Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Berlin (Germany): drilling machines set ablaze in solidarity

[In Canada, a struggle has been underway for several years on Wet’suwet’en territory against the Coastal GasLink pipeline project, being punctuated by numerous sabotages, occupations and incendiary attacks. During a raid in Calgary on the site of the company responsible for drilling under the Wedzin Kwa River, anarchists were able to make public in June 2022 the names of the two German manufacturers of the huge drilling machines used on site (Herrenkencht and Bauer). On August 3, 2022, Bauer construction machinery, including an expensive drilling rig, went up in smoke in the Bavarian region. And on the night of Sunday May 5 to Monday May 6, two more Bauer drilling machines were set alight on a construction site in the Wedding district of Berlin, in solidarity with the struggles of the Wet’suwet’en people, and more broadly against extractivist projects. Below is a translation from the German of the communique published the same day on]

Attack on Bauer drills and extractivist infrastructures! Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en anti-colonial struggle!

Around the world, countless indigenous communities are fighting extractivist projects and infrastructures, such as mining projects, hydraulic fracking, deforestation and pipelines. In the territory occupied by the Canadian state, for example, a huge project is currently under construction: the Coastal GasLink Pipeline, designed to transport gas extracted by hydraulic fracking. This project not only destroys entire regions, but also threatens the Wet’suwet’en indigenous way of life. The pipeline is to be built on their territory, crossing the Wedzin Kwa River, which is essential to their way of life as a source of water and fish. That’s why the Wet’suwet’en have long opposed this project with fierce resistance, defending their land. Their resistance is met with strong repression, but also benefits from great solidarity.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): drilling machines set ablaze in solidarity

Munich (Germany): ghosts continue to haunt the night    

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Munich, ghosts continue to haunt the night    

Around 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday night, April 4, Munich firefighters were alerted to a major blaze in the Meillerweg district, just a few hundred meters from the Maximilianeum, the historic seat of the Bavarian State Parliament. On the scene, they discovered four pieces of construction equipment being consumed by flames: a backhoe, two wheel loaders and a Unimog (a small Mercedes all-terrain utility truck).

Except that this is not just any old place, because in addition to being a stone’s throw from the Palace of the Rulers of the Kingdom of Bavaria, it’s also the construction site for the second main line of the capital’s S-Bahn subway system. To be more precise, it involved relocating a district heating pipe to build a relief shaft from the railway tunnel. The four machines, located far apart, were completely destroyed, with damage running into six figures. The Bavarian Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (ZET) and the “Raute” investigation group were on the scene with sniffer dogs and forensic police.

Fortunately for them, the minions of law and order have a serious lead, as revealed by a major regional newspaper a few weeks later (Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 10): it’s probably ghosts, perhaps escaped from Ludwig II’s famous castle at Neuschwanstein (but on this last point, the cops are less formal).Let’s be the judge, since with this latest sabotage against the subway construction site, investigators are now attributing some 30 destructive attacks to Munich’s ghosts, causing at least 20 million euros worth of damage: “They set fire to power lines and construction equipment, telecoms antennas and electric vehicles; railroads are also the target of their attacks, as are geothermal pipelines. The identity of the perpetrators and their origins remain a mystery. Like ghosts, they leave no exploitable trace and no statement claiming the action. Who has an interest in attacking the critical infrastructure of Greater Munich? This is the question security services have been asking themselves since the series of attacks began at least three years ago.The damage caused so far is approaching the €20 million mark.”
Continue reading Munich (Germany): ghosts continue to haunt the night    

Athens, Greece: Breakthrough on Israeli targets from down to the down by Renovations/Demolitions Initiative

Athens: Breakthrough on Israeli targets from down to the down

Words seem trivial so we call for international solidarity through direct action thus targeting the Israeli capital and interest that is carrying out the genocide in Gaza. We choose to bring the war on to our own terms, to the metropolitan fabric by smashing the Zoia hotels at 25 Metsovou and 30 Kosmas Melodou Streets.

We strike self-interest everywhere and always. An invisible thread connects the struggles of the fighting subjects in Palestine, Chile, the Philippines and in every corner of the planet with the resistance unfolding in every neighbourhood of the Greek region. Resistance and struggles against the suffocating advance of capital.



Renovations/demolition initiative


Power Pylon Sabotaged in Forest Park (USA)


This week tension cables that holds a wooden power pylon were cut causing the pylon to lean.
This was done with the hopes that the pylon later fall causing an outage.
Electricity is exists today as a crucial component of state power, capital, and ecological destruction.

However small this action, the secret is to begin.

