Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Italy – Camping against the titanium mine on Mount Beigua (Liguria) – 6th/7th/8th August, 2021

We receive and spread:
They are coming… They want titanium… they will destroy our mountains…
6th/7th/8th August, Monte Beigua area (province of Savona)
Friday 6 in the afternoon:
Monocorpologo [a sort of theatrical performance] “Le scarpe di mio padre” [my father’s shoes] by Vito Mora, followed by DJ set and concert with M.D.P.E.A (Musica Discreta Per Ambienti Eleganti) [discreet music for elegant environments]
Saturday 7: morning walk. In the afternoon, presentation of the book “Capitalismo Guerre ed Epidemie” [capitalism, wars and epidemics] by Calusca City Lights, Edizioni Colibrì Milan 2020. A debate will follow: “Il vuoto oltre la civiltà” [the void beyond civilization] by Edizioni Hirundo. In the night, DJ set and concert with: No Chappi? Burgeois! + Peggio Klasse Blues + il blues del “Il Tenebroso della fitta selva” [the gloomy one from the dense forest blues].
Sunday 8: morning walk. Presentation of the self-produced comic magazine “Respiro” [breath] with its editor Marco Ballone. Followed by Songs of Resistance under a centuries old lime tree
via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!


Four years after the murder of Santiago Maldonado we continue to vindicate our comrade.
Because anarchic memory is action, we call to remember Lechu, emphasizing the ideals and perspectives of our comrade.
We do not forget that Santiago was killed by the repressive agents of the State at a barricade in the Puelmapu, nor do we forget the usurpation that reformist sectors and supporters of this society made of his death, using his look and his body for their political moves. For this reason:
  • This year we propose NOT to use Santiago’s physical image in the propaganda, but rather his songs, ideas and practices, thus fighting the emptying and the washed out image that they have raised from the power.
  • Because we know that Lechu fought for the land and against capital, we propose to emphasize a multiform memory, which inevitably leads us to remember other comrades fallen in these same struggles. Thus, six months after the assassination of Baucis by hired assassins in the midst of the recovery of Mapuche land, we call for Bau to be present in the actions that we carry out.
  • We propose a memory of action that assumes that enemies are everywhere, which broadens our capacity to attack. We can be creative in attacking, let us not forget.
For a black memory,
to multiply propaganda and actions
No comrade is forgotten.
To our comrades in the dungeons of power in Chile, know that you are with us in every action.
July 2021,
MalosAires, Territory (still) dominated by the Argentine State.


Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

July 23-24-25, 2021
3rd International Meeting
at Altradimora, Strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Presentation of the meeting
15.30 Introduction by Resistenze al nanomondo
Immunity and the machine
Contribution by Sarajevo (Athens)
World-Laboratory: from the health emergency to the techno-sanitary dictatorship
Contra Toda Nocividad (Madrid)
As a result of the “health emergency” decreed practically all over the planet, our lives have been regulated and structured under the imperatives of health: social distancing, confinement, masks, “vaccines”, virtual relationships, etc. All these pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures have been taken from a sanitary-securitarian and authoritarian vision by the health technocracy. Measures that are solely and exclusively ideological and political and in no case show improvements in population health.
The catastrophic story of the media and authorities has meant the exposure to high doses of fear and terror of a large part of the population that has accepted this health dictatorship, we wonder if it would have accepted with the same submission a dictatorship of any other type. This catastrophic history has led us to a war scenario in which we have seen the invasion of space by the military and the acceleration of repressive measures and laws. In the course of this war against the ‘virus’ the enemy to be beaten are our own pathologized bodies and possible carriers of the ‘virus’, we will focus the discourse on the critique of this attack on our bodies and especially on our immune system that will involve pharmacological measures. Especially gene therapy, which is hidden behind mRNA “vaccines”, which will mean the expropriation of our immune system, the mechanization and conversion of our bodies into a drug factory at the service of the pharmaceutical industry and the cellular-genetic alteration of our bodies that will lead to a true epidemic of autoimmune diseases.

