Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

IT/EN/FR/EL: Preliminary hearing set for ”Sibilla operation” (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

Fissata l’udienza preliminare per l’operazione Sibilla (Perugia, 10 ottobre 2024)

È stata fissata il 10 ottobre alle ore 10:00 presso il tribunale di Perugia l’udienza preliminare per il procedimento Sibilla. In quella data verrà chiesto il rinvio a giudizio per dodici compagni e compagne, tra cui Alfredo Cospito (recluso in regime di 41 bis nel carcere di Bancali, a Sassari). Con ogni probabilità Alfredo sarà collegato in videoconferenza. A seguito della rimozione del reato associativo, i compagni sono inquisiti a vario titolo per 19 capi d’accusa, tra cui quello principale, per istigazione a delinquere con la circostanza aggravante della finalità di terrorismo, riguardante la redazione e la distribuzione del giornale anarchico “Vetriolo”. Le altre imputazioni (tutte, tranne quattro, aggravate dalla finalità di terrorismo) riguardano sette episodi di scritte murali e due affissioni di striscioni, la pubblicazione di un volantino del Circolaccio Anarchico di Spoleto, di due testi di Alfredo Cospito per delle iniziative specifiche a Bologna e in Francia, di cinque testi nei primi mesi del Covid-19 e della prima edizione del libro Quale internazionale?, nonché il danneggiamento di alcuni veicoli di Poste italiane a Foligno durante lo sciopero della fame delle compagne anarchiche contro la sezione AS2 femminile interna al carcere dell’Aquila (2019).

Scattata alle prime ore dell’11 novembre 2021, l’operazione Sibilla aveva come scopo dichiarato quello di colpire il giornale anarchico “Vetriolo” (così come le Edizioni Monte Bove, il Circolaccio Anarchico e due siti internet, Roundrobin e Malacoda). Particolare attenzione meritava agli occhi degli inquirenti la pubblicazione dell’intervista ad Alfredo Cospito, all’epoca prigioniero nel carcere di Ferrara, uscita in tre puntate in altrettanti numeri del giornale con il titolo “Quale internazionale?”, successivamente rieditata nell’omonimo libretto corredato da una lunga appendice sulla storia della Federazione Anarchica Informale. Nelle scartoffie dei magistrati perugini peraltro andava a confluire una precedente estesa inchiesta della procura di Milano significativamente battezzata “Vetriolo”.
Continue reading IT/EN/FR/EL: Preliminary hearing set for ”Sibilla operation” (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

New York,USA : A solidarity banner for Palestine in response to the call for action.

In response to the call for action for Palestine, we put up this banner in Queens, New York to connect the struggle here to the valiant resistance in Palestine.

While this may be a small symbolic action in comparison to what the fighters are doing in Gaza and the West Bank, we hope they will see this as a salute to their efforts. The work they are doing on behalf of the Palestinian people is felt around the world in struggles that have not yet blossomed, but see the potential in fighting for those who have been systematically oppressed by the United States.

Long live the resistance!
Let the flood of Al Aqsa drown all settler regimes!
Death to the US!
Death to the Zionist entity!

Anarchists in New York

Actforfree receive and spread.

Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

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General solidarity info news in english here


Operazione Scripta Scelera: revocate tutte le misure cautelari, l’8 ottobre la prossima udienza del processo di Massa

 Dopo alcuni mesi senza la pubblicazione di aggiornamenti specifici sull’operazione Scripta Scelera, scattata l’8 agosto 2023 contro il quindicinale anarchico internazionalista “Bezmotivny”, informiamo che tra luglio e agosto sono state revocate tutte le misure cautelari rimanenti nei confronti di otto inquisiti e inquisite. Ricordiamo brevemente che il PM Manotti della DDAA di Genova aveva richiesto dieci arresti in carcere per altrettanti indagati coinvolti nel procedimento, ottenendo dal GIP nove misure cautelari: gli arresti domiciliari restrittivi per quattro e l’obbligo di dimora con rientro notturno per altri cinque (per uno la misura è già cessata il 29 marzo per decorrenza termini). L’operazione ha inoltre visto vari aggravamenti delle misure, tra traduzioni in carcere e arresti domiciliari, così come i più recenti attenuamenti (in obbligo di dimora e di firma, variamente combinati).

 Con un provvedimento del 10 luglio (in un caso notificato oltre dieci giorni dopo) il GIP del tribunale di Genova ha disposto la revoca dell’obbligo di firma per tre indagati (uno si trovava all’obbligo di firma due giorni a settimana, due con la stessa misura però a frequenza quotidiana) e successivamente, ai primi di agosto, è stato revocato l’obbligo di firma due giorni a settimana per un’altra indagata. Queste quattro misure erano state stabilite, sostituendo le precedenti, sempre dal GIP a maggio (cfr. “Operazione Scripta Scelera: aggiornamento sulle misure cautelari e sull’udienza del 24 maggio a Massa”).

