Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

First Arson Attack of the Year at Barros Arana Boarding School (Santiago, Chile)

First Arson Attack of the Year at Barros Arana Boarding School

March 26, 2023



On Thursday, March 9, the first arson attack took place at the Barros Arana Boarding School (INBA), a high school which last year was quite active in the dynamics of street struggle against the Carabineros (COP) and an adjacent military regiment. The presence of masked students exceeded 40, responding to the call of “Mochilazo” along Alameda to exert pressure against Boric’s government.

Colonel Pedro Alvarez Ortega of the Central Santiago Prefecture commented: “There were Molotov bombs thrown and incendiary barricades set up (…) Between 25 and 30% were white overalls. We have no information regarding any damage to the interior, only what I have just commented, we are coordinating with the Army and also with the school’s directors”.

A banner was displayed in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito: “Inba 2o23. End to the 41 bis regime. Insurrectional solidarity”.

Translated by Act for freedom now!


collected writings 2023

“For us it will always be preferable to act with possible doubts rather than let the latter feed a sense of impotence .Because out of our impotence our death will come, and what we want more than anything is to live. To  live by returning the blows we receive. To live without the human and technological mediation that
is imposing itself between us and the rest of the world. And when we become aware of being  conditioned, when we think of all the horror the world generates, our doubts matter little.”

“A knowing nod to those who are attacking the march of progress, to those who have fallen for it
and to those who are thinking of taking the plunge .”

“We know the winkul, we are not alien and we will never be alien to the wild an free life that  lives there. We identify with the insects, the earth, the plants, the animals, the birds. We set
out to fly like them and direct our sights to the target. We attack without hesitation, claiming  with dignity the destruction and sabotage against the power, its authorities and the gear of
domination that spreads thanks to the murderous civilizing progress.”

“Certain human cultures have been waging war against the Earth for millennia.I chose to fight on  the side of bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats saguaros, cliff roses and all things wild.”
Bill Rodgers(Avalon), ELF member

Thank you to everyone who fights for anarchy and against domestication, speciesm, domination,  capitalism, hierarchy, civilization, and their attempts to cage us.


darknights.noblogs .org



France, Genas (Rhône) : sabotage of a pylon in the industrial zone 

Genas (Rhône) : sabotage of a pylon in the industrial zone 

Indymedia Lille, April 11, 2023

Sabotage of the high voltage line (69KV) which feeds the electric post of the industrial zone of the Mi-Plaine in the east of Lyon, near the airport of Saint-Exupéry.

The cables of an RTE pylon near Mi-Plaine, where the overhead lines go underground, were set on fire. The high voltage cables that go underground are protected by large sheaths that are easy to set on fire (bring enough fuel!!!). You can find such pylons everywhere where such cables are at the mercy of a pyromaniac gesture.

ardent kisses to all the free creatures who attack the people responsible for the industrial horror , eco-radicalized easter bunnies for generalized blackout

Ps: Particularly pleased to have temporarily cut the power to the following companies:

Continue reading France, Genas (Rhône) : sabotage of a pylon in the industrial zone 

Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Aeronautica Militare base of Forte Appio by Circolo d’azione “8 marzo” (Rome, Italy, April 22, 2023)

Rome: Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Aeronautica Militare base of Forte Appio by Circolo d’azione “8 marzo”

On the night of April 22nd, we placed a device near Forte Appio in Rome, one of the hideouts of Aeronautica Militare [italian Air Force]. We celebrate the 100th anniversary of its birth in this way. A little reminder for those who sow war and misery all over the world. Banks, politicians, military, scientists… they are rubbish and as such must be wiped out.

Let’s not forget the massacres in the sea and in prisons like when in March 2020 the state suppressed with blood the just revolt of the prisoners, killing 14 of them. Strength and love for Serge, a comrade who is between life and death after being shot by the French cops. Solidarity with Alfredo, Juan, Anna and all those who do not lower their heads. For the diffusion of revolutionary, violent and destructive action.

Circolo d’azione “8 marzo” [Circle of Action “March 8th”]

Ile-de-France: four sabotages of concrete plants

Ile-de : four sabotages of concrete plants

Paris-Luttes, 7 April 2023

During the night of March 8th to 9th, we broke into 4 different concrete plants among the 50 or so in the Ile-de-France region with the aim of causing damage.

We want to attack the concrete plants because they produce the basis to build prisons, administrative detention centers and to extend the metropolis and its policing, from the infrastructures of the JOP 2024 to the Grand Paris. They make imprisonment possible and profit directly from it. We want to harm them and if the damage we inflict on them is minimal, at least that’s something.

