Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

25–26–27 June 2021: Anarchist Bookfair in Carrara (Italy)

Presentations, debates, exhibitions, stands and distributions of books, pamphlets, papers, magazines and various materials. At Teatro P. 38, via San Martino 1, Carrara.
11am — Meeting and discussion with some comrades of the magazine “I giorni e le notti” on Anarchism in the era of the Emergency and the techno-totalitarian turn.
3:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the author of the book Sempre primi nelle imprese più arrischiate. Sabotaggi e colpi di mano delle prime bande partigiane in provincia di Cuneo [“Always First in the Most Hazardous Ventures. Sabotage and Sudden Attacks by the First Partisan Groups in the Province of Cuneo”], published by Il Picconiere – Biblioteca Popolare Rebeldies.
5:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the comrades editors of the internationalist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”.
11am — Meeting and discussion with some enemies of every border starting from their book Nemici di ogni frontiera. La lotta contro il Cpt nel Salento [“Enemies of Every Border. The Struggle Against the Temporary Permanence Centre in Salento”], Edizioni Anarchismo.
3:30pm — Meeting and discussion with some comrades editors of the paper “Vetriolo” on New technologies and crisis of globalisation.
5:30pm — Meeting and discussion with Alfredo Maria Bonanno and comrades of the magazine “Negazine” on Derealization and technological process. What is the current link and interaction between the economy, techniques, the structures of social control and the apparatuses of the State? What dimension do the action of anarchists, destruction, revolutionary transformation of reality take on today in the context of the ongoing technological process?
10:30am — Presentation and discussion with some editors of the books Anarchici di Bialystok. 1903–1908 [“Anarchists of Bialystok. 1903–1908”], Edizioni Bandiera Nera, and Varkarides – I battellieri. Il gruppo nichilista di Salonicco. 1898–1903 [“Varkarides – The Boatmen. The Nihilist Group from Thessaloniki. 1898–1903”], Edizioni Biblioteca Anarchica Sabot.
3:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the editors of the special issue of the aperiodical paper “Cheddite?” dedicated to the environmental and social devastation of the Apuan Alps and the district of Carrara.
5:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the author of the booklet Contro la pedagogia, qualsiasi pedagogia [“Against pedagogy, every pedagogy”], Edizioni Nero Abisso.
Throughout the three days there will be an exhibition against repression and stands with books, pamphlets, papers, magazines and other materials.
For contacts and informations:
PDF: Poster | 25–26–27 giugno 2021: Fiera dell’editoria anarchica a Carrara + PDF: Flyer | 25–26–27 giugno 2021: Fiera dell’editoria anarchica a Carrara

Translated to english by malacoda.noblogs

Lecce, Italy – Thought and action: 3rd year of the Anarchist Publishing Fair 2021

Three days of diffusion and propaganda of anarchist ideas. Three days of books, meetings, presentations and discussions to talk about the history and actuality of anarchist thought and action, about the indissoluble link that unites them and about their ability to affect the world in the perspective of changing it.
Friday 4th June
6:30pm: Opening of the fair and of the anarchist press stands
8pm: Live music with Past&Fasul, between swing, gipsy, folk and jazz
Saturday 5th June
11pm: Control of the body and compulsory vaccination: a question that can’t be postponed – By some comrades and followed by discussion
1pm: Lunch
3:30pm: A look at war and borders through the identification of some of those responsible
Discussion from: Nemici di ogni frontiera. La lotta contro il Cpt nel Salento, ed. Anarchismo, 2019, by Some enemies of all borders
Leonardo-Finmeccanica and militarism in the Taranto territory: short recognition by some comrades of the Masseria Foresta
5:30pm: Radical critique of techno-industrial society in the thought of Ted J. Kaczynski – By some comrades and followed by discussion
8pm: Dinner
9pm: live music with Pippop, rap hardcore
Sunday 6th June
11am: Fuoco! Sangue! Veleno! Patto con la morte. Anarchici a Marsiglia alla fine del XIX secolo, Ed. Indesiderabili, 2020 – Presentation of the book by the editors followed by discussion
1:30pm: Lunch
4pm: Science, technics and technology are increasingly invading every aspect of the existent, aiming at the realization of total Domination. What can this awareness suggest? A multiple voices discussion with one of the editors of Contre le scientisme, by Pierre Thuillier, S-edizioni, 2020 and some of the editors of Chrysaora, anarchist magazine, Chrysaora edizioni.
8pm: Dinner
Via Silvio Pellico Lecce, side street of Via Taranto
Distributions of anarchist press and radical critique are welcome
We ask those coming from far away to let us know a few days before so that we can be organized
Translated by act for freedom now!

