an incendiary sabotage to Baeza Companies, located on the north bank of the Maipo River in the commune of Puente Alto, generating substantial damages valued in the hundreds of millions of pesos (380 million according to what they say).


Unlike other aggregates companies in the sector that can barely operate a couple of machines, Empresas Baeza generates millions of dollars in profits through the direct devastation of the Maipo riverbank by excavating it to extract aggregates and sand, leasing machinery for the excavation and movement of aggregates and earth, contracts with the Ministry of Public Works and highway construction, also counting on multiple bids granted by municipalities, which in great part come from mayors and councilmen belonging to the Renovación Nacional party, evidencing in passing links, networks and historical complicity of the Baeza family towards their militants. An example of their large profits is the family “mansion” as they usually call their summer house located on Lake Rapel, where they frequently go to enjoy the enchanting scenery, in stark contrast to the surroundings of their company, where one can breathe misery and social and ecological degradation.

Continue reading Claim Arson Attack Against Baeza Trucks in Chile by ‘Maipo Insurrectional Cell – New Subversion’