via: athens.indymedia.
“Fortune knows that we defy it, and the more it beats us, the more we despise it.” William Shakespeare
In a few months, as we all know, the four-year rule of new democracy with Kyriakos Mitsotakis as prime minister will come to its “happy” end. Before the government even started, it promised many times that (like another Papadopoulos (dictator leader on 70s) it would ”crack down on anarchy” thus declaring open war on all anarchist-revolutionary-rebellious parts of society.
After 4 years of evictions of squats, bans on strikes and marches, State murders, extreme repression and imprisonment of innocent but proudly ‘guilty’ comrades, we are still here. Although we have had some resounding disappointments and defeats (let us not hide behind our finger) we proudly declare that the anarchist revolutionary movement has not fallen and will never fall without a fight. And that is the only way we ought to look to the continuation of our struggle. For unlike theirs our way has no end. Our road is eternal, etched with the blood of those who sacrificed for Anarchy and Freedom and carved in the footsteps of fire.
That is why we are taking responsibility for the incendiary attack on a car dealership in Kallithea at dawn on 12/2, which, make no mistake, was not for extortion or for blackmail, as the media declared the next day, but as a small blow to the image of normality, security and social peace that prevails in Greek society. We dedicate this attack to all our comrades who, unrepentantly and without fear, still look the enemy in the eye and take it on. Because the ruins of a ‘beautiful’ delegation that tries to cover up the vulgarity of society will always fill us with satisfaction.
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