Athens,Greece: LETS RE-TAKE THE EMPTY HOUSES, 2 days events on 4 and 5 of June of public discussions in the squats of Zizania and Ano Kato space (Gr/En)

Είναι καιρός να επαναφέρουμε το θέμα των καταλήψεων. Καλούμε σε διήμερο συζήτησεων στις καταλήψεις Ζιζάνια και Άνω Κάτω. Θα συζητήσουμε τόσο θεωρητικά όσο και πρακτικά τους όρους με τους οποίους μπορούμε να αναζωπυρώσουμε το καταληψιακό κίνημα στην πόλη και να επιτεθούμε στην ιδιοκτησία και στο κράτος. Σας καλούμε να έρθετε και να συμμετάσχετε σε αυτές τις συζητήσεις, να μοιραστείτε εμπειρίες και να μοιραστείτε/μάθετε τεχνικές.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: LETS RE-TAKE THE EMPTY HOUSES, 2 days events on 4 and 5 of June of public discussions in the squats of Zizania and Ano Kato space (Gr/En)

(UK) National Demonstration: Saturday 5th June 2021, 2pm at HMP prison Full Sutton, Moor Lane, York

What: National Demonstration
When: Saturday 5th June 2021, 2pm
Where: HMP Full Sutton, Moor Lane, York, YO41 1PS
What to bring: PPE, food and drink
Transport: The prison has NO public transport links available, for prisoner families taxis can cost £25 each way from York City Centre.
CAPE is therefore organising transport from across the UK, as well as collections from York Train Station.

Continue reading (UK) National Demonstration: Saturday 5th June 2021, 2pm at HMP prison Full Sutton, Moor Lane, York

[Estado Chileno] ES: Documental: “Lo Prado en llamas”

Actforfree received by email:
Desde Lo Prado. Hemos compilado en este material diferentes acciones que se desarrollaron en nuestra comuna -como en otras- desde el inicio de la revuelta el día 18 de octubre de 2019 hasta el 18 de marzo de 2020. También, hemos incluido un anexo sobre la continuidad de los hechos de violencia política desde el anuncio del Estado de Catástrofe hasta la conmemoración anual de la revuelta en medio de la pandemia por Covid-19.

Continue reading [Estado Chileno] ES: Documental: “Lo Prado en llamas”

Capital and pandemic (Spoleto, Italy, May 29, 2021)

A year and a half after entering into a ”state of reanimation”, the world’s economic power has not yet been able to emerge from the violent crisis that erupted with the spread of Covid-19. On the contrary, in perfect confusional state, the more the crisis worsens, the more its courtiers preach of wonderful news in store for the near future. The magnificent and progressive destinies of science promise a totally renewed world, a humanity freed from fatigue and disease.
Behind this miraculous delusion, however, lies another reality: ecological destruction, physical and moral poverty, exploitation; a process inaugurated by the prison massacre of March 2020. The economic transition is accompanied by a change in the features of the state. An authoritarian turn of events that is transforming the new democracies into the kind of society that – from the vaccine passport to the curfew, from social distancing to the virtual network – we are just beginning to glimpse.
E-mail: circolaccioanarchico[at]

Solidarity campaign, appeal court for the anti-fascist demo at 17/9/2015 (Athens,Greece)


At 17/9/2015, 2 years after the murder of antifascist Pavlos Fissas by the hand of fascist Roupakias, an anti-fascist – anti-state – anti-capitalist demonstration ( was called at Kaningos square by the «Anarchist’s assembly against state, capital, fascists».
As it has been historically proved, fascism is the right hand of bosses and states. Fascists are the useful front-men for the expansion of the capitalist interests on military terms, always embraced by the narrative of national consciousness and supremacy. Whenever needed, this narrative has been ideologically and materially employed on the purpose of redefining the social balances and the exploitative conditions.