Solidarity with the volcano group.


submitted anonymously at rosecitycounterinfo

Cop Campus Subcontractor Vandalized by some other anarchists, Richmond (USA)

Cop Campus Subcontractor Vandalized
Commercial Door and Frame (14212 Doolittle Drive, San Leandro CA tel: 510 957-5108) vandalized in retaliation for participating in the construction of Cop Campus police facility in San Pablo.
Commercial Door and Frame is currently subcontracted by Overaa Construction (200 Parr Boulevard, Richmond, CA) to build the Cop Campus police training facility in San Pablo, CA. We left a big spray painted messege on the front of their business.
It reads “DROP THE CONTRACT WITH OVERAA. DO NOT BUILD COP CAMPUS!” and signed it with a circle A.

Continue reading Cop Campus Subcontractor Vandalized by some other anarchists, Richmond (USA)

Richmond,USA : General contractor for Cop Campus has main office vandalized by Some anarchists

Copy of an email sent to Overra CEO, Owner, and Project manager.

Dear, Carl Overaa, Christopher Manning, Ken Brumbaugh, Emily Setoudeh, last night we vandalized the main Overra office located at 200 Parr blvd in Richmond. We did this in protest of the contract you hold with the City of San Pablo to build a new police training facility.
We commited this act as a simple reminder that you will be met with resistance at every step along the path to fullfill the contract to build Cop Campus.
Continue reading Richmond,USA : General contractor for Cop Campus has main office vandalized by Some anarchists

Claim of Responsibility for Parker-Hannifin Arson (Portland,United States)

On June 4th, The Israeli Defense Ministry penned a deal to procure a third F-35 fighter jet squadron from the United States government. This deal totaling 3 billion dollars, financed by US military aid to Israel, would bring the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 fleet to 75 fighter jets. The F-35 considered to be the backbone of the Israeli airforce, has played a critical role in the IDF’s assault on Gaza, escalating Israel’s aim of the total destruction of Palestinian life within Israeli occupied territories.

So on the morning of June 9th, we started a fire at the Portland offices of Parker-Hannifin located at 6458 N. Basin Ave in the Mocks Bottom industrial area. The mainstream media did not report on this fire. The full extent of the damage is unknown.
Continue reading Claim of Responsibility for Parker-Hannifin Arson (Portland,United States)

Castanet-Tolosan (Haute-Garonne), France : Oops we did it again !

Indymedia Lille / Sunday 9th June, 2024

In the night of 7 to 8th June, we burned two trucks inside the company premises of Jean Lefebvre, subsidiary of Vinci, at Castanet-tolosan.

The world military market, Eurosatory, is opening in ten days’ time in Paris while the massacres in Palestine continue and Macron drowns again and again in his speeches of total rearmament. The present war economy is condemning us to ever more violent austerity. In France, the interior and exterior war is based on territorial conquest whose infrastructures, military or civilian, of control and circulation, are destroying our living spaces.

BTP/TP and Vinci as one of the largest French companies, are profiting greatly from this permanent war, both in the grid of the cities, motorways, bitumining the countryside, as in future reconstruction projects, eyeing international markets where colonial devastation is taking place.
Continue reading Castanet-Tolosan (Haute-Garonne), France : Oops we did it again !

Rome, Italy: Road block in viale Giulio Agricola, postamat ATM set on fire and Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiary damaged on 24th April [day of appeal in cassation of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito  against ”Scripta Manent” sentence].

Rome, 24th April 2024

We learn from the mass media (which from the morning have given some prominence to the event) that shortly after 4am on Wednesday April 24th, in viale Giulio Agricola in the Appio Claudio district in Rome, unknown persons had set up a road block with an improvised incendiary barricade composed of rubbish bins dragged into the roadway and set on fire. At the same time a nearby post office had been attacked: the flames, although put out in conjunction with the intervention of the police forces, had nonetheless damaged the postamat (ATM).

Continue reading Rome, Italy: Road block in viale Giulio Agricola, postamat ATM set on fire and Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiary damaged on 24th April [day of appeal in cassation of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito  against ”Scripta Manent” sentence].

Lyon, France: Down with DETS, long live housing for all

 Down with DETS, long live housing for all

Indymedia Lille / Friday May 24, 2024

On the night of May 22, the windows of the DETS were shattered in support of all the people on the streets.

DETS is the state organization that finances emergency accommodation and housing for homeless people.
It is they who, in conjunction with the prefecture, chose to leave 14,000 people on the streets. In Lyon, you have to wait 5 years for social housing, 3 years for emergency accommodation.

On May 22, 2024, the solidarités femmes a la rue [solidarity between women sleeping rough] collective occupied the Chanfray gymnasium, evicted the same evening by the police at the request of the town hall, like 2 weeks before at the Dargent gymnasium.
Continue reading Lyon, France: Down with DETS, long live housing for all