Continue reading Operation Scripta Scelera: all precautionary measures revoked, on October 8 the next hearing of the trial in Massa (Italy)

Kan Seitan Pedrinyá Catalonia : XERRADA-CHARLA Situación repressiva en Italia 20 Sept. Kan Seitan (cat/cas/eng)










Friday 20th September at 7pm at Kan Seitan (Pedrinyá)

Friday 20th September the comrades of the Comitato CO.RE (Comitato contro carcere e repressione)
will talk to us about the situation in which the Italian State finds itself under the government of the Fratelli d’Italia of Giorgia Meloni.

This far-right government has accelerated its repressive electoral programme over the last year with a series of decrees, which toughen the measures against those who protest for the environment or fight for housing, has worsened the situation of migrants at the borders and within the Detention and Repatriation Centres (equivalent to CIEs)…

All this is the beginning of a not-too-slow erosion of individual and collective freedoms in the name of an
undetermined slogan which is “the fun is over”.

Continue reading Kan Seitan Pedrinyá Catalonia : XERRADA-CHARLA Situación repressiva en Italia 20 Sept. Kan Seitan (cat/cas/eng)

Spain: Anarchist Books in Madrid that will be celebrated the XXII December 6, 7, and 8 of 2024.

Actforfree receive and translated to English and spread :

Greetings from the Assembly of the XXII Gathering of Anarchist Books in Madrid.

Once more, we invite you to participate in the twenty second Gathering of Anarchist Books in Madrid that will be celebrated December 6, 7, and 8 of 2024.

In addition to debates and discussions, the presentation of written publications, workshops and film screenings, the Gathering will offer space for publishers and distros.

Continue reading Spain: Anarchist Books in Madrid that will be celebrated the XXII December 6, 7, and 8 of 2024.

Freedom for anarchist comrade Joaquín García Chancks! (Chile)

Freedom for Joaquín García Chancks!

“Only by acting do we shake morality from our bodies to learn that
nothing is really written”

Solidarity with anarchist comrade Joaquín García Chancks, sentenced to 13 years in prison for the Explosive/Incendiary attack carried out by the Gerasimos Tsakalos Explosive Cell, against the 12th Police Station of San Miguel on Oct. 2015. He was also convicted for the revolver he was carrying when he was recaptured by the PDI while he was clandestine in the south of Chile. The comrade has been imprisoned since November 2015 under a strict regime of high security and segregation. Joaquín is currently in the Rancagua Prison/Company in the high security module.

“For the suicide of the image and the fetish,
For the real destructive complicity.”

Down with the prison walls!

Komotini,Greece : Solidarity and complicity with Anarchist prisoners around the world

Solidarity and complicity with Anarchist prisoners around the world

Responding to the call of a week of solidarity with Anarchist prisoners around the world, we send a signal of solidarity by hanging a banner on the railway bridge of the west exit of the city, as well as a raised fist, to the imprisoned comrades and comrades.

Those who forget the prisoners of war forget the war itself!


The black thread that links our history

These days, with deep sorrow and bitterness, we went to the cemetery to say goodbye to the body of an anarchist comrade who died in a work accident.

An explosive device was unable to keep him away from all of us 13 years ago, when it exploded while he was installing it.

He survived, despite the severity of his injuries, and spent more than 80 days in hospital, fighting to stay alive. His body was left with deep mutilations and scars… and he kept fighting. He faced a trial, media exposure to the point of exhaustion, was convicted and kept fighting.

He stole 13 years from death and in that time he built various projects, spaces, libraries, activities, did and undid, got closer to comrades, distanced himself from others, but an accident at work separated Tortuga from all of us.

Continue reading The black thread that links our history

Switch Off! The System Of Destruction : Rail Bridge Set on Fire, Oregon, USA

The target was a Portland and Western Railroad bridge/trestle over the Willamette River between Lake Oswego and Milwaukie, Oregon.


We will respond to the civilization that destroys the earth and the possibility of free life with destruction in turn.

“The track is closed to railroad traffic at this time.”

“ P&W (PNWR) traffic will be rerouted for quite a while, so Cornelius Pass may see a lot more action for a long time.”

“There is some structural damage to the trestle, which is operated by P&W Railroad.”

PNWR has a diverse traffic base based on carload commodities. Woodchips, paper, agricultural goods, and aggregates are all major sources of traffic. Primary amongst the road’s over 135
customers are Stimson Lumber Company, Cascade Steel Rolling Mills, Georgia Pacific, and Hampton Lumber Sales. The rail also transports Oil from Exxon Mobile, Asphalt, and petroleum
products. Rail is a primary method of transportation of materials for the industry that makes war possible.

The industrial activity responsible for climate collapse has no real interest in stopping its devastation but instead insists on pretending to be environmentally friendly and using terms such as “green energy”, with new sources of extractive energy that are still harmful to ecosystems and our lives; And above all, with the clarity that each of us are the only ones who can combat the advance of devastation, we see the urgency of attacking the industry that destroys the earth, adding our initiative and action to the internationalist campaign. Switch Off!”
Continue reading Switch Off! The System Of Destruction : Rail Bridge Set on Fire, Oregon, USA