Continue reading Solidarity campaign, appeal court for the anti-fascist demo at 17/9/2015 (Athens,Greece)

[MADRID, SPAIN] Ante la militarización de la frontera en Ceuta: CONCENTRACIÓN – viernes 21 mayo 19H, Tso de Molina ¡NI CIES NI FRONTERAS NI NACIONES!

Actforfree received email:
La situación en Ceuta es el resultado de las tensiones entre los estados español y marroquí, mostrando la auténtica cara del capitalismo y los estados como traficantes de nuestras vidas. El sistema no tiene escrúpulo alguno en edificar alambradas y checkpoints, levantar muros y cárceles para personas migrantes como los CIES, campos de refugiados regidos por dura bota militar, y todo ello rodeado de la más alta tecnología, custodiada por cuerpos policiales y, cuando se tercie, militares. Nada como la democracia para gestionar el racismo y la xenofobia. Todo ello para regular el flujo de capital humano, es decir, la población forzada a desplazarse en las rutas migratorias mundiales, fruto de las guerras, la represión y la miseria de las que los estados y
el capitalismo son directamente responsables. Sin olvidar la imperante necesidad de la clase empresaria de obtener una mano de obra barata a la que explotar.

Continue reading [MADRID, SPAIN] Ante la militarización de la frontera en Ceuta: CONCENTRACIÓN – viernes 21 mayo 19H, Tso de Molina ¡NI CIES NI FRONTERAS NI NACIONES!

JUNE 11, 2021: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

[PDF for printing] [PDF for reading]
Against another year of state encroachment, against the restriction of free movement under the auspices of “safety,” against the continued brutalization of our friends in prison, we call for a renewal of solidarity on June 11, 2021: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. For 17 years, June 11th has been an occasion for celebration, mourning, and revolt. It has been a moment to breathe, to remember those fallen and those in cages, to remind ourselves of why we remain committed to the Beautiful Idea of anarchism. Through our letters, demonstrations, fundraising, and solidarity attacks we keep the beacon lit for those who have given years of their lives for their conviction that the State is a horror against which we must wager our lives.
June 11th is, in the words of Christos Tsakalos, a day against oblivion. The architects of prison society would have prison function as a memory hole, casting our dear rebels into the void and producing in free souls a stifling amnesia. They want us to forget those who took action against the state and economy and those who continue their rebellion behind bars. Our work of solidarity with imprisoned anarchists is a hammer blow against forgetting: against the prison walls and the narcotizing technological society that shatters all meaning.

Continue reading JUNE 11, 2021: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Athens,Greece: Εκδήλωση-Προβολή-Συζήτηση για τον Καταληψιακό Αγώνα των Køpi και Køpi Wagenplatz στο Βερολίνο [+ENG]

also a banner in solidarity at exarxeia area in Athens 16.5.21



Køpi and Køpi Wagenplatz have been occupied spaces since the early 90s,houses of comrades, anarchists and punks, bases of political action and with presence in many struggles. Today along with other similar projects like Rigaer 94and Potse are once again in the target of state repression and capital.
In the context of the call for international solidarity with the threatened squats we rebroadcast the struggle miles away, where aspirations of the state are not so different.We are informing each other, discuss, exchange ideas and reflections, we come to communication rushing to create strong resistance and border less comradeship.
*there will be live communication with comrades from the squats Køpi Wagenplatz and Rigaer 94
Retire Squat