Continue reading Ile-de-France: four sabotages of concrete plants

Responsibility claim for the attack on the head of the Prison Control Inspectorate by Direct Action Cells – ‘Cell Katerina Goulioni’ (Athens,Greece)

Direct Action Cells take responsibility for the attack with a low-power incendiary/explosive device at the home of the head of the Inspection and Control Corps of Detention Facilities and Deputy Prosecutor of Appeals Spyridoula Presveias at 13 Solomou Street in the area of Glyfada, in the early hours of 1/4.


We are sending a clear message to prison prosecutors, prison wardens, prison officers, managers, directors, social workers who choose to treat prisoners as second-class citizens. Who choose to play dirty political games on their backs. Who become agents of the Ministry of Civil Protection in order to advance themselves and their careers. Gather round because you will find us in front of you. The prosecutor we targeted is the head of the institution responsible for the internal control of prisons and is directly responsible for all the injustices suffered by prisoners, especially after the passage of the new penal and new prison code.

Spyridoula Presveias as the head of the Prison Inspection and Control Corps (ΣΕΕΚΚ) is the person whose responsibilities concern the most authoritarian parts of anti-crime policy. He was appointed by the (former) secretary general of anti-crime policy Sophia Nikolaou, a failed New Democracy politician and declared enemy of prisoners, who a few years ago did everything in her power to try to murder the communist revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas.
Continue reading Responsibility claim for the attack on the head of the Prison Control Inspectorate by Direct Action Cells – ‘Cell Katerina Goulioni’ (Athens,Greece)

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : Fire to the gas

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): Fire to the gas

Indymedia Nantes, April 4, 2023


When we see the planet drying up and the repression that hits us, we could think that everything is lost, that everything is vain.
Maybe it is. Maybe there will be no great victories. Maybe it is already too late. Maybe by opposing the destruction of the living and of our own lives we will end up suffering even more. Maybe one day this world will be nothing but a huge desert.

Perhaps, lots of perhaps.

But there are also certainties. The identification of those responsible for the disaster. And above all, against them, hatred. A hatred that only wishes to come to life. Otherwise it eats me up from the inside.
So I let it express itself with a 10-liter can of gasoline in the night of March 30 to 31 in Toulouse on a GRDF parking lot.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : Fire to the gas

Toulouse,France : Incendiary Equinox

Toulouse: Incendiary Equinox

  Toulouse, between March 21 and 22, to celebrate spring.

While the rioters were treading the pavement in search of action, navigating between police vans and unmarked cars full of Nazis, it was in the quiet of the night that we burned down an antenna at the top of Pech-David.

Against progress and technology, with a thought for Alfredo Cospito, Tortuguita murdered during the occupation of the Atlanta forest, and Boris who carries in his heart his love for antennas as much as we do.

For all the people who don’t want to wait anymore: there are targets everywhere.

We can become more dangerous.

PS: since this action and the related text many things have happened. We rejoice in the chaos in the cities and in the fields, we have hatred for the cops and we have rage for all the people harmed by these scumbags.

via: attaque.
Translated by Act for freedom now!


9th April, Streffi Hill, Athens.

“The Hill of Strefis is under police occupation.

The works carried out in the last six months are destroying the flora and fauna of the hill, while the operation of its regeneration seeks to isolate it from the movements of the area and the neighbourhood in general, aiming to make it a tourist attraction.All this with the cooperation of the Municipality and the real estate and investment company PRODEA, which through the regeneration of the hill seeks to expand its capital in the neighbourhood.

So in an effort to put obstacles to the projects that are being carried out on the hill we have taken the following actions of sabotage:


Frankfurt (Germany): Arson attack against the Forestry Commission


Frankfurt : Arson attack against the Forestry Commission

Full of anger and rage against the evictions and clearings of the [occupied] Fecher and Heibo forests, last night we set fire to a car of the Hessian Forestry Office in Frankfurt am Main.

At the beginning of January, the Forestry Office of the city of Groß-Gerau (in Hessen) issued an administrative decree which gave a legal basis for the eviction of our friends from the occupied forest of Fechenheim. The occupation was against the extension of the A66 freeway, which was evicted by massive police violence and the repression of the Hessian justice. Thus, the Forestry Commission is a stooge of the cops and the judiciary in order to impose the interests of the Autobahn GmbH. (see text: )

In the village of Heibo, near Dresden, the Saxon Forestry Administration also played an important role in the eviction and clearing of the occupied area, and cleared the forest in the interest of a local gravel company. We were pleased to learn of the incendiary attacks on the Saxon Regional Forestry Office (Sachsenforst) in connection with the evacuation of Heibo, and we send fiery greetings to Finn, who is still locked up behind prison walls.

Continue reading Frankfurt (Germany): Arson attack against the Forestry Commission