Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Athens,Greece: THE CONSPIRACY OF REVENGE Taking Responsibility For The Attack On The House – Offices Of The Company ERGOMAR

 THE CONSPIRACY OF REVENGE : Taking Responsibility For The Attack On The House – Offices Of The Company ERGOMAR

 We take responsibility for the attack on the home – offices of the ERGOMAR company of the well-known businessman Dimitris Marinelis, at 12 Hous Street, in Kifissia.

The reason the attack was carried out is to target the corrupt role of construction companies. It is an open secret that the collegium of politicians and big bosses share state resources and European funds, thus misappropriating large sums of money at the expense of the Greek people.

For years now, with direct assignments to their minions, they manage and obtain huge sums of money – kickbacks with the well-known over-budgeting of projects and materials needed for their implementation. Construction companies are the ones responsible for many workplace accidents, as in order to make as much profit as possible they reduce the necessary safety measures for workers.

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Athens,Greece: Taking Responsibility For The Confidential Attack On The Renault Dealership by Anarchists

Taking Responsibility For The Confidential Attack On The Renault Dealership

It was early morning on October 15, the sky was completely dark. Municipal election day. We waited for the voters and the cops to move into the neighbourhood. The streets were almost empty. We reached our goal. We looked at each other with that spark in our eyes. Everything was clean. Nothing was stopping us. A few seconds before the action we wondered if it was worth it, fear took hold, but it is worth it for all the reasons in the world. Determination, the burning heart takes the place of fear. It’s one of the few times you smile. We give the final OK. The person activates the incendiary device, places it under the car. He makes the signal. We walk away, each in turn, seeing that no one in the neighbourhood noticed what had happened. Minutes later, when we were away, in the safety of the dark of night, the device activated and reduced five cars to a flaming mess. If the neighbours hadn’t been woken up by the sound of the fire, the fire siren certainly did it.

The only thing that makes sense in this miserable world we live in is to try to destroy it thoroughly. To resist it in every possible way. This small action is a contribution to this resistance. It is also an invitation to other individuals and groups to participate. There are state and capitalist goals everywhere all we need is a well organized plan and to overcome our fears individually and collectively.
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Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project (France)

Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project

via: attaque. Translated by Act for freedom now!

Excerpts from Reporterre / Saturday, October 21, 2023

[…] On October 21, on the outskirts of Saïx, in the Tarn countryside, over 10,500 people – 5,000 according to the prefect’s office – took part in the large-scale mobilization. The aim was to call for an immediate halt to work on the A69, a controversial motorway project linking Toulouse and Castres. […]

At around 1pm, not one, not two, but six separate processions formed at the base camp – one for each A69 “lie”. Small leaflets had been distributed beforehand detailing the missions of each of them. Once dispatched under the colorful banners, participants left the site along different routes.

The golden team then headed for the Pierre Fabre laboratory, the main defender of the disputed project. On the way, dozens of hooded people entered the site of the Bardou public works company – “involved in the project” according to the activists – tearing down the metal barriers protecting the site. A few rocks ended up flying into the windows of the building, whose immaculate walls were soon strewn with graffiti.
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6 Cop City Concrete Trucks Set on Fire in Lawrenceville, Georgia (USA)

Make Contractors Afraid Again

On the night of November 13th we set fire to 6 Ernst Concrete trucks at 553 Seaboard Industrial Drive. Ernst is pouring the foundation for Cop City. This site, like so many others, is completely unguarded.

Front-pouring cement mixing trucks have large rear engine compartments which can be accessed without opening any doors. We placed incendiary devices and kindling near the engine block, the fuel tank behind it, and the double rear tires. We encourage further experimentation with incendiary placement.
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Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer. ( France)

Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer.

At the beginning of November, a few days after the attack, we learned from the press that one of the site’s two technical buildings, with a surface area of 400 m2, had been seriously damaged. The newspaper reassured its readership, hastening to add that the fire had not caused any network breakdowns. We’re puzzled by these allegations. We have long been aware of the media’s propensity for disinformation. Concealment and falsifications of the facts are the result of commercial, police and political dictates.

These days, silencing or minimizing the extent of sabotage on electrical infrastructures is in fashion. Unfortunately, we can’t factually contradict their claims, and we can’t set the record straight on the consequences of these acts, because they are unknown to us.
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Cars as Cameras: A short overview of Tesla surveillance features and lessons for attack 2023

Cars, especially newer vehicles with built-in computer systems, know everything about their users and, consequentially, the people around them. Tesla is taking this a step further, turning cars into mobile, high-definition video surveillance systems. […] What should anarchists take away from this? How can we continue to attack this panoptic hellscape and get away with it?
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Unrest in Puente Alto on 4th Anniversary of the Revolt (Chile)

Unrest in Puente Alto on 4th Anniversary of the Revolt

October 21, 2023 / informativoanarquista

(received 10/19/2023 by email

4 years since the revolt that overtook the territorie with yearnings for transformation, we have witnessed power’s renewed ability to restructure and penetrate, introducing, once again, the false fash-lib dichotomy as the only political alternatives, denying our own ability to organize ourselves.

In the suburbs, we always warned that the only thing that the so-called “pact for peace” and the constitutional discussion would guarantee was the continuity of the neoliberal model that was imposed in 73 by yankee imperialism, and that neither Boric nor the united front nor the PC wanted to really change the order of the rich, since they always benefited from it.

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(Chile) Demo and Double Incendiary Attack on RED Busses at Aplicación High School

Demo and Double Incendiary Attack on RED Busses at Aplicación High School

On Tuesday, September 12, a large group of masked people, some in white overalls, carried out molotov confrontations against teh presence of the Carabineros (COP) and completely burnt to RED busses, one in Alameda and another in Cumming, all in the surroundings of Aplicación High School.

A colonol of the Carabineros said: “This is a situation that was very well-planned by these people. I don’t know if they’re students, I imagine so, because at the same time we reported a very rapid exit of approximately 50 students. They split up into two groups and very quickly made the bus drivers get out, they made the passengers leave, and immediately sprayed accelerant liquid and proceeded to burn the busses, which were completely burned.”
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Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for smashing Israeli interests by proletarians

Athens: Taking responsibility for smashing Israeli interests by proletarians

Over the past 20 days we have witnessed another page in the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom and dignity. On October 7, the coordinated operation of the Palestinian resistance organizations, Al Aqsa storm, was manifested in response to the decades of occupation, displacement, genocide and humiliation suffered by the Palestinian people at the hands of the Zionist state of Israel.

A genocide that is taking place under the indifferent gaze of the international community, which, through its unrelenting support for the Israeli state, is complicit in the thousands of dead, the thousands of refugees, the daily bombardments and conditions of blockade, as well as the deprivation of food, water, medical care and finally the right to life of the Palestinians.

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