Continue reading Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

Zürich: Veranstaltungen Anfang Juli 2021 – Events in beginning of July 2021 Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento

Veranstaltungen Anfang Juli 2021 – Events in beginning of July 2021
Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento
Surplus oder Konsumterror
Dokumentarfilm, ca. 50 Minuten, Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln
Samstag 3. Juli, 21:00 Uhr
Eine primitivistische Collage welche auf provokante Weise die Leere, den Wahn und auch die ihr zugrundeliegende Ausbeutung der Warenzivilisation aufzeigt; – ebenso wie die der falschen Alternativen des Staatssozialismus, welche der gleichen Lächerlichkeit preisgegeben wird. Ein Zeitzeugnis der frühen 2000er Jahre, welches die Notwendigkeit der Zerstörung dieser Scheisse aufzeigt und als Dokument des radikalen Flügels der Antiglobalisierungsbewegung immer wieder sehenswert ist… Yeaah!
Surplus. Terrorized Into Being Consumers
Documentary, around 50 minutes, english with german subs
Saturday 3rd July, 9p.m.
A primitivist Collage that shows in a provocing way the emptiness, the insanity and also the exploitation underlying the commodity civilisation… as well as that of the false alternatives of state socialism, which are held up for ridicule. A testimony of the early 2000’s that shows the necessity of destroying all that shit and is as a document of the radical wing of the antiglobalization movement allways worth a view… Yeaah!
Abschaffung der Polizei?
Mittwoch, 7. Juli, 19:00 Uhr
Wir wollen über das gegenwärtig immer breiter diskutierte Thema der Abschaffung der Polizei diskutieren und dabei auch den Punkt ausleuchten, ob und inwiefern Abschaffung und Zerstörung vielleicht sogar ein Gegensatz sind…?
Police abolition?
Wednesday, 7th July, 7p.m.
We want to discuss about the presently ever wider discussed topic of Police Abolition and thereby focus on the point if and inhowfar abolition and destruction are maybe even opposites…?
Falsche Kritiker von links und rechts
Samstag, 10. Juli, 20:00 Uhr
Wir wollen an diesem Abend in Augenschein nehmen, wie linke und rechte Akteure sich in der derzeitigen Situation aufstellen und inwiefern durch diese falschen Gegensätze gerade dem der Boden genommen wird, was sich jenseits dieses politischen Geschwafels und Demonstrierens abspielen könnte. Denn weder die Wiedereinführung der alten, noch die gerechte Verwaltung der neuen Normalität kann jene befriedigen, die wirkliche Freiheit wollen.
False critics from left and right
Saturday, 10th July, 8p.m.
On this evening we want to have a look at how leftwing and rightwing agents position themselves in the current situation and inhowfar through this false opposites the ground is taken away for something that could play out beyond this political brabbling and protesting. Because neither the reintroduction of the old, nor the just management of the new normality can satisfy those that want genuine freedom

Continue reading Zürich: Veranstaltungen Anfang Juli 2021 – Events in beginning of July 2021 Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento


These days arise from the need to contribute consciously to the actualisation of anarchism, encouraging debate, criticism and reflection concerning our ideas and practices in the times we are living.
Considering the situation in recent times (revolts in various parts of the planet, repression, increased social control, confinement, etc.) and being aware that just a small spark is necessary for the flame to spread, with this meeting we would like to contribute to continue expanding whatever confrontation with power. Constant reflection of our ideas can help us to find the way to give a response to the conditions of oppression imposed by the present system of domination. We are calling this meeting as one more small contribution. We want to continue generating meeting spaces, from our individuality and collective struggles, in permanent conflictuality against all the established, and continue to generate networks based on the tireless negation of whatever authority.
We await you!


  • 18H Talk: ‘Our proposal is conflict. An approach to black anarchy’ + ‘Anarchist experiences from an insurrectional perspective’
  • 21h Vegan gazebo
  • 16.00 Presentation of the new edition of ‘Ai Ferri Corti’[At Daggers Drawn] + debate
  • 18.30 Talk: The story of an intergenerational anarchist gathering in Uruguay: from armed struggle in 1970 to queer anarchism in 2021
  • 21h Vegan gazebo
Distros all day


via: barcelona.indymedia.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

New International Counter-Information Project – ‘Dark Nights’
“In the Dark Nights there is always the warmth of the fire!”
‘Dark Nights’ because we found each other during these dark times, we do not fear them, instead we as anarchists see the moment between sunset and dawn as the moment to attack, to strike the powerful in their hearts, to make the fear change sides.
We are an anarchic, anti-info project of incendiary critique and direct action. Against the State, capitalism and the techno-industrial system that is rearing its head more powerful than before. Our network holds onto the principles of DIY, that we don’t expect anyone to fight the social war for us. Neither do we form any sense of a traditional hierarchical or even any organisation to adhere to or issue membership for anything, we met and act together, beginning an informal network, that goes beyond a circle of friends or contacts.
Our outlet is a destructive alternative to the spectacle and disinformation that is the mainstream media that are the weapons of the state and capitalist system we oppose. We publish direct action reports from revolutionary/insurrectional/anarchist groups, not in the interest of reproducing endless streams of empty words and theory but to support said groups and to spread the ‘propaganda by the deed’, to avoid the blatant attempts by the system to eliminate them and any memory of
anarchist and revolutionary struggle.
Solidarity for us is not based on ideological dogma, what matters more to us is the direct attack upon what we perceive as the enemy. We DO NOT support the cops, they are not our friends, neither our protectors, they are our enemy as much as anyone who snitches, provides information on comrades, allies or co defendants. Continue reading New International Counter-Information Project – ‘Dark Nights’

Athens,Greece Event: Procession for the Exarcheia area of Rebellion not Capital.

Event: Procession for the Exarcheia of Rebellion not Capital.
Day: 16/6/2021
Time: 19:30
Place: Plateia Exarcheia
Exarcheia does not only have a history, it has a present. And in this moment the neighborhood is a glimpse into the uprisings and repression, hope and battles captivating the world.
Exarcheia is not a museum to be showcased, a moment of fun had and discarded and certainly not a space for capitalistic efficiencies creeping need to devour.

Continue reading Athens,Greece Event: Procession for the Exarcheia area of Rebellion not Capital.

London, UK: Two Manifestations – In the Context of June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Images from the wild demonstration on 11th of June  at  HMP Pentonville prison in North London

images of the  wild demo visit at Google London HQ  11th of June 2021

We decided to mark June 11 by calling our little ‘manif sauvage’, with two targets: HMP Pentonville and the forthcoming Google London HQ. The point of this is twofold. Firstly, to start again a trajectory which has ebbed during lockdown – that of constant antagonism at the houses of confinement. In a sense, this seems to us to be an affirmation of the sense of the day of June 11th: to clarify that any repressive installations are a part of the global self-sustaining matrix of social control and exploitation. As such, we have seen no contradiction whatsoever in offering a brief disruption to the grotesque regime of control in an English prison, and agitating, speaking in the language and reality of, the international anarchist tension.
But, unsatisfied with simply repeating a well-trod ritual, we also decided afterwards, to move to the Google ‘Campus’, still under construction only a short while away, overlooking the central metropolitan artery of Kings Cross station. There are material reasons for this: Lendlease the construction company is a main contractor for the UK prison industry, responsible for building the new megaprison in South Wales (a recent spontaneous insurrection in that territory should tell us something as to why authority has granted these contracts at great expense). On top of being responsible for a hideous ‘luxury housing development’ on the site of the former Heygate housing estate, they are now constructing Google’s London HQ: this repulsive worm, which will be as long as the ‘Shard’ skyscraper is tall, when completed. This is a monument to the power of social planners and technology multinationals to run the new crisis-ridden economy and categorise, collect and control all the minutia of our lives.

Continue reading London, UK: Two Manifestations – In the Context of June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners